Stone Family Records

Last Updated on January 6, 2015 by Dennis

THE Stone Family is among the forty-nine “best families” selected by the American Historical-Genealogical Society for whom the Society has published family histories during the past few years.

The Stone Family has been prominent in the British Empire and in the United States, its members having played important roles in war and in peace. Family pride is a commendable trait and should be cultivated. All Stones have just cause to be proud of their family history and traditions.

In references No. 7 and No. 14 we find the following regarding the origin and meaning of the name Stone:

The surname of “Stone” was originally taken by those who resided beside some remarkable roadside stone or rock. We find many instances of “at the stone,” such as “Warin de la Stane” (1273), “Reginald ad Ston,” “Robert atte Stone,” etc.

This is a very familiar local surname in England, and there are towns and parishes so called in Stafford, Buckingham, Gloucester, Kent and Worchester.

The data in this volume is gathered from reliable sources. We have selected what we consider the most important material. Many of the daughters, and sons for whom no issue was shown, have been omitted from the pedigrees. A missing symbol indicates that a name has been omitted. Those desiring further information are advised to consult the volumes mentioned in the list of References.

The compiler hopes that, in producing this volume, he is bringing to the Stone Family information which will be of interest and value to them, and that he is rendering an important service to the public. He and his associates will be glad to give their co-operation to members of the family who are interested in having a complete genealogy of the family published.

Unless otherwise plainly shown, the persons in this volume whose names are accompanied by three figures are children of the immediately preceding persons bearing immediately preceding numbers. All persons in each group bearing the same letter as a part of their numbers are directly related. The generations of the descendants of those bearing numbers of three figures are represented as follows. However, some of our material is published as copied from various records without rearrangement according to this system.

Generations 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Symbols (1), etc. (A), etc. (a), etc. 1, etc. A, etc.
Generations 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Symbols a, etc. (I), etc. (i), etc. I, etc. i, etc.

Abbreviations: add., address; b., born; ch., children; coll., college; d., died; d. y., died young; d. w. i., died without issue; dau., daughter; grad., graduated; l., lives, lived; m., married, moved; s., son, succeeded; d. s. p., died without issue; d. v. p., died before father; univ., university.

Battle Hymn of the Stones

Tune: “Battle Hymn of the Republic”

There’s something strong and mighty in a good old family name!
The name of Stone is found among those on the scroll of fame;
For nearly all the sons of Stone pursue a lofty aim.
The clan goes marching on!

Chorus: Glory to our grand old family,
Virile, worthy, brave and loyal!
Sure, Stone is a grand old family!
The clan goes marching on!

Richard, Joseph, John and Hugh were fathers of our clan;
Posterity of Gregory and Simon never ran;
Samuel was virile, Thomas was a sturdy man.
The clan goes marching on!

William was a signer of a famous document;
Enos into danger for his country bravely went;
Samuel preached the gospel, everything he said he meant.
The clan goes marching on!

Gilbert was a writer who served many noble knights;
Patriotic David was hero of many fights;
Frederick stood for justice; Lucy fought for women’s rights.
The clan goes marching on!

Andrew was a statesman whom his countrymen adore;
George Stone was a bishop, worthy of the robes he wore;
William governed Maryland–request of Baltimore.
The clan goes marching on!

When danger threatened country or a battle to be won,
Righteous movements need defenders or work to be done,
Brave Stones were always there, and never did a kinsman run.
The clan goes marching on!

The sons of Stone have courage any task or foe to face;
Our daughters all are lovely with their beauty, charm and grace;
The leaven of our family is a blessing to the race.
The clan goes marching on!

No matter what opposes or what enemies assail,
With Stone allied in worthy causes, justice should prevail.
Those who claim the name and blood of Stone should never fail.
The clan goes marching on!

Ancient Stone Families

THE following titled Stone families are listed in “BURKE’S GENERAL ARMORY”: Trevigo, co. Cornwall; Bodmin, co. Cornwall; Stone, co. Devon; co. Essex; Lechlade, co. Gloucester; Wedmore, co. Somerset; Streatley House, co. Berks; co. Kent; cos. Lancaster and York; London, 1515; Brightwell, co. Oxford; co. Dorset; Bedingham, co. Norfolk; London (four families); Holme, juxta Mare, co. Norfolk; Wavesdon, co. Suffolk; Framfield, co. Sussex; Badbury, co. Wilts; co. Worcester; George Stone, Archbishop of Armagh.

Prominent British Stones in the 1920’s

SIR CHARLES STONE: Kt., cr. 1920; J.P., London, 1922; b. 1850; s. of Thomas; educ., privately, City of London School; solicitor, 1872; chairman for some years Greenwich War Pensions Committee and of Blackheath and Kidbrook Schools. Add.: London.

CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS: D.S.O., 1918; M.C.; author; London editor of The Gramophone; b., Eton, 1882; y. s. of late Rev. E. D. Publication: Rigour of the Game. Add.: London.

REV. DARWELL: M.A., D.D.; Principal of Pusey House since 1909; b. 1859; s. of Rev. G. L.; educ., Merton Coll., Oxford. Publication: Christ and Human Life, 1901. Add.: Oxford.

BRIG.-GEN. FRANCIS GLEADOWE: R.A.. C.M.G., 1917; b. 1857; s. of Robert N.; served Afghan War, 1879-80; appointed to command 18th Division Artillery with rank Brig.-Gen., 1914: commanded 40th Divisional Artillery. Publication: Tactical Studies from Franco-German War. Add.: London.

GEORGE FREDERICK: Managing Editor and chief leader writer, Western Daily Press, Bristol, since 1921; b. 1855; s. of late Frederick; educ., Bristol Trade and Mining School. Publication: Bristol as It Was and as It Is. Add.: Bristol.

REV. HENRY CECIL. BROUGH: C.B.E., 1919; M.A.; Senior Chaplain Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment (retired); 2nd s. of late Very Rev. W. H.; educ., Dublin Univ. Add.: Yorks.

HERBERT: Honorary M.A., Cantab.; b., Birmingham; s. of James Henry; educ., High School, Birmingham; specialist in the study of wood; late Lecturer on Wood, Univ. Cambridge. Publication: Timbers of Commerce. Add.: Cambridge.

JOHN WILLIAM: C.B.E., 1918; Chief Surveyor of Lands, Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Dept.; b. 1852; s. of late John William; educ., private schools; trained as Architect and Surveyor. Add.: London.

SIR JOSEPH HENRY: Kt., cr. 1919; C.I.E., 1913; M.A.; b. 1858; educ., King’s Coll., Cambridge; Special Deputy-Director of Public Instruction, 1912.

