Biography of Hon. Commodore Perry Chilton

HON. COMMODORE PERRY CHILTON. Few names are more familiarly known in Shannon County, Missouri, than that of Chilton, and it is so thoroughly interwoven with its history that a work of this character would be incomplete without frequent reference to some member of the family. Commodore Perry Chilton was born on the old homestead, one mile from Eminence, Shannon County, Missouri, December 6, 1844, and is a son of Joshua Chilton, who was one of the leading and influential men of the county. Our subject acquired a good education in the schools of this county, and by observation and contact … Read more

Biography of Daniel W. Feemster

DANIEL W. FEEMSTER. An active and progressive system in any profession or line of business, when based upon principles of honor, is sure to bring success, and an illustration of prominence gained through these means is seen in the record of Daniel W. Feemster, who is the proprietor of an excellent mercantile establishment and a dealer in produce at Noble, Missouri. He was born in Lowndes County, Miss., in 1853. His parents, Rev. Zenus E. and Margaret (Maloy) Feemster, were born in South Carolina in 1813 and Alabama in 1817, respectively. The former was taken to Mississippi by his parents … Read more

Biography of Judge Daniel K. Ponder

JUDGE DANIEL K. PONDER. In recounting the forces that have combined to make Ripley County, Missouri, what it is, more than a passing reference must be paid to the life and labors of Judge Daniel K. Ponder, of whom it may be truthfully said that no one has done more to lay the foundations of the country’s prosperity deep, and to build upon them surely and well. His ability has been backed by enterprising business measures and progressive ideas, and since 1890 he has ably filled the responsible position of county judge, and has discharged his duties with impartial fairness. … Read more

Biography of Capt. Alfred M. Julian

Among the many prominent, enterprising and successful citizens of Springfield, Missouri, whose biography it is a pleasure to give among the honored ones of that city, is the pioneer attorney, Capt. Alfred M. Julian, who has been a resident of Springfield since the year 1838. Over eighty years have passed over the head of this venerable man, leaving their impress in the whitening hair and lined features, but while the outward garments of the soul show the wear and tear of years, the man himself is richer and nobler and grander for the experience that each successive decade has brought … Read more

Biography of Daniel Jefferson Lance

DANIEL JEFFERSON LANCE. The parents of our subject, Anthony and Rosina (Simeral) Lance, were natives of Tennessee, and in that State celebrated their nuptials. Previous to the birth of our subject they moved to Missouri and were pioneers in that State. The father put up the first wagon shop in the town of Fredericktown, Madison County, and entered upon his career as a wagonmaker. He worked at that and farming until his death, which occurred before the war. He was successful in his different occupations and amassed a comfortable competence. After the death of the mother of our subject Mr. … Read more

Biography of William Edward Davis

William Edward Davis is the youngest state auditor Kansas had ever had and one of the youngest men who ever held such an official dignity in any of the states. It may also be added, to express a general opinion current at the capital and over the state, that Mr. Davis’ administration as suditor had been a synonym of efficiency and economy. He represents that splendid type of young American manhood which had drawn attention by its capacity for accomplishment. Though most of his life had been spent in the Middle West, he was born in West Virginia, and his … Read more

Biography of Judge George F. Chilton

JUDGE GEORGE F. CHILTON. To become distinguished at the bar requires not only capacity, but also sound judgment and persevering industry. These qualifications are combined in no gentleman at the Shannon County bar to a greater extent than in George F. Chilton. A careful and accurate adviser, and an earnest and conscientious advocate, his success at the bar has been achieved by the improvement of opportunities, by untiring diligence, and by close study and correct judgment of men and motives. The Chilton family is an old and prominent one in the history of Missouri, for certain members of this family … Read more

Biography of John H. Nunnelee

JOHN H. NUNNELEE. The sons of Tennessee are well represented in Ripley County, Missouri, and they hold conspicuous places in many pursuits which make that county a substantial star in the galaxy of Missouri’s many interesting counties. John H. Nunnelee is one of the prominent residents of the same and was recently solicited by the Democratic party to accept the nomination for collector. He was born in Columbia, Tennessee, July 22, 1858, to the marriage of James M. D. L. and Lucy Jane (Fowlkes) Nunnelee. The father was a native of Hickman County, Tennessee, and the son of Edward Nunnelee, … Read more

Biography of Abraham Buford

ABRAHAM BUFORD. The name of this respected and much esteemed citizen is well and favorably known in Reynolds County, for he has been a resident of the same all his life, and his name has been intimately associated with the social, intellectual and financial growth of the county. His birth occurred on the three forks of Block River, in the east part of this county, May 1, 1840, and in this county he received his education and became familiar with the duties of farm life. His grandfather, William Buford, was a pioneer settler of Iron County, moving there from Kentucky … Read more

Biography of James W. Riley

JAMES W. RILEY. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the leading farmers of Spring Creek Township, Howell County, Missouri, and was born in Franklin County, Missouri, in 1847. His parents, Lewis and Ann (Little) Riley, were born in Crawford County, Il., in 1824 and 1829, respectively. They fell in love and eloped to Anna, Illinois, where they were married, after which they settled in Johnson County, Illinois, and never afterward saw any of their people. In 1845 they came to Franklin County, Missouri, later to Maries County, thence to Miller and Johnson Counties, then back to Miller … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Blair

