Biography of Frank W. Feuerbacher

Last Updated on March 20, 2020 by Dennis

Someone has said that the banking system is the heart of the commercial body, indicating the healthfulness of trade, and the banking institution that follows a safe, stable course is an element in bringing about a substantial prosperity, upon which the growth of a country much depends. With the banking interests of St. Louis Frank W. Feuerbacher has long been identified and he still remains an active factor in financial circles, although he has passed the Psalmist’s allotted span of threescore years and ten, for his birth occurred on the 30th of July, 1850, in St. Louis where his entire life has been passed. His father, Max J. Feuerbacher, was born in Bavaria, Germany, and came to the United States when quite young. After reaching adult age he was engaged for a number of years in the brewery business and here passed away in 1883.

Frank W. Feuerbacher was educated in the Christian Brothers College and also in the Rohrer Commercial College of St. Louis, and in early life began learning the brewery business and also that of a malster. At a later date he engaged in malt manufacturing under the firm name of Frank W. Feuerbacher & Company and continued his business along that line for thirty-six years. He also entered banking circles and for twenty-two years was president of the Southern Commercial Savings Bank. He also became president of the Carondelet Ice Manufacturing & Fuel Company, vice president of the Western Foundry & Sash Weight Company, president of the Krauss Improvement and Investment Company and president of the Oriental Hotel Company of Dallas, Texas. From time to time he made investments in other business concerns and his cooperation was eagerly sought because of the recognized soundness of his judgment and his spirit of indefatigable enterprise. He is now the president of the Southern Commercial & Savings Bank and gives much attention to the management of this financial concern.

On the 19th of February, 1884, Mr. Feuerbacher was married in St. Louis to Miss Carrie Krauss and to them were born four sons and four daughters. Mr. Feuerbacher has long been a stanch republican, giving unfaltering support to the party for many years. During the war period he took active part in promoting the Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. He is a Mason, belonging to Ascalon Commandery, K. T., and has always been a faithful follower of the teachings of the craft. He is a member of the Cedar Crest Country Club, the Sunset Hill Country Club, and for fifty years has been identified with the Western Rowing Club, holding the office of president on several different occasions. He is likewise a member of the Liederkranz Club. He has long been recognized as a resourceful business man and one whose labors have constituted a dynamic force in the business development of St. Louis. He readily recognizes opportunities and discriminates quickly between the essential and the non-essential in business affairs. Obstacles and difficulties in his path seem but to serve as an impetus for renewed effort on his part and he has progressed step by step until his connection with corporation interests of St. Louis has been of great worth in the business development of the city.



St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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