COL. LIONEL GEORGE TEMPEST: C.M.G., 1918; C.B.E., 1926; mem. Inst. Transport; b. 1874; s. of late Edward Coutts Tempest; educ., Wren’s Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst; Commissioner Ministry of Transport, 1920-21. Add.: London.

BRIG.-GEN. PERCY VERE POWYS: C.M.G., 1918; D.S.O., 1917; b. 1883; s. of Percy Goddard; educ., Blundell’s, Sandhurst; joined 2nd Battalion Norfolk Regt. in S. Africa, 1902; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour; Secretary Norfolk Territorial Army Assn., 1922-23. Add.: Isle of Wight.

MAJOR ROBERT GRAHAM WILLIAM HAWKINS: D.S.O., M.C.; Royal Engineers; b., Dover, 1890; o. s. of Brig.-Gen. F. G.; educ., Wellington Coll.; served in District Mounted Troop, Aliwal North, during last six months of S. African War, 1902. Add.: London.

WILLIAM GEORGE RUSH: Managing Director and Editor Worcestershire Echo and Worcester Herald; b. 1855; worked as journalist in Devonshire, Northamptonshire; President Worcester Chamber of Commerce, 1919-20. Add.: Worcester.

Prominent American Stones in 1920’s

ALBERT JAMES STONE: Railway official; b., Holly, Mich., 1873; s. Edson S.; educ., public and high schools; began in operating dept., Eric R. R., 1888, and apptd. asst. to gen. mgr., 1903; vice-pres. in charge of operation from June, 1914, Erie R. R.; mem. of var. clubs, includ. Whitehall; Presbyterian. Add.: New York.

ALFRED HOLT: Planter, publicist; b., New Orleans, La., 1870; s. Walter Wilson; LL.B., Univ. of Miss., 1891; LL.D., 1916; cotton planter since 1893; contbr. of studies on negro problems to mags. and econ. socs. since 1890: mem. of The Cosmos (Washington) Club. Add.: Dunleith, Miss.

ALLISON: Newspaper pub.; b., Providence, R. I., 1873; s. Charles Morgan; B.P., Brown Univ., 1896; gen. mgr., Providence Journal Co., since 1917; mem. Alpha Delta Phi; Episcopalian; mem. of Hope Club. Add.: Providence, R. I.

ARTHUR JOHN: Silversmith: b., Sheffield, Eng., 1847; s. Joseph; educ., ch. schools of Sheffield and Sheffield School of Art: an exponent of handwrought silver in the arts and crafts movements since 1901; Episcopalian; Mason. Add.: Gardner, Mass.


CHARLES AUGUSTUS: Elec. engr. and financier; b., Newton, Mass., 1867; s. Charles H.; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, etc.: mem. of numerous clubs, including Engineers. Add.: New York.

CHARLES WATERMAN: Electrical engr.: b., Providence, R. I., 1874; s. Waterman; educ., Univ. of Kan.; mem. Am. Soc. M. E.; life mem. Navy League; Episcopalian; contbr. to numerous papers on engineering and has lectured at various times before Engineers’ School, Washington, D. C. Add.: Schenectady, N. Y.

CHARLES WELLINGTON: Educator; b., Templeton, Mass., 1853; s. Leonard; A.B., Harvard, 1874; established school preparatory for Harvard, 1879; the school No. 38 of the “English” Report of the Harvard Overseers; wrote “Needles of Pine.” Add.: Boston, Mass.

CLAUDIUS ULYSSES: Ex-Congressman, postmaster.

CLIFF WINFIELD: Prof. edn.; b., Fisk, Wis., 1874; s. Edmund George; grad. State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1899; mem. Phi Delta Kappa; wrote “Arithmetical Abilities” (1908). Add.: Pullman, Wash.

CLYDE ERNEST: Judge; b., Mason Co., Ill., 1876; s. Claudius L.; mem. Phi Kappa Sigma; Presbyterian; mem. of Rotary Club. Add.: Peoria, Ill.

ELLEN MARIA: Missionary teacher.


FRED ANDREW: Actor; b., Longmont, Colo., 1873; s. Lewis Preston; educ., public schools; first appeared on stage at age of 11, at Topeka, Kan; scored success as the Scarecrow in “Wizard of Oz” (1903). Add.: New York.

GEORGE EDWARD: Botanist: b., Leicester, Mass., 1860; s. Samuel Lamb; botanist from youth; prof. of botany, Mass. Agrl. Coll., 1893-1916, and plant physiologist, Mass. Agrl. Expt. Sta., 1895-1916. Add.: Amherst, Mass.

GEORGE HAPGOOD: Mining geologist.

HARLAN FISKE: Jurist; b., Chesterfield, N. H., 1872; s. Frederick Lauson; B.S., Amherst Coll., 1894; admitted to Bar (N. Y.), 1898; apptd. Atty. Gen. of U. S. by President Coolidge, 1924; Episcopalian; pres. Assn. Am. Law Schools, 1919: contbr. to legal publications. Add.: Washington. D. C.

HARRY EVERETT: Educator; b., Corry, Pa., 1883; s. Nathaniel: A.B., Allegheny Coll., 1905: student law dept., Univ. of Mich., 1907-08: mem. N. E. A., Phi Gamma-Delta. etc.; Presbyterian: 32d degree Mason. Add.: Morgantown, W. Va.

H(ENRY) CHARLES: Clergyman.

HENRY LANE: Lawyer; 1842-1922.

HERBERT LAWRENCE: Editor: b., Charleston. S. C., 1872: s. William; educ., private schools. N. Y. City; served as navigating officer, cruiser Montgomery, transport Pastores; mem. Cruising Club America. Wrote “The Yachtman’s Handbook.” Add.: New York.

ISAAC SCOTT: M.D.; b., Sandy Spring. Md., 1851; s. James H.; studied science and medicine, Univ. Md., M.D., 1872; Fellow Royal Soc. Medicine, London; mem. of var. nat. and local med. socs.; mem. Cosmos Club: contbr. to surg. and gynecol. journals for many years. Add.: Washington, D. C.

JAMES CLIFTON: Tobacco merchant; b., Richmond, Ky., 1878; s. Samuel Hanson: student Central Univ., Richmond. Ky., 1893-96; established the Stone Tobacco Warehouse, Louisville, 1899; mem. Christian (Disciples) Church: mem. of var. clubs, including Pendennis Club. Add.: Lexington. Ky.

JAMES SAMUEL: Clergyman; b., Shipton-on-Stour, Eng., 1852; s. James Samuel; grad. Phila. Div. School, 1877; mem. of Cliff Dwellers’ Club. Author of “Simple Sermons on Simple Subjects,” 1879. Add.: Evanston. Ill.