JOSEPH C. BLAIR. The success which has attended the efforts of Mr. Blair in the various occupations he has filled is by no means a matter of chance, nor was he in any sense an especial favorite of fortune, for when he started out in life for himself he began near the bottom of the ladder. In his case fortune smiled upon him as an agriculturist and as a public official because of his untiring efforts, his close and intelligent application to his duties, and his uprightness and honesty, which should bring success under any circumstances and in any field … Read more

Biography of Thomas C. Wade

THOMAS C. WADE. This wide-awake, energetic and capable county official is a native of Lawrence County, Missouri, where he was born September 26, 1853, his parents, Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade, having been born in Kentucky March 4, 1814, and Lawrence County, Ala., April 11, 1816, respectively. The paternal grandfather, William Wade, was also a Kentuckian. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and was also with Gen. Jackson at New Orleans. He was an early emigrant to Texas, where he died soon after the close of the Civil War. The early days of Joseph Wade were spent in his … Read more

Biography of Marion Silvey

MARION SILVEY. A native of Douglas County, Missouri, it is but natural that this gentleman should be public spirited, law-abiding and progressive. He was born June 30, 1846, a son of Charles and Letitia (Howard) Silvey, who came to this section from Roane County, East Tennessee, about 1835, and settled on a tract of land in Webster County, where they resided until about 1850, then came to the western part of Douglas County, where the father’s death occurred in 1886, at the age of eighty-four years, the mother’s death having occurred in 1857. The father became one of the most … Read more

Biography of Dr. D. F. Hedgpeth

DR. D. F. HEDGPETH, a young but promising physician of Sparta Mo, although still in the dawn of the success which has attended his efforts in a professional way, has already given abundant evidence of the ability which qualifies him for a high place in the medical profession. Truly ambitious and with an ambition whose aim is high, there seemed no reason why his unquestioned ability should not find full scope to relieve the pains which a suffering world is heir to. He was born in Sparta, December 4, 1862, to the union of Emanuel I. and Lurannah J. (Farmer) … Read more

Biography of M. B. Clarke

M. B. CLARKE. M. B. Clarke, cashier of the West Plains Bank, is one of the capable and practical business men of the place and his name is synonymous for integrity and good judgment. The bank, of which he is the most efficient cashier, was incorporated in 1883 with a capital stock of $15,000, and the officers were: B. F. Olden, president, and Joseph L. Thomas, cashier. The capital stock in 1890 was increased to $50,000 and the present officers elected. In 1889 Mr. M. B. Clarke was elected cashier, and after serving two years again took the position March … Read more

Biography of Joseph Jackson Pierce

JOSEPH JACKSON PIERCE, who is familiarly known as Joe Jack, is a prominent and influential citizen of Oregon County, Missouri In Benton County, West Tennessee, he was born in 1849, and is.a son of S. .D. and Kesiah (Forest) Pierce, the former a native of Wake County, N. C., and the latter of west Tennessee. The father was but a child when his parents took him to west Tennessee, and he there grew to manhood and married. In the year 1855 he came to Missouri and first settled in Ripley County where he remained two years, after which he moved … Read more

Biography of A. Harrington

As a leading citizen of Springfield, in its professional, business and social life, lending eminent strength to her bar, to her finance and grace to her society, A. Harrington commands attention from the historian who would wish to do the city justice. He is one of the ablest of attorneys, and has few, if any, peers in his comprehensive knowledge of State and International law, and has conducted many cases to a successful issue. While a born orator he does not solely rely upon the rhetorical finish of his sentences, upon his fervid declamation or upon his rich imagery, but … Read more

Biography of Thomas Moore

THOMAS MOORE. A well known farmer and stock man of Howell Township, Howell County, Missouri, is Thomas Moore, whose progressive ideas, energy and enterprise have done much to make this section the fine agricultural region that it is. He hails from the Buckeye State and owes his nativity to Coshocton County, where he first saw the light of day in 1840. His parents, Thomas and Catherine (Bess) Moore, were born in the Green Isle of Erin and in Pennsylvania, respectively, both their births occurring in the year 1800. Mr. Thomas Moore, Sr., came from the land of his birth to … Read more

Biography of Zarah A. Eaton

ZARAH A. EATON. This enterprising business man is successfully engaged in dealing in timber, and is also the proprietor of a well-appointed mercantile establishment at Varner, Missouri He is a native of Licking County, Ohio, where he first saw the light of day in 1829. His parents, Joseph and Euincy (Curtis) Eaton, were born in the State of New York, the birth of the former occurring in 1796. They removed to Ohio in 1811, and in 1838 to Peoria County, Illinois, where Mr. Eaton died in 1857, and his widow in Woodford County, Illinois, in 1890. He was a Congregationalist … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. H. Livingston

HON. A. H. LIVINGSTON. There are many lawyers in West Plains, but there are very few left who were members of the bar of Howell County, Missouri, twenty-two or three years ago. One such is the gentleman whose name is mentioned above. A. H. Livingston was born in Kentucky December 24, 1850, and comes of a prominent Tennessee family. His father, Thomas E. Livingston, was a native of Tennessee, but came to Missouri and settled in the north part of Howell County in 1868. There he resided for a number of years, following the blacksmith’s trade. Our subject passed his … Read more