Biography of G. F. Woodward

Last Updated on July 31, 2012 by Dennis

G. F. Woodward is a native of Lee county, Virginia, born February 10, 1834. His parents, Henry and Elizabeth Woodward, were natives of Virginia. Many of his ancestors on his mother’s side were soldiers during the Revolutionary War.; one, a grand-uncle, William Ely was bayoneted through the body, but survived and lived to be over 110 years of age. His father died in 1873 and his mother in 1877. G. F. Woodward was educated at the high school in Hancock county, Tennessee, and at Jonesville, Virginia, and receiving a liberal education, qualified himself for teaching.

He came to Missouri in 1856 and located in Harrison county, and March 29, 1857, was married to Miss Margaret Richard, a native of Tennessee, but who at the time of her marriage was one of the most successful and leading teachers in northwest Missouri. She began teaching when only fourteen years of age, and continued to teach constantly for fourteen years. Her mother died in Tennessee when Margaret was but a child. She then came to Missouri with her father, who died in Ray county, in 1854. By this marriage three daughters were born; namely, Martha E., born January 19, 1858; M. J., born August 6, 1861; and Lilly M., born October 11, 1864. Mrs. Woodward died March 1, 1875. She was a consistent Christian and model wife and mother, and died leaving many warm friends. Mr. Woodward married, September 7, 1875, Miss Mary E. Steele, who was born in Marshall county, Virginia, July 22, 1848. She came with her parents, John and Elizabeth Steele, when she was but two years of age, to Des Moines county, Iowa, and there her parents still live. By this marriage Mr. and Mrs. Woodward have three children; namely, George D., born June 24, 1876; Jesse W., born July 24, 1877; James H., born August 30, 1879.

Mr. Woodward is no office-seeker and refuses to take any position, al-though amply qualified. He owns a very fine and highly cultivated farm of 300 acres, which is well improved and stocked. Mr: and Mrs. Woodward are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he is also one of the main members of the A. F. & A. M.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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