Major Shoot’s Battalion of Mississippi Militia

Major Shoot’s Battalion Of Mississippi Militia

Captain William Bate’s Company
Captain Samuel Dale’s Company
Captain John Jones’ Company
Captain Josiah D. Lister’s Company

Alexander, Jordan, private
Allen, David, private
Allen, Drewry, private
Angle, John, private
Arnold, Jesse, private
Austin, Evan, first lieutenant
Austin, Jeremiah, private
Baimbridge, Thomas, private
Bankson, John, private
Bates, William, captain
Benge, Harris, private
Billow, Hopson, private
Bilbo, James, private
Booth, John, private
Bosworth, Richard, sergeant
Braden, James, private
Brashears, Jesse, private
Brown, James, private
Brown, John, sergeant
Brunston, Josiah, private
Busby, John, private
Chapman, Joseph, private
Christian, Gary, sergeant
Christmas, Noel, private
Churchwell, James, private
Coody, John, private
Copeland, Isom, private
Grain, Martin, private
Crawford, John, private
Crear, Jerrard W., second lieutenant
Currie, John, private
Dale, James, private
Dale, Samuel, captain
Davis, Simeon, private
Denson, James, second lieutenant
Drinkard, Allenton, private
Drinkard, Francis, private
Dubose, Amos, corporal
Due, Perry, private
Easley, Edward, private
Easley, Samuel, private
Emmonds, John, ensign
Evans, Henry, ensign
Evans, Josiah, first lieutenant
Fenley, John, private
Figures, Thomas, private
Gates, Joshua, private
George, Reuben, private
Gordon, Alexander, private
Glass, David, private
Glass, John, private
Gray, William B., private
Green, Daniel, private
Green, James, private
Green, James, Sr., private
Green, William, private
Grizzle, Willis, private
Harris, Silas, private
Heard, Bailey, first lieutenant
Helveston, Peter, corporal
Henderson, Robert, private
Henson, John, private
Herbert, William, sergeant
Herrington, Isaac, private
Hicklin, Robert, corporal
Hogan, Lemuel, private
Hoskins, Henry, private
Housley, Charles, private
Hughes, Isom, sergeant
Huston, Archibald, private
Jiles, William, private
Johnson, James, ensign
Jones, Efford L., private
Jones, Elbert, private
Jones, John, captain
Jones, Wiley, private
Jones, William, private
Landrum, Barnes, private
Lary, Daniel, private
Lister, Josiah D., captain
Matta, Soa, private
May, Patrick, lieutenant and adjutant
McConnell, Thomas, sergeant
McFareen, William, private
McGee, James, private
McLaughlin, Edward, private
McLeod, Alexander, ensign
McNeil, Lochlin H., private
Moffitt, Eli, private
Moody, Joel, private
Monroe, Neal, private
Montcreaf, Benjamin, private
Morgan, George, private
Morton, Hughes, private
Mosely, William, private
Murrell, Zachariah, private
Nail, Joel, private
Norris, Notley, private
Ogletharp, John, private
Patton, Thomas, corporal
Pearson, John, private
Pearson, Reuben, private
Penticost, G. S., private
Phillips, Daniel, sergeant
Pierce, John, private
Pollard, Joseph, corporal
Randon, Peter, private
Ray, Henry, private
Reaves, Eli, private
Reed, John, private
Roberts, Isaac, private
Roberts, John, private
Rogers, Absolom, private
Ross, Nathaniel, corporal
Sapp, Jason, private
Serrett, Ralph, ensign
Short, John, sergeant
Slay, John, private
Smith, Edmund, private
Smith, Neale, surgeon mate
Smoot, B. S., major
Stafford, Abraham, private
Terrell, Brian, private
Thede, Soloman, private
Thomas, John, private
Thompson, John, private
Thornton, William, private
Tisdale, William, private
Tool, David, corporal
Toulmin, Theophilus, first lieutenant
Vaughan, William, private
Vaun, John, private
Walker, Felix, private
Wall, Absalom, second lieutenant
Wall, Thomas, sergeant
Walley, Goldsbury, private
Welch, Henry, private
Welsh, James, private
White, Drury, private
Williams, George, corporal
Wooten, Jeremiah, private
Young, John, private

Roster, War of 1812,

Rowland, Mrs. Dunbar. Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society, Centenery Series, vol. IV. 1921.

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