Biography of John D. Hayward, M. D.

Dr. John D. Hayward, a St. Louis surgeon, was born January 18, 1878, in Kirksville, Missouri, his parents being James M. and Susan (Arnold) Hayward. The father, a native of Indiana, was of English lineage, the ancestral family line being traced to James Hayward, who came to America in the Mayflower. One of his descendants, who also bore the name of James Hayward and who was the great-great-grandfather of Dr. Hayward, served under Washington in the Revolutionary war. As settlement pushed westward the family became connected with Indiana and fn that state James M. Hayward, the doctor’s father, was reared … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Beecher

The list of the real pioneers of Wallowa County would be sadly incomplete, as also the enumeration of the leading citizens of today, were there failure to add that of the worthy gentleman, and capable and patriotic citizen, whose name is at the head of this article and who is one of the prominent agriculturists of our county having wrought here since the earliest settlements and in addition to this, he is one of the immortal number who stepped to the front ranks when the call came from Columbia to her sons for strong arms to defend her honor. Mr. … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biographical Sketch of Jonas L. Roe

JONAS L. ROE.- Mr. Roe was born at Huntington, Pennsylvania, January 10, 1852, and is the son of James Roe, a farmer and carpenter, and a captain in the state militia. In 1854 our subject removed with his parents to Iowa, and subsequently shared with them the returns of hard labor and sagacious investments. Being a bright boy, dividing his time between following the plow and attending school, and growing up a vigorous youth, he took a thorough course of study at the Kirksville, Missouri, State Normal school, and at the age of twenty-one began independent life as teacher in … Read more

Biography of Orin Smith Miller, D. O.

For seventeen years Dr. Orion Smith Miller has engaged in the practice of osteopathy in St. Louis and throughout the intervening period has enjoyed an extensive patronage which is at once an indication of the skill and ability that he displays and of the success which he is attaining in his chosen field. St. Louis numbers him among her native sons, his birth having here occurred October 7, 1865. His ancestral line is traced back to Pennsylvania and in the family mingled traits of English, Irish and Dutch blood, although representatives of the name have long resided on this side … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Hatfield

Three and one-half miles northeast from Owyhee is found the comfortable and valuable farm and home of the subject of this article. The estate is one of eighty acres of fine land, all covered by the Owyhee ditch and well cultivated and productive of abundant returns of hay, fruit and other valuable crops. Mr. Hatfield is one of the originators of the Owyhee ditch, and he labored faithfully on it from the time it was started until it was finished. Reverting to his personal history we note that James T. was born in Adair County, Missouri, on July 14, 1839, … Read more

Biography of Pius B. Humphrey, Prof.

Prof. Pius B. Humphrey. The claim of Prof. Pius B. Humphrey upon the esteem and confidence of the people of Caney, Kansas, is based upon five years of faithful and efficient service in the office of superintendent of city schools. When he came to this city, in 1911, he was admirably fitted to take charge of the institutions in which the mind of youth is molded and developed, and since that time he has through steady and constant endeavor built up a school system which may be said to be second to none of a city this size in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Miller

Wallowa county has her full quota of stock men, among whom are some of the ablest in the state, but there are none in our county who stand better among the people generally, being well liked and esteemed, than the capable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph and whose life has been one of uprightness and guided by sound and sagacious principles, while he is possessed of an unswerving integrity, that stamps him the man under all circumstances and in all relations. Mr. Miller is a native Oregonian, being born to John and Louisa (Schulle) Miller, on October 28, 1868, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew T. Still, Dr.

