Biography of John S. Porter

John S. Porter was born August 1853, the son of Porter, a white man who was raised among the Indians, and came to the Creek Nation with the first settlers. John was sent to the Asberry Mission School and there remained for four months, after which he studied at Cane Hill College, Arkansas, for some time, marrying while yet a young man. He was united to Miss John, a Creek citizen, and soon afterward accepted the position of clerk to Mr. Severs, of Okmulgee, which office he retained for two years. In 1877 he commenced farming and stock rising, and has now accumulated 1,000 head of stock cattle, some of them highly graded. His farm consists of 475 acres in cultivation, which is chiefly rented out, but he retains 125 acres which is cultivated by hired hands. In 1879 Mr. Porter was sent to the House of Warriors to represent the Cussetah Town, which office he held for four years, but declined to run for the second term. Meanwhile he was elected by the council to the office of national auditor for four years, after which he was called upon to fill the unexpired term of John Micco, in the House of Kings, which office he is now holding, having been re-elected in September, 1891. Mr. Porter has served on the Indian police force for twelve years, and is, perhaps, the oldest officer except Captain C. La Flore. During the Esparhecher war he was appointed captain of the home guard. Throughout Officer Porter’s service he has been a strong factor in preserving peace in this country, and has done some efficient work in capturing and ridding the nation of thieves and desperadoes. Among those who were captured by him, was Wiley Bear, who is now in prison on several murder charges. The unfortunate Wesley Barnett was killed by deputy marshals at Mr. Porter’s house in 1889. The subject of our sketch has a family of three children; Nathaniel, aged sixteen years; Benjamin, aged eleven years, and Lucy, aged six. The eldest son is now being educated at the Indian University, Muskogee. Mr. Porter is first cousin to General Pleasant Porter, and is a man of great popularity among the Creeks.


Biography, Creek,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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