JOHN CHARLES: Educator; b., Albion, Ill., 1867; s. James Scott; grad. Southern Collegiate Inst. Author of “Method in Geometry”; head of mathematics and physics, Elgin (Ill.) High School, 1897-98. Add.: Upper Montclair, N. J.

JOHN STONE: Elec. engr.; b., Dover. Va., 1869; s. Gen. Charles Pomeroy; educ., Columbia Grammar School, N. Y., 1884-86; has been granted over 120 U. S. patents for inventions relating to improvements in telephony and telegraphy; mem. var. organs., including Nat. Council Nat. Econ. League; mem. of Army and Navy Club (Washington). Add.: San Diego, Calif.

JOHN TIMOTHY: Clergyman: b. 1868; s. Timothy Dwight Porter; grad., Auburn Theol. Sem., 1894; ordained Presbyterian ministry. Utica, 1894; dir. Chicago Bible Soc.; mem. of Union League Club. Author of “Footsteps in a Parish.” Add.: Chicago.

JOSEPH CECIL: Lawyer; b., Big Rock. Tenn., 1870; s. William Jesse; A. B., Univ. of Chicago. 1899; admitted to Texas Bar, 1901, and began practice at Okmulgee, Ind. Ty., 1902: mem. com. which wrote city charter for managerial form of govt. for Muskogee; Episcopalian. Add.: Muskogee, Okla.

JUDSON F.: Agent McCormick estates: b., Canton, Pa., 1873; s. Judson W.; student Univ. of Minn. 2 years: trustee Chicago Zool. Soc.; Presbyterian Add.: Chicago.

KIMBROUGH: Judge: b., Nevada, Mo., 1875; s. William Joel; Litt.B., Univ. of Mo., 1895-97; Judge U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit, by apptmt. of Pres. Wilson, since 1917; mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Add.: Kansas City, Mo.

LEE ALEXANDER: M.D., author; b., Louisville, Ky., 1879; s. Walter Scott; grammar and high school; M.D., Ky. Univ., 1902; former head dept. of public health and prof. med. sociology, Gen. Med. Coll., Chicago; Episcopalian. Author of “Eugenics and Marriage” (1915). Add.: Chicago.

MASON SERENO: Past commr. edn.; b., Waterbury Center, Vt., 1857; s. Orson Newell; LL.D., Norwich Univ., 1909; supt. schools, Manila, P. I., 1901; Congregationalist; 32d degree Mason; mem. Delta Psi (Univ. of Vt.). Add.: Montpelier, Vt.

MELVILLE ELIJAH: Journalist; b., Hudson, Ill., 1848; s. Rev. Elijah; attended var. schools, including Yale, Columbia Univ., etc.; pres. of Globe Nat. Bank, 1892, until its consolidation with Continental Nat. Bank, 1898. Add.: New York.

NAHUM ISAAC: Economist, statistician; b., Odessa, Russia, 1873; s. Isaac Elihu; mem. of var. organs., including Am. Econ. Assn. Author of many articles, monographs, reports on econ. and other subjects in mags. and scientific publications. Add.: New York.

ORMOND: Astronomer; b., Pekin, Ill., 1847; s. Rev. Elijah; Univ. of Chicago, 1866-70; A.M., 1875; observed total eclipse of sun, Ia., 1869; mem. Am. Aston. Soc. and many others. Add.: Clifton Station, Va.

RALPH: Banker; b., Wilmington, Del., 1868; s. George W.; A.B., Swarthmore Coll., 1889; dir. Bur. of Trusts for alien property custodian (U. S.), 1917-18; mem. of Detroit Club. Add.: Detroit, Mich.

RALPH WALTER: Geologist; b., Camden, N. Y., 1876; s. Walter Chester; A.M., Harvard, 1901; asst. state geologist, Pa.; Topographic and Geol. Soc. America, Geol. Soc. Washington, Soc. Econ. Geologists, A. A. A. S., Washington Acad. Sciences, Alpha Delta Phi. Add.: Harrisburg, Pa.

ROYAL AUGUSTUS: Judge; b., LeSueur, Minn., 1875; s. Herman Ward; LL.B., Washington Univ., 1897; apptd. by gov. asso. justice Supreme Court of Minn., 1923. Add.: St. Paul, Minn.

RUFUS BARRETT: Lawyer; b., Groton, Mass., 1847; s. Warren Fay; grad. Lawrence (Mass.) Acad., 1867; engaged in U. S. Revenue Service in Miss.; admitted to Miss. Bar, 1872; hon. mem. Bradford Bd. Commerce and Rotary Club. Add.: Bradford, Pa.

SEYMOUR MILLAIS: Portrait painter; b., Russia, 1877; s. David Berril; attended var. schools, including Art Inst. of Chicago; began as sign painter and worked in Chicago and New York; produced celebrated painting, “Parsifal”; painted many portraits of royalty and nobility. Add.: New York.

WALTER KING: Illustrator; b., Barnard, New York, 1875; s. William Talmage; educ., public schools, Rochester, N. Y.; mural decorator, asst. prof art, Coll. of Architecture, Cornell Univ., 1920; Unitarian; mem. of Salmagundi Club; illustrated “The Log of the Sun” (1906), and many others. Add.: Ithaca, N. Y.

WALTER ROBINSON: Ex-mayor; b., Whitesville, Ind., 1872; s. Horace G.; student at Amherst (1891-95), (hon. M.A., 1917); vice-pres. Third Nat. Bank; Baptist. Add.: Syracuse, N. Y.

WARREN SANFORD: Labor leader and banker. 1860-1925.

WILLARD JOHN: M.D.; b., Gloversville. N. Y., 1877; s. John Butler; M.D., Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1901; studied Univ. of Vienna, 1902-03, attending physician Los Angeles General Hospital; Presbyterian; wrote num. articles on medical topics. Add.: Pasadena, Calif.

WITMER: Naturalist; b., Phila., 1866; s. Frederick D.; Sc.D., Univ. of Pa., 1913; mem. Am. Philos. Soc., Sigma Xi, and many other organs.; mem. of Franklin Inn Club. Author of “Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey” (1894). Add.: Phila., Pa.

Warry-Stone of Badbury

A101 JOHN STONE: of the parish of St. Mary Savoy; 1595-1663; m. twice; by Mary Evans, his second wife (license dated 1640) had William, Robert and

A102 JOHN STONE: of New Inn and Putney, Gent.; b. 1642.

A103 JAMES STONE: of Badbury Manor, Wilts; m., 1718, Jane Hawkins; d. 1743-4.

