Biographical Sketch of Thomas Davis

Thomas Davis, a Connecticut sea captain, came to Wolcott at an early date, and purchased fifty-five acres of land on road 24, which is now owned by his grandson, Pardon Davis. A year or two after his settlement Mr. Davis erected a house of planks, the outside being lathed and plastered, the walls being decorated with pebble stones, arranged in fantastical figures in the plaster before it hardened. This house is still remembered by some of the inhabitants, because of its oddity. Mr. Davis also planted an orchard when he first came here, bringing the trees from Connecticut, some of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luke Guyer

Luke Guyer, one of the three original settlers, came to Wolcott about 1790, from Hartford, Conn., and located on what is now known as the Guyer farm. He was a blacksmith by trade, and built the first blacksmith shop in the town. John, son of Luke, came here with his father, and was a resident of the town until his death. John reared a family of four children, none of whom are now living. Hezekiah, son of John, died on the old homestead, in 1895, aged eighty-one years. His widow still survives him, age seventy-nine years. Earl Guyer, son of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Collins

(II) John (2), son of John (1) Collins, was born in Boston, about 1644. He was also a shoemaker. He removed in 1663 to Middletown, Connecticut, thence to Saybrook, later to Branford and Guilford. He married (first) Mary Trowbridge, who died in 1668; (second), June 3, 1669, Mary (Stephens) Hingnoth, widow of Henry Hingnoth; (third) Dorcas (Swain) Taintor, widow of John Taintor. He died at Branford about 1704. Children: John, born 1665, mentioned elsewhere; Robert, 1667; Mary, married Chapman.

Biographical Sketch of John Collins

(III) John (3), son of John (2) Collins, was born in Connecticut in 1665, died January 24, 1751. He married, July 23, 1691, Ann Leete, born August 5, 1671, died November 2, 1724, daughter of John Leete and granddaughter of Governor William Leete, descendant of a distinguished English ancestry. Children, born in Guilford: Asa, May 9, 1692; Mary, April 11, 1694, died February 2, 1729; John, February 23, 1696; Timothy, February 11, 1698, died February 19, 1698; Timothy, April 13, 1699, mentioned elsewhere; Daniel, June 13, 1701; Susanna, September 25, 1703, died October 30, 1703; Samuel, November 2, 1704; Mercy, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Kimball

Asa Kimball, an early settler, first located in Stowe Hollow, where he resided six or seven years, then removed to road 6, locating upon the farm now owned by his son Luke. Mr. Kimball was born in Lisbon, Conn., and died on the old homestead, December 14, 1865, aged eighty-seven years. Luke was born on the farm he now occupies.

Biographical Sketch of William Smith

William Smith, a native of Hartford, Conn., immigrated to Williston, Vt., at an early date, where he married Anna Blanchard, and a few years later, about ,806, came to this town and located upon the farm now occupied by his grandsons, where he resided until his death, at the age of fifty-nine years. He had a family of six children, three of whom, Charity, widow of Roswell Town, Lemuel B., and Abel P., now reside here.

Biographical Sketch of Horace Smith

Horace Smith, born in Old Hartford, Conn., immigrated to Williston at the age of twenty-one years, where he married Rachel Phillips. About seventy years ago he came to this town and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Truman B., on road 45. For his second wife Mr. Smith married Nancy Montgomery, by whom he had eleven children. He had three children by his first wife.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Bates

Jacob Bates was born in Thompson, Conn., May 7, 1790, served in the war of 1812, and came to this town in 1865, locating upon the farm now owned by his son, George N., where he died, January 21, 1878.

Biography of Judge Columbia Lancaster

JUDGE COLUMBIA LANCASTER. – Judge Lancaster, one of our earliest and most eminent judges, was born at New Milford, Litchfield county, Connecticut, on the 26th of August, 1893. His father was of Quaker descent, and settled in Ohio at an early date. Columbia read law under Whittlesy & Newton in Ohio. The Whittlesy of the firm was the honorable Elisha who was a long time in Congress, and afterwards held office in the auditor’s department under both Whig and Democratic administrations with no charge of his political sentiments. He though almost as much of his student Lancaster as of his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Maxom

James Maxom, from Connecticut, came to Emore about the year 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by Samuel Scott. He died in the service of his country during the war of 1812, of disease. He married Sally Woods, they being the first couple married in the town. The only one of their three children now living in the town being Mrs. Samuel Scott, who was born on the old farm October 10. 1807.

Biographical Sketch of Peleg Scofield

Peleg Scofield, born July 14, 1779, came to Elmore, from Hartford, Conn., about the year 1800, and located upon a farm on road 19, now the property of R. B. Goodell. Here he resided until 1844, when he removed to Morristown, where he subsequently died. He reared a family of fourteen children, of whom only one, John G., living on road 18, now resides in the town.

