Campbell’s Abstract – G Surnames

Last Updated on June 9, 2014 by Dennis

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

G Surnames

Gaber, 2894.
Gaddis, Eliza, 3056.
Gaines, 211.
Gaines, Willie, 211.
Gaino, Aggie, 2201.
Gaino, Amanda, 2201.
Gaino, Harriet, 2201.
Gaino, Sallie, 2201.
Gaino, Yabe, 2201.
Gaither, Alice M., 48, NB186, 513
Gaither, Maggie Emily, NB186.
Gaither, Myrtle Washington, M39.
Gaither, W. J., 48, NB186, M39.
Gaither, Woolery L. F., 48.
Gamble, Billy, 94, 3023.
Gamble, Howard Lee, 1015.
Gamble, Polly, 2043.
Gamble, Robert Lee, 1018.
Gamble, Sukey, 3023.
Gamble, Willie S., 1018.
Gambler, 1042.
Gambler, Billie, 94, 3023.
Gambler, John, 3023, NB1056.
Gambler, Lizzie, 94.
Gambler, Martin, NB1056.
Gambler, 5Iiley, 91.
Gambler, Rhoda, 94.
Gambler, Tommie, 94.
Gambler, Wallace, 3023.
Gano, Harriet, 3891.
Gano, Oscar, 2915.
Gano, Winnie, 2742.
Cant, Cordelia, 394.
Garfield, 3069.
Garland, David 51., 1552.
Garland, Floyd H , 1552.
Garland, Libbie M., 1582
Garland, Louis, 1582.
Garland, S. F., 1582.
Garland, Tookah, 1582.
Garner, Gus, 1055.
Garner, John L., 268.
Garner, Robert T., 1055.
Garner, Susan L., 268, M88, M89, NB878.
Garner, Virginia Ann, 1055.
Garner, Willie B., 268.
Garner, Wm., 268.
Garrett, Mary, 715.
Gathlocco, Fun, 2435.
Gatlin, C. C., NB366.
Gatlin, Helen, NB366.
Gatlin, Lucy Ann, 2328, NB366.
Gatts, Henry. 870.
Geneva, Joe, 1621.
Geneva, Sallie, 1621.
Gentry, Abbie, 572.
Gentry, Bluford M., 509.
Gentry, Boyd D., 509.
Gentry, Caroline, 501, 509, 572, 834.
Gentry, Etta, 504.
Gentry, James, 504, 509, 572, 834.
Gentry, Lizzie, 504.
Gentry, Mary E…509.
Gentry, Pearl, 501.
Gentry, Rachel J., 509.
Gentry, R. J., 504.
Gentry, Robert J. Jr., 504.
Gentry, Robert L., 509.
Gentry, Sallie D., 509.
Gentry, Sallie P., .509.
Gentry, Scott. 572.
Gentry, William E., 500.
George, 2151.
George, Alexander, 2308.
George, Bessie, 2020.
George, Dave, 2966.
George, Jeffrey, 353, 2020.
George, Jeffry, 2020, 353.
George, Jensie, 235.
George, John, 2308.
George, Lizzie, 2305.
George, Long. 235, 1521.
George, Willie, 2303.
Gibson, 2894.
Gibson, Charles, 2266, NB131, NB182.
Gibson, Charles Counterman, NB182.
Gibson, Cheparney, 31.
Gibson, Chester, 2206, NB181, NB182.
Gibson, Daisy, 3135.
Gibson, Dicey, 229, 1809.
Gibson, Eliza, 3135.
Gibson, Elsie, 3003.
Gibson, Ethel, NB334.
Gibson, Frankie, M65.
Gibson, Gilbert, 31.
Gibson, Hettie, 451, 3572, NB991.
Gibson, Irene, 3135.
Gibson, Isparhecher, 3135.
Gibson, James T., 1102.
Gibson, Jerusha, 1102.
