I- Alaska Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Ibin. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited.

Idiuteling. An Eskimo settlement on the N. shore of Home bay, Baffin land, where the Akudnirmiut Eskimo gather to hunt bear in the spring.

Idjorituaktuin (with grass). A village of the Talirpingmiut division of the Okomiut Eskimo on the w. shore of Cumberland sd.; pop. 11 in 1883.

Idjuniving. A spring settlement of Padlimiut Eskimo near the s. end of Home bay, Baffin land Boas in 6th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1888.

Igagik. An Aglemiut Eskimo settlement at the mouth of Ugaguk r., Alaska; pop. 120 in 1880, 60 in 1890, 203 in 1900.

Igak. A former Kaniagmiut Eskimo village on Afognak id., Alaska, E. of Afognak, whither it seems to have been moved.

Igiak. A Magemiut Eskimo village in land from Scammon bay, Alaska; pop. 10 in 1880.

Igiakchak. A village of the Kuskwogmiut Eskimo in the Kuskokwim district, Alaska; pop. 81 in 1890.

Igivachok. A Nushagagmiut Eskimo village in the Nushagak district, Alaska; pop. 31 in 1890.

Iglulik. A winter settlement of the Aivilirmiut Eskimo at the head of Lyon inlet, Hudson bay.

Iglulik. A town of the Iglulirmiut Eskimo, on an island of the same name, near the E. end of Fury and Hecla straits. Boas in Zeitschr. Ges. f. Erdk., 226, 1883.

Iglulirmiut (people of the place with houses). A tribe of central Eskimo living on both sides of Fury and Hecla straits. They kill walrus in winter on Iglulik and other islands, harpoon seal in the fjords in early spring, and throughout the summer hunt deer in Baffin land or Melville peninsula. Their settlements are Akuli, Arlagnuk, Iglulik, Kangertluk, Krimerksumalek, Pilig, and Uglirn. Boas in 6th Rep. B. A. E., 444, 1888.

Ignok. An Ikogmiut Eskimo village on the right bank of the lower Yukon, Alaska; pop. 175 in 1880.

Ignokhatskamut. A village on lower Yukon r., adjacent to the Bering coast Eskimo, the inhabitants of which are probably of Athapascan and Eskimo mixture. Nelson in 18th Rep. B. A. E., pi. ii, 1900.

Igpirto. A fall settlement of Talirpingmiut Eskimo of the Okomiut tribe at the head of Nettilling fjord, Cumberland sd. Boas in 6th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1888.

Iguik. An Unaligmiut Eskimo village on Norton sd., Alaska; pop. 8 in 1880, 51 in 1890.

Igushik. A Nushagagmiut Eskimo village on Igushik r., Alaska; pop. 74 in 1880.

Ijelirtung. The northernmost summer settlement of the Akudnirmiut Eskimo of Baffin land. Boas in 6th Rep. B. A. E., 441, 1888.

Ikak. An Aglemiut Eskimo village near Naknek lake, Alaska; pop. 162 in 1880.

Ikatlek. An Ikogmiut Eskimo village on Yukon r., Alaska, 30 m. below Anvik; pop. 9 in 1880.

Ikherkhamut (I-qēr-qa-mūt, ‘end of river people’: Kaniagmiut name). A division of the Ahtena near the mouth of Copper r., Alaska. Hoffman, MS., B. A. E., 1882.

Iknetuk. A Kaviagmiut Eskimo village on Golofnin bay, Alaska; pop. 100 in 1880.

Ikogmiut. A tribe of Alaskan Eskimo inhabiting both banks of the Yukon as far as Makak. They have hairy bodies and strong beards and exhibit a marked variation in physique, customs, and dialect from the Eskimo N. and E. of Norton sd., being more nearly allied to the other fishing tribes s. of them. Dall estimated their number at 1,000 in 1870, including the Chnagmiut. In 1890 there were 172 Ikogmiut proper. Holmberg divided the natives of the delta into the Kwikpagmiut and the Kwikluagmiut, living respectively on the Kwikpak and Kwikluak passes. The villages are Asko, Bazhi, Ignok, Ikatlek, Ikogmiut, Ingahame, Ingrakak, Katagkag, Kenunimik, Kikhkat, Koko, Koserefski, Kuyikanuikpul, Kvikak, Makak, Nukluak, Nunaikak, Nunaktak, Paimute, Pogoreshapka, and Uglovaia.

Ikogmiut. An Ikogmiut Eskimo village on the lower Yukon, Alaska, where the Russians established a mission about 1843. Pop. 148 in 1880, 140 in 1890, 166 in 1900.

Ikolga. A former Aleut village on Unalaska, Aleutian ids., Alaska. Coxe, Russian Discov., 164, 1787.

