Roll of Honor – Surname A – Z

Last Updated on April 5, 2013 by

British Empire Army – World War I


Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
Lieut. Aris, T.A. 16/ 4/17 ——
2/Lieut. Bushell, R.H.C. 27/ 7/16 ——
Lieut. Carpenter, C. 17/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. Chubb, T. 17/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. De Beck, G.C. 18/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. Green, L.A. 13/11/16 ——
Capt. Hayward, C.B. 27/ 7/16 ——
Capt. Hilder, M.L. 3/ 5/17 ——
Capt. Johnson, R.D. 6/ 7/16 ——
2/Lieut. Kentfield, E.N. 17/ 2/17 ——
Capt. Lissaman, A.J. 13/ 4/17 ——
2/Lieut. Morris, R.M. 17/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. Oliver, E.A. 27/ 7/16 ——
Capt. Ranken, D.C. 27/ 7/16 ——
Capt. Rattray, D.L. 17/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. Symonds, A. 17/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. Taylor, E.F.H. 27/ 7/17 ——
Capt. Wiggen, R.H. 17/ 2/17 ——
2/Lieut. Balbirnie, J.V.E. 7/ 9/18 ——
2/Lieut. Burgess, R.C. 3/ 5/17 Missing 3/5/17. Death accepted as having occurred on or since 3/5/17, on lapse of time.
2/Lieut. Cornes, H.P.G. 27/ 9/17 ——
A/Capt. Coull, J.F. 30/ 9/18 ——
2/Lieut. Davies, D.F. 15/ 4/18 ——
2/Lieut. Dixon, R.E.L. 8/ 5/18 ——
2/Lieut. Freeston, C.A.E. 25/ 3/18 Reported wd. and missing 25/3/18. Death accepted as having occurred on or since.
Capt. Fugeman, W.A. 1/12/17 ——
2/Lieut Jackson, A.R. 25/ 4/18 ——
2/Lieut. Jackson, W. 30/ 9/18 ——
2/Lieut. Pratt, W.G.J. 28/ 9/17 ——
2/Lieut. Sanders, F.J. 6/ 8/18 Died of wds. at 3 Can. St. Hosp.
2/Lieut. Smith, A.W. 7/ 9/18 ——
2/Lieut. Wells, F.B. 10/10/18 Died of wds. at 46 C.C.S.

NCO’s and Men

Surname A

75577 Pte. Addison, F. 7/9/18 ——
115 Cpl. Albany, W. 2/8/16 Died of wds. 5 C.C.S.
2409 Pte. Alcock, C.J. 27/7/16 ——
1732 Pte. Aldred, H.D. 10/3/17 ——
7111 Pte. Allison, G. 1/8/16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S.
9877 Pte. Alport, S. 19/1/17 Wd. 16/9/16. Trans. to U.K. 18/9/16. Reported by W.O. as died of wounds 19/1/17 Horton C./Ldn. War Hosp., Epsom.
63117 Pte. Amos, H.G. 20/2/17 Died of wds. 49 C.C.S.
93338 Pte. Andell, N. 30/9/18 ——
1692 Pte. Anderson, W. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
10689 L/Cpl. Anthony, G.C. 16/9/16 ——
63057 Pte. Andrews, G.J. 17/2/17 Reported missing 17/2/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 17/2/17.
61962 Pte. Arlidge, A.V. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes a having died on or since 3/5/17.
4197 L/Cpl. Arnold, E.L. 13/11/16 ——
1489 L/Cpl. Arnot, G.S. 1/6/18 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S.
275314 Pte. Arthur, W.R. 25/3/18 Shown on German list of dead P. of W. No further details.
60920 L/Cpl. Ashman, L. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 30/17.
93342 Pte. Astley, J.W. 8/10/18 ——
93337 Pte. Aston, J.T. 4/9/18 ——
9823 L/Cpl. Aujurai, R. 3/12/17 ——
4429 Pte. Ayers, E.R. 27/7/16 ——

