Biographical Sketch of Samuel D. Cowles

COWLES & MCDANIEL. – Samuel D. Cowles, senior member of the firm above-mentioned, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1829, his father being a wealthy broker. He received a ten years’ naval training and finished his education in New York City, where in after years he was in business for himself. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California. In 1862 we find him crossing the plains once more, coming from Missouri in company with a nephew and niece. At Soda Springs a band of Indians, under the leadership of one of his own employe’s, attacked is party and after … Read more

Biography of Hon. Stephen Fowler Chadwick

HON. STEPHEN FOWLER CHADWICK. – No man in the history of the state of Oregon has held more prominent positions, or done more for the welfare of the country, than the subject of this sketch. He was born in Connecticut on the 25th of December, 1825, and received his education in his native state. After becoming proficient in other branches, he read law in the offices of Stoples & Goddard and Edward E. and H.B. Cowles, Wall street, New York City. He was admitted to the bar in New York on the 30th of May, 1850. On March 13th of … Read more

Biography of Rev. Cushing Eels, D. D.

REV. CUSHING EELS, D.D. – Dr. Eells was born at Blandford, Massachusetts, February 16, 1810, and was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Warner) Eells. He was descended from Samuel Eells, who was a major in Cromwell’s army, and who came to America in 1661. Cushing Eells was brought up at Blandford, became a Christian when fifteen years old, prepared for college at Monson Academy, Massachusetts, entered Williams College in 1830, and graduated four years later. The distance from his home to college was forty-five miles. Twice he rode the entire distance, – when he entered and after he graduated, … Read more

Biography of Louis H. Chapman

Louis H. Chapman, commissioner of water and light of Kansas City, Kansas, is the man chiefly responsible for bringing these municipally owned plants to a perfection of service where they completely justify the management and control by the city. Mr. Chapman is an expert electrician and general engineer, and has achieved a significant success through his own energies and ambitions. He has been a resident of Kansas the greater part of the time since 1886. He was born at Hartford, Connecticut, June 17, 1873, the youngest of the nine children of John Oliver and Louisa E. (Smart) Chapman. His parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Hamlin

(IV) Isaac, sixth child and fourth son of Deacon Ebenezer and Sarah dewis) Hamlin, was born July 1, 1714, died at Springfield, Massachusetts, 1805. He removed to Wareham where he and his wife were original members of the church in 1739 and where their eldest son Seth was baptized, March 14, 1742. He was dismissed to the Sharon church May 30, 1742. He owned a share in the Sharon Iron Works which he sold in 1749. He removed from Sharon, Connecticut, and his name appears on the records of Lenox, Massachusetts, June 11, 1777, where he bought land and erected … Read more

Biography of Captain Seth Hamlin

(V) Captain Seth Hamlin, son and eldest child of Isaac and Mary (Gibbs) Hamlin, was born September 9, 1740. His name appears on the records of Alford, Massachusetts, in 1793-94, but not later. He is believed to have died there in 1795. He resided at Sharon, Connecticut; New Concord, New York, and Alford, Massachusetts, where his name frequently appears on the early records, sometimes as Captain Seth Hamlin. He was a highway surveyor in 1777, and town clerk in 17831785. He was a soldier of the revolution, serving in Captain Wilcox’s company, Colonel Ashley’s regiment. He enlisted for three years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Avery

Christopher Avery, the founder of this family, was born in England, about 1590, and died in New London, Connecticut, March 12, 1679. There are several traditions as to his place of origin, one that he came from an old Cornish family, another that he was a native of Salisbury, county Wilts. According to one statement, he accompanied Governor Winthrop to Boston, on the “Arbella” in 1630, and a second account says he emigrated with the younger Winthrop, in 1631 and on the voyage formed a close friendship with the latter, which eventually led to his settling in Connecticut. Whether, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Avery

(II) James, son of Christopher Avery. the only child of whom there is any record in America, and the founder of the Averys of Groton, was born in England about 1620. He accompanied his father to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and lived with him for several years in Gloucester, and then removed to New London, Connecticut, where the first entries in the town book are the births of his three eldest children, who were born in Gloucester. He took up many land grants and built the Hive of the Averys “at the head of Poquonnock Plain in the present town … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Avery

(III) Samuel, son of James and Joanna (Greenslade) Avery, was born at Groton, August 14, 1664, died there, May 1, 1723. He was a large farm owner and most of his life a magistrate. For some time he was captain of the train band, and when the town was legally organized in 1704, he was its moderator. He became the first townsman, at the first town meeting in 1705, and held the position till his death. He married, October 25, 1686, in Swansea, Massachusetts, Susanna, daughter of William and Ann (Humphrey) Palmes, born about 1665, died October 9, 1747. Children: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benajah Andruss

(VI) Benajah, third son of Miles Andruss, was born at Newington, Connecticut, November 13, 1769; died at Bluff Point, New York, July 24, 1838. He married Abigail Nash, born February 20, 1776, and had a family of seven sons and four daughters.

