Biographical Sketch of Isaac M. McCue

The subject of this sketch was born in Nicholas County, Virginia, April 6, 1830. He is the son of David and Martha A. (McNull) McCue, both natives of Virginia. David McCue is still living, in Chariton County, Missouri. In 1844 Isaac M. McCue came with his parents to this County. He lived on his father’s farm until he grew to manhood.

June 1, 1854, Mr. McCue was united in marriage to Miss Martha A. Livingston, daughter of Dr. Livingston, one of the first settlers of Grundy County, and a representative of the County for two terms. After his marriage Mr. McCue commenced farming on his own resources.

Although exempt from service on account of disability, our subject had seven brothers in the Confederate army, under General Sterling Price, in Shelby’s brigade. Three of the seven were killed. In the spring of 1865 our subject moved on the farm he now owns, where he has lived the life of an upright farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. McCue are the parents of two children, whose names are James L. and Paul S. Mr. McCue has filled the position of township assessor for two terms. He is well known throughout the County, and enjoys the reputation of an upright, honorable man.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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