Biography of Price Summers

PRICE SUMMERS. In the history of the Rebellion the name of our subject will be found as not having borne an unimportant part in that eventful struggle. He was about twenty-two years of age when he enlisted in Company E, First Arkansas Volunteer Cavalry, and he served over three years in the United States Army. Many of his battles were in Missouri and Arkansas, and he was in the bloody fight at Fayetteville, in the latter State. He was in many fights under Maj. Charles Galloway and Col. E. R. Harrison, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. On August 23, 1865, he was discharged at Fayetteville, Arkansas, and returned to Stone County, where he has followed agricultural pursuits up to the present.

Mr. Summers was born in Franklin County, Tennessee, February 24, 1839, and is a son of Samuel P. and Charity (Wells) Summers, natives of Tennessee. The former was born in Warren County and moved to Alabama with his father, also Samuel Summers, where he remained until 1855. He then came to Stone County, Missouri, and settled on James River, just below Cape Fair, where he tilled the soil until after the war. Thence he moved to Carroll County, Arkansas, and there died in 1884. He gave most of his attention to agricultural pursuits during life and was a well-to-do citizen. He was also a carpenter and chair maker at an early day. In Alabama he was married to Miss Wells, daughter of Robert Wells, who passed his entire life in that State. She was born in Tennessee and died in Carroll County, Arkansas, in 1882. Eight children were born to this union, and were named in the order of birth as follows: James, a farmer of Carroll County, Arkansas, was a soldier in the Rebellion; Price, our subject; Andrew, also a soldier in the Civil War, died in Carroll County and left a family; Elizabeth, single, died in Stone County; William, a farmer of Carroll County, Arkansas; John, a farmer of the same county, and two other children.

Our subject was a young boy when he moved with his parents to Stone County, where, for various reasons, he received but a limited education. As above stated, he engaged in farming after leaving the army, and about 1886 came to his present location where he has seventy-eight acres of well-cultivated land. He has been very successful as a tiller of the soil, and is an energetic and wide-awake citizen. He is a member of the G. A. R. post at Jenkins. In politics he has been with the Republican party since the war. In 1863 he married Mrs. Martha Baker, a native of Stone County, born July 18, 1838, and the youngest of eleven children born to the marriage of Judge William Stone, an early settler and the man after whom the county is named. Mrs. Summers was first married to Mr. Baker, a brother of Judge Baker. He was a soldier and died during the war. Three children were born to Mrs. Summers’ first marriage: William B., Cordelia E. and Alice J., and five to her second union: Martha E., wife of Thomas Hudson of Berry County; Charity F., wife of John Hudson, also of that county; John C., at home; Harry C., and another died unnamed. Mr. and Mrs. Summers are members of the Christian Church. This family is well known and highly esteemed in the county, and interested in all worthy movements.


A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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