Biographical Sketch of Dr. W M. P. Johnson

William P. Johnson was born in Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa, April 25, 1855, in which State he was reared and educated. He left college in 1873 and immediately began the study of medicine under Dr. H. B. Miller, and read with him as preceptor until the spring of 1881 when he went to Orlinda, Linn County, Missouri, and there began the practice. In October, 1881, he came to Daviess County and located at Jackson Station, where for a young gentleman, lie is getting a good practice. Dr. Johnson is a man of high ambition, which he has the force … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Peniston

Was born in Jessamine County, Kentucky, May 6, 1812. His father, Robert P. Peniston, was one of the first settlers of Daviess County. His mother’s maiden name was Miss Nancy Nuttall. Our subject was principally reared on a farm, and educated in Kentucky. In 1831, he came with his parents to Daviess County, Missouri, and settled where the old town of Millport formerly stood. It was in this town that Robert P. Peniston operated one of the first mills in the County. February 17, 1848, Theodore Peniston was married to Miss Susan Witdams, daughter of George Williams, both natives of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William B. Smith

Was born in Howard County, Missouri, November 21, 1829. His father, Asa Smith, and his mother, Frankie Maupin Smith, are both natives of Kentucky. When about ten years of age our subject left Howard County for Daviess County. From that time his life was spent in Platte County, Saline County and Pay County. In 1866 lie returned to Daviess County, where he has since resided. January 28, 1866, he married Miss Mary A. Davis, daughter of James A. Davis, of Livingston County. The issue of this union is six children; viz., Francis P., James A., Emma K., Mary V., William … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Carter

The subject of this sketch was born in Jasper County, Missouri, July 11, 1843. His parents were Salathiel and Charity Cook Carter; the former died in 1871, but the latter still resides in this County. James was but nine years of age when he accompanied his parents in their removal from Jasper County to this County, of which he has been a resident ever since, growing to manhood and receiving his education here. In 1861 be enlisted for six months in the Missouri State Militia, and at the expiration of that time reenlisted and served until the close of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Turner Langford

The subject of this sketch was born in Harrison County, Indiana, January 20, 1828. He is the second child of Anderson and Nancy Boston Langford. His father is a native of Virginia, and is now living in Iowa. ‘Our subject left Indiana when about six years of age and went to McDonald County, Illinois. Two years afterward he moved to Van Buren County, Iowa. He grew to manhood in Iowa, working on his father’s farm. On March 18th, 1852, Mr. Langford was joined in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Beden Davis, at that time residents of Iowa. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Litton

This gentleman was born in Livingston County, this State, on the 16th .day of May, 1842, and was reared and educated in the County of his birth. He commenced life as a farmer in his native County, and continued there until the fall of 1880, when he came to Daviess County locating at Lock .Springs, where he engaged in the dry goods and grocery business. In the following August he took in as partner, Mr. Minnick, the firm now being styled Litton & Minnick. Mr. Litton was married, in Livingston County, May 21, 1865, to Miss Nancy E. Minnick, a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Critten

The subject of this sketch was born in Putnam County, Ohio, March 26, 1840. His father, Isaac Critten, is a native of Ohio, as was also his mother, Mary Nichols Critten; they are now residents of Daviess County, having left Ohio when our subject was but fifteen years of age, and settled in this County where the father is a well-to-do and respected farmer. James was reared on a farm and received his education in the common schools of this County. He enlisted in the Missouri State Militia in 1861, for six months, which time lie served and then reenlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Critter

Was born in Putnam County, Ohio, March 4, 1843. His parents, Isaac and’ Mary Nichols Critten, are both natives of the Buckeye State, and are at this writing residents of Daviess County. Our subject was twelve years of age when he accompanied his parents in their removal from Ohio to this County, where he has been reared upon his father’s farm and received an education in the district schools. In 1861 he gave his services to the cause of the Union, enlisting in the Missouri State Cavalry, under Colonel James H. B. McFerran, for four months, and at the expiration … Read more

Biography of George M. Smith

Was born in Roan, now Davie County, North Carolina, October 3, 1824. His father, John Smith, was a farmer and a native of North Carolina; his mother, whose maiden name was Prudence Smith, was a Virginian by birth, and was born at Norfolk. Both his. parents are dead, his mother dying in 1867, and his father in 1870. When George was twelve years old his parents removed from his native State to Rush County, Indiana, and there he was reared to manhood on a farm, and received such education as the early schools afforded. January 23, 1848, George M. Smith … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John B. Marley, M. D.