Biographical Sketch of Walter and Amasa Cady

Walter and Amasa Cady, from Connecticut came to Cambridge among the early settlers, and made choice of farms in the western part of the town. Walter’s family consisted of one son and four daughters. Alpheus, the youngest of the children, born in 1800, married Samantha Stevens in 1830, and reared a family of four sons and one daughter. The only one of the family now residing here is Harrison F., on road 42. He was born in 1836, married Sophronia M. Parker, in 1863, and has had five children, two of whom died.

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Thompson

Timothy Thompson came from Simsbury, Conn., in 1803, and cleared the farm now owned by his son, Daniel C. In 1805, he brought his family and continued his residence until his death, in 1837, aged fifty-five years. Seven of his children are now living, two in Cambridge. His wife, Tryphena Barber, survived his death thirty-five years, dying at the age of eighty-five.

Biographical Sketch of Erastus Hawley

Erastus Hawley, from Connecticut, came here from Middlebury, in 1820, and located upon the farm now owned by his grandson, Almon A. Here he kept hotel for some years, in the house where three generations of the family have been born. Almon A., only son of Russell D., born in 1839, married Adelia D. Stinehour, in 1862, and has a family of five children.

Biographical Sketch of John Sheldon

John, son of Isaac (2) Sheldon, was born December 5. 1658. He settled in Northampton, Massachusetts. He removed to Deerfield and conducted a public house. He was one of the first board of selectmen, ensign of the first military company and captain in 1707. and deacon of the church. He built the old Hoyt house, the door of which, cut by tomahawks and bullets, is preserved in Memorial Hall. In the winter of 1705 he was sent by Governor Dudley on a difficult and dangerous mission to Canada to redeem the captives and returned the following spring with five, two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses Rowley

Moses, son of Henry Rowley, was born about 1630, died in 1705, at East Haddam, Connecticut. He married, April it, 1652, at Barnstable, Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Matthew Fuller, soldier and surgeon-general of the colony. She died at East Haddam, or Colchester, Connecticut, after 1714. Moses is mentioned in the will of William Palmer as legatee, as “Moses whom I love.” The grandfather, Palmer, gives evidence of some unfriendliness towards the father and wishes young Rowley placed with Mr. Partridge, that “he might be brought up in the feare of God & to that end if his father suffer it, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses Rowley

Moses (2), son of Moses (1) Rowley, was born November 10, 1654, at Barnstable, died at East Haddam, Connecticut, July 16, 1735. He was admitted freeman in 1690, and was an active and useful citizen of Haddam. He and his wife joined the Haddam church. He married (first) Mary Fletcher; (second) Mary, daughter of Thomas and Frances (Crippen) Corbe, of Falmouth and East Haddam. She died June 9, 1764, in her ninety-seventh year (gravestone record). His will was dated March 24. 1734-35 proved August 19, 1735: Children: Mary, married Captain Samuel Olmstead: Moses, married Martha Porter; Naomi, married Samuel Fuller; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ensign John Rowley

Ensign John Rowley, son of Moses (2) Rowley, was born about 1690 in Falmouth, Massachusetts, died in January, 1763, in Colchester, Connecticut. He married (first) September 11, 1716, Deborah, daughter of John and Mehitable (Rowley) Fuller, of East Haddam, Connecticut. She died January 30, 1752, aged sixty-three. He had a second wife. He removed to East Haddam about 1722 and afterward to Colchester. He was a member of the Westchester parish church in Colchester. Children of first wife: Patience, born August 30. 1717: Content, March 26, 1719; Mindwell, October 9, 1720; Joseph. May i5, 1721; Sarah, January 17, 1722-23; Deborah, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Frommel

Frederick Frommel, Charleston, of the firm of Weiss & Frommel, proprietors of the Charleston Woolen-Mill; was born in Ravensburg, Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 5, 1825; at the . age of 14, he was apprenticed in a woolen-factory to learn the trade, and worked there until he came to this country in 1854; he spent several years in Philadelphia, New York and Connecticut; after which, he came West to Cincinnati, where he was engaged in traveling for two of the principal woolen houses in that city until 1869; he then removed to Charleston, and engaged with Henry Weiss, proprietor of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay F. Neal

Jay F. Neal, dealer in groceries and provisions, Charleston; was born in Tuftonborough, Carroll Co., N. H., June 24, 1835; he is a son of Nathaniel Neal, a farmer of that town; his early life was passed in farm labor among the granite hills, but at the age of 19 years he went to Great Falls, and engaged in teaching just across the river in New Berwick Me.; he continued teaching during a portion of the year for twelve years. He graduated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary at Tilton, N. H., in 1859, and entered the Sophomore class of … Read more