Biography of William E. Leighton, M.D.

Dr. William E. Leighton, who is devoting his time to the practice of surgery in St. Louis, was born in Portland, Maine, May 9, 1892, a son of the late George W. Leighton, who was a descendant of an old Massachusetts family which was founded in Cohasset in the early part of the seventeenth century by one of the name who came from England. One of the ancestral lines is traced back to the Packard family of Boston. Later descendants participated in the Revolutionary war. George W. Leighton, the Doctor’s father, was in the granite business and during the Civil … Read more

Biography of Charles Henry Redeker

Charles Henry Redeker, of the Crown Margarine Company of St. Louis, was born near Okawville, Illinois, in 1872. His father, Henry Redeker, a native of Germany, became a resident of Illinois in 1869. He wedded Charlotte Freund, also a native of that country, their marriage being celebrated in Germany ere they emigrated to the new world. The wife and mother passed away in 1887. They had become the parents of two sons and four daughters, of whom Charles Henry was the second of the family. In the public schools of Hoyleton, Illinois, Charles Henry Redeker pursued his early education, and … Read more

Biography of John L. Ganz

John L. Ganz, treasurer of the Union Electric Light & Power Company of St. Louis, was born in Sprague, Bates county, Missouri, on the 5th of March, 1884. His father, the late John Ganz, was a native of Germany and came to America in 1856, residing for many years in Missouri. He became a successful building contractor of Kansas City and was afterward engaged in mercantile pursuits in Bates county, his death there occurring June 7, 1899, when he had reached the age of seventy-six years. His wife, who in her maidenhood was Fannie Leora Wheelock, was a native of … Read more

Biography of William C. Uhri

William C. Uhri, a St. Louis capitalist and banker, who is now vice president of the Liberty Bank yet is practically living retired except for the supervision which he gives to his own investments and financial affairs, was born in this city on the 15th of June, 1854. The story of his life is the story of earnest purpose and endeavor, resulting in the successful accomplishment of his purpose, not alone in the attainment of success but also in the attainment of health, the lack of which was to him for a number of years a serious handicap. Mr. Uhri … Read more

Biography of Ward Smith

Ward Smith, secretary of the Hunter-Robinson Milling & Grain Company and manager of the grain department, was born in Tullahoma, Tennessee, May 22, 1888. His father, Dr. J. Crittenden Smith, was a native of Columbia, Tennessee, and is now in business in Chicago. His father, Dr. T. C. Smith, is still living in Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. He and his immediate ancestors in the two preceding generations were physicians. The Smith family comes of English lineage. J. Crittenden Smith was united in marriage to Ella Ward, a daughter of John H. Ward, a wholesale furniture dealer of Nashville, Tennessee. He came … Read more

Biography of Alexander E. Horwitz, M.D.

Dr. Alexander E. Horwitz, surgeon, with offices in the University Club building of St. Louis, was born September 25, 1879, at Memel in East Prussia, Germany. His father, Robert Horwitz, came from Germany to America in 1881 and is now living retired in St. Louis. He married Sophia Sachs, who came from Germany, and to them were born seven children, four sons and three daughters. Alexander E. Horwitz, the fourth in order of birth, was educated in the public and high schools of St. Louis and in the Washington University, from which he was graduated in 1900, winning the Bachelor … Read more

Biography of James T. Pedigo

James T. Pedigo, president of the Pedigo-Weber Shoe Company of St. Louis, has the qualities of alertness and business enterprise which make for success and thus he has reached a most creditable position in the commercial circles of the city. A native of Tenne-see, he was born in Clay county, November 21, 1868, and is a son of Zackariah Pedigo, who passed away in 1917 at the advanced age of seventy-seven years. He, too, was born in Tennessee and engaged in farthing in that state. At the time of the Civil war he joined the Union army, loyally defending the … Read more

Biography of John W. Cook

John W. Cook, engaged in the insurance business in the Merchants Exchange building in St. Louis, was born in Fayette county, Ohio, July 20, 1878. His father, Major James F. Cook, who served the Union cause with distinction in the Civil war, was a farmer and a republican political leader. His mother, Mary Augusta (Myers) Cook, was the daughter of the Hon. John L. Myers of Ohio. Mr. Cook was educated in the public schools of Washington Court House, Ohio, supplemented by a business college course in St. Louis. In 1899 Mr. Cook located in St. Louis, engaging in the … Read more

Biography of William L. Nelson, M.D.

Dr. William L. Nelson, a physician with office and residence at No. 1483 Union boulevard in St. Louis, was born in Montgomery county, Missouri, July 12, 1879. His father, William Nelson, was of American birth, but his father came from Ireland to the new world. The former took up the occupation of farming in southeastern Missouri, where he owned three hundred acres, constituting a valuable farm to which he added many modern improvements. He married Ursula Gibbens, who was also born in the new world and was a niece of Brigadier General Gibbens of Civil war fame, serving with the … Read more

Biography of Abram Morgan Frumberg

Abram Morgan Frumberg, of the firm of Frumberg & Russell, attorneys at law of St. Louis, was born in Towanda, Bradford county, Pennsylvania. March 30, 1876, and traces his ancestry back through four generations to Isaac Frumberg, a native of Germany and of the Jewish race, who became the founder of the family in America and who was the great-grandfather of Abram M. Frumberg of this review. Crossing the Atlantic he settled in Pennsylvania, where several generations of his descendants have since been found. The grandfather, Isaac J. Frumberg, was a veteran of the Civil war. Simon Frumberg, father of … Read more

Biography of Arthur Gundlach, M.D.

