Biography of Calvin Wilson

CALVIN WILSON. Douglas County is conspicuous for its magnificent farms that are faultless in way of management and the order in which they are kept. No one is to be more complimented on the perfect method and order with which their agricultural affairs are conducted than Calvin Wilson, who has made his home in this county for the past twenty-four years. Like other representative citizens of this section he is a native Tennessean, his birth occurring in Campbell County, January 27, 1843.

His parents, Benjamin and Oma (Ridenhauer) Wilson, were natives of Tennessee. They emigrated to Missouri in 1844 and there the mother’s death occurred the same year. Afterward the father returned with our subject to Tennessee, and in that State and Kentucky the latter received his early schooling. Later he attended school in Indiana. In the year 1862 he enlisted in Company E, Sixty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry and served from August 12 of that year until July 9, 1865, serving in the same company and regiment all the time. Some of the important battles in which he engaged were Knoxville, Resaca, Atlanta, Franklin and Nashville. He was in many minor engagements and numerous skirmishes. During service he was wounded in the right leg, was unfit for duty for some time, and still has a slight halt in his gait from the effects of it. After being discharged at Indianapolis, Indiana, he located in Pike County, and began farming, continuing the same until 1870, when he came to Douglas County. Here he located on Clifty Creek, took up a homestead, and resided there until 1887, when he sold out and bought the farm where he now lives, on Fox Creek. He is now the owner of 212 acres, a large portion of which is under cultivation, and in connection with farming is engaged in stockraising. In politics he supports the principles of the Republican party, and in the year 1888 he was elected county collector, discharging the duties of that position in an able and efficient manner until 1891. He is one of the most popular men in the county and is well known throughout its length and breadth. He has shown his appreciation of secret organizations by becoming a member of the A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. He is also a member of the G. A. R. Mr. Wilson has contributed his share toward the advancement and improvement of Douglas County and is an earnest supporter of all worthy enterprises.

During the war he was married in Tennessee to Miss Phoebe Housley, daughter of John and Caroline (Henchey) Housley, natives of Tennessee. To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were born seven children; Benjaimn F., on the farm; John, who is at Ava; Martha M., deceased, was the wife of B. A. Alsup; Mary J., died young; William B., at home, and Henrietta, who died young. Mrs. Wilson who was born in Tennessee, August 15, 1847, died in February, 1891. Mr. Wilson’s second union was with Miss Ida Harmon, daughter of B. Harmon, a farmer of Douglas County. She was born in Virginia. One child has been born to this union, Elmon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are members of the General Baptist Church, and he is a deacon in the same. Both are highly respected in the community and at their home is dispensed a most pleasing hospitality to the friends and intimates of the family.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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