Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Mary A. Newcomb

Mary Ann Ross was born in Bedford county, Virginia, January 13, 1812. She deserves a prominent place among the pioneer women of Daviess county, for early in November, 1839, she and her husband landed and located upon the farm now occupied by them in Benton township. February 1, 1837, she was married to Philip R. Ellis, a native of Monroe county, Virginia, born August 23, 1815. After marriage they lived in Monroe county, Virginia, until 1839, then with one team and just enough to bring them through, they came to Missouri and settled as above mentioned, when this was but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Watson

John Watson was born in Lancashire, England, September 22, 1828. He was reared and educated in England and learned the engineer’s trade. In 1865 he came to America and settled at Nebraska City, Nebraska, remained three years, then moved to Peru, same State, where for two years he- was engaged in the saw-mill business. From there he went to Hamburg; Iowa, and entered the agricultural, implement, and flouring business, and was there burned out. In 1876 he located in Pattonsburg, and began anew the milling business, now being the owner of a flouring-mill and also a saw-mill, and is doing … Read more

Biography of John W. Casebolt

John W. Casebolt was born in Fayette county, Ohio, December 29, 1819; a son of John and Prena Casebolt, nee Harrison. His father was a native of Greenbrier county, Virginia; and his mother of Kentucky; she was a first cousin to General Harrison. His parents came to Ohio at a very early day and were pioneers in Ross and Fayette counties. His father died when the subject of our sketch was but an infant, and his mother died 1868. At the age of four-teen years, John W. Casebolt left his native State and went to Fountain county, Indiana, and there … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Gagan

John Gagan is a native of County Kings, Ireland, born June 24, 1819. His parents, John and Catherine Gagan, emigrated to America and landed in Baltimore county, Maryland, in the year 1835. John lived there till fifteen years of age then went to Pennsylvania and worked as a stone-cutter and contractor till 1846. On November 1st of that year, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah D. Williams, a native of Greenup county, Kentucky, born February 17, 1826. She was a daughter of Lewis and Roxie Williams. Her father. was born in Kentucky, and her mother in Virginia; the … Read more

Biography of Jasper N. Bailey

Jasper N. Bailey was born in Carter county, Kentucky, June 8, 1838; a son of Jesse and Margaret Bailey, nee Webb. His father, by profession, was a teacher, and died in the year 1848; and his mother died December 16, 1876. When he was two years of age his parents left Kentucky and came to Lawrence county, Ohio. After being there six years they came to Daviess county, Missouri. When about seventeen years of age he left home to see the world for him-self and went to New Mexico and remained one year, then returned to Missouri and remained till … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Jane Lockwood

Jane Wilson was born in Cabell county, Virginia, October 29, 1807. Her father, Robert Wilson, was a native of Virginia and a grandson of Robert Dinwiddie, one of the provincial governors of that State, and was reared and educated by the governor and became quite a prominent man; he died in Lee county, Iowa, in 1842. Her mother’s maiden name was Mary Russell, and she was a native of North Carolina and a descendant of a very noted family; she died in Vermillion county, Illinois, in 1862. This subject of our sketch was married November 17, 1825, to David Lockwood, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James McMillion

James McMillion is a native of Greenbrier county, West Virginia, born May 7, 1835. His parents, George L. and Elizabeth Hanna McMMillion, were born in Virginia, but came to Missouri in 1845, and located near where the subject of this sketch now lives,; the father died in 1848, and mother in 1878. From the time James was ten years of age, except for four years spent in the army, he has made Benton township his home: Till twenty-three years of age he remained with his mother and his only sister (now Mrs. Daniel Morris) and cared for them. On April … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Ward

Henry Ward was born in McLean county, Illinois, October 15, 1834. His parents, Stew-art and Annie Ward, came from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1832, and during those early days had many narrow escapes from the Indians. His father came to Missouri, to look at the country, in 1841, and was taken sick and died, July 9, of that year. His mother died March 31, 1844. Young Ward was reared and educated in Illinois and lived there till 1865, then came to Missouri and located in Daviess county. He was married February 18, 1857, to Miss Eleanor J. Wilkins, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. B. Best

H. B. Best was born in Howard county, Missouri, July 7, 1818; son of Humphrey and Catherine Best, nee Enyart. His father was a native of Maryland, and his mother of North Carolina. In 1816 his parents located in Howard county, Missouri, and afterwards lived in Carroll, Clay and Daviess counties. His father died in Grundy county, January 1, 1849. The subject of our sketch was reared on a farm and received most of his education in Clay county. At the age of eighteen he began working for himself, and March 26, 1845, permanently located in Benton township, and has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George M. Utz

George M. Utz is a native of Boone county, Kentucky, born December 25, 1827; son of -Jonathan and Catherine Utz, nee Yager. They were natives of Virginia, but early settlers in Kentucky; his mother died in 1835, and his father, October 15, 18 6. George M. Utz was reared on a farm and received but a few days schooling at the subscription schools of his native place, and having to go barefooted a distance of four or five miles through the woods and across streams. When about eighteen years of age he enlisted as volunteer for five years, or during … Read more