Gibson, John, 1713, 2266, 2831, 2807, 3133.
Gibson, John C., 1713, 2260, 2807, 2831, 3135.
Gibson, John E., 1102, M65.
Gibson, Joseph, 31, 1102, 3572, NB991.
Gibson, Joseph A., 1102.
Gibson, Joseph B., NB534.
Gibson, Josephine, 838.
Gibson, Leonard, 183, 1309.
Gibson, Lida, 3065.
Gibson, Lizzie, 183, 3135, 3914.
Gibson, Martha, 31, NB991.
Gibson, Mary, 31.
Gibson, Mary E. 1102.
Gibson, Maud, 3165.
Gibson, May Della, 3135.
Gibson, Micro, 3135.
Gibson, Milder, 3572.
Gibson, Modenia M., 843, NB181, NB182
Gibson, Montie, 1116.
Gibson, Pearl, 3135.
Gibson, Polly, 2266.
Gibson, Rose, 1116.
Gibson, Silas B., 1102.
Gibson, Toge, 2831.
Gibson, Verna Marie, NB181
Gibson, Walter, 1116, 3065.
Gibson, Wilson. 2831.
Gibson, William S., 1102, NB534.
Gilbert, Jeniry, NB1013.
Gilbert, Jude, 1089, NB1013.
Gilbert, Louis W., NB1013.
Gilerease, Ben, 150.
Gilerease, Bessie, NB86.
Gilerease, Eddie, 156.
Gilerease, Elmer Lee, NB84.
Gilerease, Florence, 450.
Gilerease, Lena, 156.
Gilerease, Lizzie, 156, NB84, NB85, NB86.
Gilerease, Mabel, NB85.
Gilerease, Thomas, 156.
Gilerease, William L., 156, NB84, NB85, NB86.
Gilhoa, Muchie, 2922.
Gillis, C. B., 3527.
Gillis, Ed., NB880.
Gillis, Elmer, NB880.
Gillis, Nancy, 3527.
Gillis, Taylor A., 3527.

Given, George, 3904.
Givens, Annie, 3719, 3720, 2704, NB610.
Givens, Charley, 3719.
Givens, Charte, 2706, 2767, 2771, 2219, 2129, 3723, CE 4030, NB623, NB624.
Givens, Choeta, 2219. 2429, 2760, 2707, 2771, 3723 CE4030, NB623, NB624.
Givens, Choctaw, 2219, 2429, 2774, 2766, 2767, 3723, CE4030, NB623, NB624.
Givens, Eddie, 2766.
Givens, Harper, NB649.
Givens, Hepsey, 3723.
Givens, Jack, 3901.
Givens, Kizzie, 2219, CE4030, NB623, NB621.
Givens, Lawyer, 2219.
Givens, Lonie, NB624.
Givens, Luther, CE4030.
Givens, Minnie, N13623.
Givens, Robert, 2210.
Givens, Sam, 2219.
Givens, Silla, 2219, 3723
Givens, Sillier, 2429.
Givens, William. 2766. 3719, NB549.
Givens, Wutsy, 3901.
Glass, Neller, 1800.
Glenn, Elma, NB308.
Glenn, Elmer, 3750.
Glenn, Gracie, 916.
Glenn, Ida E., 911i, 3756, NB808.
Glenn, Ida Estella, 916, 3756, NB808.
Glenn, Mabel C., 916.
Glenn, R. J., NB808.
Glenn, Robert J., 9111, 3756.
Goat, Alfred, 1701, NB659, NB660
Goat, Alice Sukey, NB660.
Goat, Angeline, 1702, 1703, 1704, NB659.
Goat, Eddiehnie, NB651.
Goat, John R., 1702, 1703, 1704.
Goat, Katie, 1702.
Goat, Martin. 1702.
Goat, Millie, 1523, NB1162.
Goat, Minnie, 1523, NB651.
Goat, Peggy, 1702.
