Biography of S. B. Taylor

S. B. TAYLOR. In no way can the growth and prosperity of a city be determined so well as by the progress made by the leading business houses therein, such always standing as general indices to the city’s condition. Among such business barometers the livery stable should rank in the midst of the first. A prominent one in Galena, Missouri, is that conducted by S. B. Taylor, who enjoys a widespread reputation as an honorable, upright business man. Ohio is his native State, born in Madison County March 4, 1847.

S. B. is the son of Asa and Eliza Taylor, natives of New Jersey and Ohio, respectively. The father moved to Madison County, Ohio, at an early day and there followed agricultural pursuits until his death in 1883. The mother is still living on the old homestead on the old National Pike, seven miles north of London, and enjoys comparatively good health. Their union was blessed by the birth of seven children, three, besides our subject, now living: David C., a ranch man of Denver, Colo., was one of the early miners of that region; Oscar W., residing on the old home place in Ohio, and Sarah, a resident also of Madison County, Ohio, is the wife of Michael Fox. The children deceased were: Oliver, Marion and Frank. Oliver was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting in Company C, Fortieth Ohio, and died in 1888. Marion was in the same company and regiment and died while in service from a wound received in Kentucky.

Our subject remained in the Buckeye State until 1866 and there received a fair education. He then came to southwest Missouri, but previous to that time he enlisted in the army, in the Fortieth Ohio Regiment, of which his uncle, George W. Taylor, was colonel in the ninety days’ service. He was in no prominent engagements. After coming to Missouri young Taylor located in Barton County, where he became the owner of a good farm and tilled the soil up to 1884. From there he went to Fort Scott and worked for the Hart Pioneer Nursery Company for five years. After that he located in Galena and engaged in the livery business, alone at first, but later he took in as a partner William D. Matthes. They have a full stock of fine and heavy carriages and all kinds of hacks used in this county, and are doing a good business. Mr. Taylor was married in Barton County, Missouri, to Miss Surilda C. Cartmel, a native of Indiana and the daughter of R. T. Cartmel, also from the Hoosier State. Two children have been born to our subject and wife, Mabel and Edna, both in school. For many years Mr. Taylor has been an Odd Fellow, and in politics he is a Republican. He has ever been interested in all public enterprises and is one of the city’s wide-awake, stirring business men. All his property has been made by the honest sweat of his brow, for he is principally self made.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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