Surname B

48691 Pte. Bailey, H. 11/6/17 ——
27418 Pte. Baker, A. 7/9/18 ——
1995 Pte. Baker, C.A. 17/2/17 ——
1208 Pte. Baker, G.F. 13/11/16 Died of wounds at K.R.R. Aid Post.
50785 Pte. Baker, H. 2/12/17 ——
1585 L/Cpl. Baker, L.F. 14/8/16 Reported wd. 27/7/16. Trans. to U.K. Subsequently reported by W.O. as having died of wds. at Southwark Military Hosp. 14/8/16.
1997 Pte. Baker, W. 17/2/17 ——
10915 Pte. Balmforth, J.N. 14/11/16 ——
3935 Pte. Bardell, R.J. 29/7/16 ——
10679 Pte. Bardsley, W.M. 13/11/16 ——
747530 L/Cpl. Barker, A.A. 3/5/17 ——
6625 L/Cpl. Barker, E.B. 23/2/17 Died of wds. 3rd Can. General Hospital.
229484 C.Q.M.S. Barnes, A.G. 31/5/18 Died of wds. 91 F.A.
2127 L/Cpl. Barnfather, N.C. 16/2/17 ——
7275 Pte. Baron. H. 27/7/16 ——
61595 Pte. Barrett, C. 3/1/18 ——
80142 Pte. Barrett, J.E. 30/9/18 ——
1585 L/Cpl. Barrett, T. 13/11/16 ——
4774 Pte. Barry, K. 27/7/16 Reported missing 2/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
80097 Pte. Barsby, T.N. 30/9/18 ——
49579 Pte. Battison, C. 8/3/17 ——
4045 L/Cpl. Bavin, W.J. 30/1/17 ——
37366 Pte. Beales, C.E.C. 17/2/17 ——
21235 Pte. Beamiss, T.J. 24/8/18 ——
1375 Pte. Beaven, F.L. 17/2/17 ——
63082 Pte. Beckett, W. 17/2/17 ——
1723 Cpl. Bee, L. 23/2/18 ——
1380 Pte. Bell, R. 8/2/16 ——
13655 Pte. Benn, E. 13/11/16 ——
68491 Pte. Bennett, C.R. 8/1/18 Died from effects of lobar pneumonia.
4744 Pte. Bennett, J.A. 13/11/16 Wd. and reported missing 3/11/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 13/11/16.
1871 Pte. Bennett. F.J. 14/11/16 ——
82 Pte. Benson, C. 11/2/17 Died of wds. 47 C.C.S.
3888 Pte. Bibby, C. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
82241 Pte. Bimpson, R.W. 25/10/18 ——
275310 Pte. Bing, W. 29/11/17 ——
1045 Pte. Black, W.D. 1/6/16 ——
20696 Pte. Blackwell, J.H. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Identity disc found; death accepted.
93349 Pte. Blyth, J. 3/9/18 ——
15015 Pte. Bolt, A.E. 20/7/17 Reported missing 20/7/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 20/7/17.
14570 Pte. Bourne, W. 17/2/17 ——
13946 Pte. Bowler, J.W. 10/3/17 ——
49310 Pte. Boyle, E.A. 17/2/17 ——
79744 Pte. Bradbury, C 8/10/18 ——
60921 Pte. Bradshaw, E. 24/4/17 ——
82232 Pte. Brannagan, J. 26/8/18 Died of wounds.
10451 Pte. Breakley, J.O.J. 6/4/17 Died from effects of P.O.O. (?) enteric.
6458 Pte. Brennen, T. 7/3/18 Died of wounds.
1847 Pte. Brewer, A.H. 25/6/16 ——
13729 Pte. Brewer, G.A. 27/11/17 ——
63083 Pte. Briggs, L.G. 31/5/18 ——
106 Pte. Bristow, S.R. 30/1/17 ——
3779 Pte. Britten, H.A. 13/11/16 ——
9164 L/Cpl. Brockley, G. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
4621 Pte. Broderick, J.A. 13/11/16 ——
7513 Pte. Brodle, C.H. 23/7/17 ——
127996 A/Cpl. Brook, A.R. 17/2/17 ——
3949 Pte. Brown, A. 27/7/16 ——
1739 Pte. Brown, A.E. 17/9/16 ——
1710 Pte. Brown, G. 27/7/16 ——
1513 L/Cpl. Brown, J. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
828 Pte. Bowman, H. 1/8/16 Died of wounds 1 S. African Gen. Hosp.
1800 Pte. Bown, H.E. 24/1/16 ——
1881 Pte. Boyce, F.J. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Report amended to “Killed in Action.”
4325 Pte. Bradburn, W. 9/5/16 ——
2492 Pte. Brandreth, A.K.B. 1/11/16 ——
6428 Pte. Buckland, A. 7/7/17 ——
50781 Pte. Buggy, W. 1/6/17 Died of wounds.
63120 Pte. Bull, W.J. 24/3/17 Died from effects of tumour of kidney (L).
20338 Pte. Burgess, C.S.V. 28/4/17 ——
2474 Pte. Burnie, J.G. 27/7/16 ——
4421 Pte. Burnip, W. 27/7/16 ——
4607 Pte. Burns, R. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1998 Pte. Burrington, P.C. 13/11/16 ——
702 Pte. Burt, T.M. 20/3/16 ——
8739 Pte. Burton, G.G.E. 28/11/17 ——
4527 Pte. Burton, H.B. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
4519 L/Cpl. Bush, H. 11/5/17 Died of wounds.
8717 Pte. Bush, H.C. 24/10/18 Died of wounds.
61749 Pte. Buswell, J.W. 20/2/17 Died of wounds.
68510 Pte. Butler, S.M. 2/12/17 ——
E/2295 Pte. Butterworth, L.G. 25/3/18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead.
11370 Pte. Bye, C.E. 13/11/16 ——

Surname C

1942 Pte. Cable, M. 14/11/16 ——
75586 Pte. Campbell, W. 6/5/18 Died of wounds.
3868 Pte. Carey, R.D.A. 1/3/16 ——
4123 Pte. Catlin, H. 27/7/16 ——
1483 Pte. Carnochan, J. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
11215 Pte. Carruthers, A.J. 8/10/18 Died of wounds.
1946 Pte. Carter, E.A. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
4272 Pte. Carter, H. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
631 L/Cpl. Chambers, H.M. 10/3/17 ——
51804 Pte. Chilton, S.J. 17/4/17 ——
796 L/Cpl. Christophers, G.C. 27/7/16 ——
1354 Pte. Clarke, E.A. 26/3/16 Died of wds. 1 Stat. Hosp., Rouen, 23/3/16.
96 Pte. Clarke, F.W. 12/3/16 Died from wounds 5 Gen. Hosp., Rouen.
7028 Pte. Clark, J.G. 3/5/18 Regarded as died of wds. in War Hosp., Germany (P. of W.).
75696 L/Cpl. Clayton, R. 7/9/18 ——
93356 Pte. Clennel, J. 24/10/18 Died of wounds.
1068 L/Cpl. Clunas, C. 8/2/16 ——
63124 Pte. Cochrane, T. 17/2/17 ——
51268 Pte. Coey, V.J. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
4746 Pte. Coffey, R. 13/9/16 Died from wounds 100 F.A.
62051 Pte. Coles, G.H. 3/12/17 ——
229329 Pte. Coley, G. 23/3/18 Reported missing 23/3/18. Shown on German list of dead Assumed as having died on or since 23/3/18.
71552 Pte. Collett, T.A. 1/4/18 ——
3847 Pte. Colley, T.N. 18/11/18 Died from influenza.
61640 Pte. Collins, A.W. 17/2/17 ——
1219 L/Cpl. Conquer, H.G.K. 21/3/16 ——
12272 Pte. Cook, A.E. 14/11/16 Died from wounds 14/11/16, 20 C.C.S.
71553 Pte. Cook, G.E. 1/4/18 ——
1413 Sgt. Cooke, E.G. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Regarded as having died on or since 25/3/18.
10159 Pte. Cooney, T. 10/3/17 ——
60211 Sgt. Cooper, E.R. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Regarded as having died on or since 25/3/18.
229330 Pte. Cooper, H. 18/4/18 ——
61732 Pte. Cordell, D. 9/3/17 Died of wounds.
6025 L/Sgt. Cornish, J.A. 6/3/18 ——
1594 Pte. Cotterill, H.J. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
10940 Pte. Cotterill, W.H. 25/3/18 ——
79766 Pte. Coupe, H. 8/9/18 Died of wounds.
1430 L/Cpl. Coyle, J. 14/11/16 ——
61928 Pte. Crabb, F.W. 17/2/17 ——
0000 Pte. Crickner, J. 14/9/16 ——
3756 L/Cpl. Crokett, I. 27/7/16 ——
1626 Pte. Crone, W.C. 24/6/16 Wd. 10/5/16. Trans. to U.K. 20/5/16. Subsequently reported “Died of wounds” at Ashbourne Hosp., Sunderland, 24/6/16.
1309 L/Cpl. Cross, W. 3/8/16 ——
4318 Pte. Crowe, R.J. 27/7/16 ——
61967 Pte. Cummins, P. 10/3/17 ——
4736 Pte. Cunnington, A.W. 13/11/16 ——
1701 Pte. Curryer, R.W. 3/12/17 ——
1957 L/Cpl. Curtis, A.C. 27/7/16 ——