Goat, Rachael, 1704, NB659, NB660.
Goat, Roman, 1702.
Goat, Sallie, 3924.
Goat, Susie, 1703, 3921.
Goat, Wadley, 1703, 3924, NB651.
Goat, Wardley, 1703, 3924, NB651.
Goat, Wisey, 1703.
Gobler, Emma, 654, 668.
Gobler, Jack, 654, 668.
Goliah, 3019.
Goober, John, 1424.
Goober, Nicey, 1424.
Gooch, Adella, 2633, NB466, NB467.
Gooch, Arthur, 2034.
Gooch, Claudie, NB467.
Gooch, Dollie, 2633.
Gooch, Ed., 2633, NB466, NB467.
Gooch, George, 1988.
Gooch, Henry, 1988.
Gooch, Jesse, 1988, 2633, 2634.
Gooch, Maudie, NB466.
Gooch, Tochey, 1989.
Gooch, Tochie, 2633, 2634.
Goode, Annie Elderrein, 51254.
Goode, George, NB145.
Goode, George C., M254.
Goode, Myrtle M., 861, NB145, M254.
Goode, Rowena, NB145.
Goodee, Charity, 2925.
Goodee, John, 2925.
Gooden, 2352.
Gooden, Annie, 2352, M183.
Gooden, Bessie, 1158.
Gooden, Carrie, NB456.
Gooden, Charley, 967, 2301, NB691.
Gooden, Charlie, 27S9.
Gooden, Chauker, 2683.
Gooden, Chotie, 646.
Gooden, Daniel, 137, 659, 2352, 3240.
Gooden, David, 2488, 2495, 2683.
Gooden, Dora, 2306, NB456.
Gooden, Edward, 1199.
Gooden, Eliza, 1546.
Gooden, Elsie, 2317.
Gooden, Frank, 3619.
Gooden, George, 2488.
Gooden, Henderson, 1035, NB156.
Gooden, Hoplin, 3910.
Gooden, Jacob, 2301, 3619, NB691.
Gooden, Jim, 1140, 1157, 1158.
Gooden, Joe, 2317.
Gooden, John, 967.
Gooden, Leah, 2301.
Gooden, Lizzie, 2352.
Gooden, Louisa, 1016, 1158, 2301, 3019, NB691.
Gooden, Mary, 1140, 3836.
Gooden, Nancy, 1157.
Gooden, Nellie, 2301, 2651
Gooden, Sam, 872, 1035.
Gooden, Sagone. 967.
Gooden, Sordie, 2352.
Gooden, Sukey, 2789.
Gooden, Susan, 1199, NB1226.
Gooden, Susanna, 2495.
Gooden, Toney, 137.
Gooden, Tontah, 2306, NB456.
Gooden, William, 1046, 1199, 2352.
Goodey, Jodie, 1301.
Goodey”Tohn, 1301.
Goodin, George, 111.
Goodin, Lizzie, 141.
Goodman, Ahhaconanny, 2162.
Goodman, Dave, 3035.
Goodman, Sahconcahny, 2162.
Goodman, Tatahlacoconthla, 2162.
Goodwin, Mabel, 1604, M256.
Goodwin, Reese, M256.
Goodwin, Van H., M256.
Goody, Jim, 3338.
Goosbeck, Capitol, 3952.
Gordon, Vinita, 406, NB675, M97.
Cotahney, 3353.
Gotts, Harry, 870.
Gotts, Lucy R., 870.
Gouge, Amanda, 845.
Gouge, Casawka, M492.
Gouge, Chunna, M473.
Gouge, Daisy, 1783.
Gouge, Dave, 1783.
Gouge, Earnest, 2966, M489, M490, M491, M492.
Gouge, Jack, 2966, M478.
Gouge, Lucinda, 2S67, M477.
Gouge, Nicey, 2S67, 51489, M400, M491, M492.
Gouge, Pewter, M489.
