Biography of Evan D. Roberts

EVAN D. ROBERTS, a prominent citizen of Jobe Township, Oregon County, Missouri, was born in Hamilton County, east Tennessee, June 19, 1847, and was third in order of birth of an old-fashioned family of twelve children born to Joseps M. and Mary (Davis) Roberts, natives, respectively, of east Tennessee and North Carolina.

The parents made their home in east Tennessee until 1870, and then came to Missouri and located in Texas County, near Houston, where they reside at the present time. For the most part he has been engaged in the blacksmith’s trade, and many years ago he was postmaster at Zion Hill in east Tennessee. Both parents are members of the Missionary Baptist Church.

On his father’s farm in east Tennessee our subject grew to mature years and learned the blacksmith’s trade. He also received his scholastic training there and after growing up started out for himself as a farmer. He came to Missouri with his parents in 1870, and made his home in Texas County for about nine years near Houston. From there he came to Oregon County and located on Frederick Creek, three miles above the mouth, where he bought a farm, part of which he still owns. Where he now lives he owns 145 acres, some of which is under cultivation, and he built the mill near the Blue Springs. This is the best water-power mill in the county. He established the office at Bill More and was appointed postmaster. In the year 1880 Mr. Roberts was married to Miss Martha Jane Thomason, a native of Alabama, and the daughter of W. J. Thomason. Two children were the fruits of this union: Mary Nancy and Margie. Mr. Roberts has made his way in life, and is a credit to himself and to the community. In politics he is a Democrat. Mrs. Roberts is a member of the Methodist Church.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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