John R. White Application Packet

Last Updated on March 25, 2023 by Dennis

John R. White is a white man, living in Indian Territory and married to a Choctaw woman.  He made application to the commission in the same manner as any Indian person.  Listed below are the pages from his application packet.

These pages are provided to give you an idea of the type of information that may be contained in a packet.  Sometimes there is less and there can be more, there should be something for each person in the family if they made an application or an application was made for them.

John R. White Folder, folder containing the contents of this file.  Each card number has a file folder to contain the contents.

Application:  A short note explaining that this file is an application for Intermarried White applicant John R. White. From the Commission.

Letter from the Commission: Mr. White had written the Commission asking about enrolment (this letter was not included).  This letter advises him that he must apply just like any other citizen.  He will be heard upon his personal appearance before the Commission at the Muskogee Office.

Examination by the Commission:  This is a series of questions asked of the applicant, basically the same for each person applying for enrolment. General questions like: Name, age, nation, and address.  In this case they were wanting to determine if he was legally married to a Choctaw women in a civil ceremony.

Continuation of Examination: Signed by the Commissioner and a Notary Public.

Character of Applicant: Stating that they have known him for some years and to be a sober and good moral character. This was used to obtain a marriage license.  Signed by 10 men as to his character and sworn before the County judge.

Receipt for Payment of Marriage License:  A receipt for $100 for the license and having paid taken the oath of Allegiance as required by the laws of said Nation.  Signed and Sealed by the County Clerk

Certificate of Marriage:  A recording of the marriage license by the Choctaw Nation for the Marriage of John White and Lena Simpson, according to the Laws of the Choctaw Nation. A statement by the county clerk that the Marriage Certificate is recorded. The Commission also made a copy of the marriage certificate and is on file with the Commission.

Letter from Red River County:  Handwritten letter certifying that John White and Lena Simpson were married according to the laws of the Choctaw Nation. Signed by J. J. Brown, Red River County.

Note from County Clerk:  Stating the marriage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and the date and his signature.

Decision: Under the rules of the Commission because John and Lena were married in accordance with the laws and customs of the Choctaw Nation. Lena being a citizen by blood, the fact they were residents of the Choctaw Nation and have lived together continuously.  John should be enrolled as a citizen by intermarriage of the Choctaw Nation. Signed by the Chairman and 3 Commissioners.

Letter from Commission: This letter from the Commission provides the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation with a copy of the decision and gives them the opportunity to file a protest against the Commission.  If there is no protest in 15 days his name will be placed on the Final Rolls. Signed by the Commissioner in Charge.

Letter to Attorneys for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations:  Advising them of the decision of the Commission and granting them 15 days to protest the enrollment of John R. White. At the end of the 15 days the applicant will be placed on the Final Rolls and submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for his approval.  Signed by the Commissioner in Charge.

Cover Sheet Infant Child Enrollment:  Cover of Application for Enrollment.  Approved, dated and signed by the Commissioner. Ola White

Application for Enrollment of Minor Child: Affidavit of Mother, showing her blood, that she is the lawful wife, married, date the child was born and name Ola White. Notarized.

Affidavit of Attending Physician or Midwife: Name and signature of Midwife, and that she did deliver the girl child Ola White. This portion is also Notarized and has the signature of 2 witness.

Cover Sheet Infant Child Enrollment:  Cover of Application for Enrollment.  Approved, dated and signed by the Commissioner. Tuck Simpson White

Application for Enrollment of Minor Child: Affidavit of Mother, showing her blood, that she is the lawful wife, married, date the child was born and name Tuck Simpson White. Notarized.

Affidavit of Attending Physician or Midwife: Name and signature of Midwife, and that she did deliver the boy child Tuck Simpson White. This portion is also Notarized and has the father signed as witness.



Indian Territory,


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