Montana Indian Agencies and Schools

Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state.  Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.

Blackfeet Agency, Montana
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; Western Union, 2 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Browning, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence stage, 2 miles.

Burd day school.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence special carrier.
Railroad station: Same as agency; 20 miles from agency to school. Or Seville, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence hired team, 3½ miles.

Cut Bank boarding school.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Same as agency; 6 miles from agency to school.

Cut Finger day school.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence special carrier.
Railroad station: Same as agency; 4 miles from agency to school.

Holy Family mission school.
Post-office: Family, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Browning, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence daily stage, 14 miles.

Piegan sub-agency.
Post-office: Family, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Browning, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence daily stage to Family, Montana, 18 miles; from Family to sub-agency, 4 miles.

Willow Creek Old Peoples Home.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana
Railroad station: Same as agency; 2½ miles from agency to home.

Crow Agency and School, Montana
Post-office, Crow Agency, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union; telephone.
Railroad station: Crow Agency, Montana, on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.

Lodgegrass (subissue).
Post-office: Lodgegrass, Montana
Telegraph address: Lodgegrass, Montana; Western Union, ½ mile from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Lodgegrass, Montana, on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.

Pryor school.
Post-office: Pryor, Montana
Telegraph address: Pryor, Montana; Western Union, ½ mile from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Pryor, Montana on Cody-Toluca branch of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.

Pryor (subissue).
Post-office, Pryor, Montana
Telegraph address: Pryor, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone to agency, 3 miles. Railroad station: Pryor, Montana, on Cody-Toluca branch of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.

St. Xavier (subissue).
Post-office: St. Xavier, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union; thence stage daily, except Sunday, 21 miles.
Railroad station: Pryor, Montana, on Cody-Toluca branch of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.; thence stage, daily, except Sunday, 21 miles.

Flathead Agency and Day School, Montana
Post-office: Jocko, Montana
Telegraph address: Arlee, Montana; Western Union, 4½ miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Arlee, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence hired team, 4½ miles.

Camas day school.
Post-office: Camas, Montana
Telegraph address: Plains, Montana, Western Union; thence tri-weekly stage, 23 miles; time, 5 hours; or courier, time, 3 hours.
Railroad station: Plains, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 23 miles; or hired team.

Flathead sub-agency.
Post-office: Ronan, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union, 22 miles from sub-agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, 22 miles.

Polson day school.
Post-office: Polson, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone, to Polson; thence carrier, 3¼ miles; time, 1 hour.
Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage to Poison, 35 miles; thence hired team, 3 miles.

Ronan day school.
Post-office: Ronan, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone to sub-agency. Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, 22 miles.

St. Ignatius mission school.
Post-office: St. Ignatius, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union, 5 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage 5 miles.

Fort Belknap School, Montana
Post-office: Harlem, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem station, Montana; Western Union, 4 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Harlem station, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence tri weekly stage, 4 miles.

Fort Belknap sub-agency.
Post-office: Hays, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem station, Montana; Western Union, 40 miles from sub-agency; thence mail, 6 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; distance, 40 miles.

Lodge Pole day school and sub-agency.
Post-office: Lodge Pole, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem station, Mont; Western Union, 40 miles from sub-agency; thence mail, 6 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; distance, 40 miles.

Milk River day school.
Post-office: Harlem, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem, Montana; Western Union, 12 miles from school; thence telephone to agency; thence messenger, 2 hours.
Railroad station: Harlem, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence tri-weekly stage to agency, 4 miles; thence hired team, 8 miles; or hired team entire distance, 12 miles.

St. Pauls mission school.
Post-office: St. Pauls, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem, Montana; Western Union, 45 miles from school; thence mail, 7 hours.
Railroad station: Harlem, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence tri-weekly stage, 45 miles.

Fort Peck School, Montana
Post-office: Poplar, Montana
Telegraph address: Poplar, Montana; Western Union, 1/3 mile from school; delivered promptly by operator.
Railroad station: Poplar, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence, 1/3 mile.

Box Elder substation.
Post-office: Brockton, Montana
Telegraph address: Brockton, Montana; Western Union, 4 miles from sub-agency; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Brockton, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy., trains stop on signal to conductor; 4 miles east to substation; 18 miles west to school.

Fort Peck day school No. 1.
Post-office: Culbertson, Montana
Telegraph address: Culbertson, Montana; Western Union, 8 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Blair, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 4 miles west to school by team; 25 miles west to boarding school.

Fort Peck day school No. 2.
Post-office: Brockton, Montana
Telegraph address: Brockton, Montana; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Brockton, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 2 miles southwest to day school by team; 12 miles west to boarding school.

Fort Peck day school No. 3.
Post-office: Oswego, Montana
Telegraph address: Oswego, Montana; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Oswego, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 2 miles south to school by team; 32 miles east to boarding school.

Fort Peck day school No. 4.
Post-office: Oswego, Montana
Telegraph address: Oswego, Montana; Western Union, 9 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Frazier, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 1 mile south to school by team; 42 miles east to boarding school.

Wolf Point mission school.
Post-office: Wolf Point, Montana
Telegraph address: Wolf Point, Montana; Western Union, 1 mile; delivery uncertain, whenever operator can get time.
Railroad station: Wolf Point, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence 1 mile south by team; 21 miles east to Fort Peck boarding school.

Wolf Point sub-agency.
Post-office: Wolf Point, Montana
Telegraph address: Wolf Point, Montana; Western Union, 1 mile; delivery uncertain, whenever operator can get time.
Railroad station: Wolf Point, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence 1 mile south by team; 21 miles east to Fort Peck boarding school.

Fort Shaw School, Montana
Post-office: Fort Shaw, Montana
Telegraph address: Great Falls, Montana; Postal and Western Union, 27 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Great Falls, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence rail to Vaughn station, 13 miles; thence daily stage, except Sunday, 14 miles.

Tongue River Agency, Montana
Post-office: Lame Deer, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union, 55 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Crow Agency, Montana, on Burlington and Missouri River Rwy.; thence stage, Mondays and Thursdays, or hired team, 56 miles. Or Forsyth, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily except Sunday, 65 miles.

Tongue River school.
Post-office: Busby, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union, 35 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Crow Agency, Montana, on Burlington and Missouri River Rwy., thence stage, Mondays and Thursdays, or hired team, 35 miles. Or Forsyth, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily except Sunday, to agency, 65 miles; thence hired team, 18 miles.

Birney day school.
Post-office: Birney, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Sheridan, Wyoming, on Burlington and Missouri River Rwy.; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Birney, Montana, 60 miles; thence private team to school, 5 miles. Or same as agency; thence hired team, 22 miles.

Lame Deer day school.
Post-office: Lame Deer, Montana
Telegraph address: Same as agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency.

Muddy Creek day school.
Post-office: Lame Deer, Montana
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence mounted messenger, 10 miles.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 10 miles.

St. Labre’s mission school.
Post-office: Ashland, Montana
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Miles City, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Brandenberg, Montana, 50 miles; thence stage, Saturdays only, 30 miles. Or Forsyth, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily except Sunday, to Lee, 45 miles; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 20 miles.

History, Schools,

Department Of The Interior. Routes To Indian Agencies And Schools, Office Of Indian Affairs, Corrected To April 1, 1910. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1910.

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