Surname D

68610 L/Cpl. Daines, A. 28/8/18 Died of wounds.
765 Pte. Dandy, A.J. 1/11/16 ——
12713 L/Cpl. Daniels, F. 17/2/17 Rptd. missing 3/5/17.
4217 Pte. Daniel, W. 30/5/16 ——
4136 Pte. Darbyshire, H.C. 27/7/16 ——
1861 L/Cpl. Davies, A.E. 3/5/17 Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
859 Pte. Davies, J. 17/2/17 ——
161 L/Cpl. Davidson, J. 27/7/16 Wounded in action and missing.
161 L/Cpl. Davison, J. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
6050 Pte. Day, J.C. 28/1/17 ——
4377 Pte. Dean, J. 12/4/17 ——
1973 Pte. Deares, H. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
2041 Pte. Dearing, J. 17/2/17 Died of wounds.
4360 Pte. De Backer, M.H. 17/2/17 ——
10669 L/Cpl. Delaney, J. 27/7/16 ——
61650 Pte. Dennet, A.J. 17/2/17 ——
71565 Pte. Dicker, A.S. 1/4/18 ——
10768 L/Cpl. Dickerson, G.H. 8/10/18 ——
4370 L/Cpl. Dimant, R.H. 27/7/16 ——
23721 Pte. Dinkell, G.E. 3/5/17 ——
93366 Pte. Dillon, A. 30/9/18 ——
266 Sgt. Ditzen, O.S. 27/7/16 ——
55068 Pte. Dixie, L. 30/9/18 ——
1431 Pte. Dobbin, W. 27/7/16 ——
1424 Pte. Dodds, W.J. 30/11/17 ——
1812 Pte. Dodman, A. 2/8/16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S.
266 Pte. Doe, H. 10/2/16 ——
245409 Pte. Doel, G. 20/12/17 Died of wounds.
4206 Pte. Doherty, J.H. 1/5/16 Died of wounds 69 F.A.
61958 Pte. Donnan, J.P. 1/12/17 ——
18944 Pte. Donovan, J.P. 1/12/17 ——
2705 Pte. Dooley, D. 29/4/17 Killed accidentally (fall from railway carriage).
93362 Pte. Dooley, M. 30/9/18 ——
61649 L/Cpl. Dossett, H.E. 1/9/18 Died of wounds.
4051 L/Cpl. Dowker, F.H. 27/7/16 ——
868 L/Cpl. Drew, C. 20/4/17 Wd. 12/4/17. Trans. to U.K. 16/4/17. Subsequently died of wds. on 20/4/17 at Ardmillan Aux. Military Hospital, Oswestry.
41626 Pte. Driver, E. 17/2/17 ——
75700 Pte. Driver, W.G. 8/10/18 ——
73948 Pte. Dumont, J. 30/9/18 ——
58802 Sgt. Dunkley, E. 26/6/18 ——
82269 Pte. Dupre, T.D. 27/8/18 Died of wounds.

Surname E

75592 Pte. Edwards, R.R. 8/10/18 ——
1451 Pte. Eley, C.W. 20/12/15 Died of wounds received in action.
4034 Pte. Elley, C.H. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
20409 Pte. Ellis, B. 17/2/17 ——
63080 Pte. Emberson, C.G. 25/3/18 ——
93368 Pte. Embleton, A. 8/9/18 Died of wounds.
15132 L/Cpl. Embleton, W. 8/10/18 ——
4514 Pte. Erwood, F.L. 27/7/16 ——
75591 Pte. Evans, G.H. 27/3/18 Died of wounds.
22 L/Cpl. Evans, H. 20/2/17 Died of wounds.
7730 L/Cpl. Evans, J.F. 2/5/17 ——
82271 L/Cpl. Evans, T. 8/10/18 ——

Surname F

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
6071 L/Cpl. Fadden, E.T. 29/1/17 ——
478 Pte. Fair, J.P. 3/8/16 Died of wounds received in action.
1224 Pte. Farren, J.P. 27/7/16 ——
29568 Pte. Farrow, F. 21/2/17 Died of wounds.
1245 Pte. Fay, V.T.M. 27/7/16 ——
87749 Pte. Fell, H. 26/12/18 Wd. 22/8/18. Trans. to U.K. 17/9/18. Subsequently died at Military Hosp., Kirkham 26/12/18. (Prev. No. in 23/RF SP/ 4523)
54861 Pte. Fisher, P. 17/9/17 ——
253629 L/Cpl. Fitch, T.P. 8/10/18 ——
9101 Pte. Fitton, W. 13/11/16 ——
229432 Pte. Forbes, G.F. 3/12/17 ——
1761 L/Cpl. Ford, F.H. 13/11/16 Reported wd. and missing 13/11/16. Regarded as having died on or since 13/11/16.
6629 Pte. Forest, J.G. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
275312 Pte. Foster, A. 23/3/18 Reported missing 23/3/18. Shown on German official list of dead P. of W.
2494 Pte. Foster, A.J. 12/7/16 Died of wds. 7 Gen. Hosp., Stomer.
1834 Pte. Fowler, J.P.A. 12/6/16 Died of wds. 6 C.C.S.
24386 Pte. Frampton, C.W. 17/2/17 ——
66879 Pte. Fear, A. 25/3/18 Reported missing 23/3/18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W.
13088 Cpl. French, P.J. 7/9/18 ——
4264 Pte. Fullarton, A.J. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1506 Pte. Fuller, V.H. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
70737 Pte. Furuta, F. 8/10/18 ——

Surname G

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
3741 Pte. Garcia, A.R. 27/7/16 ——
93378 Pte. Gaughan, T. 30/9/18 ——
23131 Pte. George, J.L. 18/2/17 Died of wounds.
86129 Pte. George, S.G. 7/9/18 ——
64074 Pte. Gibson, W.G. 23/3/18 ——
93374 Pte. Gill, A.E. 8/9/18 ——
23430 L/Cpl. Gillard, F.B. 17/2/17 ——
3780 Pte. Glasgow, M.R. 27/7/16 ——
61643 L/Cpl. Golds, L.H. 3/5/17 Reported wd. and missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
29257 L/Cpl. Good, B. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18 Shown on German list of dead P. of W.
59649 Pte. Goode, P.A. 21/7/18 ——
1244 Cpl. Goodfellow, H. 1/8/16 ——
63088 Pte. Goodrum, S.G. 3/5/17 Reported wd. and missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
4457 Pte. Goodway, R.W. 14/6/18 ——
51260 L/Cpl. Grant, A.E. 13/11/16 ——
4250 Pte. Gray, R. 3/5/17 ——
75712 Pte. Greener, C.E. 9/10/18 Died of wounds.
3725 Pte. Greenfield, F. 17/2/17 ——
66913 Pte. Greenwood, H. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/19. Shown on German list of dead P. of W.
66881 Pte. Greenwood, J.W. 8/10/18 ——
82280 Pte. Greenwood, R.S. 22/8/18 Died of wounds.
6990 Cpl. Gregg, G.E. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
21997 Pte. Griffiths, L.J. 8/10/18 ——
80127 Pte. Griffiths, W.G. 30/9/18 ——
8428 Pte. Gromadzki, W. 31/5/18 ——
1706 Pte. Grout, H. 14/11/16 ——
63113 Pte. Gunn, A.R. 17/2/17 ——

