Among the many prominent, enterprising and successful citizens of Springfield, Missouri, whose biography it is a pleasure to give among the honored ones of that city, is the pioneer attorney, Capt. Alfred M. Julian, who has been a resident of Springfield since the year 1838. Over eighty years have passed over the head of this venerable man, leaving their impress in the whitening hair and lined features, but while the outward garments of the soul show the wear and tear of years, the man himself is richer and nobler and grander for the experience that each successive decade has brought him. Honorable and upright in every walk of life, his long career has been without blemish or blot to mar its whiteness. Capt. Julian was born in Knox County, Tennessee, August 7, 1813, and was a son of John and Lucretia Julian, natives of North Carolina and England, respectively. The Julian family is of French origin and settled in America during the seventeenth century, in South Carolina. John Julian, father of subject, was a representative man of his county in North Carolina, and took a prominent part in all matters of moment. In politics he was a Whig. The mother was of Scotch descent, and her ancestors came to America at a period antedating the Revolutionary War, some of them taking a prominent part in that struggle. The Julian family resided for many years in North Carolina and Virginia, but finally moved to Tennessee, where the parents of our subject passed the closing scenes of their lives.
The early life of Capt. Julian was spent in Tennessee, and he learned the trade of mechanic when but a boy. After following this until 1836 he served for two years in the Florida Seminole War, in Company Thirteen, commanded by Jacob Peak, with the rank of orderly sergeant. He took part in a number of battles, and in 1838 was mustered out at Fort Cass. He then came to Springfield, Missouri, which was then but a village, and engaged in the wool carding business, afterward erecting a factory. He had very limited educational advantages, and while in the army studied what books he could find-and these constituted Blackstone and an arithmetic. He remained engaged in carding wool until the breaking out of the Civil War, when he took the Union side and was with the Federal Army until May, 1862. He was made captain near Springfield, and was with Col. Fremont for some time. After May, 1862, he was made commissioner of the Board of Enrollment of Springfield. Early in the history of Springfield he studied law, was admitted to the bar and began practicing. At an early day he bought land and was engaged in farming in connection with his law practice until 1878, when he retired, having lost his wife, who had been his most efficient helpmate for many years. Her maiden name was Susan Owens, daughter of S. H. Owens. Eight of the eleven children born to this worthy couple are now living, and seven make their home in Springfield. Mr. Julian has always been a stanch Democrat in his political views, and has ever been interested in public affairs. Socially he is a Mason, a member of Chapter No. 15. As an attorney he was well known at an early day, and practiced his profession all over the country. He met with many incidents of note, and, being a fine conversationalist, can relate them in an interesting and pleasing manner.