Biography of Charles L. Klenk, M. D.

Last Updated on August 7, 2012 by

Dr. Charles L. Klenk, a St. Louis pathologist who was born in this city December 3, 1882, is a son of Charles and Frances (Weinheimer) Klenk. The father was a native of Hermann, Gasconade county, Missouri, and represents one of the old families of this state of German origin, found in America by the grandfather of Dr. Klenk. The father is now a retired manufacturer, living at 2910 Allen avenue. The mother, a native of St. Louis, was also of German lineage.

Their only child, Charles L. Klenk, was a pupil in the public and Central high schools of St. Louis to the time of his graduation in 1901 and later matriculated in Washington University for the study of medicine, winning his professional degree on the completion of the regular four years’ course in 1905. Following his graduation he was assistant in pathology at the University for ten years, a fact indicative of his high standing and efficiency during his student days. He then entered upon private practice in which he has since been continuously engaged, giving his attention at all times to his specialty of pathology. He has a large private practice and is also pathologist to the Lutheran, Deaconess and Christian Hospitals of St. Louis and is likewise a regular contributor to the leading medical journals, his articles being always read with intense interest because of his recognized authority upon many subjects of which he treats.

On the 20th of February, 1907, in St. Louis, Dr. Klenk was married to Miss Myme B. Schaeffer, a native of St. Louis and a daughter of George and Mary (Buettner) Schaeffer, both members of old families of the city. Dr. and Mrs. Klenk have become parents of two children: Carl W. and Marie Helen, the former born in St. Louis, November 26, 1907, and the latter on the 1st of January, 1911.

Dr. Klenk gives his political endorsement to the republican party. In religious faith he is a Protestant and fraternally is connected with Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M.; Bellefontaine Chapter, R. A. M.; Ivanhoe Commandery, K. T.; and also with the Grotto and Mystic Shrine. He volunteered for medical service in the World war, but was not called. He deserves much credit for what he has accomplished. While attending Washington University he was student assistant in pathology during the last two years of his college course and thus worked his way through school. Moreover, in a profession where advancement depends entirely upon individual merit and ability he has made steady progress and his knowledge and power in professional work are manifest in the important hospital service he is now performing. He belongs to the St. Louis, Missouri State and American Medical Associations, the Southern Medical Society and the Society of American Bacteriologists and has intense interest in anything that tends to elucidate knotty problems of medical practice.



St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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