Biography of G. F. Woodward

G. F. Woodward is a native of Lee county, Virginia, born February 10, 1834. His parents, Henry and Elizabeth Woodward, were natives of Virginia. Many of his ancestors on his mother’s side were soldiers during the Revolutionary War.; one, a grand-uncle, William Ely was bayoneted through the body, but survived and lived to be over 110 years of age. His father died in 1873 and his mother in 1877. G. F. Woodward was educated at the high school in Hancock county, Tennessee, and at Jonesville, Virginia, and receiving a liberal education, qualified himself for teaching. He came to Missouri in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. F. E. Venable

F. E. Venable is a native of Prince Edward county, Virginia, born May 12, 1829; son of Samuel and Elizabeth Venable, nee Wright, both; natives of Virginia. When our subject was three years of age his parents moved to Missouri and located in Chariton county, where they lived for three years, and from there went to Livingston county, which was their home for six years, when they removed to Gallatin, this county. At an early age in life his father studied medicine but never practiced till he located in Livingston county; prior to that time he labored as a minister … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. Ellis, Jr.

E. Ellis, Jr. was born in McLean county, Illinois, November 5, 1853. His father, Elijah Ellis, was a native of Virginia, and his mother, Gracie Canada Ellis, a native of Illinois. His parents came to Missouri in 1859 and located in Daviess county, where they still live. The subject of our sketch received only a common school education, and at twenty. years of age went to Texas where he remained about eight months and then came back to Missouri and farmed one year. In the fall of 1873 he began the drug business in Coffeysburg, remaining one year, then removed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. B. Christie

E. B. Christie was born in Shelby county, Kentucky, March 10, 1851; son of J. B. and Letha Christie, nee Bohannon, both natives of Kentucky. His parents came to Missouri in 1853 and lived in Daviess county till 1862, then removed to Harrison county, where they still reside. Young Christie was a diligent student and at the age of eighteen qualified himself for teaching which calling he followed very successfully in Daviess and Harrison counties. He was the first teacher in Pattonsburg of which he is now mayor. On August 20th, 1876, he married Miss Marv E. Best, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. A. Yost

E. A. Yost was born in Bethany, Franklin county, Illinois, on June 23d, 1852. His parents, W. J. and Maria L. Yost, nee Goodner. His father was of German descent, and died in January, 1879. His mother of Scotch descent, and died in September, 1866. At the age of twelve years young Yost commenced to earn his own living, first being employed as notice boy for a railroad company at Cairo, Illinois, and little by little has worked himself up to his present responsible position, as agent of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad at Pattonsburg. He was married, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David M. Smith

David M. Smith was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, October 10, 1840; son of John J. and Sarah Smith. His father is a native of Virginia, and his mother of Tennessee. His parents were married in Tennessee and moved to Kentucky, then to Illinois, and in the spring of 1840, to Jefferson county, Iowa. His mother died March 17, 1871; his father is still a resident of Wapello county, Iowa. Our subject was reared and educated in Jefferson county, Iowa, and there, May 2, 1861, married Miss Elizabeth Howard, a native of Pennsylvania, born April 15, 1841. Her parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Hill

Charles E. Hill is a native of Wisconsin, and was born on the 21st of December, 1854. His father, Alonzo Hill, is a native of Vermont, and his mother, Caroline Hill, nee Rhimes, was born in the State of New York. Mr. Hill came to Daviess county and has long made his home in Pattonsburg, and is one who by his uprightness and integrity, perseverance and industry, has won for himself an honorable place among his fellow-citizens, and that, too, almost by his own unaided exertions. He does not court popularity but wins it by honest toil and deserving merit, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. R. Shaw

Was born in Ray county, Missouri, September 14, 1858; son of W. P. and Julia A. Shaw, nee Waterman. His father was born in Tennessee, and now lives near the famous Sweet Springs in Saline county, Missouri, and is well known in S time and adjoining counties. His mother was a native of the State of New York, and died December 14, 1875. The subject of this sketch left home when fourteen years, of age and began the battle of life alone; lie secured railroad employment, and by his natural ability and up-rightness soon won the esteem of his employers, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Burge

Was born in Patrick County, Virginia, September 21, 1838. He is the son of Woody Burge, now living in Daviess. County; his mother died in Virginia in 1836. Our subject was reared principally upon his father’s farm in Virginia. September 10, 1836, he left Virginia for Platte County, Missouri, where he made his home until 1857, at which time he came to Daviess County, where he has been ever since. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate army under General Sterling Price, and was in the battles of Carthage, Pea Ridge, Sugar Creek, Pleasant Hill, and finally surrendered at Shreveport. … Read more

Biography of John Oxford

The subject of this sketch was born in Clay County, Kentucky, April 9, 1833. His parents are Jonathan and Elizabeth Spurlock Oxford, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Kentucky. His father was one of the first settlers of Daviess County, and was taken out and shot during the war, April 4, 1863; his mother still resides upon the farm where they first settled upon their arrival in this County- Young Oxford was about three years old when his father migrated from Kentucky to this County, and here he was reared upon the home farm, attended … Read more