Biography of Capt. Francis Marion Pollock

Last Updated on June 19, 2012 by

CAPT. FRANCIS MARION POLLOCK. This well-known farmer, stock trader and mill man, of Mt. View, Missouri, owes his nativity to Limestone County, Ala., where he first saw the light on the 19th of April, 1840.

His parents, Francis Asbury and Ann (Wilkinson) Pollock, were also born in Limestone County, Ala., in 1808 and 1810, respectively, were reared and married there, and about 1834 removed to Cooper County, Missouri, where Mr. Pollock was soon after elected sheriff, and died while in office in 1839. He was a very prominent Mason, one of the wealthy farmers of the county, and became prominently known as a successful horse trader and hotel man. He was killed by lightning, with six other men, while in his wholesale grocery store at Boonville, Missouri He was active, industrious and public spirited, and had his career not been so suddenly closed, he would, without doubt, have become prominent in political circles, for he was very popular, and fully merited the esteem in which he was held. His father, Dr. Robert Pollock, is supposed to have been an Alabamian by birth, and made a large fortune in practicing his profession. He spent the last few years of his life in traveling, and while in Stoddard County, Missouri, prior to the war, was called from life. He was of Irish birth, and was very prominent in Masonic circles. By his wife, Elizabeth, he became the father of four sons and three daughters. After the untimely death of Mr. Pollock, his widow returned to Limestone County, Ala., and while there, the subject of this sketch was born. A few years later she removed to Fulton County, Kentucky, and in 1855 returned to Howell County, where she has ever since made her home, with the exception of during the war, and is still living at the advanced age of eighty-four years. She has been married five times, and is now a widow enjoying good health. Her father, James Wilkinson, died in Limestone County, Ala., when quite advanced in Years, having been a well-to-do slave owner and planter. He was married twice, and was a half brother of President Zachary Taylor.

The subject of this sketch is the youngest of four children born to his parents: James W., who died in Limestone County, Ala., at the age of seven years; Mahala Jane, who died in Fulton County, Kentucky, the wife of James Wilkinson, a cousin; Francis Marion; and George McGowen, who died October 15, 1861, in the Confederate service. The subject of this sketch was reared by his mother, and unfortunately received but little schooling in his youth. He came with her to Howell County, Missouri, in 1855, at which time this country was very wild, there, then being but one house on the present site of West Plains. They were compelled to go to Spring River, Arkansas, to mill, a distance of forty miles, and in all other ways suffered the inconveniences of pioneer life. On the 24th of June, 1861, he joined Company B, Second Missouri Infantry of the Confederate Army, and was in the engagements at Wilson’s Creek, Drywood and Lexington, and served six months as second sergeant. He then resigned, came home and recruited a company of 140 men, and was made captain of Company B, Second Missouri Infantry, commanded by James R. Shaler, St. Louis, Missouri, which he commanded throughout Arkansas, Missouri Louisiana and Indian Territory, and was a participant in about twenty engagements. He was on the Price raid, was all through Louisiana, and surrendered at Jacksonport, Arkansas, June 24, 1865, just four years to the day from the time he enlisted. He was at one time captured in Izard County, Arkansas, and was in prison at Little Rock for about six months.

After the war he was engaged in farming and merchandising until 1868, when he returned to Howell County, and for eight or ten years thereafter was engaged in merchandising at various places. He has long been one of the most extensive stock dealers in the county, owns and operates a grist mill at Mt. View, in addition to which he looks after his fine farm of 400 acres, 300 acres of which are in a fine state of cultivation. On this place he has about 3,000 bearing apple trees, besides raising other fruits of all kinds. Capt. Pollock’s success is due to his own earnest and persistent efforts, strict economy and good management, and he has had the push and perseverance to bring all his enterprises to a successful termination. He is without doubt one of the most thoroughgoing business men of the county, and during his long residence here has gained many friends.

In 1870 he was married to Nancy J., daughter of Hezekiah and Jensey Jackson, who came to this section from Georgia and here died. Mrs. Pollock was born in Georgia, and died October 28, 1878, a member of the United Baptist Church and the mother of five children: Georgian, wife of James A. Gill; James W. (deceased); Francis A. (deceased); Sarah J., wife of James Smith, and John W. In 1888 Mr. Pollock took for his second wife Nancy M., daughter of Ralph and Hester Umphrey, natives of Missouri, and now residents of Howell County. Two children have been born to Mr. Pollock’s second union: Robert Cleveland and Bertic Ann. Although Mr. Pollock has always been a stanch Democrat in politics he has never sought office, his private interests completely occupying his time and attention.


A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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