Biography of Hon. George Washington Shedd

HON. GEORGE WASHINGTON SHEDD. He whose name heads this sketch has been successful in the various occupations to which his attention has been directed throughout life, and at the present time he is not only successfully engaged in tilling the soil and raising stock, but he also practices law, in which profession he has attained prominence. He was born in the county in which he now lives April 17, 1847, a son of William C. and Mary A. (Sinclair) Shedd, who were born in Reading, Vt., in 1800 and Washington County, Missouri, respectively. The father spent the early part of … Read more

Biography of Dr. Lafayette Henson

DR. LAFAYETTE HENSON. Dr. Henson is still in the dawn of the success which has attended his efforts in a professional way, but has already given abundant evidence of the ability which qualifies him for a high place in the medical profession. He is a true son of Missouri and of Stone County, his birth occurring in the western part of this county October 6, 1858. The progenitor of this family in America was Peter Henson, who settled in Tennessee at an early date, and where his ancestors resided for a number of generations. Thomas Henson, the grandfather of our … Read more

Biography of Robert Q. Gilliland

ROBERT Q. GILLILAND. This prominent citizen of Ozark County, Missouri, was born here on the 22d of October, 1845, a son of Robert and Eliza (Kane) Gilliland, who came from Tennessee to this county in 1842, and settled in the northwestern part of this county, near Thornfield, on a farm. Both parents were born in Tennessee, and to that State the paternal grandfather, Robert Gilliland, removed in the early history of the State. Robert Gilliland, the father of the subject of this sketch, settled on a tract of Government land and made his home in the neighborhood where he first … Read more

Biography of J. G. Siler

J. G. SILER. County and circuit clerk and county recorder of Taney County, Missouri, belongs to that army of intelligent, persevering, courageous people who have gone forth from the States of their birth to become respected and esteemed in the States of their adoption. Although of American parentage, he is of German descent, and has inherited the energy, thrift and integrity of that race of people, attributes which placed him in his present responsible position. His grandfather, Jesse Siler, was one of three brothers who came from Germany to this country previous to the Revolution, and settled in North Carolina, … Read more

Biography of W. W. Scott

W. W. SCOTT. W. W. Scott who is one of the oldest pioneers of Christian County, Missouri, has attained the advanced age of four-score years and five, for his birth occurred in Tennessee, December 21, 1809. Honorable and upright in every walk of life, his career has been without blot or blemish, and he is one of the best-preserved, physically and mentally, of the men who have reached his age. His father, Thomas Scott, was a native of that grand old State, Virginia, but at an early day migrated to Kentucky, where he married Elizabeth Jones, a native of North … Read more

Biography of Col. S. H. Boyd

COL. S. H. BOYD was born May 28, 1828, in Williamson County, Tennessee, and grew up to sturdy manhood, ambitious to excel and possessing much energy and determination, attributes which are essential to success in any calling and which have been his stepping stones to success, his parents being Marcus and Eliza (Hamilton) Boyd, the birth of the former also occurring in Tennessee. The paternal grandfather was William G. Boyd, a native of Mecklenberg County, Virginia, and a son of a Scotchman, John Boyd, who was the founder of the family in America. The Boyds were residents of the Old … Read more

Biography of Dr. David Perry Martin

DR. DAVID PERRY MARTIN. The most important science bearing upon man’s happiness, comfort and welfare is that of medicine, and as Dr. Martin has ever been a close student, he has attained a wide reputation as a successful practitioner of the “healing art.” He owes his nativity to Maries County, Missouri, where he first saw the light in 1846, his parents being Madison and Anastasia (Perry) Martin, the former of whom was born in St. Louis County, Missouri, in 1812. He is still living and is a citizen of Maries County. His wife was also born in St. Louis County, … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Coffey

ANDREW J. COFFEY. Ozark County, Missouri, is well known for the richness of its soil, and among those industrious farmers who have assisted in making this section the rich agricultural district that it is may be mentioned Andrew J. Coffey, who was born in Ashe County, N. C., in 1833, of which State his parents, Cleveland and Susan (Hayes) Coffey, were also natives. During the early boyhood of Andrew J. Coffey, he was taken by his parents to Hawkins County, Tennessee, and soon after to Granger County, where the mother died some fifty years ago. Mr. Coffey remarried afterward and … Read more

Biography of James Littlefield

JAMES LITTLEFIELD. The subject of this sketch was for a number of years one among the many successful farmers of Baxter County, Arkansas, and is as conspicuous for his outspoken views in sanctioning that which is just and right as in his denunciation of that which he considers unjust and wrong. He is an intelligent citizen, and he wields considerable influence in the affairs of his section. He was born in Spartanburg District, South Carolina, April 4, 1829, a son of Joseph Littlefield, who was also a native of the Palmetto State. He moved to Caldwell County, Kentucky, when his … Read more

Biography of J. G. Short

J. G. SHORT. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a good example of the public servant, for he is faithful to every duty, is accurate, painstaking and honorable and is also genial and accommodating. He is a native of the county in which he now lives, for here he first saw the light of day February 25, 1864, and, as a natural sequence, he has ever been interested in every enterprise tending to benefit the county of his nativity, and has done all in his power to make it the magnificent commonwealth that it now is. His father, … Read more