Gouge, Sam, M490.
Gouge, Suckcjo, M491.
Gown, Bud, NB157.
Gown, Sarah, NB457.
Grace, George, 783.
Grace, John, 486.
Grace, Peter, 4S6.
Graham, Lewis, NB1003
Graham, Millie, 1797, NB1003.
Graham, Sissie, NB1003.
Grammar, Charles, 2525.
Granberry, Alma Dee, NB860.
Granberry, James, NB860.
Granberry, Hattie, 490, NB860.

Grant, Assie, 563.
Grant, Billie, 1767.
Grant, Billy, 1767.
Grant, Frank, 563.
Grant, Lena, NB338
Grant, Lucy, 563.
Grant, Mary, 1767, NB338.
Grant, Meley, 1767, NB338.
Grant, Miley, 3597.
Grant, Minnie, 1767.
Grant, Niffie, 1767, 3597, NB338.
Grant, Niffey, 1767, 3597, NB338.
Grant, Sam Miller ,563.
Grant, Stella, 3597.
Grant, Timmie, 563.
Grant, U. S., 563.
Graves. Bonnie Gertrude, 783.
Graves, Leona, 783.
Cray, Absey, 3003.
Gray, Addle, NB264.
Gray, Amos, 886.
Gray, Amy, 88, 2395.
Gray, Annie, 2075, 2083, NB4S9.
Gray, Barney, 3035.
Gray, Belle, 2907.
Gray, Ben, 2864.
Gray, Carl, M79.
Gray, Cemrne, 2504.
Gray, Cumsey, 3003.
Gray, Daniel, 2504.
Gray, Dickson, 3035.
Gray, Dorsey, 2504.
Gray, Dosey, 2504.
Gray, Edmond, 2119.
Gray, Elijah, 2075.
Gray, Eliza, 2498.
Gray, Emma, 2119.
Gray, Fannie, NB835.
Gray, George C., 3801, NB32.
Gray, Henry, 3801.
Gray, Isaac, S49.
Gray, Jackson, 1664.
Gray, James, 305, 726, 1664, 3035, M70.
Gray, James L., 2907.
Gray, Jim, 2122.
Gray, Jimmy (Nocus Elle), 2733, 2845, NB128S, NB12S9.
Gray, Jobie, 2119.
Gray, Johnnie, NB1288.
Gray, Johnson, NB32.
Gray, Josiah, 2845.
Gray, Lee, 1664.
Gray, Lena, 3035.
Gray, Lewis, 2083.
Gray, Lizzie, 329, 726.
Gray, Louie, 2425.
Gray, Louina, SS, SS6.
Gray, Louis, 726.
Gray, Louisa, 305, 726, 822, 1664, 2075, 2122, 3035.
Gray, Lucinda, 2119.
Gray, Mandy, NB1289.
Gray, Maria, 2907.
Gray, Mary, 1380, 2119, 366S, M79, NB264.
Gray, Mesulta, 2046, 3801, NB32.
Gray, Mildred, 2907.
Gray, Miley, 726
Gray, Millie, 329, NB835, NB836.
Gray, Moses, 3665.
Gray, Motey, 2350.
Gray, Nancy, 726, 2119, 2125, NB128S, NB1289
Gray, Neteehe, 2504.
Gray, Nettie, 2119.
Gray, Roley, NB489.
Gray, Sandy, 88.
Gray, Siah, 2119, 3668, NB264
Gray, Silanie, 2425.
Gray, Susan, 849, 1098.
Gray, Susie, NBS36.
Gray, Thomas, 2119.
Gray, Walter, 2075, 3035.
Gray, Will, 329.
Gray, Willie, 2398, NBS35, NB836.
Gray, Winey, 2350.
Grayson, Abbey, 1145, 3623.
Grayson, Abbie, 3623, 1145.
Grayson, Addie, 1943.
Grayson, Adeline, 3623.