A104 JOHN STONE: of Badbury Manor and Ivey House, co. Wilts, and Goldwell Hall, co. Berks; m., 1742, Ann Read; d. 1774.
(1) James: 1743-1774; d. s. p.
(2) John: bapt. 1748; his heir–A105.
(3) Robert: of Effra House, co. Surrey; J. P.; 1749-1820; m., 1804, Mary Ann Stell; had, with other issue:
(A) Robert Nathaniel: of Effra House, Boxton; J. P.; 1813-1879; m., 1841, Cecilia Smith.
(a) Robert Sydney: of the Inner Temple; Barrister-at-Law; H. M.’s Colonial C. S.; 1841-1916; unm.
(b) Edward Herbert: late Deputy Consulting Engineer to Govt. of India for State Railways; b. 1848; m., 1885, Alethe Cath. Joan Hall.
1. Burnett Sydney; Capt. 88th Carnatic Inf.; b. 1886; m., 1919, Marjorie Brown.
2. Harold Ramsay Hawkins: b. 1890; m., 1921, Muriel Mary Sanderson.
(c) Francis Gleadowe: C. M. G.; Brig.-Gen.; b. 1857; m., 1884, Celine Euphemia Cloete.
1. Robert Graham William Hawkins: D.S.O.; M. C.; late Capt. Roy. Engineers; b. 1890.
(4) Henry: of Goldwell Hall, co. Berks; 1756-1843; m., 1778, Elizabeth Rolt; issue.

A105 JOHN STONE [A104-(2)]: of Badbury Manor and Lower Upham, co. Wilts, and Startforth, co. Yorks; m. Ann Bowman; d. 1814.
A106 JOHN STONE: of Badbury Manor, Lower Upham, Wilts, and Sydney House, Bath; 1779-1858; m. (1), 1815, Sophia Whatley; m. (2), 1831, Catherine Maria Barry; s. by dau. and sole heir.

A107 CATHERINE STONE: m., 1860, Maj. Wm. Warry; d. 1861.

A108 WILLIAM JOHN ELLIS WARRY-STONE: F.R.G.S.; of Badbury, Wilts; b. 1860; educ. at Eton and Oxford; M. A., 1886; adopted additional name of Stone.

Stone of Bedfords

B109 RICHARD STONE: had issue.

B110 RICHARD STONE: admitted a freeman of the City of Oxford, 1671.

B111 RICHARD STONE: yeoman; admitted freeman, 1733; b. 1712.

B112 RICHARD STONE: of Cumnor Hall, Berks; admitted freeman of City of Oxford, 1759; 1737-1784; m. Ann Gardner.

B113 EDWARD STONE: of Chawley, Berks, and afterwards of Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucester; freeman of Oxford City; 1767-1846; m. (1), 1786, Sarah Luker; m. (2), 1809, Elizabeth Hooper.
(1) Deodatus: of Appleton; 1787-1842; m. Esther Bullock; d. s. p.
(2) Edward: of Calcutta; 1810-1853; m., 1833, Eliza Jane McCann.
(3) Frederick William: of Guelph, Canada; J. P., co. Wellington; 1814-1895; m., 1842, Eliza Clarke, of New York; had, with other issue:
(A) John: 1846-1876; unm.
(B) Frederick William: of Ampthill Grange, Ampthill, Beds.; Barrister-at-Law; 1848-1915; m., 1883, cousin, Edith Hooper; issue.
(C) Alfred: b. 1854.
(4) John Jeffries: of Scyborwen, co. Monmouth, and Stoneleigh, Erwell, Surrey; High Sheriff, 1873; 1817-1879; m., 1844, Mary Mulready Leckie.
(A) Edward Mulready: of Cumnor, The Drive, Sydenham; b. 1845; m., 1872, Alice Maria Browning.
(a) Claude Edward: b. 1873; m. Etheline Harriet Perry.
1. Lancelot Browning (1902).
2. John Ed. Claude (1908).
(b) Gerald William: b. 1875.
(c) Harold Mulready: b. 1879; m.; issue.
(d) Ralph Browning Leckie: b. 1882; m.. 1919, Anna Genese; issue.
(e) Mark Houghton: b. 1884.
(f) Oliver John: 2nd lieut. R. F. A.; 1886-1916; killed in action.
(B) Charles Gunter: 1846-1899.
(C) Arthur Flintoff: 1854-1892; d. s. p.
(D) James Gill: d. unm., 1876.
(E) Walter Henry: of Donnington, Sydenham; b. 1858; m., 1881, Florence Mary Browning.
(a) Kenneth Walter: b. 1882; m. (1), 1910, Etheldred Hinuba Stokes; m. (2), Evelyn Janie Dorman.
(5) Francis Perridge: of Melbourne, Australia; 1821-1869; m., 1843, Sarah Elizabeth (???); issue.
(6) Alfred: 1824-1840.
(7) Henry Robert: B114.

B114 HENRY ROBERT STONE: of Bedfords, Havering-atte-Bower, Essex; 1831-1876; m., 1862, Georgina Jane Jessop (Parker).

B115 HENRY JESSOP STONE: of Bedfords, Havering-atte-Bower, Essex; maj. and hon. lieut.-col. 4th Batt. Highland L. I.; b. 1863; m., 1890, Emma Veronica Cunliffe; had, with other issue,
(1) Ellis Robert Cunliffe: lieut. Roy. Welsh Fus.; 1893-1914; killed
in action at Ypres.

Stone of Erdington

C116 JOSEPH STONE: of Brierley Hill, Kingswinford, Staffordshire; 1766-1838; m. Miranda Hatton (Barber).

C117 BENJAMIN STONE: of Birmingham; glass manufacturer; 1802-1882; m. (1), 1826, Catherine Baker; m. (2), 1836, Rebecca Matthews; had, with other issue:
(1) James Henry: of Birmingham and Handsworth; J. P., co. Stafford and for Birmingham; m., 1853, Eliz. Benton; d. 1908; issue.
(2) John Benjamin: late of Erdington–C118.

C118 SIR JOHN BENJAMIN STONE: Knt.; F.S.A., F.L.S., F.C.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.A.S.; of Erdington, co. Warwick; J. P.; five times Mayor of Sutton, Coldfield; M. P. for Birmingham (East), 1895-1910; High Steward of Sutton, Coldfield; 1838-1914; m., 1867, Jane Parker.
(1) Baron Wilford: now of Erdington–C119.
(2) Norman Benjamin: b. 1871.
(3) Oscar Harold: b. 1872; m., 1898, Jessie Louise Yates.
(A) Gerald Benjamin Oscar: b. 1901.
(4) Roland Parker: b. 1876; m., 1906, Dora Holme.