Biography of J. E. Wickersham

J. E. WICKERSHAM. The evolutions in the industrial world and the improved modes of manufacturing things have been marvelous in the past half century, and scarcely an industry exists that has been left untouched by the spirit of reform. The demand of the age is for labor-saving machinery, improved tools and appliances, and short cuts generally to desired ends. The general hardware store is an excellent means of supplying the demand. An excellent establishment of this kind is owned by J. E. Wickersham, of Yellville, of which city he is a native. His parents, James and Narcissus (Hamblet) Wickersham, have … Read more

Biography of Andrew R. Turner

ANDREW R. TURNER, who for twenty-three years has lived near Rome, Missouri, is a native of Polk County, Tennessee, but was reared in Georgia on the Chickamauga battle-ground. His father, Joseph Turner, was born in the Old North State in 1812, and after marrying Nancy Fouts, in Tennessee, and living there until the subject of this sketch was ten years old, he removed to Georgia. His father was William Turner. Andrew R. Turner attended the common schools of Walker County, Ga., and was twenty years of age at the time of the opening of the Civil War, but he continued … Read more

Biography of M. C. Reynolds

M. C. REYNOLDS, the most prominent merchant in Douglas County, has made his home in this section of the country since 1856, but was born in Roane County, East Tennessee, December 30, 1844, a son of J . A. G. and Eliza (Miller) Reynolds, who were also Tennesseans by birth. The mother died when the subject of this sketch was about eight years old, a daughter of Dobson Miller, who was one of the early settlers of Tennessee. J. A. G. Reynolds was a member of an early family of Tennessee, but in 1856 became a resident of Douglas County, … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Weaver

JOSEPH L. WEAVER. Joseph L. Weaver is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive principles regarding agricultural life which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average native Tennessean. He was born in Marshall County, of that State, on the 20th of November, 1828, to the marriage of John and Barbara (Richards) Weaver, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Georgia. The parents celebrated their union in the latter State, but subsequently moved to Tennessee, where they settled in Marshall County, remaining there until 1840. They then came by ox team to Missouri, starting the 19th of November, 1840, … Read more

Biography of D. S. Ferguson

D. S. FERGUSON. Nowhere within the limits of Howell County, Missouri, can there be found a man who takes greater interest in its agricultural affairs than does D. S. Ferguson, who is also a prominent fruit-grower of this section. Every life has a history of its own, and although in appearance it may possess little to distinguish it from others, yet the connection of Mr. Ferguson with the agricultural and fruit interests of this region has contributed to give him a wide and popular acquaintance with nearly every citizen of the county, if not personally, then by name. His farm, … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah J. Wood

JEREMIAH J. WOOD. Our subject is an intelligent farmer and stockraiser who keeps abreast of the times in the improvements and progress made in his calling. He is a successful farmer, using the best methods of fertilizing the soil and improving the land, and his enterprise has made him a man of note in his section. He owes his nativity to the Hoosier State, born in Martin County in 1837, and is seventh in order of birth of nine children born to James and Sarah (Pifer) Wood. The father was born in Kentucky, but when a young man went to … Read more

Biography of James K. P. McHaffie

Among the early families to come to this State and carve out homes for themselves in the then almost unbroken forest, were the McHaffies, who settled in the Ozark Mountains, where they identified themselves with progress and development. They were of that moral and personal integrity which go to make up the model American citizen, and were valuable acquisitions to the region in which they settled, which was then in need of honorable, substantial and permanent residents. David McHaffie, the father of our subject, was one of the early pioneers and came to the Ozark region with two brothers, John … Read more

Biography of Thomas Livingston

THOMAS LIVINGSTON, one of the prominent pioneers of southwest Missouri, is now a resident of Falling Spring, Douglas County, Missouri, where he has won the respect and esteem of all by his upright, honorable career. He is a son of the Hoosier State, but his parents, Peter and Martha (Cravens) Livingston, are natives of Virginia and North Carolina, respectively. His paternal grand-parents, Henry and Susan (Carmack) Livingston, were natives of Virginia, and she was taken prisoner by the Indians, although soon afterward recaptured. Henry Livingston was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The Livingston family moved to Overton County, Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. J. Bruton

There are men, and the number is by no means small, who drift into what we are accustomed to look upon as the learned profession in the same way that thousands of men in the lower walks of life drift into the ordinary bread-winning occupations. Having no special preference for any calling, and without feeling that they have any particular fitness for a certain profession, they find themselves drifting in that direction as a result of associations or environment, and in the course of time they find themselves shouldering responsibilities for which they have scant liking, carrying burdens which rest … Read more

Biography of Alfred H. Purdy

ALFRED H. PURDY. Among the enterprising and successful produce merchants of Billings, Missouri, Alfred H. Purdy holds a prominent position. He has been in business in this city since 1880, has developed a permanent patronage, and his house is one of the creditable monuments to the business circles of this place. He came originally from south Illinois, born December 28, 1857, to the union of Henry I. and Mary (Varnum) Purdy. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth in his native county, and in addition to a common-school education attended college at Carbondale, where he was thoroughly educated. For a … Read more