Surname H

66789 Pte. Hackett, F.G. 25/3/18 Shown on official German list of dead. No further details. List P.M. 601. 2/1/19. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 25/3/18.
4721 Pte. Hague, W. 3/5/17 ——
2746 Pte. Haines, F.P. 28/11/17 ——
4923 L/Cpl. Haigh, J.L. 21/8/18 ——
49112 Pte. Hall, F.P. 15/11/18 Died from influenza due to exposure on military duty 15/11/18.
61663 Pte. Hance, S. 3/5/17 ——
49639 Pte. Harber, R.W. 13/5/17 Missing and regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
3858 Pte. Harding, C.W. 27/7/16 Reported killed in action or died of wds. on or shortly after 27/7/16.
63066 Pte. Harman, W.J. 17/2/17 ——
1085 L/Cpl. Hanbury, L.F. 27/7/16 ——
15746 L/Cpl. Harniman, R.J. 30/1/17 ——
8943 Pte. Harding, H. 27/7/16 ——
78967 Pte. Harper, E. 24/8/18 ——
48322 Pte. Harrild, R.W.C. 17/2/17 ——
61921 Pte. Harris, C.J. 17/2/17 ——
82294 Pte. Harris, F. 28/8/18 Died of wounds in 16 Gen. Hospital 28/8/18.
4690 Pte. Harrison, F. 27/7/16 ——
1740 Pte. Harrison, H.J. 27/7/16 ——
7655 Pte. Hart, J.I. 17/4/17 ——
1417 Pte. Hart, S. 27/7/16 Missing and regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
72686 Pte. Harvey, F. 7/9/18 Died of wds. 45 C.C.S. 7/9/18.
7688 Cpl. Haslam, C. 29/4/17 ——
1909 L/Cpl. Hawksworth, K. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
4566 L/Cpl. Hazelhurst, B. 16/3/17 Died of wds. 45 C.C.S.
153 Sgt. Head, P.F. 1/8/16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S.
49642 L/Cpl. Heath, A. 3/5/18 Died of wounds 26 General Hospital.
2021 Pte. Heaton, — 14/11/16 ——
504 Pte. Hedger, C.A. 27/7/16 ——
348 L/Cpl. Hendren, J.M. 27/7/16 ——
93389 Pte. Henderson, D. 1/10/18 Died of wounds.
47783 Pte. Hickie, G.D.C. 13/4/17 ——
20352 Pte. Hickman, A.J. 13/11/16 ——
67023 Pte. Hill, J.W. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W.
1094 Pte. Hills, P.E. 7/6/17 Died of wounds.
10664 Pte. Hirst, J.E. 16/9/16 ——
4683 Pte. Hobden, A.G. 17/11/16 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S.
1524 Pte. Hodge, R.N. 27/7/16 ——
66456 Pte. Hodgetts, F. 23/3/18 ——
75704 Pte. Hodgson, H.R. 20/4/18 ——
1049 Pte. Hodgson, J.C. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1271 Cpl. Holcombe, C.J. 23/2/18 ——
21474 Pte. Holden, A.E. 3/5/17 ——
4285 Pte. Holmes, M. 27/7/16 ——
48063 Pte. Holt, T.E. 23/3/18 Reported missing 23/3/18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 2/1/19.
10535 Pte. Honeyman, G.S. 13/11/16 ——
113 L/Cpl. Hope, R. 25/3/18 Reported wd. and missing 25/3/18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W.
26412 Cpl. Hopgood, A.E. 17/2/17 ——
411 Pte. Hopkins, A. 13/11/16 ——
702 Pte. Hopkins, H. 13/11/16 ——
19668 Pte. Hopps, J.S. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W.
63089 Pte. Horn, A.G. 15/11/16 Died of wounds.
4193 Pte. Horsfall, J. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3/5/17.
680121 Pte. Horton, P.S. 7/9/18 ——
4185 Pte. Howard, F. 17/2/17 ——
42188 Pte. Howes, E. 17/2/17 ——
61924 Pte. Hucker, W.J. 18/2/17 Died of wounds 47 C.C.S. 18/2/17.
1411 Pte. Hudson, W. 27/ 7/16 Missing. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27/7/16.
73571 Pte. Hulkes, R.A. 23/8/18 Died of wounds 19 C.C.S. 23/8/18.
1754 Pte. Humphreys, A.W. 25/3/18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead, accepted for official purposes as having died on or since 25/3/18.
225 L/Cpl. Huntley, E. 27/7/16 ——
974 Sgt. Hutchinson, D.L. 27/7/16 ——
78978 Pte. Hyde, V.E. 24/8/18 ——

Surname I

2066 L/Cpl. Inwood, W.S. 13/11/16 ——
1518 L/Cpl. Irving, T.H. 8/10/18 ——
13923 Pte. Ivey, H. 2/2/17 ——
63091 Pte. Ivory, F.V. 2/12/17 ——

Surname J

274 Pte. Jackson, G. 27/7/16 ——
4765 Pte. Jackson, S.S. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
63067 L/Cpl. James, B.C. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
80171 Pte. Jarrett, W.A. 12/9/18 Died of wounds.
23563 Pte. Jarvis, W.E. 17/2/17 ——
78979 Pte. Jeffery, A. 30/9/18 ——
1214 L/Cpl. Jeffreys, C.W. 21/11/16 Died of wounds 2 Stationary Hosp.
1818 Pte. Jewell, J.O. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
2870 Pte. Jinks, W.H. 3/5/17 ——
245533 Pte. Johnson, F. 3/5/18 Died of wounds.
17810 Pte. Johnson, T. 17/2/17 Reported missing 17/2/17. Regarded as having died on or since 17/2/17.
48411 Pte. Johnson, W.J. 31/7/17 Died of wounds.
1735 Pte. Johnston, W.H. 27/7/16 ——
48066 Pte. Jolley, C.W. 23/3/18 ——
81290 Pte. Jones, A.R. 17/4/18 ——
3419 Sgt. Jones, C. 28/4/18 Died of wds. whilst P. of W. in War Hospital, Mons.
49364 Pte. Jones, F. 17/2/17 ——
4500 Pte. Jones, F. 31/12/17 ——
1564 Pte. Jones. R, 9/5/16 Died of wds. 22 C.C.S.
80194 Pte. Jones, W. 24/10/18 ——
1688 Pte. Jones, W.D.P. 18/11/16 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S.
7778 Pte. Josephs, B. 27/7/16 ——