Grayson, Agnes P., 760.
Grayson, Alice, 1196, 3468, NB669.
Grayson, Amy, 608, 3126.
Grayson, Annie, 908, 1078, 1079, 1160, 1498, 1605, 1960, 3610, 3957.
Grayson, Austin, C36.
Grayson, Ben, 80, 233, 908
Grayson. Betsey, 651
Grayson, Bill, 439, 1216.
Grayson, Billy, 1256.
Grayson, Buck, 23?7, NB845, NB816.
Grayson, Cecil W., 3058.
Grayson, Charles C., 1697.
Grayson, Charley, 760, 1877.
Grayson, Chimker, 2710.
Grayson, Chloe, 1877.
Grayson. Christina, 80.
Grayson, Clarence, 3168.
Grayson, Claude R., 1920.
Grayson, Cleveland. 1697.
Grayson, Colbert, 64, 1697.
Grayson, Cora, 883.
Grayson, Daniel, 3145.
Grayson, Dave. 1079, M200.
Grayson, David, 630.
Grayson, Della E., 100.
Grayson, Dick, 646.
Grayson, Dickic, 2367.
Grayson, Doc., 262, 263, 358, 359, 508 1116, 1793.
Grayson, Dock, 1200.
Grayson, Dora, NB934.
Grayson, Edmond, 668.
Grayson, Eli, 668, 883.
Grayson, Elijah, 760.
Grayson, Elizabeth, 1697.
Grayson, Ella, M273.
Grayson, Ellen, 883, 1835, 3460.
Grayson, Elliott, 2680.
Grayson, Ellis, 2686.
Grayson, Emma, 636, 1123, 1250.
Grayson, Enoch, 3610.
Grayson, Fannie, 1778, M200.
Grayson, Foster, 2250, 2800.
Grayson, Garland, M107, NB873.
Grayson, George, 908, 927, 3610.
Grayson, George-Creek Frd., 446, NB834.
Grayson, George W., 1498, 1601, 1960.
Grayson, Gertrude, NB780.
Grayson, Gibson, 61, 2366.
Grayson, C. W., 1498, 1005, 1910.
Grayson, Hattie, 449, .M273, NB780.
Grayson, Mellen, M200.
Grayson, Henderson, 1145, 3023.
Grayson, Henry, 80, 304, 320, 321, 583, 668, 1168, 1940.
Grayson, Hepsey, 105.
Grayson, Hillabee, 45.
Grayson, Hope, 1352.
Grayson, Isaac, 501.
Grayson, James, 630, 1101, 1408, 1835, 1920, 2363, 3790.
Grayson, James L., 262, NB61.
Grayson, Jane, 1920.
Grayson, Janie, 2367
Grayson Jeannetta, 2366, NB811.
Grayson, Jeff, 2363.
Grayson, Jenetta, 651.
Grayson, Jennetta,
Grayson, Jennie, 270, 1101, 1402, 1608, 2710, M57.
Grayson, Jennie May, 1920.
Grayson, Jim, 525, 553, 646, 2068.

Grayson Jimson, 528, 2136.
Grayson, Joe, 1079, 1146, 3468, NB931,
Grayson, John, 1623, 1793.
Grayson, Johnson, 3957.
Grayson, Joseph, 1196, NB669.
Grayson, Josephine, 514.
Grayson, Josie, 760.
Grayson, Juda, 2366, 04, 717, 1123.
Grayson, Judy, 64, 717, 1123, 2366.
Grayson, Kate, 1690.
Grayson, Kate M., 1920.
Grayson, Katherine, 1920.
Grayson, Katie, 3145, 668, 3012
Grayson, Lela, M107.
Grayson, Lealah, 3790.
Grayson, Lena, 1160.
Grayson, Lenore, 1498.
Grayson, Lillie, NB816.
Grayson, Lilly, 1168.
Grayson, Little Watt, 1353.