Dr. Arthur Gundlach is a physician and surgeon who was born in St. Louis, December 19, 1882. His father, August Gundlach, also a native of this city, is now a salesman with the United Bakers Supply Company of St. Louis. The grandfather in the paternal line was a Civil war veteran, serving as a lieutenant of infantry in the Union army. The mother of Dr. Gundlach bore the maiden name of Emily Bohmennkamp and became the wife of August Gundlach in St. Louis on the 9th of Febuary, 1882. Dr. Gundlach, their only child, pursued his education in the public … Read more

Biography of Orphred H. Brooks, Jr.

Orphred H. Brooks, Jr., the president of the O. H. Brooks Realty Company, was born in Montgomery City, Missouri, March 7, 1875. His father, Orphred H. Brooks, Sr., who is engaged in the contracting and building business in St. Louis, is a native of the state of New York and in 1867 came from Niagara Falls to Missouri, settling in Montgomery City. There he conducted a farm machinery agency and also handled real estate. He likewise engaged in vehicle manufacturing and maintained a retail business at Montgomery City for thirty years before removing to St. Louis in 1901. Since taking … Read more

Biography of Robert Burns, Jr., M.D.

Dr. Robert Burns, Jr., physician and surgeon of St. Louis, with offices in the Lister building, was born August 17, 1879, in the city which is still his home. His father, Robert Burns, Sr., was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, and comes of a family that has been distinctively American in its lineal and collateral branches for several generations. He is now a patent attorney of Chicago. He married Emily Mary St. Gem, who was born in Fredericktown, Missouri, the ancestral record of her family dating back to the early part of the seventeenth century. They came to the United States … Read more

Biography of Charles G. Cobb

Charles G. Cobb, assistant farm loan officer with the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, was born June 24, 1885, in the city which is still his home, and is a son of Frank and Emma (Chapman) Cobb, the latter a native of Dunnville, Canada. The father, who was born in Chicago, was for many years prominent in business in St. Louis as a wholesale manufacturing jeweler, being a partner in the firm of Kennedy & Cobb, which business is still carried on, although the father has passed away. Charles G. Cobb, an only child, was educated in St. … Read more

Biography of Michael C. H. Arendes

Michael C. H. Arendes is the president of the Jefferson-Gravois Bank and aside from his activity in financial circles he has figured quite prominently in connection with public affairs in St. Louis and has made an excellent record as an official. He was born March 14, 1867, in this city, and is a son of Fred and Maria (Becker) Arendes. It was his father who organized the Lafayette Bank in St. Louis and for twenty-seven years was president of that institution, continuing as its chief executive officer until his death, which occurred in 1903. His wife passed away in 1908. … Read more

Biography of Henry Craig Morrison

Henry Craig Morrison, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Morrison Lee Mining & Development Company, president of the Contract Waterproofing Company and also secretary of the Arkansas Mining & Mercantile Company, has won a most creditable position in business circles in St. Louis, his native city. He was born July 22, 1888, and is a son of John W. Morrison of St. Louis, whose birth occurred in Georgetown, Kentucky, and who comes of an old family of English lineage. The first representatives of the name landed at Plymouth during the early colonization of Massachusetts, and for a century the. … Read more

Biography of John Hamilton Farish

John Hamilton Farish, prominently known in real estate circles in St. Louis, has conducted business since 1890 under the name of J. H. Farish & Company, and is also identified with prominent financial interests as a representative of the directorate of several important corporations. Born in St. Louis on the 5th of March, 1863, he is a son of Edward T. and Lilly (Garesche) Farish, the former an attorney at law. The family comes of Virginia ancestry, represented at an early day in Caroline county. In fact, the first of the name came to America about one hundred and fifty years … Read more

Biography of Natt T. Wagner

Natt T. Wagner manager of the bond department of the First National Bank of St. Louis was born in Asheville, North Carolina, June 12, 1883. His father, J. A. Wagner, is a native of Tennessee, while the latter’s father was a native of Virginia. J. A. Wagner became an architect, devoting his active life to the profession, but is now living retired in Asheville, North Carolina. He has been very prominent in community affairs and during the Civil war served as a captain in the Federal army. He married Emma Brown, who was born in Greene county, Tennessee, and has … Read more

Biography of George Ashton

George Ashton, for twenty years president of the Ashton-Hancock Brokerage Company of St. Louis, his course marked by that steady and substantial progress which shows nothing of the spectacular but moves continuously forward to its goal has ever merited and enjoyed the confidence, respect and goodwill of his fellowmen He was born in Every street, Manchester, England, September 11, 1860, his parents being Thomas and Emma Ashton. His early education was acquired in the Manchester grammar school, in Brooks Seminary, in Owens College, and Manchester University, all of Manchester, England, and having resolved to become a member of the bar … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Burkley

When business permits of a leisure hour Edward J. Burkley greatly enjoys a game of golf or motor trip but the major part of his time and attention are concentrated upon the responsible duties that devolve upon him as manager at St. Louis for the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut. In this connection he has built up a business of extensive proportions and is one of the well known representatives of insurance interests in St. Louis. A native of Ohio, he was born in Cleveland, June 5, 1884, and is a son of Frederick J. Burkley, who … Read more