Otter Creek Homesteaders

Otter Creek flows north into Montana out of the highlands in Wyoming and empties into the Tongue River at Ashland. Capt. Calvin Howes developed one of the earliest ranches on Otter Creek. He arrived in Montana in the early 1880’s and established the Circle Bar O Ranch on the lower Powder River. In 1884, Captain Howes drove 2,000 head of cattle from Texas to Otter Creek and maintained a successful cattle operation that survived the disastrous winter of 1886-87. The Creek’s naming is attributed to Howes.

In total there were 50 families, 246 people on Otter Creek/Tongue River – Little Chief’s band has 20 families with 101 people.

In a letter dated August 18, 1882 from George Yoakum to Pres. Arthur he states that Chief White Bull’s band has settled along the Tongue River and some have built houses. He also states that some of Little Chief’s band visited the Cheyenne in August, 1882 and now want to settle in the Tongue River valley.

In a report dated October 3, 1882 from Capt. Ewers, 5th Infantry, Ft. Keogh, MT to the Asst. Adj. General, Dept. of Dakota, he states there are 10 houses, nearly completed, on or near the mouth of Otter Creek, and “so situated so each would have 160 acres”.

Otter Creek Homesteaders

Bob Tail Horse11418 miles south of Otter Creek. House not finished.
Hollow Log1348 miles south of Otter Creek. Little Chief's Band.
White Frog1215Little Chief's Band
White Bull14725121Medicine Man
Tangles Horn Elk2214415
Gray Whisker111141
Buffalo Wallow (female)227104 Bear Skins
Red Plume2226251Little Chief's Band
Tall White Man (1)213321Father / Son
Tall White Man (2)1144Father / Son
Whitw Hawk1221251
Wolf Ear1251211 Stove
Little Crow2117181
Big Crow12255Little Chief's Band
Black Mocassin52113
Wolf That Lies Down314
Red Bird111114
Lone Wolf12134
Big Head21111Little Chief's Band
Crooked Nose (female)2111
Fly122Little Chief's Band
Tangled Hair2313Little Chief's Band
Yellow Hair (female)22156Little Chief's Band
White Cow (female)3253Little Chief's Band
Digging Wolf331347
Sand Stone122339
Leaning Woman (female)344Little Chief's Band
Sun Bear34179
Big Foot2351Little Chief's Band
Badger22213Little Chief's Band
Howling Wolf1125
Buffalo Woman (female)223Little Chief's Band
Tottering Woman212210Little Chief's Band
Elk River1422510Little Chief's Band
Little Sun24223Little Chief's Band
Elk Woman (female)3143Little Chief's Band
White Elk111101Little Chief's Band
Little Horse2221411 Stove
Bald Eagle2112332
Black Kettle (Sioux)11111Little Chief's Band
No Name (female)132
Fire Crow11114
Old Wolf111931
Shotting Left Hand2263113
White Horse3114281
White Wolf43126161aka Shot In The Head (listed as Spotted Wolf)
Lost Woman (female)111101
Big Head15231
White Moon11171
Big Head Man11112alias All See Him. Little Chief's Band




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