Grayson, Louisa, 760, 1256, 2068, 3957. NB282.
Grayson, Louisa, 1256, 760, 2068, 3957, NB282.
Grayson, Lucy, 524, 1233, 1353, 1623, 1924, 2367, 2369.
Grayson, Lyna, 1199.
Grayson, Mahala, 927.
Grayson, Mamie, NB669.
Grayson, Marchie, 3012.
Grayson, Maria, 430, 1256.
Grayson, Mariah, 1256, 430.
Grayson, Martha, 1606, 2800.
Grayson, Mary, 80, 304, 320, 324, 583, 962, 1940, 2352, 3036.
Grayson, Mary Ann, 2686.
Grayson, Mary Jane, 80.
Grayson, Matilda, NB61.
Grayson, Hattie, 3055.
Grayson, Menene, 2425, NB815, NB816.
Grayson, Menewe, 2425, NB815, NB816.
Grayson, Alikey, 3057.
Grayson, Miley, 2779.
Grayson, Milley, 2136.
Grayson, Mollie, 2016, 2363, 3790.
Grayson, Nancie, M381.
Grayson, Nancy, 16, 768, 1397, 1623, NB174, M251.
Grayson, Nannie, 805.
Grayson, Noehey, M493
Grayson, Ollie, NB815.
Grayson, Panzie May, NB934.
Grayson, Parthana, 883.
Grayson, Pearl, NB61.
Grayson, Pete, 324, 51273, NB780.
Grayson, Peter, 284.
Grayson, Pilot, 270, 3058.
Grayson, Rina, 3396.
Grayson, Robert, 358, 636, 908, 1160, 1256, 1606, 3957, NB282.
Grayson, Robert Jr., 1256
Grayson, Roley, 3011.
Grayson, Roosevelt, M381.
Grayson, Rose, 1877, 1879, 1922, 3513
Grayson, Sallie, 1079, 1495.
Grayson, Sam, 281, 1075, 1690, 1920.
Grayson, Sampson, NB282.
Grayson, Samuel, 1214.
Grayson, Sandy, 1160, 1623.
Grayson, Sarah, NB831.
Grayson, Simpson, 1078, 1079, 3145.
Grayson, Sophia, 45.
Grayson, Sosa, 1397, 2779.
Grayson, Stephen, 1079, 1233, 1924, 2367, 2369.
Grayson, Sunday, 1921.
Grayson, Sunny, 607, 523.
Grayson, Susan, 358, 359, 1140, 1200, 1697, 1793, 2232, 2934.
Grayson, Susie, 262, 263, 505.
Grayson, Thomas, 1214, 2015, 2232, 3610.
Grayson, Toche, 2250.
Grayson, Tochee, M493.
Grayson, Tom, 494, 1943, 3126.
Grayson, Tsianina, 1608.
Grayson, Van, 768.
Grayson. Vinnie, 1920.
Grayson, Vinnie Ree, 1196.
Grayson, Walter C. 1498.
Grayson, Warrior, 883, 3460.
Grayson, Washington, 1608.
Grayson, Watt, 524.
Grayson, Wattie, 2740.
Grayson. Watty, 1233.
Grayson, Webster, 3460.
Grayson, Wiley, 2363, 3126, 31493.
Grayson, William, 16, 717, 768, 1123, 1623.
Grayson, Willie, 359, 1940, M381.
Grayson, Winey, 2015, 2016.
Green, Absey, 2587.
Green, Alexander, 2350.
Green, Barney, 1926, 2295, 2501, M455.
Green, Bennie, 2001, CE4031.
Green, Caesar, 2656.
Green, Celia, 2501.
Green, Charley, 207.
Green, Cinda, 2503, 2508.
Green, Dave, 2501.
Green, David, 510, 2503.
Green, Eliza, 3373.
Green, Ena, 2479.
Green, Fred, 2295.
