Biography of Ellis Starr

Ellis Starr was born June 17, 1853, on Lee’s Creek, Cherokee Nation, the only son of Leroy Starr, of Flint district. Ellis’ mother was a Miss Vann, daughter of Andy Vann, who died in Cuba many years ago, and who was second chief at the time of his death. Ellis’ grandfather, Ezekiel Starr, was one of the most prominent men in the nation, and died while in Washington, D. C., serving as delegate for his people, about the year 1847. Ellis attended public school until he was nine years of age, and at the close of the war went to Evansville Academy, Arkansas, where he remained two sessions. After having spent eight months in Texas, Ellis again attended school until his eighteenth year, when he entered the mercantile store of E. E. Starr, and there clerked three years. At the age of twenty-two he again devoted himself to study, entering the national male academy, where he remained ten months. In 1879 he was elected interpreter of the national council, which office he held for two years, and in 1881 was elected sheriff for Flint district, which office he held for two years. In 1885 Ellis Starr was elected district prosecuting attorney, and was re-elected in 1887 and 1889. In 1891 he was defeated by twelve votes out of 460 in the district. He is still practicing law, and has a large practice in his community. In 1872 he married Miss Martha Locust, a full-blood Cherokee from North Carolina, who came to the nation in 1871. By this marriage he has seven children, six of whom are living, Mary, born November 19, 1873; Maggie, December 11, 1876; Daisy, May 1, 1879; Dora Ann, August 31, 1883; Florence, January 24, 1886; Charles Caleb, January 18, 1890. Mr. Starr has about 100 head of cattle, 8 head of horses and mules, a good stock of hogs, and three farms (comprising in all about 250 acres in cultivation), a good home, orchard, garden, etc. Mr. Starr is above the middle height, weighing about 145 pounds. He is quick, vivacious and intelligent, well educated, a good lawyer and an excellent all-around businessman, reliable and popular among his people. Mr. Starr is a member of the Masonic order.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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