Biography of Edwin Schiele

Last Updated on July 12, 2012 by

Edwin Schiele is secretary and treasurer of the Schiele Advertising Company of St. Louis, which has developed an extensive business of this character and was established in 1913. He was born July 9, 1862, in the city which is still his home, his parents being Sigmund and Fannie (Shulman) Schiele, both of whom were natives of Germany and became early settlers of St. Louis, where the father engaged in the wholesale liquor business, a trade of large and gratifying proportions, winning a substantial measure of success. He died in St. Louis in 1882 at the age of fifty-six years.

Edwin Schiele, whose name introduces this review, was educated in the public schools of St. Louis, attending to the age of fourteen years, when he started out to provide for his own support. He was first employed In the wholesale dry goods house of Judd & Platt, where he remained for three years. He next became associated with his father in the wholesale liquor business, which was afterward conducted under the name of the Edwin Schiele Distilling Company, of which Mr. Schiele of this review was secretary and treasurer. This business was successfully conducted until the passage of the prohibition law compelling suspension of activities of that character. He has since concentrated his energies and attention upon the advertising business which was founded by himself and his brother, Seymour Schiele, in 1913. Through the intervening period they have developed their interests along most progressive lines until theirs is now one of the leading firms of the kind in St. Louis. Edwin Schiele is also the treasurer and one of the directors of the Griesedick Beverage Company and Is the treasurer and director of the Artophone Company of St. Louis.

On the 8th of December, 1898, in his native city Mr. Schiele was married to Miss Minnie Kramer. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Kramer, and they have become the parents of three children, Herbert, Francis and Edwin.

Politically Mr. Schiele is a republican and fraternally he is connected with Cosmos Lodge, No. 282, A. F. & A. M., and has attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite. In club circles be is well known, belonging to the Westwood Country, City, Triple A and Columbian Clubs, being widely and favorably known in the membership of these organizations. He is also a member of the Jewish church. His entire life has been passed in St. Louis, so that he is well acquainted with the history of the city for almost six decades, and he has ever rejoiced in the progress and advancement that has been made in this line.



St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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