C119 BARON WILFRID STONE: of Inchallock Rowe, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire; capt. and hon. maj. (ret.) late 1st Vol. Batt. S. Staffordshire Regt.; b. 1869; m., 1920, Christine Law.

Stone of Kirley Firth Hall

D120 SAMUEL STONE: of Elmfield House, Knighton, Leicester; J. P.; m. Cath. Smart Fowler.

D121 SAMUEL FRANCIS STONE: of Kirley Firth Hall, co. Leicester; J. P. and D. L.; High Sheriff, 1901; b. 1834; m., 1859, Maria Gillham.
(1) Samuel Francis Montagu: V. D.: lieut.-col. 1st Vol. Batt. leics. Regt.; b. 1861.
(2) Charles Cecil: capt. 15th Batt. 58th Com. Imp. Yeo.; served in S. Africa; b. 1865.
(3) Lennard Chamberlin: 1868-1910.
(4) Howard Grafton: lieut. R. N. R.; b. 1873.

Deacon Gregory Stone

E122 DEACON GREGORY STONE: b. In Essex, England, 1592; emigrated to New England 1635; d. 1672; m. Margaret Garrad; m. (2) Mrs. Lydia Cooper.
(1) John: b. in England, 1618; came to this country with his father; m. Anne (—).
(A) Deacon Daniel: 1644-1718-19; m. Mrs. Mary (Moore) Ward; m. (2) Abigail Wheeler; m. (3) Ruth Haynes.
(a) Daniel: 1668-1702; m. Patience Brown.
1. Micah: 1699-1738; m. Abigail Stone.
A Capt. Josiah: 1724-1785; m. Anne Haven.
a Luther: 1753-1838; m. Mary Trowbridge; in Revolutionary War.
(I) Theodore: 1788-1860; m. Sally Morse.
(i) Theodore: b. 1825; m. Sarah Hobart. b Josiah: 1762-1836; m. Elizabeth Fiske; m. (2) Anne Stone.
(I) Luther: 1786-1852; m. Mary Eaton.
(i) Henry L.: 1811-1886; m. Mary Henderson Groce; m. (2) Harriet Bowditch.
(II) Abijah: 1788-1850; m. Martha Buckminminster; served in War of 1812. Ch.: Charles F.: 1813-1885; m. Judith Ordway.
(III) Summer: 1821-1896; m. Mary Stone.
B Capt. Daniel: 1727-1813; m. Persis Haynes.
a Nahum: 1752-1821; m. Hannah Haven; a soldier in Revolutionary War.
(I) Gregory: 1776-1810; m. Prudence Leland.
(i) Hon. Gregory David: 1801-1838; m. Elizabeth Farris.
(II) Dea. Albert: 1779-1858; m. Sally Kimball.
(i) James S.: 1816-1897; m. Mary Phinney.
I Albert: b. 1843; m. Anna H. Putnam.
II Edwin P.: 1853-1914; m. Clara Leland; grad., Harvard, 1874.
(ii) Elbridge K.: 1818-1898; m. Jane Brown.
I Elbridge K.: b. 1850; m. Cora Edison.
(III) Daniel: 1781-1861; m. Sally Williams.
(i) Nahum: 1807-1891; m. Susan Hovey.
I Daniel Josiah: 1837-1869; m. Emma Shattuck; minister.
II Charles Nahum Leland: b. 1848; m. Lizzie Quimby.
b John: 1757-1844; m. Anne Hunt; a minute-man in Revolutionary War.
(I) Major John: 1779-1807; m. Prudence Fuller.
(i) John: 1806-1877; m. Sarah Tinker.
I John Franklin: 1831-1883; m. Azubah Dearborn.
II Guy A.: 1839-1915; m. Dora Carey; served in Civil War.
(II) William: 1787-1862; m. Sukey Cutter.
(i) Dana C.: 1806-1883; m. Mary Whitney; m. (2) Mary Newton; m. (3) Lois Newton; m. (4) Mrs. Nancy Taft (Southworth-Stevens) Rogers.
I George D.: 1833-1909; m. Martha Wood; m. (2) Lucy Burrill.
II John Alphonso: b. 1836; m. Martha Jacobs.
III Lyman T.: b. 1843; m. Mary Southwick; served in Civil War as a Union soldier.
(ii) John: 1812-1892; m. Adeline Osborn.
I John Livingston: b. 1840; m. Emma Baird; m. (2) Sarah Johnson; m. (3) Mrs. Addie (Trull) Stevens.
II Charles Henry: b. 1847; m. Marianna Barnes.
(iii) George Washington: 1815-1871; m. Maria Dudley.
I George W.: b. 1838; m. Helen Jones.
II William Lewis: b. 1841; m. Delia Moore; ch.
(III) Walter H.: 1792-1853; m. Jane Merriam.
(IV) Capt. Peter Robert Livingstone: 1794-1875; m. Edith (Merriam) Winship.

Alfred Stone

ALFRED STONE: (1840-1878); musician and choir trainer; when only eighteen became organist of St. Paul’s Church and successively of Arley Chapel Highloury Chapel, Christ Church and, by the mayor’s appointment, of the mayor’s chapel (St. Mark’s). He edited the popular British Tune Book; was master of singing at Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital. He was a stimulating teacher and conductor who, by his energy, improved musical education and taste in the west of England.

Andrew Stone

ANDREW: (1703-1773); Undersecretary of State and tutor to George III after graduating from Oxford, became secretary to the Duke of Newcastle; it 1734 was Undersecretary of State to Newcastle, later sitting in Parliament accompanied the King as temporary secretary on his visit to Hanover; on the death of Frederick, Prince of Wales, he was appointed subgovernor to the young Prince, the future George III; in 1775 was treasurer to the new Queen Charlotte Sophia.

Arthur L.Stone

Q134 ARTHUR L. STONE: m. Helen Stone.
(1) LeRoy Harry: m. Norma Dorothy Polette, 1927; now lives at 2433a Texas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ch.: Dorothy Lee (1928), Marcella (1929).

Benjamin Stone

BENJAMIN: (d. 1642); swordmaker; enterprising cutler of London, who established the earliest English sword factory of which anything is known; was appointed blademaker to the office of ordnance. The withdrawal of Charles I and the flight from London of the chief officers of ordnance, with the rest of the nobility, left him in a bad plight. After the civil war the factory passed into other hands, and the industry languished and ceased in the 18th century. The Duke of Newcastle, in two of his books, testified to the surpassing excellence of the blades.

