Biography of Daniel C. Kennedy

Last Updated on March 2, 2013 by

Mr. Kennedy was born in Queens county, Ireland, February 14, 1841, and is the third child of Michael and Elizabeth (Condron) Kennedy. His parents emigrated to America in 1843, and in 1848 his father went back to Ireland to assist his countrymen in their struggle for independence. The agitation being suppressed by the government, he returned to America and settled permanently with his family in St. Louis, where be died in 1863, in the sixtieth year of his age. Daniel C. received a common school education in the city of St. Louis, and at the age of fourteen entered the printing office of Keith & Woods, and imbibed a taste for work of that nature, which ultimately led to his being one of the loading journalists of the Southwest. He worked in different offices and read law in his leisure moments. At the beginning of the late war he espoused the cause of the South, and joined the St. Louis militia, and was captured by Captain Lyon at Camp Jackson. When exchanged young Kennedy went to Memphis, Tennessee, where he joined an artillery company, which was ordered to reinforce Gen. Price at Springfield, Missouri. His company was with Price when he retreated to the Boston Mountains, Arkansas. After the battle of Pea Ridge it was ordered to reinforce Johnston at Shiloh. At the fall of Vicksburg, upon the 4th of July, 1863, he was taken prisoner. Again being exchanged he re-entered active service and was again captured at Hernando, Mississippi, paroled and sent to St. Louis. In 1865 he came to Springfield and entered the Missouri Patriot office, but in a few months took charge of the Southwest Union Press. That office being destroyed by fire in 1867, he, in partnership with Captain O. S. Fahnestock, established the Springfield Leader. He is now editor of Leader, one of the leading Democratic papers in the State. Mr. Kennedy was married November 20, 1866, to Miss Lula, daughter of Hon. Marcus Boyd.



Holcombe, Return I. History of Greene County Missouri. Western Historical Company, St. Louis. 1883.

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