Biography of Judge Walter A. Starr

Walter A. Starr was born in Washington County, Arkansas, March 26, 1845, son of Joseph M. Starr, a prominent Cherokee citizen, who served several terms as judge of Going Snake district, and was afterward a senator. Walter’s mother was a Miss Delilah Adair, and her marriage to Joseph Starr took place in the old nation. The subject of this sketch attended the territory schools until the age of sixteen years, and, when the war broke out, entered the Confederate service, serving first under his brother, Captain George H. Starr, until the latter’s death, when he was in Captain E. M. Adair’s company (Colonel W. P. Adair’s regiment), with whom he remained until the close of the war. Returning to the old homestead, he was married in 1869 to Mrs. Ruth A. Albany, widow of Cornelius Albany, and daughter of William and Bessie Thornton, well-known Cherokee citizens. Remaining in Going Snake district one year, Judge Starr moved to Coowescowee district and improved a farm, which he sold in a year and opened another place sixteen miles east, which he sold in six years, after having been employed as deputy sheriff of the district three years and acted postmaster at old Claremore for a good part of his sojourn in that neighborhood. When the post office was removed to the present site of Claremore, judge moved to where he now resides, five miles north of that town. By his marriage Judge Starr has five children, viz.: Emmett McDonald, born December 12, 1870; George Colbert, born June 17, 1877; Mary Bell, born September 1879; Lettie J., born December 24, 1881; Joseph M., born December, 1885. Mrs. Starr is a lady of fair education and a good housewife and mother, caring chiefly for home and children, although of a kindly, sociable nature. When the war was over Judge Starr was reduced to a horse and saddle, but by hard work he accumulated more than a comfortable competence. He owns a farm of 160 acres in good cultivation, with good residence and out-door buildings; 30 head of horses and mules, 200 head of cattle and sufficient modern machinery to run his farm. He is a man of strong characteristics and individuality, and, in appearance, is a good representative of the higher class Cherokee. He is six feet two inches in height, and weighs 205 pounds. Judge Starr was executive councilman from 1883 to 1885, under Chief Bushyhead. At the end of his term he was elected district judge of Coowescowee district, which office he has held ever since.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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