Green, Hagie, 2605, M264, M265, M455.
Green, James, 1926.
Green, John, 665, 2477.
Green, Jeanetta, CE4031.
Green, Jesse, 2218, 2350.
Green, Jim, 665.
Green, Jimmy, 2080.
Green, Kizzie, 2479, M265.
Green, Leah, 1926, NB674.
Green, Louisa. 3373, M275.
Green, Louisanna, 2218.
Green, Lucy, 2901, CE4031.
Green, Martha, 510.
Green, Mary, 2656.
Green, Nancy, 2350, M264.
Green, Nicey, 2080.
Green, Rosanna, 2350.
Green, Sallie, 2501, 1045, M264, M265, M455.
Green, Sally, 2901.
Green, Sarlarka, 3003.
Green, Slab, CE4031.
Green, Simpson, 2655.
Green, Stepney, 501.
Green, Taylor, 2008.
Green, Tawee, 3373.
Green, Tecumseh, 2080.
Green, Wesley, 2477.
Green, Willie. 2503.
Greenleaf, Annie, 136, NB407, M481.
Greenleaf, Hullyanda, 2181.
Greenleaf, Ida, 136.
Greenleaf, Malissa, 136.
Greenleaf, Nellie, 136.
Greenleaf, Peter, 136.
Greenleaf, Sarah, 136.
Greenleaf, Taylor, 136.
Greenwood, 3280.
Greenwood, Alice, 3605.
Greenwood, Dick, 3040, 3280, 3138.
Greenwood, Effie Belle, NB739.
Greenwood, Hannah. 2964.
Greenwood, Jennie, 2554, 3605, NB739.
Greenwood, John, 2964.
Greenwood, Lewis, 3040, 3605, NB739.
Greenwood, Susie, 3138.
Greenwood, Togee, 3280.
Gregory, Albert R., 126.
Gregory, Andie Lee, 931.
Gregory, Annie, 126.
Gregory, Ara N., 712.
Gregory, Archie A., 126, NB226, M219.
Gregory, Arthur V., 126.
Gregory, Asa B., 712,
Gregory, Carrie, 712, 3648, NB703, M117.
Gregory, Carrie E. 712, 3648. NB793, M117.
Gregory, C. C., 931
Gregory, Clemmie R., 3648.
Gregory, Delila May, 31219.
Gregory, Edward W., 126
Gregory, Edward W., 126.
Gregory, Emma A., 931.
Gregory, Fletcher Raymond, NB793.
Gregory, Florence L., NB226, M219.
Gregory, Foster L., 712.
Gregory, Frank Lee, NB226.
Gregory, Gilbert R., 126, NB236.
Gregory, Iva, NB236.
Gregory, James R., 126.
Gregory, Jesse L., 712.
Gregory, Joe, 712.
Gregory, Lucinda, 712.
Gregory, Nina Crete, M117.
Gregory, Noah, 712,3048, NB793, M117.
Gregory, Noah G., 712, 3645, NB793, M117.
Gregory, Rose Ida, NB236.
Grimes, Susannah, 2302.
Grimes, Wm., 1858.
Grimes, Willie, 2144, 2145, 2302.
Grissom, Fred 31, 47.
Grissom, James H., 47.
Grissom, J. E. F., 47, 48.
Grissom, John Edward Franklin, M233.
Grissom, John F., 47, M233.
Grissom, Joseph M., 47.
Grissom, Maggie J., 47, 48.
Grissom, Minnie, M233.
Grissom, Myrtle M., 47.
Grissom, Thomas B., 47.
Grissom, Viola, 47.
Ground, Al, 1197.
Ground, Willie, 1197.
Guess, Isaac, 4019.
Guess, Millie, 4019.
Guinn, Clara Self, 2178.
Guinn, Win. F., 2178.
Guinn, William Ivory, 2178.
Gulley, Lizzie, 243.
Guseanna, 564


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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