Chickamauga Tribe

1776 Cherokees Map

Chickamauga Indians (Tsǐkăma’gi, a word apparently of foreign origin and probably Shawnee, Creek, or Chickasaw). The name given to a band of Cherokee who espoused the English cause in the war of the Revolution and moved far down on Tennessee River, establishing new settlements on Chickamauga Creek, in the neighborhood of the present Chattanooga.

Biography of Robert A. Wilkerson

Since 1915 Robert A. Wilkerson has resided in Pryor and he is recognized as one of the prominent and representative members of the Oklahoma bar. He was born near Carthage, Smith county, Tennessee, on the 30th of January, 1884, a son of James A. and Elizabeth (Hale) Wilkerson, both natives of Tennessee and still living. The father is actively engaged in farming and has won substantial success in that connection. Five sons and four daughters have been born to their union, of whom Robert A. is the youngest. On reaching school age Robert A. Wilkerson attended the public schools of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Lee Caulkins

Caulkins, David Lee; insurance; born, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1869; son of John Guernsey and Nancy Lee Caulkins; educated at the University of Chattanooga; married, Ludlow, Ky., May 29, 1893, Dora Leota Hoover; one son, Robert Sharp Caulkins, born Oct. 23, 1897; district chief railway mail service, Louisville & Cincinnati, for seven years; prior to coming to Cleveland, in 1905, general agt. for Northeastern Ohio for The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; since 1905, trustee City Rescue Mission; elder Calvary Presbyterian Church; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of William Roberts

WILLIAM ROBERTS. William Roberts is one of the wealthy pioneer citizens of Christian County, and has resided on his present property for the past twenty-five years. He is a native of East Tennessee, born in Hamilton County, February 15, 1823, and his parents, Jacob and Elizabeth (Groves) Roberts, were natives of Tennessee also. The grandfather, William Roberts, was a native of the Old North State and a soldier in the Revolution. He was one of the early pioneers of Tennessee, but at an early date came to Missouri and settled in this part of the State, dying in Texas County … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Gardner

Theodore Gardner, now a resident of Lawrence, is one of the interesting survivors of the border and civil warfare period of Kansas. He is a son of that Kansas pioneer and patriot, Joseph Gardner, whose picture now hangs on the walls of the Memorial Building at Topeka. Theodore Gardner had furnished a graphic sketch of his father, published on other pages. Theodore Gardner was born November 13, 1844, came to Kansas in 1857, and at the age of twelve had finished his education in a backwoods school. From the time he came to Kansas he had constant training in the … Read more

Biography of Webster Colburn

Webster Colburn is the vice president and general manager of the Dorris Motor Car Company of St. Louis and is one of the progressive and representative manufacturers of the city who holds to high standards which if universally followed would prevent all strikes and labor unrest. His course has ever been one of justice and fairness with his employes and his success has been the merited outcome of his industry and ability. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 9, 1876, Mr. Colburn is a son of Webster J. and Ada Elizabeth (Brabson) Colburn. The father was born in Fredonia, New York, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter G. Stern

Stern, Walter G.; physician (orthopedic surgeon); born, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1874; son of Bernard and Theresa Ehrmans Stern; educated, Adelbert College, B. A., W. R. U., Medical College, M. D., University of Vienna; post graduate course, Royal General Hospital, Vienna; married, Milwaukee, Wis., May 27, 1903, Lora B. Baer; issue, two children, Bernard and Marjorie; orthopedic surgeon, Children’s Fresh Air Camp, 1902-1908; Mount Siana Hospital, 1902; Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum, 1903; lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery at the Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ohio Wesleyan University, 1903-1911; chairman of the Clinical Pathological section of the Cleveland Academy of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George B. Durell

Durell, George B.; manufacturer; born, New Jersey, Sept. 27, 1861; son of Edward H. and Hannah A. Woodward Durell; educated, Princeton University, A. B., 1885; married, Harriman, Tenn., June, 1893, Generiere Hill; issue, George Edward, GIadys, Kathryn; sec’y Chattanooga Tool Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; gen. mgr. Chattanooga Tool Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; gen. mgr. Harriman Hoe & Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn.; pres. Harriman Hoe & Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn.; pres. Manufacturer’s National Bank, Harriman, Tenn.; vice pres. and treas. American Fork & Hoe Co.; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; pres. Eagle Coal Co.; vice pres. United States Handle Co.; member Union, … Read more

Biography of Arthur Eugene Ewing, M. D.

