Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Mary A. Newcomb

Mary Ann Ross was born in Bedford county, Virginia, January 13, 1812. She deserves a prominent place among the pioneer women of Daviess county, for early in November, 1839, she and her husband landed and located upon the farm now occupied by them in Benton township. February 1, 1837, she was married to Philip R. Ellis, a native of Monroe county, Virginia, born August 23, 1815. After marriage they lived in Monroe county, Virginia, until 1839, then with one team and just enough to bring them through, they came to Missouri and settled as above mentioned, when this was but a wilderness. They were poor, but hopeful and willing to work, and struggle lovingly together to prepare a home for their family. Although they had but little, still their wants were few, and they lived happily and comfortably together.

They had four children; viz., John N., born November 28, 1837; Nancy E., born October 22, 1842; Owen, born December 21, 1844; and Marion, born December 28, 1850 John N. and Nancy are both dead. Mr. Ellis died September 28, 1852. He was a man highly esteemed by all. March 9, 1878, she was married to John K. Newcomb. Shortly after marriage, Mr. Newcomb was injured while working in a well, and only lived three weeks after. He was class-leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a useful and honest citizen. Mrs. Ellis Newcomb is a member of the Methodist Church and is a very intelligent and contented old lady, and everyone speaks well of and has a kind word for “Aunt Mary.” She owns a farm of eighty acres, well improved.

Newcomb, Ross,


The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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