Charles L. Stone

N131 CHARLES L. STONE: b. Morrisville, Vt.; m. Harriet A. Danforth.
(1) Herbert Danforth.
(2) Roa Abigail.
(3) William Austin: b. 1868, Morrisville, Vt.; m. Bessie L. Young,
1871; now lives at Council Bluffs, Iowa.
(A) Alma Gail.
(B) Mildred Roa.
(C) Fred Austin.

Daniel Stone

(V) Daniel: 1797-1870; m. Mary Jackson.
c. Daniel: 1760-1834; m. Sally Buckminster; served in Revolutionary War.
(I) Dexter: 1791-1846; m. Harriet West; m.
(2) Ellen Kittredge.
C. Col. Micah: 1729-1813; m. Rachel Haynes; m. (2) Sarah (Tilton) Batchelder; served in Revolutionary War.
a. Lieut. Abel: 1751-1795; m. Peggy Trowbridge; a minute-man in Revolutionary War.
(I) Micah: 1782-1863; m. Olive Gleason.
(i) George: 1806-1873; m. Mrs. Sarah (Colson) Hills.
(ii) Dea. Henry: 1808-1882; m. Jane Richardson; deacon.
I Henry Augustus: 1840-1915; m. Marcia Goodwin.
II Charles Edwin: 1845; m. Alice Felch; served during Civil War.
(iii) John Young: 1810-1853; m. Deborah Simonton.
D Moses: 1734-1804; m. Hannah Moore; fought in French and Indian War, and Revolutionary War.
a Josiah: 1758–between 1792-1804; m. Abigail Chency; fought in Revolutionary War.
(I) Newell: 1792-1855; m. Patty Frail.
(i) Daniel Cheney: 1818-1903; m. Sarah Frail.
I Charles Willard: 1850-1892; m. Ellen Rockwood; ch. b Moses: 1767–between 1792-1804; m. Ruth Moore.
E. Rev. Eliab: 1737-1822; m. Sarah Hubbard; graduated from Harvard, 1758; minister.
a. Eliab: 1768-1806; m. Anna Upton; m. (2) Betsey Eaton.
(I) Dr. George Upton: 1795-1854; m. Clarissa Norton.
(i) John: 1828-1910; m. Julia A. Pike. Issue.
(II) Eliab: 1797-1837; m. Mary Goldthwaite. Issue.
b. Dea. John: 1781-1849; m. Catherine Dodge; m.
(2) Mary Hodges.
(b) John: 1684-1719; m. Anne Tilestone.
1. Dea. Daniel: 1707-1783; m. Mary Frost; m. (2) Mrs. Martha (Howe) Nichols-Goddard.
A Dr. Elijah: 1736-1804; m. Elizabeth Lyndes; physician.
a. Dr. Daniel: 1773-1842; m. Hitty Bixby; m. (2) Sophia Coolidge; m. (3) Mary Hawes; graduated from Harvard, 1797.
(I) Dr. Charles Elijah: 1828-1910; m. Caroline Phillips; was one of the “gold-fever” pioneers to California, 1849.
b Dr. Jonathan: 1783-1860; m. Elizabeth Upham; m. (2) Ann Blackman; physician.
(I) Gustavus: 1821-1902; m. Sarah Ann Bartlett; in their shops the twine-binding harvesting machine was invented, 1878.
B Abner: 1750-1-1829; m. Persis Moore; served in Revolutionary War.
a Capt. Phineas: 1776-1802; m. Mary Jarvis; issue.
b Abner: 1777-1859; m. Sally Russell; m. (2) Mary E. Thompson. Issue.
c Capt. Martin: 1780-1821; m. Sally Coolidge; m.
(2) Eliza Vitum.
(I) Rev. Edwin Martin; 1805-1883; m. Louisa Lane.
2. Uriah: 1713-1797; m. Mary Blunt; fought in French and Indian War.
A Uriah: 1743-4-1796; m. Lois Stone.
a Luther: 1774-1852; m. Abigail Bemis; m. (2) Mrs. Martha (Sibley) Knights; ch.
b Hezekiah: 1777-1838; m. Charlotte Lamb.
(I) Samuel Lamb: b. 1828; m. Sophia S. McCrea; ch.
c Abijah: 1784-1869; m. Mehitable Gage; ch.
d Uriah: 1794-1880; m. Laura Haynes; ch.
B John: 1750-1804; m. Elizabeth Leonard; ch.
C Samuel: 1754-1820; m. Hannah Craig; served in Revolutionary War.
a Samuel: 1789-1876; m. Mary Newhall.
(I) William Watson: 1821-1891; m. Sarah French; m. (2) Mrs. Jane (Baird) Jessup; ch.
(II) Hon. Thomas Newell: 1831-1899; m. Brenda Hull; m. (2) Mary Jane Taylor; ch.
(III) Elbridge Gerry: 1832-1908; m. Harriet Elmer; m. (2) Margaret Brown; ch.
(IV) James Aaron: 1847-1901; m. Helen Flagg; ch.
b James Madison: 1811-1892; m. Mary Davis.
(I) James Henry: 1841-1909; m. Emily Willson; ch.
3. Sergt. Abijah: 1719-1758; m. Anne Jones.
A Abijah: 1749-1806; m. Experience Stimpson.
a Capt. John: 1779-1858; m. Nancy Stimson.
(I) Lieut. George Henry: 1819-1879; m. Mary Richardson.
B John: 1758-1829; m. Lydia Jones.
a Abijah: 1789-1821; m. Elizabeth Shepard.
(I) Timothy S.: 1809-1872; m. Lucy McFarland.
b Elisha J.: b. 1790; m. Lucinda Kelley.

Daniel Stone

M130 DANIEL STONE: m. Mary Tybout; settled in Philadelphia.
(1) William: m. and had Mary and
(A) James: m. and had 3 ch.: Ida, James and Ella.
(2) Andrew Tybout: m. Susannah McFarlane; b. 1796; had the fol. ch.: William [ (A) below], Rebecca, Mary, Susan, Washington  Jackson, Andrew, Henry Harrison; d. 1846.
(A) William: b. 1819; m. Martha Thomas; had the fol. ch.: Helen,  Amelia, Andrew Tybout [ (a) below], George Rowan, James  Braton, William James, William Franklin, Jane Braton, Edward Everett, Mary Boggs and May Andrews.
(a) Andrew Tybout: b. 1848; m. Mary Holliday Kean; had 5 ch.: Walter Kean, Charles Edward, Elizabeth May, Ralph Holmes and Andrew Tybout (1 below).
1. Andrew Tybout Stone, Jr.: b. 1888; m. Helen Ditting Cliber, 1913; had 3 ch.: Andrew Tybout (1915), Marion Ditting (1918), Ruth Tybout (1922); now 1. at 306 Walnut St., Hollidaysburg, Pa.