Surname K

78981 Pte. Keeping, A.W. 4/10/18 Died of wounds.
4615 Pte. Kelly, W.A. 27/7/16 ——
93404 Pte. Kenny, J. 30/9/18 ——
8709 Pte. Kibble, — 24/8/16 Died of wds. 100 F.A.
73413 Pte. Kiff, A. 8/10/18 ——
1603 Pte. Kildare, T.J. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
88716 Pte. Killip, L.W. 5/9/18 Died of wounds.
63094 Pte. King, A. 13/11/16 ——
1967 L/Cpl. King, G.W. 2/5/17 ——
93403 Pte. Kinghorn, J.W. 7/9/18 Died of wounds.
51284 L/Sgt. Kirkham, J.R. 17/2/17 ——
3995 Pte. Kirton, B. 14/11/16 ——
4382 Pte. Kitchen, H. 15/2/17 ——
661 Pte. Knight, H.E. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
4785 Pte. Knight, J.W. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Regarded as having died on or since 25/3/18.

Surname L

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
82314 Pte. Lamb, G.H. 24/8/18 Died of wounds.
4574 Pte. Lambert, A. 13/9/16 ——
1281 Sgt. Laycock, P.G.D. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
73526 Pte. Leach, B.H. 24/8/18 ——
24775 Pte. Leary, R.G. 29/9/18 Died of wounds.
1679 L/Cpl. Lee, C. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
63494 Pte. Lee, H.S. 7/9/18 ——
66501 L/Cpl. Lee, J. 8/9/18 ——
7502 Pte. Lee, J. 2/8/16 Died of wds. 13th Corps Main Dressing Station.
61744 L/Cpl. Leverick, A. 28/1/17 ——
4073 L/Cpl. Lewis, T. 5/10/16 ——
3929 L/Cpl. Lilley, S. 17/2/17 ——
3894 Pte. Lindow, W.A. 30/4/16 ——
3852 L/Cpl. Line, G.E. 5/12/17 Died of wounds.
1647 Pte. Littman, S. 27/7/16 ——
3623 Pte. Lloyd, A. 26/1/16 ——
4665 Pte. Lloyd, E.E.H.C. 13/11/16 ——
93405 Pte. Longstaff, A. 8/10/18 Died of wounds.
62009 Pte. Lonnen, H. 17/2/17 ——
1591 Pte. Loveland, H. 13/11/16 ——
8743 Pte. Lucas, A. 29/5/16 Died of wds. 6 C.C.S.
10183 Pte. Lupton, G.A. 17/2/17 ——
4491 Pte. Lynn, W.J. 27/7/16 ——

Surname M

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
6818 Pte. MacDonald, H.A. 20/7/17 Shown on list of dead.
229456 L/Cpl. Macdonald, J. 24/3/18 Died of wounds.
1675 Pte. MacFarlane, H. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
229377 Pte. Macklin, R. 25/3/18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead.
998 Pte. Macpherson, J.C.B. 5/3/16 ——
61986 Pte. Madden, E. 29/4/17 ——
4528 Pte. Main, R.M. 17/2/17 ——
699 Pte. Mann, H.V. 14/8/18 ——
55240 Pte. Mansbridge, R. 17/1/18 Died from heart failure.
21247 Pte. Mansfield, H. 30/9/18 Died of wounds.
93419 Pte. March, J.D. 8/10/18 ——
46364 Pte. Marks, J.T. 21/7/17 Died whilst P. of W.
1930 Cpl. Marshall, A.F. 21/11/16 Died of wds. 43 C.C.S.
4279 L/Cpl. Marshall, W.E. 14/11/16 ——
15888 Cpl. Martin, P. 3/12/17 ——
229463 Pte. Matthew, J. 28/11/17 ——
26231 Pte. Mayhew, C.K. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
69410 Pte. Mayor, T.F. 23/8/18 Died of wounds.
100296 Pte. McDonnell, F. 30/9/18 ——
49276 Pte. McGooch, J. 17/2/17 ——
1883 Pte. McGlone, J. 25/3/18 ——
1277 Pte. McFarlane, J. 15/9/16 ——
177 Pte. McGregor, J.M. 10/3/16 ——
1392 Pte. McKay, A. 7/5/16 Died of wds. 22 C.C.S.
1827 Pte. McKenzie, W. 16/3/16 Died of wds. 5 F.A.
1878 Pte. McPhail, P. 2/8/16 Died of wounds 13th Corps Main Dressing Station.
27545 Pte. Merricks, F. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
93398 Pte. Metcalfe, J. 8/9/18 Died of wounds.
49778 Pte. Mickleburgh, S.G. 17/2/17 ——
61658 Pte. Miller, G.V. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
73173 L/Cpl. Miller, R. 8/10/18 ——
7701 Pte. Milne, F. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
81336 Pte. Minter, G. 8/10/18 ——
4008 Pte. Mogford, A.C. 4/8/16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S.
4015 Pte. Monk, E.W. 12/3/16 ——
49386 Pte. Moogen, W.L. 17/2/17 ——
1595 Pte. Moore, A.W.N. 5/10/16 ——
4618 Pte. Moore, M. 13/11/16 ——
291 L/Cpl. Morgan, D. 10/2/16 ——
3844 Pte. Morris, F. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
6140 L/Cpl. Morris, H.G. 23/12/17 Died of wounds.
50280 Pte. Morris, J. 29/4/17 ——
4461 Pte. Morris, J. 13/11/16 ——
449 Pte. Morrison, A. 17/2/17 ——
73408 Pte. Mortimer, T.W. 26/8/18 Died of gas wounds.
3528 Pte. Moss, F.A. 27/7/16 ——
82329 Pte. Mottershead, A. 31/7/18 ——
9656 Pte. Muir, T.J. 21/7/18 Died of wounds.
1796 Pte. Murray, C.F. 16/6/16 Died of wds. 18 C.C.S.
42286 Pte. Musk, H.E. 10/3/17 ——
3380 Pte. Mutt, G. 13/12/17 Died of wounds.
93397 Pte. Myers, C.H. 7/9/18 ——
16967 Pte. Myers, H. 20/7/17 ——

