Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state. Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.
Blackfeet Agency, Montana
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; Western Union, 2 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Browning, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence stage, 2 miles.
Burd day school.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence special carrier.
Railroad station: Same as agency; 20 miles from agency to school. Or Seville, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence hired team, 3½ miles.
Cut Bank boarding school.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Same as agency; 6 miles from agency to school.
Cut Finger day school.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence special carrier.
Railroad station: Same as agency; 4 miles from agency to school.
Holy Family mission school.
Post-office: Family, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Browning, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence daily stage, 14 miles.
Piegan sub-agency.
Post-office: Family, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Browning, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence daily stage to Family, Montana, 18 miles; from Family to sub-agency, 4 miles.
Willow Creek Old Peoples Home.
Post-office: Browning, Montana
Telegraph address: Browning, Montana
Railroad station: Same as agency; 2½ miles from agency to home.
Crow Agency and School, Montana
Post-office, Crow Agency, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union; telephone.
Railroad station: Crow Agency, Montana, on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.
Lodgegrass (subissue).
Post-office: Lodgegrass, Montana
Telegraph address: Lodgegrass, Montana; Western Union, ½ mile from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Lodgegrass, Montana, on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.
Pryor school.
Post-office: Pryor, Montana
Telegraph address: Pryor, Montana; Western Union, ½ mile from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Pryor, Montana on Cody-Toluca branch of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.
Pryor (subissue).
Post-office, Pryor, Montana
Telegraph address: Pryor, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone to agency, 3 miles. Railroad station: Pryor, Montana, on Cody-Toluca branch of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.
St. Xavier (subissue).
Post-office: St. Xavier, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union; thence stage daily, except Sunday, 21 miles.
Railroad station: Pryor, Montana, on Cody-Toluca branch of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rwy.; thence stage, daily, except Sunday, 21 miles.
Flathead Agency and Day School, Montana
Post-office: Jocko, Montana
Telegraph address: Arlee, Montana; Western Union, 4½ miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Arlee, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence hired team, 4½ miles.
Camas day school.
Post-office: Camas, Montana
Telegraph address: Plains, Montana, Western Union; thence tri-weekly stage, 23 miles; time, 5 hours; or courier, time, 3 hours.
Railroad station: Plains, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 23 miles; or hired team.
Flathead sub-agency.
Post-office: Ronan, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union, 22 miles from sub-agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, 22 miles.
Polson day school.
Post-office: Polson, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone, to Polson; thence carrier, 3¼ miles; time, 1 hour.
Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage to Poison, 35 miles; thence hired team, 3 miles.
Ronan day school.
Post-office: Ronan, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone to sub-agency. Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, 22 miles.
St. Ignatius mission school.
Post-office: St. Ignatius, Montana
Telegraph address: Ravalli, Montana; Western Union, 5 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Ravalli, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage 5 miles.
Fort Belknap School, Montana
Post-office: Harlem, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem station, Montana; Western Union, 4 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Harlem station, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence tri weekly stage, 4 miles.
Fort Belknap sub-agency.
Post-office: Hays, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem station, Montana; Western Union, 40 miles from sub-agency; thence mail, 6 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; distance, 40 miles.
Lodge Pole day school and sub-agency.
Post-office: Lodge Pole, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem station, Mont; Western Union, 40 miles from sub-agency; thence mail, 6 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; distance, 40 miles.
Milk River day school.
Post-office: Harlem, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem, Montana; Western Union, 12 miles from school; thence telephone to agency; thence messenger, 2 hours.
Railroad station: Harlem, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence tri-weekly stage to agency, 4 miles; thence hired team, 8 miles; or hired team entire distance, 12 miles.
St. Pauls mission school.
Post-office: St. Pauls, Montana
Telegraph address: Harlem, Montana; Western Union, 45 miles from school; thence mail, 7 hours.
Railroad station: Harlem, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence tri-weekly stage, 45 miles.
Fort Peck School, Montana
Post-office: Poplar, Montana
Telegraph address: Poplar, Montana; Western Union, 1/3 mile from school; delivered promptly by operator.
Railroad station: Poplar, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence, 1/3 mile.
Box Elder substation.
Post-office: Brockton, Montana
Telegraph address: Brockton, Montana; Western Union, 4 miles from sub-agency; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Brockton, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy., trains stop on signal to conductor; 4 miles east to substation; 18 miles west to school.
Fort Peck day school No. 1.
Post-office: Culbertson, Montana
Telegraph address: Culbertson, Montana; Western Union, 8 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Blair, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 4 miles west to school by team; 25 miles west to boarding school.
Fort Peck day school No. 2.
Post-office: Brockton, Montana
Telegraph address: Brockton, Montana; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Brockton, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 2 miles southwest to day school by team; 12 miles west to boarding school.
Fort Peck day school No. 3.
Post-office: Oswego, Montana
Telegraph address: Oswego, Montana; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Oswego, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 2 miles south to school by team; 32 miles east to boarding school.
Fort Peck day school No. 4.
Post-office: Oswego, Montana
Telegraph address: Oswego, Montana; Western Union, 9 miles from school; thence mail, irregular.
Railroad station: Frazier, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; trains stop on signal to conductor; 1 mile south to school by team; 42 miles east to boarding school.
Wolf Point mission school.
Post-office: Wolf Point, Montana
Telegraph address: Wolf Point, Montana; Western Union, 1 mile; delivery uncertain, whenever operator can get time.
Railroad station: Wolf Point, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence 1 mile south by team; 21 miles east to Fort Peck boarding school.
Wolf Point sub-agency.
Post-office: Wolf Point, Montana
Telegraph address: Wolf Point, Montana; Western Union, 1 mile; delivery uncertain, whenever operator can get time.
Railroad station: Wolf Point, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence 1 mile south by team; 21 miles east to Fort Peck boarding school.
Fort Shaw School, Montana
Post-office: Fort Shaw, Montana
Telegraph address: Great Falls, Montana; Postal and Western Union, 27 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Great Falls, Montana, on Great Northern Rwy.; thence rail to Vaughn station, 13 miles; thence daily stage, except Sunday, 14 miles.
Tongue River Agency, Montana
Post-office: Lame Deer, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union, 55 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Crow Agency, Montana, on Burlington and Missouri River Rwy.; thence stage, Mondays and Thursdays, or hired team, 56 miles. Or Forsyth, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily except Sunday, 65 miles.
Tongue River school.
Post-office: Busby, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union, 35 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Crow Agency, Montana, on Burlington and Missouri River Rwy., thence stage, Mondays and Thursdays, or hired team, 35 miles. Or Forsyth, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily except Sunday, to agency, 65 miles; thence hired team, 18 miles.
Birney day school.
Post-office: Birney, Montana
Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Montana; Western Union; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Sheridan, Wyoming, on Burlington and Missouri River Rwy.; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Birney, Montana, 60 miles; thence private team to school, 5 miles. Or same as agency; thence hired team, 22 miles.
Lame Deer day school.
Post-office: Lame Deer, Montana
Telegraph address: Same as agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency.
Muddy Creek day school.
Post-office: Lame Deer, Montana
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence mounted messenger, 10 miles.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 10 miles.
St. Labre’s mission school.
Post-office: Ashland, Montana
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Miles City, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Brandenberg, Montana, 50 miles; thence stage, Saturdays only, 30 miles. Or Forsyth, Montana, on Northern Pacific Rwy.; thence stage, daily except Sunday, to Lee, 45 miles; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 20 miles.