David Stone

(B) David: 1646-1737: m. Susanna (???); took part in King Philip’s War and the Great Swamp Fight.
(a) Samuel: 1685-1750: m. Bathsheba (???).
1. Capt. Zedekiah: 1709-10-1800; m. Martha (???).
A Col. Nathan: 1734-1795; m. Mary Spofford; ch.
B Capt. Caleb: 1746-1820; m. Sarah (???); m. (2) Abigail Brown; served in Revolutionary War; ch.
2. Lieut. Samuel: 1714-1786; m. Rebecca Clark.
A Jason: 1737-1809; m. Deborah Goodnow; ch.
B Samuel: 1750-1841; m. Anna Stacy; soldier in Revolutionary Army, and fought in battle of Bunker Hill.
a Martin: 1778-1851; m. Betsey Stone.
(I) Capt. Edmund: 1815-1899; m. Lucy Healey.
(i) Seamon A.: b. 1842; m. Mollie King; a union soldier in Civil War; ch.
(ii) Lyman M.: 1846-1903; m. Leaffie Greenleaf; ch.
b Capt. Nathaniel S.: 1780-1866; m. Nancy Priest.
(I) Dea. Nahum: 1811-1908; m. Eliza Buffum; minister; ch.
(II) Charles: 1814-1888; m. Sarah Worcester; ch.
(III) Gardner: 1816-1894; m. Sarah Ward; ch.
c Windsor: 1791-1848; m. Huldah Johnson.
(I) Fordyce J.: 1818-1889; m. Laura Haskell; ch.
C Windsor: 1734-1832; m. Elizabeth Mellen; soldier in Revolutionary War.
a Gardner: 1793-1852; m. Sally Denniston.
(I) Dea. John D.: 1824-1907; m. Martha Allen; deacon. Ch.: John West: b. 1850; m. Kate Dana; ch.
3. David: 1716-17-1807; m. Sarah Rice.
A David: b. 1750-1; m. Nancy Felton; ch.
4. Sergt. Joseph: 1721-1770; m. Dorcas Hobbs; served in French and Indian War.
A Ephraim: 1747–between 1832-1840; m. Rebecca Streeter; soldier in Revolutionary War; ch.
B Josiah: 1750-1883; m. Hannah Weld; soldier in Revolutionary War; m. (2) Margaret Williams.
a Walter: 1780-1862; m. Nancy M. Dexter.
(I) George D.: 1808-1886; m. Mary Russell.
(i) Alvin B.: 1834-1905; m. Miranda Keyes; ch.
(ii) Cornelius H.: 1844-1902; m. Harriet Chase; served in Union Army during Civil War; ch.
(II) Walter W.: 1812-1897; m. Lydia Putney.
(i) Charles Henry: b. 1838; m. Sarah Safford; ch.
(III) Chester H.: 1822-1907; m. Mary Rumrill. Ch.: James Edwin (1850), Charles Walter (1853), George Elliott (1861).
b Capt. Josiah: 1789-1865; m. Experience Stevens.
(I) Dea. William Alanson: 1817-1910; m. Emily M. Sumner; ch.
c Dea. Chester: 1794-1872; m. Anna Whittlesey.
(I) Edwin Chester: 1824-1904; m. Mary Brown; m. (2) Phebe Clement; ch.

Edmund Stone

EDMUND: (d. 1768); mathematician; son of the gardener of the second Duke of Argyle. The Duke, once seeing a copy of Newton’s “Principia” lying on the grass, supposed it to be his own and had it carried to the library. Young Stone claimed it, however, and a conversation ensued in which the Duke learned, to his surprise, that without teachers the young man had acquired a considerable knowledge of mathematics and had mastered the rudiments of Latin and French. The Duke placed him where he could pursue his studies. He was author of many works, the first being “The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments.” The death of the Duke of Argyle seems to have affected him greatly, for he withdrew from the Royal Society and spent the remainder of his life in poverty.

Edward James Stone

EDWARD JAMES: (1831-1897); astronomer; born in London of a Devonshire family; appointed chief assistant at the Royal Observatory in 1860, and devoted ten laborious years to the improvement of the fundamental constants of astronomy; in 1870 became royal astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope. There his energies were mainly devoted to the preparation of the Cape catalog of 12,441 stars for the epoch of 1880, the merit of which was acknowledged by the bestowal of the Lalande prize of the French Academy. A series of magnetic observations made by him on the total solar eclipse of 1874 was printed by the Royal Society. In 1879 he returned to England to the post of Radcliffe observer at Oxford; was a fellow of the Royal Society and presided for two years over the Royal Astronomical Society.

Elmer Ellsworth Stone

P133 ELMER ELLSWORTH STONE: b. 1869, Marysville, Calif.; grad. in medicine and surgery, San Francisco; attained rank of captain in World War; retired from practice and entered business; now Vice-President and General Manager of Maier Interests; m. (1) in 1892; m. (2), 1920, Bert Elsie Estes.
(1) Mrs. A. W. Wachter: lives in Los Angeles.
(2) Elmer E., Jr.: 1st Lt. Regular Army during World War; m.; Comptroller of Richfield Oil Corpn.; lives at 122 E. 42nd St., New York City. Ch.: George Elmer.

Francis Stone

FRANCIS: (1738 ?-1813); Unitarian divine; curate of Crawley, Worth; in 1765 presented to the rectory of Cold Norton, Essex; published a pamphlet initiating the movement for a petition to Parliament for relief from clerical subscription; wrote avowedly in the interest of the Unitarians. Meanwhile he turned to economic and social questions and became a fellow of the Society of Arts.

Frank Stone

FRANK: (1800-1859); painter; born at Manchester; brought up as a cotton spinner and did not turn his attention to art until he was twenty-four years of age; is said never to have studied under any master or even to have received a drawing lesson at school. He went to London, and his earliest works were pencil drawings; in 1833 was elected as associated exhibitor of the Water Colour Society; in 1837 was represented for the first time at the Royal Academy exhibit by several portraits in oil. He had many friends in London, among whom were Thackeray, Campbell and Rogers, Dickens, etc.; was elected a fellow of the Royal Academy, and was father of the well-known Marcus Stone, R.A.

George Stone

GEORGE: (b. 1708); archbishop of Armagh; accompanied the Duke of Dorset to Dublin as one of his chaplains; consecrated archbishop in 1747 and took his seat on the archibishop’s bench in the Irish House of Lords; became a member of the privy council, 1747; was also a lord justice. He virtually became dictator of Ireland for the remainder of his life; was buried in Westminster Abbey.