Surname N

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
1862 Pte. Nancarrow, G.W. 8/5/16 ——
6312 Pte. Nash, A.E. 17/4/17 ——
21620 Pte. Neale, W. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
37362 Pte. Neale, W.H. 27/9/17 ——
82333 Pte. Neame, R.S. 26/6/18 Died of wounds.
1815 Pte. Neil, D.A. 17/2/17 ——
1645 L/Cpl. Newman, R.G. 27/5/17 ——
446 Sgt. Newman, T.B. 16/5/17 Wounded in action 17/2/17. Trans. U.K. 1/3/17. Subsequently died of wounds Alexander Hosp., Cosham, 16/5/17.
42287 Pte. Niblett, C.H. 17/2/17 ——
61747 Pte. Nicholls, G.A. 15/2/17 ——
8003 Pte. Nicklin, S.S. 3/5/17 ——
4387 Pte. Norris, J.H. 1/3/17 Died of wounds.
7911 Pte. Norton, E.A. 8/10/18 ——
78995 Pte. Notley, F. 28/8/18 Died of wounds.
205976 Pte. Noyes, A.A. 30/9/18 ——

Surname O

4713 Pte. O’Brien, D.C. 15/8/16 Wd. 27/7/16. Subsequently reported by W.O. having died of wounds at Kitchener War Hospital.
15208 L/Sgt. O’Connor, F. 20/3/17 Died of wounds.
50283 L/Cpl. Olding, J.L. 21/4/17 Accidentally killed by collapsed dug-out at Rodincourt 21/4/17.
52159 Pte. Oswick, W.C. 21/2/17 Died of wounds.
1725 Pte. Owen, H. 13/3/16 ——

Surname P

1718 Sgt. Paddon, G.W. 17/2/17 ——
426 Pte. Palliser, A.J.B. 19/12/15 ——
3902 Pte. Parkin, W. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing, 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
3907 Pte. Parr, E.A. 10/2/16 ——
3129 Pte. Parry-Crooke, L.W. 27/7/16 ——
61739 Pte. Parsons, F. 17/2/17 ——
49288 Sgt. Parsons, J.L. 23/2/18 ——
88698 Pte. Parsons, W.F. 5/9/18 Died of wounds.
87747 Pte. Patmore, A.E. 1/10/18 Killed (S. 1).
1575 Pte. Pearce, F. 1/11/16 ——
81349 Pte. Pearson, T.B. 6/10/18 Died of wounds.
1564 L/Cpl. Pellymainter, W.J. 13/11/16 ——
48509 Pte. Perkins, A. 2/5/17 ——
90174 L/Cpl. Perrins, W. 30/9/18 ——
807 Pte. Perry, O. 27/7/16 ——
7507 Pte. Petty, T.S. 18/11/18 Died from influenza. (Exposure while on military duty.)
10933 Pte. Philpot, G.H. 13/11/16 ——
7384 Pte. Pickles, J.H. 18/11/18 Died from influenza. (Exposure while on military duty.)
6232 Pte. Pilton, C.H. 31/7/18 ——
42289 Pte. Pink, W.G. 24/2/17 Died of wounds.
48706 Cpl. Pittaway, T. 23-24/3/18 Reported died whilst a P. of W.
10460 Pte. Pollard, G. 14/11/16 Reported missing 14/11/16. Regarded as having died on or since 14/11/16.
500 L/Cpl. Pollard, W.A. 27/7/16 Reported missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1965 Pte. Poplett, J.J. 21/6/17 ——
79395 Pte. Porter, S. 24/8/18 ——
886 A/R.S.M. Pouney, F. 1 /8/16 Died of wounds 1 Stationary Hosp.
1414 L/Cpl. Powell, W.F. 28/1/17 ——
64043 Pte. Powney, A.F. 25/3/18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead. Reported missing 25/3/18.
23332 L/Cpl. Prangley, N.C. 17/2/17 ——
15563 Cpl. Prescott, J. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
245380 Pte. Price, C. 17/4/18 ——
204 L/Sgt. Prior, F. 18/2/17 ——
27204 Pte. Pryke, B.J. 29/4/17 Reported missing 29/4/17. Regarded as as having died on or since 29/4/17.
1458 Pte. Purgavie, F. 1/3/16 ——

Surname Q

68772 Pte. Quantrell, C.R. 30/ 9/18 ——

Surname R

869 Pte. Race, S. 13/11/16 ——
1656 Pte. Rait, D. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
9958 Pte. Ramsbottom, W. 5/11/16 Died of wounds 1/3 H.F.A.
53091 Pte. Randall, H.A. 7/9/18 ——
4030 Pte. Ransley, W.J. 27/ 7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
2026 Pte. Ravenhill, H.H. 10/3/17 ——
442221 Pte. Rawlings, A. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
71677 Pte. Ray, W.A. 1/4/18 ——
37794 Pte. Rayner, A. 17/2/17 ——
8556 Pte. Read, C.E. 17/2/17 ——
1716 Pte. Read, E.S. 27/7/16 ——
3762 Pte. Redwood, W. 22/6/16 ——
48077 Pte. Reed, M.R. 21/6/17 ——
3827 Pte. Reeman, A.W. 10/2/16 ——
856 Pte. Reeves, H.D. 3/7/18 To U.K. (Pleurisy.) Subsequently reported by W.O. as died of sickness on 3/7/18 at War Hospital, Whitechurch.
42292 Pte. Reynolds, C. 10/3/17 ——
223 Sgt. Rhodes, H.S. 3/5/17 Reported missing 3/5/17. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
61652 Pte. Rhodes, J. 22/2/17 ——
68774 Pte. Rich, C. 25/ 3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Shown on German P. of W. list of dead.
1992 L/Cpl. Richards, E.W. 18/10/16 Died of wds. (gunshot), head (self-inflicted).
488 L/Cpl. Riddell, M. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16
81143 Pte. Rider, H. 11/3/18 ——
82349 Pte. Ridge, R.C. 8/10/18 Reported wd. and missing 8/10/18. Regarded as having died on or since 8/10/18.
75394 Pte. Ridgway, W.G. 9/10/18 Died of wounds.
4525 Pte. Righton, E.D. 14/11/16 ——
75645 Pte. Riley, A.W. 24/8/18 ——
1985 Cpl. Robbins, A. 17/2/17 ——
10899 Pte. Roberts, E. 30/9/18 ——
4458 L/Sgt. Roberts, H. 3/5/17 ——
48078 Pte. Roberts, J.A. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Shown on P. of W. list of dead.
75643 Pte. Roberts, W. 10/6/18 ——
1471 Cpl. Robertson, D.M. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing 27/7/16. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
65829 Pte. Robinson, R. 8/10/18 Reported missing 8/10/18. Regarded as having died on or since 8/10/18.
87457 Pte. Rochford, H.J. 21/8/18 ——
4501 Pte. Roe, A.E.C. 27/7/16 ——
1746 Pte. Rogers, B.F. 16/11/16 Died of wds. 6 F.A.
4149 Pte. Rooney, E. 27/7/16 ——
3940 L/Cpl. Roots, C.C. 10/5/17 Died of wounds.
51853 Pte. Roper, A. 13/7/18 ——
12463 L/Sgt. Rowley, E.G. 27/7/17 Wounded in action. Trans. to U.K. 25/7/17. Reported by W.O. having died of wds. Uni. War Hospital, Southampton.
1773 Cpl. Rumsey, F.G. 29/4/17 ——
32591 Pte. Ryan, J.D. 17/2/17 ——

