Biography of Hon. Patrick C. Berry

HON. PATRICK C. BERRY. The position occupied by Patrick C. Berry as one of the prominent and influential citizens of Stone County, Missouri, has been gained by personal worth and unquestioned integrity. He is well and favorably known all over the county, few men more so, and is now enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life. In the grand old mother of States, Virginia, he was born, August 22, 1830, the seventh son and next to the youngest of the eight children of Samuel and Sarah (Hickey) Berry, both natives of Washington County, Virginia. Our subject’s grandfather, William Berry, was … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Groom

CHARLES H. GROOM. Charles H. Groom, one of the most progressive and successful young attorneys of Taney County, Missouri, was born in Holt County, Missouri, January 16, 1861, to the union of Sylvanus L. and Semira E. (Boswell) Groom, natives, respectively, of the Empire State and Indiana, the former born May 19, 1818. Isaac Groom, grandfather of the subject, was a native of the green isle of Erin and was probably the first of the family to come to America. He passed the remainder of his days in the State of New York. Sylvanus L. Groom and his brother, Edward, … Read more

Biography of Barnett P. Parrish

BARNETT P. PARRISH. Although almost eighty years have passed over the head of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch, he is well preserved, physically and mentally, and is a typical representative of the native Ohioan, honest and upright in word and deed, energetic and pushing, and of a decidedly practical turn of mind. He was born in the Buckeye State September 13, 1818, and is a son of Ira O. W. W. and Ruth (Cheneworth) Parrish. It is thought that the father was a Virginian by birth, but at an early date he was married in Ohio … Read more

Biography of R. W. Cline

R. W. CLINE. Few citizens of Missouri are more highly favored in respect to mercantile establishment-sin size, purity and general excellence of stock, etc., than Forsyth. Among the leading establishments of this kind is that conducted by R. W. Cline, which for the extent of its trade, the variety of its stock and the superiority of its goods is entitled to more than ordinary prominence and recognition. For a period of about sixteen years Mr. Cline has resided in Forsyth, and during that time he has won the esteem and respect of all. He was born in this State, Dallas … Read more

Biography of S. W. Boswell

S. W. BOSWELL, vice-president of Taney County Bank, and general business man of Forsyth, Missouri, was born in that city, October 15, 1860. He is a son of Levi and Louisa (Wilks) Boswell, both natives of Missouri, the father being born in Taney County. Levi Boswell, Sr., grandfather of our subject, was born in Tennessee, and came to this State at an early day, taking up land on Swan Creek, about sixteen miles from Forsyth. There he resided until 1861, when, on account of his political views he was obliged to remove to Greene County, Missouri, where he remained during … Read more

Biography of John L. Cook

JOHN L. COOK. In scanning the lives and careers of the citizens of Swan Township, it is pleasant to note the exercise of enterprise in every walk of life, and the achievement of success in every department of business. Thus one is enabled to discern in the career of Mr. Cook, who has for man years been a successful farmer and stockraiser of Taney County. He was born one mile from where he now lives in 1841 and is a son of James and Catherine (Steward) Cook, natives of Simpson County, Kentucky, the former born about 1805 and the latter … Read more

Biography of Jesse A. Tolerton

JESSE A. TOLERTON. There are few enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable. A prominent one in Forsyth is that conducted by Mr. Jesse A. Tolerton who enjoys a widespread reputation, and the city may congratulate herself upon the presence of such an honorable man of business. Although young in years he possesses an unlimited amount of energy and sound judgment, and has already obtained a good start in the world. His is the only livery stable in Taney County, and he is doing a good business. … Read more

Biography of Washington M. Wade

WASHINGTON M. WADE. Washington M. Wade, ex-clerk and recorder of Christian County, and a prominent banker of the county, was born in Carroll County, Arkansas, January 21, 1858, and was the youngest of ten children born to the union of Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade. The father was born in Warren County, Kentucky, near Bowling Green, March 4, 1814, and the mother was born in Lawrence County, Ala., in 1816. The latter was the daughter of Mr. and Rachel Sivley, and was the only one of the family to come to Missouri. Our subject’s paternal grandparents were Joseph Wade and … Read more

Hurse, Orel Frances – Obituary

Funeral services for Orel Frances Hurse, 72, 2469 14th, are scheduled for 1 p.m. tomorrow at Langrell Mortuary Chapel. Pastor Marvin Carr of The Fist Christian Church will officiate. Interment will be at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mr. Hurse died last Sunday at his home. He was born in Forsyth, Missouri, on November ?, 1900. After moving to Oregon when he was 19, Hurse worked as a logger and prospector for several years in the area around Applegate. He then moved to Eastern Oregon where he worked on ranches, walked ditch for a ditch company, and did some gold mining on … Read more

Biography of J. A. Weatherman

J. A. WEATHERMAN. Among the prominent men of the county who have held the office of sheriff, none have filled it in a more efficient and satisfactory manner than has the subject of this sketch. He is an honored and respected citizen and, although young in years, is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive principles which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average Missourian. He is a product of Taney County, born December 7, 1859, and the eldest child born to the marriage of John and Matilda J. (Krithley) Weatherman. The grandfather, James Weatherman, was a … Read more

Biography of Maj. Sampson Barker

MAJ. SAMPSON BARKER. Since 1869, when our subject became connected with the affairs of Taney County, he has enjoyed the reputation of being not only an able financier and talented and well-informed man of the county, but one noted for upright and honorable dealing, and seems to have been admirably fitted by nature for the calling of an agriculturist. He comes of a good old Virginia family, and was born in Scott County of that State November 30, 1832. He is a son of John S. and Sallie (Boyes) Barker, both natives of the Old Diminion, the father born in … Read more

Biography of J. M. Haworth

J. M. HAWORTH. The locality in which Forsyth is situated is indeed fortunate in having among its citizens such a man as Mr. Haworth is conceded to be, for his connection with the interests of the county, both as a minister of the Gospel, business man and agriculturist, has proven of much benefit and influence. He inherits much of his energy and push from his Irish ancestors, his grandfather having been a native of the Emerald Isle, and having emigrated to the United States at a period antedating the Revolutionary War, in which he served with distinction. He took up … Read more