Biography of Daniel Jefferson Lance

DANIEL JEFFERSON LANCE. The parents of our subject, Anthony and Rosina (Simeral) Lance, were natives of Tennessee, and in that State celebrated their nuptials. Previous to the birth of our subject they moved to Missouri and were pioneers in that State. The father put up the first wagon shop in the town of Fredericktown, Madison County, and entered upon his career as a wagonmaker. He worked at that and farming until his death, which occurred before the war. He was successful in his different occupations and amassed a comfortable competence. After the death of the mother of our subject Mr. Lance married again. He never cared to hold office, but was an earnest member of the Christian Church in which he had held membership since a boy. By his first union he became the father of thirteen children, ten of whom are now living. A child by his second marriage is deceased.

The original of this notice first saw the light of day in Madison County, Missouri, February 21, 1842, but subsequently moved with his parents to Howell County, where he received his education. After the death of his father he went in business with an older brother in Howell County and was there when the Civil War broke out. In 1862 he enlisted in Company 13, Tenth Missouri Confederate Infantry, with which he remained until it was consolidated with other regiments, and continued with it until the cessation of hostilities. He was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, Saline River or Jenkins’ Ferry, and many others too numerous to mention. He was never wounded, was taken prisoner once, but soon made his escape. When the war closed all he had was a worn-out Confederate uniform. His first move after this was to go to Rosier’s wood yard, on the Mississippi River, and he worked there six months. From there he went to Baily Station, on the Iron Mountain Railroad, remained there six months and then came to Oregon County and commenced working in Salt Petre Cave, but in connection was also engaged in farming. He became the owner of 400 acres of land but soon after disposed of that place and moved to his present farm which now consists of 580 acres. At one time he was the owner of 1,000 acres, but gave his children considerable land. He has 220 under cultivation, all the result of great industry and perseverance on his part. In the year 1867 he married Miss Nancy Emily Johnson, daughter of James M. Johnson, Sr., who was an old pioneer after whom Johnson Township was named. He was one of the first permanent settlers here. Mrs. Johnson is still living. Ten children have been born to our subject’s union, nine of whom are living, six sons and three daughters, all at home. He has been tendered office time and again but will not accept. For fifteen years he has been handling stock, buying and selling, and usually has 150 to 200 head of cattle all the time. He and Mrs. Lance are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, a Mason, a member of Alton Lodge No. 255, and he is a Democrat in politics. He is a successful man and a worthy and esteemed citizen.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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