Biography of George W. Couch

GEORGE W. COUCH, one of the county’s most worthy citizens, is descended from substantial Virginia stock, for in that State his father and grandfather were born. The family afterward moved to North Carolina, thence to South Carolina, from there to Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri, in which State the grandfather, Lindley Couch, passed the closing scenes of his life, after a long and useful career. Simpson Couch, father of subject, was born in Virginia and was there married to Miss Rebecca Roberts, who is still living although seventy years of age. Mr. Couch died in 1868. After his marriage he went to Illinois and later to Missouri where he located a number of years before the birth of our subject. He entered land, the same our subject now owns, and as it was all in the woods, on the head of Frederick River, he went immediately to work to clear and make a home. He followed farming for the most part, but in an early day he erected a store and embarked in merchandising, meeting with good success. He held the position of judge two or three terms and was a prominent man in the county. In politics he was a Democrat, and in religion a Baptist. His marriage resulted in the birth of ten children, of whom Judge Couch of this county is the eldest and our subject fourth in order of birth.

The latter was born in Oregon County, Missouri, March 6, 1847, and here gained a fair education. In 1864 he joined Freeman’s command and served until the surrender, May 5, 1865. He was in all the battles of Price’s raid besides numerous other battles and skirmishes. He was never wounded, nor was he taken prisoner but once and then was released after thirty days. After the war he commenced farming and has followed this ever since. He owns 200 acres of land, mostly all under cultivation, and has one of the finest tracts of land in the section. He has made all his property by his own exertions, for he started with nothing except a very little assistance from his father. About five years ago he started in business, general merchandising, and as a business man has made a complete success. In 1880 he was elected sheriff, held the position two years, and that was the only office he ever held. Men of far less ability and much less integrity have been selected to fill some of the most important offices within the gift of the people.

In the year 1865 he was married to Miss Mary E. Davis, who died in 1887. She was the mother of six children, one son and five daughters, four daughters living. In 1888 he married Miss Sarah C. Davis, of this county, who died about a year thereafter. His present wife was Mrs. F. E. Frey, who has borne him two children. Mr. Couch is a deacon in the New Salem Missionary Baptist Church. In politics he is a Democrat and was postmaster in Couch four years.


Biography, Civil War,

Oregon County MO,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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