Surname S

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
87275 Pte. Sadrgove, L.S. 7/9/18 ——
7685 Pte. Samuels, J.G. 2/8/18 ——
38690 Pte. Sanders, E. 17/2/17 ——
52151 Pte. Saunders, P. 20/7/17 Reported missing and wd. 20/7/17. Regarded as having died on or since 20/7/17.
68456 L/Cpl. Sanderson, R. 25/3/18 Reported missing 25/3/18. Shown on P. of W. list of dead as died 25/3/18.
228471 Pte. Sang, W.H. 5/3/16 Died of wds. 48 C.C.S.
61727 Pte. Savill, A. 17/2/17 ——
3629 Pte. Schobiers, J.A.G. 27/7/16 ——
4163 Pte. Scott, H. 27/7/16 ——
49308 Pte. Sears, H.R. 17/2/17 ——
673 Pte. Seaward, H. 23/2/18 ——
68802 Pte. Self, G.A. 3/12/17 ——
37482 Pte. Sewell, C.S. 30/4/17 Died of wds. 30 C.C.S.
8143 L/Cpl. Sexton, E.J. 2/3/18 Reported missing. Regarded as having died on or since 2/3/18.
3379 L/Cpl. Seymour, H.A. 19/4/17 Died whilst P. of W. Official German list forwarded.
8141 Pte. Shackleton, S.H. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
75649 Pte. Sheaf, R.W. 28/6/18 Died of wds. 28/6/18, 19 C.C.S.
123 Pte. Shotten, J.S. 27/7/16 ——
954 Sgt. Siever, E.H.P. 13/11/16 ——
10667 Pte. Skelton, R.W. 30/9/18 ——
1025 Sgt. Skuse, L.N. 27/7/16 ——
1325 Cpl. Shute, W.E. 7/9/18 ——
4766 Pte. Sibbles, O. 2/5/18 Died of wds. 2 W.G. Hosp., Manchester, England, 2/5/18.
4255 Pte. Sidebottom, J.H. 27/7/16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
5726 Pte. Simmonds, J. 7/9/18 ——
80079 Pte. Simmonds, F. 30/9/18 ——
1612 Pte. Simpson, A.B. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
3560 Pte. Simpson, C. 27/5/16 ——
1509 Sgt. Simpson, J. 13/11/16 ——
1222 L/Cpl. Simpson, W. 27/7/16 ——
61959 Pte. Sinnott, P. 17/2/17 ——
73430 Pte. Skinner, J.H. 21/7/18 ——
1335 Pte. Slaughter, R.F. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
4204 L/Cpl. Smith, A. 27/7/16 ——
1080 L/Cpl. Smith, A.H. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
10934 Pte. Smith, C.H. 21/10/16 Died of wds. 13th Corps 3 Operating Station.
46583 Pte. Smith, F. 17/2/17 ——
1981 L/Cpl. Smith, F.J. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1756 Pte. Smith, H.E.T. 27/7/16 ——
1720 Sgt. Smith, R. 17/2/17 ——
7483 L/Cpl. Smith, R.L. 24/2/17 Died of wds. 11 Stat. Hospital.
3720 Pte. Smith, S. 14/11/16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 14/11/16.
75655 Pte. Smith, W.F. 22/6/18 ——
4141 Pte. Smith, W.J. 27/7/16 ——
68993 Pte. Soloman, F. 30/9/18 K’d in action or d. of wds. received in action on or shortly after 30/9/18.
75709 Pte. Spark, G. 19/4/18 ——
7624 Pte. Spright, C. 19/11/18 Died from influenza and exposure while on military duty.
51184 Pte. Squirrel, E.C. 20/2/17 Died of wds. 10 Gen. Hospital 20/2/17.
26 Pte. Stagg, E. 21/3/16 Died of wds. 100 F.A.
3605 L/Cpl. Stares, J. 10/2/16 ——
48502 Pte. Starnes, A.E. 28/5/17 ——
61982 Pte. Stephens, W. 15/2/17 ——
1579 L/Cpl. Stepney, — 3/5/17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
4227 Pte. Stewart, H. 13/11/16 ——
229474 Pte. Stewart, J.W. 28/1/17 ——
1792 Pte. Stokes, A.E. 14/2/16 Died of wds. 1 C.C.S. Chocques.
715755 L/Cpl. Stone, H.P. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
4402 Pte. Stone, W.J. 13/11/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 13/11/16.
4226 Pte. Stotford, M.R.F. 27/7/16 ——
46024 Pte. Styles, W.R. 30/9/18 Missing. Reported killed in action or died of wounds received in action on or shortly after 30/9/18.
1345 Pte. Suttie, W.F. 17/3/16 Died of wds. 18 C.C.S.
68799 Pte. Sutton, L.V. 23/3/18 Died of wounds 48 C.C.S. 23/3/18.
7719 Pte. Swift, B.A. 13/11/16 ——

