Will Of Robert Hunter

Last Updated on August 15, 2013 by Dennis

The will of Robert Hunter, dated 5: 6mo: 1647, was proved in the Ipswich court 28: 7: 1647. The following copy is taken from the record contained in the Ipswich Deeds, volume 1, leaf 25, the original being missing.

This 5th of the 6th month 1647.

I Robert Hunter weak of body but of pfect memory prayfed be god doe make & ordayne this to be my laft will & Teftament. firft all my debts being paid I leave my howfe & lott to my wife Mary Hunter for Terme of her life. Item all my goods within the howfe I give to my wife Item I give unto Thomas Birkby one little Browne Heffer that corns two yeares and my fhop geare Item I give unto fome poore in the Church of Rowley ten pounds to be paid out of two mares of which ten pounds ten shillings I give to Richard Clarke Ite ten shillings to John Dresfer Item to John Burbant 108. Item to William Jackson 106. Item to Jane Grant I give 108. Item to Sifly wood 108. Item 301 to Margaret Crosfe 108. Item I give to William Stickne 208. & all my workiday clothes Item to Thomas Elethorp 108. Item I give to mris Shove 408 which I desire may be for helping her sonne when he is to ||goe|| [to] Cambridg. Item I give to John Trumbell 208. Item to Edward Sawier 108. Ite to Thomas Tenny I give 108 and the remainyng 208 of the 101 I give mris. Shove Item as for all the reft of my goods & Chattells I leave unto my wife Mary Hunter whom I make sole executrix of this my last will & Testament I [n] prsence of vs

Humfry Rayner      Robert Hunter.

Maximilian Jawet his mke.

Source: The Essex Antiquarian January 1899



Perley, Sidney. The Essex Antiquarian. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Antiquarian Monthly Periodical, published 1897-1909. Compiled into 13 volumes by Essex Antiquarian, and republished.

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