Biography of W. J. Peak

W. J. Peak, physician, surgeon and druggist, Oakland; born in Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky., April 3, 1836, where he devoted his whole attention to his studies until he attained his majority, the last four years exclusively to the study of medicine, graduating from the St. Louis Medical College in the winter of 1860; he immediately commenced the practice of medicine at Warsaw, Ky., for a short time, when, in the spring of 1861, he located in Johnson Co., Mo.; during the summer, and in the fall of the same year, he went to Texas, where he was placed, from force … Read more

Biography of A. T. Robertson, M. D.

A. T. Robertson, M. D., physician and surgeon, dealer in drugs, medicines, etc., Ashmore; was born in Sumner Co., Tenn., June 30, 1834; his father, Rev. John H. Robertson, was born in Virginia, and removed to Tennessee with his parents when but a boy; in 1829, he came to Coles Co., and engaged in teaching school near the present city of Charleston; his name appears on the records as the second person to whom letters of administration were granted in Coles Co.; in 1832, he returned to Tennessee, where he was ordained a minister of the M. E. Church, and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Orlando B. Ficklin

Hon. Orlando B. Ficklin, attorney at law, Charleston; he was born in Kentucky Dec. 16, 1808, being the son of William and Elizabeth Kenner (Williams) Ficklin, both of Virginia. His early education was obtained in country schools, in Kentucky and Missouri, except about one year, which he spent at Cumberland College, located at Princeton, Caldwell Co., Ky., under the auspices of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. His parents having removed to Potosi, Washington Co., Mo., he commenced the study of law with Henry Shurlds of that place, who was afterward elected to the Circuit Court bench, and at a later period … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. H. Calvert

D. H. Calvert, dealer in drugs and medicines, Charleston; is a native of Platte Co., Mo.; he was born on the 28th of February 1841; he was raised on a farm, and at about the age of 16 years, entered Pleasant Ridge College in his native town, where he graduated in 1861; he then read law with Hon. E. H. Norton, the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri; in 1867, he went to Frankfort, Ky., and continued his law studies with Judge Alvin Duval, and, in 1868, entered the Law Department of the University of Louisville, Ky., … Read more

Biography of Eugene B. Buck

Eugene B. Buck, editor and proprietor of the Charleston Courier. Charleston; was born in Fayette Co., Ind., Oct. 12, 1834; when he was about five years old, his father’s family removed to McLean Co., Ill.; he served his apprenticeship to the printer’s trade in Bloomington; in 1852, he went to Peoria, Ill., and, in 1855, was connected with the publication of the Pekin Plaindealer; in 1856, he was associated with four other journeymen printers in running a co-operative daily paper in Peoria; in 1857, he conducted the Washington Advertiser, in Franklin Co., Mo.; in 1859, he edited the Daily Enterprise, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Randall Alexander

Randall Alexander, breeder and shipper of Poland-China swine, Charleston; about ten years ago this gentleman, in company with S. M. Shepard, made his first start in the introduction and breeding of thorough-bred swine in Coles Co. After having experimented thoroughly with the various breeds of hogs, they became convinced that the Poland-China possessed all the requisites of size, docility, fertility, early maturity, aptitude for taking on flesh, and great constitutional vigor, necessary to render it pre-eminently the hog for the farmer. From a small beginning, the business has grown to its present proportions. Mr. Alexander is now one of the … Read more

Biography of Hon. H. A. Neal

Hon. H. A. Neal, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of’ New Hampshire; he was born in Tuftonborough, Carroll Co., Dec. 13, 1846; he was raised on a farm until he was ten years of age, and then his parents removed to Great Falls, N. H.; he attended the public schools of that city until 1863, when the family returned to the farm; in the fall of 1864, he entered the army as a member of Co. K, 18t N. H. Heavy Artillery, and served till the close of the war; on his return, he attended one term in … Read more

Biography of J. W. Swilling

J. W. Swilling, known as “Jack Swilling,” was born in the state of Georgia in 1831. He emigrated to Missouri in early life, and there settled down. After having resided in that state some four years, his wife died, leaving one child, a girl, who afterwards married and lived in Missouri. About the year 1857, Swilling emigrated to Texas where he remained for two years, when he came to Arizona, and was in the employ of the Overland Mail Company for quite a length of time. During the Rebellion, Swilling was a lieutenant in Captain Hunter’s company of volunteers in … Read more

Biography of Charles Trumbull Hayden

Charles Trumbull Hayden, whose name is linked with the early history of Arizona, was born in Windsor, Connecticut, April 4th, 1825. When eighteen years old he taught school in New Jersey, and afterwards near New Albany, Indiana, and in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1848 he loaded a wagon with merchandise, and left Independence, Missouri, for Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he marketed his goods and returned in the fall. He continued in business at Independence for some time, but when the gold excitement began in 1849, he outfitted a train of ox teams, and started over the Santa Fe Trail. … Read more