Surname T

Rank. Name. Date of Death. Remarks.
4047 Pte. Talbot, A.J. 13/11/16 ——
40438 Pte. Talbot, S.W. 27/7/16 ——
1892 Pte. Tapp, J.H. 17/2/17 ——
23059 Pte. Tattersfield, A. 22/3/18 Reported missing 22/3/18. Regarded as having died on or since 22/2/18.
61742 Pte. Taylor, A. 15/2/17 ——
1904 Pte. Taylor, C.W. 21/9/16 Died of wounds (gas), 13 Staty. Hosp.
1410 Pte. Taylor, J. 27/7/16 ——
80131 Pte. Taylor, J. 24/10/18 ——
11 Sgt. Taylor, J.H. 27/7/16 ——
3656 Pte. Teeling, A. 13/11/16 ——
15866 Pte. Terry, A.E. 23/3/18 Reported missing 23/3/18. Regarded as having died on or since 23/3/18.
75661 Pte. Thexton, J. 22/6/18 ——
46598 Pte. Thomas, G.H. 13/4/17 ——
68 Pte. Thomas, T.J. 23/3/16 Died of wds. 18 C.C.S.
1234 L/Cpl. Thomson, W. 17/2/17 Reported wd. and missing 17/2/17. Regarded as having died on or since 17/2/17.
3775 L/Cpl. Thorburn, W.G. 17/2/17 ——
47981 Sgt. Thorning, S. 20/5/18 Died of wounds.
18569 Sgt. Thornton, F.W. 3/12/17 ——
1979 Pte. Timmis, J. 14/11/16 Reported missing 14/11/16. Regarded as having died on or since 14/11/16.
63138 Pte. Tinley, A.J. 17/2/17 ——
1743 Cpl. Tomalin, R.A. 27/7/16 ——
87289 Pte. Tompkins, J.A. 8/10/18 ——
7531 Pte. Turner, A. 8/7/16 ——
80071 Pte. Turner, F. 30/9/18 ——
3818 Pte. Turner, H. 27/7/16 Reported wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
9151 Pte. Turner, W. 17/2/17 ——

Surname U

61743 Pte. Ury, A.F. 26/2/17 Died of wounds.

Surname V

75690 Pte. Varley, J.W. 8/10/18 ——
1475 Pte. Vickery, G.H. 15/9/16 ——

Surname W

4460 Pte. Wade, A. 14/11/16 ——
4056 Pte. Wain, G.A. 27/7/16 ——
71842 Pte. Walker, E. 27/7/16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
37418 Pte. Walker, F.J.A. 3/5/17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
47826 Pte. Walsh, J. 3/5/17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
76747 Pte. Walton, H.S. 23/9/18 Died of wounds 12 General Hospital.
80781 Pte. Walton, L. 24/8/18 ——
21020 Pte. Warwick, W. 25/5/17 ——
20870 Pte. Watking, R. 17/2/17 ——
61657 Pte. Watts, C.D. 24/2/17 Died of wounds 45 C.C.S. 24/2/17.
61934 Pte. Watts, G. 23/1/17 ——
1934 Pte. Watts, G. 23/1/17 Killed accidentally.
1765 Pte. Weal, C.A. 5/3/17 Died of wounds 12 Gen. Hosp. 5/3/17.
1401 Pte. Webster, F.A. 23/4/18 Died of wounds 3 C.C.S. 23/4/18.
1204 Pte. Webster, S. 13/11/16 ——
51269 Pte. Welch, J.W. 9/5/17 Died of wounds 24 General Hospital.
61757 Pte. Welch, P.D. 3/5/17 ——
63075 Pte. Welham, P. 17/2/17 ——
1361 Pte. West, E.J. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
201 L/Cpl. West, F. 29/11/17 ——
4216 L/Cpl. West, V.J. 27/7/16 Reported killed in action or died of wds. shortly after or on 27/7/16.
74860 Pte. West, W. 8/10/18 ——
68624 Pte. White, A.E. 25/3/18 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 25/3/18.
50193 Pte. White, B.S. 17/2/17 ——
49479 Pte. White, C. 3/5/17 ——
1901 Pte. White, F.C. 28/5/16 ——
62001 Pte. White, J. 17/2/17 ——
10620 Pte. White, G. 17/2/17 ——
569 L/Cpl. White, W.H. 26/11/16 Died of wounds 13 General Hospital.
902 L/Cpl. Whitlock, A.E. 30/10/16 ——
63165 Pte. Whitrick, J. 20/4/17 Died whilst a P. of W.
1496 Pte. Wild, A.H. 14/11/16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 14/11/16.
1829 Pte. Wilkinson, H. 17/2/17 ——
52161 Pte. Wilkinson, J.C. 17/2/17 ——
1401 Pte. Wilkinson, J.F. 17/2/17 ——
990 Pte. Willcocks, N. 7/12/16 ——
1634 L/Cpl. Willocks, J.C. 13/11/16 ——
1075 Pte. Williams, R.W. 13/11/16 ——
73172 Pte. Williamson, J. 31/5/18 ——
5966 Pte. Willott, H. 28/1/17 ——
4631 Pte. Willsher, W.A. 23/8/16 Died of wounds 6 General Hospital.
4209 Pte. Wilson, A. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1478 L/Cpl. Wilson, A.V. 27/7/16 ——
245549 Pte. Wilson, F. 18/4/18 Died at Adv. Dressing Station, 100 F.A.
69248 Cpl. Wilson, F.W. 23/3/18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead. Regarded as having died 23/3/18.
7730 Pte. Wilson, H.E. 27/7/16 ——
4442 Pte. Wilson, H.H.L. 15/6/16 Died of wounds 7 General Hospital.
186 Sgt. Wingate, T.C. 23/3/18 Missing. Accepted as killed on 23/3/18.
8542 Pte. Wiseman, W.J. 14/6/16 ——
4712 L/Cpl. Witham, D.H. 27/6/17 Died of wds. 6 F.A.
4275 Pte. Wood, E.C. 27/7/16 ——
8222 Cpl. Wood, W.L. 1/11/18 Died from influenza 59 C.C.S.
1886 Sgt. Wood, W.F. 19/4/18 ——
4775 Pte. Woodcock, J.J. 6/10/16 ——
79400 Pte. Woodier, F. 24/8/18 ——
299 L/Cpl. Woodin, J.B. 27/7/16 ——
61920 Pte. Woods, H.H. 17/2/17 ——
68823 Pte. Woolsey, W. 30/9/18 Killed in action or died of wounds.
229005 Pte. Worsnop, H. 8/10/18 Killed in action or died of wounds received in action on or shortly after 8/10/18.
2095 Cpl. Wright, G.H. 3/5/17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3/5/17.
4380 Pte. Wright, J. 27/7/16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27/7/16.
1582 Cpl. Wright, S.C.H. 13/11/16 ——
4626 Pte. Wright, W.J. 19/11/16 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S.
68825 Pte. Wyatt, A.C. 25/3/18 ——

Surname Y

7350 L/Cpl. Young, C.W. 17/ 2/17 ——
48101 L/Cpl. Young, F. 30/11/17 ——


Ward, Fred W. The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's). A Record of its Services in the Great War, 1914-1919. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. 1920.

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