Biography of Andrew L. Buzzard

Andrew L. Buzzard was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, December 10, 1836. His parents were also natives of that State. His mother’s maiden name was Elizabeth Kincaid and her ancestry were of Irish extraction. In 1852, at the age of fourteen, our subject immigrated, with his parents, to Daviess county, Missouri, and in 1857 began business on his own account as a farmer and stock-dealer which business he still conducts on an extended scale, in addition to his banking operations. Mr. Buzzard entered the Farmer’s Bank January 1, 1877, as cashier in which capacity he continued until 1880 when … Read more

Biography of William Kirkpatrick

Wherever his lot may be cast in the north, the intelligent, progressive southerner finds a welcome and makes many friends. If he fought on “the other side” in our great civil war, he is everywhere regarded more highly than the southern union man or the southern non-combatant. He is made to feel at home by Grand Army men and is quickly on fraternal terms with those whom once he faced on the field of battle. William Kirkpatrick is one of the prominent pioneer farmers of Blackfoot, Idaho, where he located in 1873, on one hundred and sixty acres, west of … Read more

Biography of James William Bell

James William Bell, a resident of Topeka for more than thirty years, has built up a business and reputation as a buyer and dealer in horses which is by no means confined to the State of Kansas. His operations extend practically over the entire country. He has been a prominent exporter to foreign markets. James William Bell was born in Greenbrier County in what is now West Virginia but was then Virginia, December 18, 1854. The Bell family goes back to Scotch-Irish antecedents and the first of the name came to Virginia in colonial times. David Henderson Bell, father of … Read more

Biography of David F. Hanna, M. D.

The subject of this sketch was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, August 18, 1851. His father, John W. Hanna, is also a native of Virginia. His mother, whose maiden name was Rebecca Deitz, died at the birth of our subject, and he was reared by his grandmother, a most estimable and cultured lady who carefully trained the mind of her young, charge in those channels calculated to make him a pure minded, honest and honorable man and a respected and useful citizen. He was educated at Louisburg Academy and grew to manhood in his native county. After leaving school … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Miller

John M. Miller was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, May 31, 1834. His parents, Robert and Rachel Miller, both natives of Virginia, when he was six years old moved to this county, where he was reared and educated in the common schools. In 1859 he crossed the plains to California, came back the same year and crossed again in 1860 and returned in time to serve one year in the Enrolled State Militia during the war. He is a farmer by profession. Mr. Miller was united in marriage, in October, 1863, to Miss Elizabeth C. Foster, who was born … Read more