Dr. Arthur Eugene Ewing was born near Cartersville, Georgia, April 26, 1855, his parents being Whitley Thomas and Hannah Jane (Pettingill) Ewing. The father was also a practicing physician and in his college work had received the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Medicine. He provided his son with liberal educational advantages, the latter attending private schools in Gadsden, Alabama, from 1862 until 1874, when he entered Dartmouth College, where he studied for four years and received the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1878. He then took up the profession of teaching and was principal of the public … Read more

Biography of Martin Singleton

MARTIN SINGLETON. A well-kept hostelry is a blessing to any community, and this has been found to be the case in the Singleton Hotel of Ava, which is a popular and well-patronized establishment, and is managed in an able manner by Mr. Singleton. He was born in Hamilton County, East Tennessee, April 27, 1847, a son of John and Susanna (Scott) Singleton, who were born in Georgia and Tennessee, respectively, the former being a son of Leonard Singleton, who was one of the early settlers of Tennessee. Upon the removal to Missouri of John Singleton and his wife they settled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Edward Tower

Tower, George Edward; manager; born, Ashtabula, O., July, 18, 1877; son of Herbert Bascom and Alice Jane Hart Tower; educated, public schools, Ashtabula, O., and Chattanooga, Tenn.; graduated from High School in latter city; received degree B. S., Chattanooga Normal University, and LL. B., Chattanooga Law School; business career, shop, drafting, engineering and sales experience in engineering and manufacturing companies, until he established the Tower Machinery Co., in 1908, which carries on a brokerage business in heavy contractors’ equipment; proprietor and mgr. The Tower Machinery Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, The Cleveland Engineering Society; member Epworth Memorial Methodist Church, Masonic … Read more

Biography of Addison Fox McCaleb

Addison Fox McCaleb, one of the most prominent and prosperous citizens of northeastern Oklahoma, where he first took up his abode forty-three years ago, was elected mayor of Bartlesville in April, 1920, and has since capably discharged the duties devolving upon him in that important position. He was born at Harrison, Tennessee, on the 10th of January, 1861, a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Gardenhire) McCaleb, the former a native of east Tennessee and the latter of Hamilton county, that state. The father held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Civil war and was wounded in battle, but his … Read more

Biography of Frank Mason

Frank Mason, President of the Title Abstract Company of Nowata, in which connection he has established for the company a well merited reputation for accuracy, progressiveness and re-liability, was born in Monroe County, Ohio, January 18, 1861, and is a son of Dr. George W. and Janet (Park) Mason, both of whom were natives of Ohio, the former of Irish descent, while the latter was of Scotch lineage. Their respective families settled in Ohio as pioneers of Monroe County and became identified with the early development and progress of that state. The early home of the Mason family was a … Read more

Biography of Guy Patten

Guy Patten, Mayor of Vinita, is also well known in other connections, being an extensive oil operator and one of the leading agriculturists and stock raisers of northeastern Oklahoma, and in every line of activity to which he has directed his attention he has gained a position of leadership through his ability and tireless energy, which never falls short of the attainment of its purpose. He was born at Keokuk, Iowa, on the 11th of January, 1883, and is a son of F. P. and Emma (Richmond) Patten, both natives of Illinois. The father has devoted his entire life to … Read more

Hamilton County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Hamilton County, Tennessee USGenWeb Archives) Anderson Cemetery Anderson Cemetery No. 1 The Anderson Cemetery is located forty one miles north of Chattanooga. Follow Highway 58 to Birchwood Junction leaving the highway to left on Anderson Road, 2 miles west to the Anderson farm. There are 60 very old unmarked graves. Anderson Cemtery No. 2 The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henderson

William Henderson, blacksmith, Oakland; born in Gurnsey Co., Ohio, Sept 25, 1831, where he learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until the fall of 1858, When he emigrated West and located in Lawrence Co., Ill., where he followed his trade until 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the 60th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he served with his regiment one year, when he was detailed as blacksmith in the Quartermaster’s Department at Chattanooga, Tenn., where he remained until the fall of 1865, when he returned and worked at his trade at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. J.W. Botts

Hon. J. W. Botts, Attorney at law, is the son of Aron and Sarah (English) Botts, and born on Smith Fork, Dekalb County, in 1830, one of eight children, five of whom are living. The father, of English ancestry, was born in North Carolina, and died in 1860 about sixty years of age. Left an orphan when a child, he was reared and married in his native State, and soon after removed to Kingston, Tenn., and afterward to Dekalb County, as it is known know. He settled at the mouth of Helton Creek where he resumed his business of hatter, … Read more

Biography of Chester Lee Hill, M.D.

The medical fraternity of Haskell finds a prominent representative in Dr. Chester Lee Hill, who is an exponent of all that is highest, best and most advanced in the, practice of medicine and surgery, and of all that is most worthy and honorable in his relations toward his fellowmen. He was born in Canton, Cherokee county, Georgia, May 1, 1876, and is a son of Andrew H. and Maria (Phillips) Hill, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of South Carolina. The father was one of the early planters of Georgia, becoming the owner of fourteen hundred acres … Read more

Biography of Evan D. Roberts

EVAN D. ROBERTS, a prominent citizen of Jobe Township, Oregon County, Missouri, was born in Hamilton County, east Tennessee, June 19, 1847, and was third in order of birth of an old-fashioned family of twelve children born to Joseps M. and Mary (Davis) Roberts, natives, respectively, of east Tennessee and North Carolina. The parents made their home in east Tennessee until 1870, and then came to Missouri and located in Texas County, near Houston, where they reside at the present time. For the most part he has been engaged in the blacksmith’s trade, and many years ago he was postmaster … Read more