T Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

Last Updated on June 11, 2012 by Dennis


Oliver, s. Daniel and Anne, June 26, 1755.


Alonzo B., s. Lowell and Mary, Oct. 28, 1832.
Ellen Maria, d. Marshall and Mary, Mar. 10, 1824.
Mary Ann, d. Lowell and Mary, July — , 1837.


Emeline, d. Otis W. and Sena, May 31, 1825.
Esther Hayward, d. Otis and Sena, Jan. 17, 1834.
Harrison Gray Otis, s. Otis W. and Sena, Apr. 12, 1829.
Sena, d. Otis W. and Sena, Dec. 28, 1831.

THEBAULT (see Thebolt)

John, s. John and Mary, Aug. 11, 1741.
Magdelen (Thebuald), d. John [and] Mary [?], Apr. 10, 1745.
Mary, d. John and Mary, June 21, 1743*

THEBOLT (see Thebault)

Anna, d. John and Mary, Aug. 15, 1749
Joanna, d. John and Mary, Apr. 9, 1747


—- , s. Elnathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1847.

THOMPSON (see Thomson)

Harriet, d. John and Sibbyl, Nov. 7, 1789.
Sibel, d. John and Sybil, June 15, 1787.
Willard, s. John and Sibyl, July 22, 1792.

THOMSON (see Thompson)

Abigail, d. Ebenez[torn] and Susannah, July 23, 1704.
Benjamin, s. John and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1703.
Benoni, s. Ebenezer and Susannah, Nov. 18, 1708.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Su[torn], Feb. 16, 169[7-8].
Eleazer, s. Ebenezer and Susannah, Mar. 15, 1701-2.
Jonathan, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 23, 1700.
Joseph, s. John and Hann[torn], Oct. 19, 1698.
Joseph, s. Ebenezer and Susannah, Oct. 23, 1706.
Lemuel, s. John (Tomson) and Sibyl, Mar. 17, 1785.
Martha, d. John and Hannah, Mar. 28, 1704—5.
Mehittabell, d. Ebenezer and Susannah, Feb. 13, 1709-10..
Susannah, d. Ebenezer and Susanah, Feb. 29, 1699-[1]700.

THURSTAN (see Thurstane, Thurstnn, Thurston, Thurstone, Thurstonn, Thurstun)

Diana, d. Danill and Martha, May 12, 1707.

THURSTANE (see Thurstan, Thurstnn, Thurston, Thurstone, Thurstonn, Thurstun)

Benjamin, s. Daniell and Marie, Feb. 17, 1678-9.
Benjamin, s. John and Mary, June 26, 1680.
Bethia, d. John and Marie, Apr. 30, 1672.
Daniell, s. Daniell and Marie, Feb. 14, 1674-5.
Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1671.
Esther, d. John and Marie, Jan. 23, 1674-5.
Hanna, d. John and Marie, Nov. 18, 1669.
John, s. John and Marie, Sept 27, 1677.
Margarett, d. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1677-8.
Margarit, d. Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1668.
Sarah, d. Thomas (Thurston) and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1662.

THURSTNN (see Thurstan, Thurstane, Thurston, Thurstone, Thurstonn, Thurstun)

Sarah, d. John and Hannah, July 29, 1691.

THURSTON (see Thurstan, Thurstane, Thurstnn, Thurstone, Thurstonn, Thurstun)

Amariah, s. Joseph and Dorathy, Dec. 3, 1729 [blotted].
Experience, d. Joseph and Dorathy, Dec. 27, 1731.
John, s. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1655-6.
Mary, d. John and Mary, Aug. 15, 1665.
Nathaniell, s. Thomas and Sara, Jan. 24, 1660.
Samuell, s. Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1674.

THURSTONE (see Thurstan, Thurstane, Thurstnn, Thurston, Thurstonn, Thurstun)

Mehitabell, d. John Jr. and Marie, Sept. 9, 1667.
[torn]homas, s. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1657-8.

