Biography of W. H. Hendricks

W. H. Hendricks was born in Georgia, February 28, 1831. The subject of this sketch is the son of William Hendricks, his mother being a Cherokee orphan girl named Susanna. His parents emigrated from Georgia in 1832, and, strange to say, both died in January 1868. William was first sent to Park Hill Missionary School until his eleventh or twelfth year, after which he is indebted to his own industry and observation for whatever knowledge he acquired. In 1860 he married Narcissa Crittenden, by whom he has one daughter living, Mrs. Fannie Carr. In 1864 he again married, this time wedding Mrs. Eliza Benge (whose maiden name was Linder), but by whom he has no family. In July, 1862, Mr. Hendricks joined the Federal army, Colonel Phillips’ Indian Brigade, during which time he saw service at the first battle of Neosho, the two fights at Newtonia, Missouri, and the first battle of Cabin Creek. In November 1862, he became commissary sergeant, and held the office until October 1863. After the war he went on his farm, and was elected member of the lower house in 1872, after which he was re-elected, serving six years. In 1878 or 1879 he was elected to the senate, and served eight years, until 1888. In the meanwhile he was superintendent of the insane asylum from 1882 to 1884. In 1875 he was one of the three commissioners sent by the old settlers to Washington to look after their claim. He went to the capital with Jack McCoy, and remained until June 1876, visiting while absent the Centennial at Philadelphia. In 1883 Mr. Hendricks was made United States postmaster at Menard. He handles two mails per day, and looks after his store, in which he carries a small stock of goods. Mr. Hendricks is a fine, handsome, fresh-looking man, and, though in his sixtieth year, does not look over forty-five years of age. He is six feet high, weighing 192 pounds. He has a good home, 115 acres in cultivation, besides cattle, horses and hogs.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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