Biography of Andrew L. Buzzard

Last Updated on May 8, 2013 by Dennis

Andrew L. Buzzard was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, December 10, 1836. His parents were also natives of that State. His mother’s maiden name was Elizabeth Kincaid and her ancestry were of Irish extraction. In 1852, at the age of fourteen, our subject immigrated, with his parents, to Daviess county, Missouri, and in 1857 began business on his own account as a farmer and stock-dealer which business he still conducts on an extended scale, in addition to his banking operations. Mr. Buzzard entered the Farmer’s Bank January 1, 1877, as cashier in which capacity he continued until 1880 when he was elected to the office of president and his son .Samuel W., succeeded him as cashier. This bank has a capital stock of $50,-000 and does a general banking and collecting business with all the principal points in the country.

Mr. Buzzard was married in Harrison county, Missouri, December 19, 1858, to Miss Julia A., daughter of David and Mary A. Travis, natives of ‘Tennessee. Mrs. Buzzard was born near Bloomington, Illinois. Their family consists of four children: Samuel W., Halleek, Effie Lee and Edwin.

Politically, Mr. Buzzard is a Democrat and was elected by his party to represent the county in the Thirty-first General Assembly, which trust he discharged with great credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his constituency. He is an ardent supporter of all educational institutions and was instrumental in securing the fine school building which is the pride of the town.

Mr. Buzzard owns several large well stocked and equipped farms in addition to his city property and is one of the most substantial business men and financiers in the county. His operations in live-stock are among the largest and most profitable features of his business. He is a member of Royal Arch Chapter, A. F. & A. M. Few men stand higher in the estimation of their fellow-citizens than Andrew L. Buzzard.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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