THURSTONN (see Thurstan, Thurstane, Thurstnn, Thurston, Thurstone, Thurstun)

Marie, d. Thomas (Thurston) and Mary, Mar. 17, 1664-5.

THURSTUN (see Thurstan, Thurstane, Thurstnn, Thurston, Thurstone, Thurstonn)

Bethiah, d. John and Hannah, May 29, 1695.
Daniel, twin s. Daniel and Experience, Feb. 19, 1701-2.
Hannah, d. John and Hannah, June 8, 1693.
Increase, twin s. Daniel and Experience, Feb. 19, 1701-2.
Jabez, s. John and Hannah, June 23, 16[97].
Jane, d. John and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1704.
Joseph, s. Daniel and Experience, Oct. 14, 1700.
Martha, d. Daniel and Martha, Mar. 23, 1708-9.
Mehittabell, d. John and Hannah, Jvme 18, 1700.
Phebe, d. John [and] Hannah, Dec. 11, 1702.
Rebekah, d. John and Hannah, Aug. 19, 1698.


Elizabeth Perry, d. Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1807.
Esther Morse, d. Stephen and Hannah, Mar. 29, 1801.
Polla, d. Stephan and Hannah, July 30, 1794.
William Smith, s. Eleazer Perry and Catharine, Apr. 4, 1830.


Peter Clark, s. Capt. James and Sibyl, Mar. 18, 1785


George, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1760.
Gregory, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1758.
Grigrory, s. Rev. Jonathan and Sarah, June 1, 1766.
Horatio, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1763.
Horatio, s. Horatio Esq. and Anstis, Aug. 28, 1799.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1751.
Lucretia, d. Horatio Esq. and Anstis, July 27, 1798.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 24, 1761.
Mary, d. Horatio and Anetis, Jan. 2, 1797.
Sara, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1754.
William, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1753.
William, s. Jonathan and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1755.


Lidia, d. Jonathan and Judith, Sept. 3, 1667.