Biography of John H. Stephens

John H. Stephens, postmaster of Clifton Springs, New York, was for many years prominently identified with educational matters in various capacities. The family originally came from Germany. His father, William L., who was the son of Abraham Stephens, a native of Germany, was born in Rockland county, New York. He removed to the city of New York, where, for many years he conducted the Westchester Pie Bakery, in West Nineteenth street, which was the foundation of the present American Pie Baking Company. He married Elizabeth Wood. Children: William W.; James 0., deceased; John H., see forward; Margaret; Ella, and Elizabeth. … Read more

Biography of William Tuttle

The word Tuthill, meaning a conical hill, is a common place name in England, of remote antiquity. From one or more places named Tuthill the surname Tuthill or Tuttle is derived, after a prevalent custom in the twelfth century and later when surnames came into use in England. The family had been especially prominent in Devonshire, England. There came to America in 1635, in the ship “Planter,” three families of this name from the parish of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. John, William, and Richard Tuttle, the heads of these families, were doubtless brothers. John Tuttle, mercer, aged thirty-nine, according to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(II) Joseph, son of William Tuttle, was baptized in New Haven, November 22, 1640, and died in September, 1690. In 1685 he was excused from watching on account of lameness, and the same year declined to serve as constable for the same reason. He married, May 2, 1667. Hannah Munson, born June 11, 1648, died November 30, 1695, daughter of Captain Thomas Manson. She married (second), August 21, 1694, Nathan Bradley, of Guilford, Connecticut. Children: Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Samuel, born July 15, 1670-71; Stephen, May 20, 1673; Joanna, December 30, 1676; Timothy, September 30, 1678; Susanna, February 20, 1679; Elizabeth, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(III) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (1) Tuttle, was born March 18, 1668, and was a cordwainer by trade. He married, in Milford, Connecticut, November 10, 1691. Elizabeth Sanford. born 1671, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Paine) Sanford. He lived in East Haven and was prominent in town affairs. Children: Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Noah, born December 12, 1694; Katharine, November 25, 1699; Elizabeth, July 27, 1705; Thankful, September 3, 1709; child.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(IV) Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) Tuttle, was born November 10, 1692. He was captain of the train band at East Haven. In 1742 he was confirmed by the general assembly as quartermaster of the Second Regiment. In 1745-46 he was moderator, and served several years on the school committee. He married Mercy, daughter of John and Mercy (Mansfield) Thompson. She was born February 21, 1696, and died September 6, 1743. He married (second) Sarah Washburn, widow. He was of Derby in 1751. In 1743-53 he bought lands in Litchfield county, Connecticut. He died January 16, 1761. He left … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Tuttle

(V) Benjamin, son of Joseph (3) Tuttle, was born at East Haven, Connecticut, or vicinity. He settled in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York. In 1790 he was the only head of family of this name in Ontario county, and he had two males over sixteen, one under that age, and four females in his family. He was overseer of highways at Seneca, Ontario county, in 1793

Biographical Sketch of John Andrus

(I) John Andrus, immigrant ancestor, came from Essex county, England, and settled at Tunxis, later named Farmington, Connecticut, in 1640. A complete history of the family will be found in “Andrews Memorial,” compiled by Alfred Andrews, of New Britain, Connecticut, and published by A. H. Andrews & Company, of Chicago, Illinois, in 1872. John Andrus married Mary.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Timothy Collins

(IV) Rev. Timothy Collins, son of John (3) Collins, was born in Guilford, April 13, 1699, died at Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1776. He graduated from Yale College in 1718. He became minister of the town of Litchfield and owner of one-sixtieth of the town rights. He probably was called through the influence of Deacon John Buell, who came from Lebanon. He was ordained June, 1723, and dismissed in 1752, after which he practiced medicine in Litchfield the remainder of his life. He studied medicine during the ministry. He was chosen justice of the peace in 1753. He married Elizabeth Hyde, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cyprian Collins

(V) Cyprian, son of Rev. Timothy Collins, was born at Litchfield, March 4, 1733. In July, 1759, his father deeded to him fifty acres of land that he bought, March 4, 1745, on the west side of East street. Cyprian built his house on a lot of four acres on the west side of East street, bought of Benoni Hills. The house was begun by Hills, occupied later by Cypriot’s son Timothy and with some additions, is still standing, and at last accounts was owned and occupied by Franklin Burton, and was the oldest in the town, still in use … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cyprian Collins

(VI) Cyprian (2), son of Cyprian (1) Collins, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, November 8, 1770. He was an early settler in Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, and died there. He was a farmer and contractor in the building of the Erie canal. He married, May 7, 1795, Huldah Norton.