John B. Marley was born in Greene County, this State, March 23, 1834, .and was reared and partly educated in the same County. In the spring of 1860 he went to St. Louis for the purpose of attending school, and did attend one year; but the Civil War coming on in 1861, he quit school and -gave his services to the cause of the sunny South, till the close of that hopeless struggle. Returning to St. Louis after the war, he remained there till .1867, when he went to Keokuk, Iowa, and there entered the medical college. He graduated from … Read more

Biography of A. L. Martin

Alphonso L. Martin was born in White County, Tennessee, October 19, 1827. His father, George Martin, was a native of Kentucky, and a substantial farmer; be died in 1852. His mother was a Virginian by birth, and her maiden name was Margaret Bates; she died in 1879. In the fall of 1828 our subject: accompanied his parents in their removal to Cooper County, Missouri, and’ there he lived until he was about ten years of age, when his parents changed’ their residence to Platte County, settling upon a farm near Weston, and of” which County his father was one of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. K. Dinsmore

The subject of this sketch was born in Greene County, Tennessee, September 9, 1811. His parents, James and Mary Moore Dinsmore, were both natives of the same County; his mother died in 1853; his father survived her many years, dying some seven years ago. Our subject was reared upon a farm in his native County, and there received his education. When twenty-one years of age lie left home and went to Laurel County, Kentucky, and at London, in that State, learned the blacksmith trade, which tree his father had learned before him. He continued to work at his trade until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James P. Drummond

Was born in Monroe County, West Virginia, September 25, 1813. His parents were George and Easter Boyd Drummond, both natives of Virginia. Our subject was reared and educated in Virginia, his home being on his father’s farm. On June 14th, 1836, Mr. Drummond was married to Miss Sydney Nickell, daughter of George W. Nickell, both residents of Monroe County, Virginia. In the autumn of 1839 he left Virginia for. Daviess County, Missouri, and entered in the same year 160 acres of land in what is now known as Auberry Grove. When he had entered his land in this County he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David G. Miller

Was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, April 13, 1828. His parents were Michael and Sarah Gates Miller. His mother was a niece of General Gates of Revolutionary fame. His parents were both born in Pennsylvania. From his native State our subject removed to Ohio and lived there for a number of years, engaged in farming. He came to Missouri in the spring of 1855, and located the autumn following in this County, and has made his home here ever since. Mr. Miller was married, in Monroe County, Ohio, June 5, 1851, to Miss Matilda, daughter. of Samuel and Rachel Monroe. She … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sebron Sneed

This gentleman was born in Ray County, this State, January 7, 1835. When about eight years old, his parents moved with him to Livingston County, and there he grew up and laid the foundation of his education. In 1853 he went to college at Liberty, Missouri, and graduated in 1855. He then returned to Livingston County, and shortly afterward engaged in stock dealing. In 1863 he went to Iowa, where lie traded in live stock till 1866, when he returned to Livingston County. For a year or two he engaged in., farming, and in 1868, purchased a saw-mill which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert C. Grove

Was born in Lewistown, Frederick County, Maryland, October 10, 1842. His parents moved to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, when Robert was sevens years old, and there he was partly educated. In the spring of 1855, he went: to the Harrisburg Orphans’ Home, where he remained until the spring of 1861. The war then lowering like a storm-cloud over the land, Mr. Grove entered the Federal service as a private soldier, but was soon promoted to second lieutenant. He served creditably until April, 1863, when he was honorably discharged. He then entered a seminary of learning, and graduated there from in 1866. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac M. McCue

The subject of this sketch was born in Nicholas County, Virginia, April 6, 1830. He is the son of David and Martha A. (McNull) McCue, both natives of Virginia. David McCue is still living, in Chariton County, Missouri. In 1844 Isaac M. McCue came with his parents to this County. He lived on his father’s farm until he grew to manhood. June 1, 1854, Mr. McCue was united in marriage to Miss Martha A. Livingston, daughter of Dr. Livingston, one of the first settlers of Grundy County, and a representative of the County for two terms. After his marriage Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. R. J. Terry

R. J. Terry is an Indianian by birth, and first saw the light of day in, Franklin County, that State, on April 10th, 1832. His father, Ansel Terry, is a resident of this County; and his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Foster, died in 1844. Our subject accompanied his parents in their removal from his native State to Daviess County, Missouri, in 1841, and was here reared to manhood upon his father’s farm and received his nonprofessional education. On August 5th, 1852, he married Miss Mary O. Hammond, daughter of John Hammond, of this county. Two children, now living, … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. E. L. Gardner

Hon. A. E. L. Gardner, lawyer and lawmaker, representing the twenty-fifth senatorial district in the upper house of the general assembly, makes his home in Kirkwood but practices in Clayton and is also a representative of some of the more important corporations of St. Louis. He was born at Millersport, Ohio, December 4, 1867, and is a son of Thomas W. and Maria (Lindsey) Gardner, who were also natives of the Buckeye state. The father was engaged in mercantile business in Lancaster, Ohio, for many years and in 1879 came to Missouri, settling in Sedalia, where he engaged in merchandising … Read more

Biography of Roy Philip Scholz, M.D.

Dr. Roy Philip Scholz, a specialist in the treatment of the ear, nose and throat, with offices in the Metropolitan building of St. Louis, was born April 21, 1879, in the city which is still his home, his parents being Dr. Philip and Belle (Carrington) Scholz, the former a native of New Minden, Illinois, while the mother was born in St. Louis, the daughter of Dr. Ents Carrington, a physician of prominence in North St. Louis. Dr. Philip Scholz came to this city in 1868 and established a drug store at Sixth and Spruce streets. His father, the Rev. Carl … Read more