Abigaell, d. John and Deborah, Dec. 24, 1667.
Abigail, d. Abner and Abigail, Jan. 7, 1759.
Ama, d. George and Ama, Oct 25, 1787.
Asa, s. Bezeliel and Elizabeth, June 19, 1765.
Asubah, d. Samuel and Ruth, May 13, 1758.
Bezaleel, s. Bezaleel and Elisebeth, Dec. 27, 1749.
Bezeliel, s. Bezeliel and Mary, Nov. 13, 1775.
Calvin Jr., s. Calvin and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1800.
David, s. Abner and Abigail, Dec. 23, 1756.
Deborah, d. John Jr. and Sarah, May 7, 1679.
Ebenezer, s. John and Sarie, Nov. 24, 1693.
Edward, s. John and Sarie, Dec. 7, 1688.
Edward, s. Seth and Mary, July 28, 1776.
Elisebeth, d. Bezeliel and Elisebeth, Oct. 21 [?], 1748.
Eliza Catherine, d. John A. and Catherine, Apr. 20, 1844.
Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Rebecka, Nov. 16, 1684.
Enos, s. Samuel and Ruth, Feb. 7, 1768.
Finis, d. Bezella [?] and Elizabeth, June 24, 1767.
Francis Adams, s. Stephen and Susan, Nov. 2, 1827.
George, s. George and Ama, Apr. 16, 1785.
Hanna, d. John and Deberah, Apr. 21, 1670.
Hannah, d. John and Silence, Feb. 18, 1750-1.
Hannah, [twin] d. Bezeleel and Elisebeth, Mar. 23, 1753.
Hannah, d. Bezalel and Elisebeth, Feb. 28, 1760.
Hannah, d. George Turner and Ama Clark, Feb. 10, 1776.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Rebeckah, Mar. 15, 1687-8.
Isaiah, s. Anne Bullard, Dec. 15, 1779.
Jacob, s. Samuel and Ruth, Apr. 11, 1755.
Joel, s. Bezaleel and Elizebeth, Feb. 27, 1750-1.
John, s. John and Debora, Mar. 3, 1650— 1.
John, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1681-2.
John, [twin] s. John and Mary, Feb. 19, 1713-14.
John, s. Bezeleel and Elisebeth, Apr. 19, 1755.
John, s. Bezeliel Jr. and Mary, June 18, 1773.
John, s. Calvin and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1802.
John Addison, s. John A. and Catherine, May 26, 1833.
John Smith, s. Stephen and Susanna, Aug. 11, 1825.
Joseph, s. Jacob and Lois, Aug. 14, 1787.
Joseph, s. Calvin and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1797.
Keturah, d. Samuel and Ruth, Aug. 13, 1770.
Keziah, d. Samuel and Ruth, Jan. 3, 1760.
Lois, d. Bezelel and Elisebeth, Apr. 4, 1762.
Lucinda, d. [torn] and Lucinda [torn] [rec. after Jan. 24, 1793]
Lucy, d. George and Ame, Sept. 23, 1782.
Margret, d. George and Ame, June 26, 1780.
Mary, d. John and Deabora, Nov. 18, 1658.
Mary, d. John and Mary, Aug. 21, 1711.
Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 1, 1713.
Mary, d. Samuel and Ruth, Nov. 11, 1765.
Mary, d. Seth and Mary, Mar. 22, 1779.
Miriam, [twin] d. John and Mary, Feb. 19, 1713-14.
Nathan, s. Bezeleel and Elisebeth, Dec. 6, 1757.
Obed, s. Calvin and Sarah, July 13, 1792.
Philip, s. Isaac and Rebekah, Feb. 5, 1689.
Polly, d. [torn] and Ama [torn] [rec. after Jan. 24, 1793].
Pricilla, d. Samuel and Ruth, June 18, 1776.
Rachel, d. Samuel and Mary, Nov. 3, 172[o].
Rebecca, d. Isaac and Rebeca, Jan. 3, 1682-3.
Rebekah, d. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 12, 1714-15.
Ruth, d. Samuel and Ruth, Apr. 22, 1764.
Saach [? Isaac], s. John and Debora, A[u]g. 25, 1654.
Salla, d. Calvin and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1790.
Samuel, s. John and Debora, Apr. 15, 1661.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Ruth, Sept. 14, 1761.
Samuell, s. Isaac and Rebec[torn], Jan. 13, 1686.
Samuell, s. Samuell and Mary, Oct. — , 1724.
Sarah, d. John and Deborah, Nov. 18, 1663.
Sarah, d. John and Mary, Feb. 15, 1708-9.
Sarah, d. Samuel and Ruth, May 22, 1753.
Silence, d. Bezeliel and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1769.
Stephan, s. Calvin and Sarah, May 4, 1794.
Stephen, s. John Jr. and Sarah, Oct 22, 1684.
Stephen Foster, s.” Stephen and Susan, Oct. 10, 1823.
Susanna, d. Calvin and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1798.
Thaddeus Morse, s. John A. and Catherine, Mar. 5, 1838.
Thankful, [twin] d. Bezeleel and Elisebeth, Mar. 23, 1753.
William, s. George and Ame, May 1, 1778.
Zillah, d. Samuel and Ruth, Mar. 7, 1773.
, ch. Jacob and Lois, Mar. 2, 1789.

TWETCHEL (see Twichell, Twitchel, Twitchell)

David [?], s. Benoni and Hannah, July 20, 1706.

TWICHELL (see Twetchel, Twitchel, Twitchell)

Abiell, d. Benjamin and Marie, Nov. 1, 1663.

TWITCHEL (see Twetchel, Twichell, Twitchell)

Hannah, d. Benoni and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1712-13.
Nehemiah, s. Benoni and Hannah, Aug. 15, 1708.
Seth, s. Benoni and Hanna[h], Nov. 9, 1711.

TWITCHELL (see Twetchel, Twichell, Twitchel)

Josiah, s. Benoni and Hannah, July 10, 1707.
Seth, s. Benoni and Ha[n]nah, July 31, 1710.

Birth Records,

Medfield, MA. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850. New-England historic genealogical society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903.

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