Dr. Andrew T. Still, founder of the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Missouri, was a resident of Kansas for over twenty years, during which he farmed, practiced medicine and fought in the Civil war. He was a native of Lee County, Virginia, born in 1828, and the family moved to Tennessee when he was a young boy. He was educated in that state, for nearly three years attending Holston College, at Newmarket. As his father and older brother were physicians, he decided to take up the study of medicine himself. When qualified to practice he was of great assistance … Read more

Biography of William J. Beach

Although the subject of this sketch has not resided in Oregon as long as some within Wallowa County, still he is nevertheless a true pioneer, having wrought with faithfulness for the welfare of other sections and since coming to this region has made commendable efforts in the development of the resources of the county and in the material progress of the same, while he has ever manifested excellent capabilities and showed both zeal and integrity, coupled with which are sound principles and sagacity that dominate a tireless energy and constant industry. Mr. Beach was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, on … Read more

Biography of A. W. Matthews

A. W. Matthews, former county official, had been active in business affairs at Washington for upwards of twenty years, and had a well established business in real estate and loans. He individually owned considerable farming property and had made all he had by close attention to business and honorable and straight-forward relations. Mr. Matthews was born on his father’s homestead in Cloud County, Kansas, November 23, 1874. His father, W. T. Matthews, who now lives at Miltonvale, Kansas, was born in Iowa in 1848. When he was a boy his parents moved to Kirksville, Missouri. Grand-father Matthews was in business … Read more

Biography of Joseph Knight

JOSEPH A. KNIGHT. – A capable and enterprising citizen of Union county who has labored for the advancement of the county for many years, displaying both ability and integrity in these efforts as in all his career, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in ths volume, and it is with pleasure that we accord to him such, being assured that he is one of the substantial men of the county. Caswell county, North Carolina, is his native place and September 19, 1838, the date of his birth, his parents being William and Susan R. (Harrison(, natives of … Read more

Biography of Adrian D. Nichols, D. O.

The school of osteopathy has a worthy representative in Adrian D. Nichols, who is a successful practitioner of St. Louis, and since his graduation from the Kirksville School of Osteopathy has practiced in this city. He was born on a farm near Nashville, Illinois, April 17, 1870, and is a son of David William and Tabitha (Ballard) Nichols. The father, a native of the state of New York, was born in what was then known as Bath Village but is now the city of Syracuse. He was a son of William Nichols who came to America from Scotland in early … Read more

Biography of Frank A. Parker, D. O.

Frank A. Parker, D. O. Among the different recognized schools of the healing art, the science of osteopathy has undoubtedly made notable progress within the last decade. Its principles have been found to be so sound and its cures of the ills of the human body so remarkably successful that its practitioners can show lists of satisfied patients each year increasing, from every walk of life. Among the leading osteopathic practitioners at Champaign no one is better known or more thoroughly relied on than Dr/ Frank A. Parker, who has been engaged in the practice of his science here since … Read more

Beecher, Henry Ward – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Henry Ward Beecher Moved to Adair Co., MO when he was 8. At 15 he enlisted in Co. A, 39th Missouri Volunteers and served until 19 July 1865. Saw many battles and skirmishes. In 1867 he accompanied Gen. Marcia, chief inspector of US troops to New Mexico, and encountered several Indian raids. About 1872 with infant son, he and wife started for far West. First to San Francisco, then Portland, OR by boat. After short stop in Willamette Valley went by team and wagon to Eastern OR landing in the Grande Ronde Valley in 1875, … Read more

Biography of Patrick A. Dickerson

Patrick A. Dickerson is now serving his second term as sheriff of Rice County, with headquarters in the county seat at Lyons. Mr. Dickerson had had a varied and active experience in life, but for many years was in railroad work and was called from a position in that service to his present office. Mr. Dickerson was born at La Plata, Missouri, August 10, 1877. The Dickerson family came originally from Ireland to the United States. His father, P. H. T. Dickerson, was born in Baron County, Kentucky, in 1833. He made a successful career largely by hard work and … Read more

Biography of Armon P. Vaughn

Armon P. Vaughn. The condition and the high standards of the public schools of Rosedale reflect the power and efficiency of Armon P. Vaughn as an educator and an educational leader. Mr. Vaughn for the past four years had been city superintendent of schools there, and had two more years to serve in his present term. He came to Rosedale in 1907 and for four years was principal of the Columbian School and for two years was principal of the high school before his election to his present office. The enrollment in the public schools of Rosedale is 1,725 students, … Read more