Lee, Oscar Grant – Obituary

Funeral services for Oscar G. Lee, pioneer realtor and hotel man of Oklahoma City who died in Kansas City, Mo., Wednesday afternoon [June 13, 1934], will be held here at 10:30 a.m., Friday, it was announced Wednesday night. Death, caused by hardening of the arteries, came to Lee following almost a year’s confinement in St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City. He had been a resident of that city since leaving Oklahoma City in 1913. While Lee was supposed to have staked out a claim in Oklahoma City following the run of 1889, friends of his here recalled that he originally … Read more

Findley, Rolla Dotson – Obituary

Rolla D. Findley, 84, died about 7 p.m. yesterday [September 15, 1956] at his home 1916 West Chase, after a lengthy illness. A retired Wright County farmer, he had lived in Springfield for the past 11 years. Mr. Findley was a member of the Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Nina; one son, Guy H. of 1841 North Broadway; one sister, Mrs. Mary Deavers of Sanger, Calif.; three brothers, John and Jim of Mansfield and W. O. of Joplin; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in Rainey’s Chapel, with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Selden P. Williams

A record of the prominent and influential men of Wallowa County would be open to criticism were there omission to incorporate therein the name of the esteemed subject of this sketch, who has shown marked vigor and enterprise, in manipulating the affairs of business that have to his hand, while he has ever pursued the even tenor of his way with all the stable qualities of worth that are manifested by him constantly, being one of the most substantial and capable men of the county at the present time. Mr. Williams was born in Johnson County, Missouri, on January 18, … Read more

Biography of R. G. Winston

Many of the substantial and thrifty citizens of this western county of Wallowa have come from the east as is the case in many of the other adjacent counties, and here these pioneers have found a home, while they have taken hold of the resources given by nature and have wrought out wealth and the comforts of civilization. Notable among this number is the esteemed and genial citizen whose name is at the head of this paragraph and to whom we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of our county, since he has labored here from the … Read more

Biography of Werner A. Wrenn

Among the agriculturists and business men of Wallowa County, the subject of this sketch stands as a leader, having manifested capabilities that justly entitle him to that position, while also he possesses an adaptability and perseverance coupled with energy, that have enabled him to handle large interests and manipulate them in a manner that brings success, while also his characteristic integrity and stanch principles of truth and uprightness have given him a prestige enviable and commendable. Mr. Wrenn was born in Benton County, Oregon, on March 3, 1866, being the son of John and Elizabeth (Watt) Wrenn, natives respectively of … Read more

Biography of David M. Young

One of the worthy pioneers who have labored for the development and progress of the western country is named at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to accord to him a representation in this volume that chronicles the history of our county, since he has been instrumental in building up the same and while so doing as well as heretofore he has manifested remarkable sagacity and energy together with other ability, while his integrity and moral qualities have shown throughout. David M. was born on October 15, 1843, in Harrison County, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Marks

A stanch and sturdy pioneer of the western country, commendable and loyal and patriotic as a citizen in all his relations since, a faithful member of society, and a progressive agriculturist and stockman of the Imnaha country now, the subject of this brief article is eminently fitted to be represented in any volume that purports to detail the lives of the pioneers and the leading men of the county, consequently it is with pleasure that we accord space for mention of the salient points in an eventful and interesting career in which our subject has universally manifested virtues of a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Martin

Among the agricultural population of Wallowa county who have wrought faithfully for the development and substantial progress of the same, mention must be made of the patriotic, loyal and estimable citizen, of whom we now have the pleasure to write, and who was numbered among that noble body of men who fought courageously for the defense of the Union and when need called he shed blood for the honor of the flag that headed the supporters of freedom. During his long career, fraught with noble deeds and manifestation of sound principles, our subject has ever demonstrated the real moral worth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas G. Matlock

This well-known citizen of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, who devotes himself to the improvement of our stock of horses, was born in Dade County, Missouri, March 4, 1849, and came with his parents across the plains to Oregon in 1853, locating with them near Eugene, where they engaged in stock-raising, and remaining until the death of the father at Bannack City, Idaho. He was buried on Buena Vista Bar, July 1, 1863. Thomas received a common-school education, and worked on the farm. His father having been a fancier and producer of fine horses, our subject went in 1871 to Umatilla … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Miller

Wallowa county has her full quota of stock men, among whom are some of the ablest in the state, but there are none in our county who stand better among the people generally, being well liked and esteemed, than the capable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph and whose life has been one of uprightness and guided by sound and sagacious principles, while he is possessed of an unswerving integrity, that stamps him the man under all circumstances and in all relations. Mr. Miller is a native Oregonian, being born to John and Louisa (Schulle) Miller, on October 28, 1868, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Minor, Jr.

Among the pioneers who put their shoulder to the wheel and pressed the good work of development forward in this section, enduring hardships and deprivations that were calculated to overcome the hearts of those who were not brave and hardy, especial mention must be made of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch, and it is with pleasure that we give him space in the history of his county, both because of this excellent work and because of his moral qualities of worth that have constantly been in evidence in all of his walk. Mr. William … Read more