Iktigalik. A Kaiyuhkhotana village on Unalaklik r., Alaska, having 10 houses in 1866.

Ikuak. A Chnagmiut village on the lower Yukon, Alaska, near the head of the delta; pop. 65 in 1890.

Iliamna. A Kaniagmiut Eskimo village on the s. shore of Iliamna lake, Alaska; pop. 49 in 1880, 76 in 1890.

Iliuliuk (Aleut : harmony). A town on Unalaska id., Alaska, the headquarters of the commercial interests of the Aleutians (Schwatka, Mil. Recon., 115, 1885). Pop. 196 in 1831, 406 in 1880, 317 in 1890.

Iliutak. A Kuskwogmiut Eskimo village on Kuskokwim bay, Alaska; pop. 40 in 1880.

Ilkatsho ( the big fattening ). A village of the Ntshaautin on the lake at the head of Black water r., Brit. Col. The population is a mixed one of Takulli and Bellacoola descent.

Imagnee. A former Aleut village on Summer bay, Unalaska, E. Aleutian ids.; pop. 32 in 1830, 34 in 1884.

Imaklimiut. An Eskimo tribe occupying Big Diomede id., Bering strait.

Imekpung (Imê′kpûñn}. An Utkiavinmiut Eskimo camp near Pt Barrow, Alaska. Murdoch in 9th Rep. B. A. E., 274, 1892.

Imigen (fresh water). One of the two winter villages of the Kinguamiut, a branch of the Okomiut Eskimo, on an island at the head of Cumberland sd.; pop. 17 in 1883. Boas in 6th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1888.

Imik. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited.

Imoktegokshuk. A Kaviagmiut Eskimo village at C. Nome, Alaska; pop. 30 in 1880.

Inalik. An Inguklimiut village on Little Diomede id., Alaska. The name of the people was extended by Woolfe (11th Census, Alaska, 130, 1893) to include the inhabitants of both islands. Nelson, 18th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1899.

Indian River. A summer camp of the Sitka Indians of Alaska, containing 43 persons in 1880. Petroff in Tenth Census, Alaska, 32, 1884.

Ingahame. An Ikogmiut Eskimo village on lower Yukon r., Alaska; pop. 63 in 1880. 50 in 1890.

Ingamatsha. A Chugachigmiut village on Chenega id., Prince William sd., Alas ka; pop. 80 in 1880, 73 in 1890, 140 in 1900.

Inger. A Nunivagmiut Eskimo village on Nunivak id., Alaska; pop. 35 in 1890.

Ingichuk. A Chnagmiut village in the delta of the Yukon, Alaska; pop. 8 in 1880.

Inglutaligemiut (Inglūtāl′igemūt). A subdivision of Malemiut Eskimo dwelling on Inglutalik r., Alaska. Dall in Cont. N. A. Ethnol., i, 16, 1877.

Ingrakak. An Ikogmiut Eskimo village on lower Yukon r., Alaska.

Inguklimiut. An Eskimo tribe occupying Little Diomede id., Bering strait. Their village is Inalik.

Initkilly. A Tikeramiut Eskimo village near the coal veins E. of C. Lisburne, Alaska. Coast Surv. map, 1890.

Inselnostlinde. A Kaiyuhkhotana village of the Jugelnute division on Shageluk r., Alaska. Zagoskin, Descr. Russ. Poss. Am., map, 1842.

Insiachak. A Nushagagmiut Eskimo village in the Nushagak district, Alaska; pop. 42 in 1890.

Intenleiden. A Kaiyuhkhotana village of the Jugelnute division on the E. bank of Shageluk r., Alaska.

Inugsulik. A summer settlement of the Aivilirmiut Eskimo on the NT coast of Repulse bay, N. of Hudson bay.

Ipersua. A summer village of the Utkiavimiut Eskimo in N. Alaska. Murdoch in 9th Rep. B. A. E., 83, 1892.

Iptugik. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited.

Isituchi. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited.

Isutkwa (Isûtkwa). An ancient Nuwukmiut village on the site of the U. S. Signal station at Pt Barrow, Alaska. Murdoch in 9th Rep. B. A. E., pi. ii, 1892.

Itchadak. A former Aleut village on one of the E. Aleutian ids., Alaska. Coxe, Russ. Discov., 165, 1787.

Itijarelling. A summer settlement of Padlimiut Eskimo on Exeter sd., Baffin land. Boas in 6th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1888.

Ivan. A Kaiyuhkhotana village on the divide between Unalaklik and Yukon rs., Alaska. Allen (Rep. Alaska, 131, 1877) gave the population as 69.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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