George Stone

K128 GEORGE STONE: b. 1802 (?), Manchester, Eng.; m. Amy Mailham; d. 1842.
(1) Samuel: b. Lancashire, Eng., 1825; m. Anne Varley (very old family of Clitheroe, Eng.), 1848; had 4 ch., including the following:
(A) Annie Varley: b. 1854; came to Newark, N. J., 1857; m. Geo. McNaughton Stone (s. of Thomas Stone), 1875; had 5 ch., incl.:
(a) Thomas Llewellyn: b. Newark, N. J.: pres. Thos. & Geo. M. Stone, Inc., established in 1859 by grandfathers; m. Alice M. Fainsley; now 1. at Newark, N. J.
(B) George Richard: b 1850; m. Laura Hague; had 4 ch., incl.:
(a) Clarence Edward: m. Annie Willows.
(C) William Carmichiel: m. Betsey Lord; had 4 ch.
(2) Thomas: b. 1829; m. Lillian McNaughton, 1851; had 5 ch.
(3) George Thomas: b. England; m. Ann Reese, of Wales, 1865; had 1 s., Thomas.

Gilbert Stone

GILBERT: (d. 1417 ?); medieval letter writer; educated himself at Oxford, studying civil law. In 1384 Richard II confirmed him in possession of the prebend of Buckland Denham in Wells Cathedral. Early in the 15th century he held a prebend in Hereford Cathedral; is said to have written 123 letters, some of which are still extant; for his time, was clever with his pen and was solicited by the monks to write their founders’ or saints’ lives.

Captain Hezekiah Stone

(f) Capt. Hezekiah: 1710-11-1771; m. Ruth Howe.
1. Dea. Eliphalet: 1735-1817; m. Lydia Goddard; served in French and Indian War; deacon of the Marlborough Church.
A Lieut. Calvin: 1762-1820; m. Mehitable Dodge.
a Calvin: 1801-1864; m. Elvira Wallingford; served in Civil War.
(I) Solon W.: 1834-1915; m. Maria S. Clapp; m. (2) Lauretta P. Richardson; ch.
B Capt. John: 1765-1849; m. Elizabeth Stanley; m. (2) Mrs. Rebecca (Coolidge) Ward.
a Andrew: 1796-1832; m. Hannah Shurtleff.
(I) Loren: b. 1820; m. Janet Stinson; ch.
b Aaron: 1802-1869; m. Mary Ward; ch.
c John Curtis: 1819-1893; m. Ellen Fay; m. (2) Marion Munroe; ch.
C Capt. Shubael: 1766-1823; m. Polly Rogers; soldier in Revolutionary War.
a Jesse: 1791-1871; m. Lucy Emery.
(I) Sherman: 1815-1878; m. Lydia F. Robinson; m. (2) Mrs. Sarah (Libby) Shaw; ch.
b Rev. Cyrus: 1793-1867; m. Atossa Frost; m.
(2) Abigail Kimball; grad. from Dartmouth College, 1822; from Andover Theological Seminary, 1825.
(I) James Farrar: b. 1839 in India; grad. from Williams College, 1861; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. U., 1866; m. Isabel McIlvaine; m. (2) Mrs. Catherine (Gundrum) Wilson.
c Dea. Perley Davis: 1795-1882; m. Harriet Kel?? logg; deacon. Ch.: Cyrus K. (1825-1892; m. Susan Phillips; ch.).
d Jeremiah: 1798-1875; grad, from Medical School of Dartmouth College, 1826; m. Esther Wildes. ch.
e Stillman: 1802-1853; m. Sarah Mason.
(I) Lyman M.: b. 1841; m. Margaretta Clapp?? served in Civil War; ch.
f Luther: 1809-1876; m. Ruth French.
(I) Henry A.: 1835-1890; m. Sarah E. Stevenson; ch.
g Benjamin Franklin: 1814-1882; m. Lucy W. Barker; fought in Civil War.
(I) Perley A.: b. 1847; m. Helen Palmer; ch.
2. Capt. Jesse: 1737-1803; m. Elizabeth Livermore; served in Revolutionary War.
A Dr. William: 1760-1839; m. Sarah Clark; m. (2) Mrs. Hannah (Perry) Jenney; served in Revolutionary War.
a Dr. William: 1783-1843; m. Mrs. Hannah (Doane) Townsend.
(I) Hon. Thomas N.: 1818-1876; m. Hannah Atwood; m. (2) Nancy Atwood; grad., Bowdoin College, 1840; grad., Medical School of Dartmouth College, 1844; ch.
(II) Joseph C.: 1825-1886; m. Emeline Harrod.
(i) William Harrod: 1848-1912; m. Alice Ridings; ch.
(III) Elisha Doane: 1828-1904; m. Sophia Harrod; ch.
b Clark: 1788-1875; m. Mary Nichols.
(I) Elijah J.: 1819-1887; m. Elizabeth Thomas; ch.
c John Henry: 1824-1905; m. Sarah M. Kentfield; ch.
B Capt. John: 1763-1849; m. Nancy Rice; soldier in Revolutionary War.
a Capt. John: 1786-1852; m. Lora Parish.
(I) Hon. Alfred Parish: 1813-1865; m. Anna M. Townsend; member of Congress from Ohio, 1844-1845; ch.
(II) Dwight: 1817-1901; m. Olive Evans; ch.
b Sumner: 1798-1855; m. Elizabeth B. Wick; ch.
c Col. Oren: 1802-1886; m. Jane Bryant; ch.
C Col. Jesse: 1765-1857; m. Sarah Singleterry; m. (2) Mrs. Mary (Merry) Chase; ch.
D Dea. Isaac: 1769-1857; m. Lucretia Drury; m. (2) Lydia Brigham; m. (3) Mrs. Esther (Wellington) Gale-Pierce-Bartlett; m. (4) Abigail Manley.
a Jeremy: 1798-1837; m. Ann Green Mitchell.
(I) Commander Edward E.: 1826-1892; m. Fannie DeMontalaut; served throughout Civil War; ch.

Horace Stone

O132 HORACE STONE: b. April 23, 1833, in Cooperstown, N. Y.; had a bro., who was a major in Civil War; m. and had with other issue:
(1) Horace: served in Civil War; spent later years in Morenci, Michigan. (2) Daniel Delavan: m. and had with other issue:
(A) Fred Denton: Pastor of the Irving Park Methodist Episcopal Church, 3801 North Keeler Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Ch.:
Fred Denton, Jr.

Captain Isaac Stone

4. Capt. Isaac: 1730-1794; m. Martha Munroe; officer in French and Indian Wars.
A Sergt. Isaac: 1753-1828; m. Hannah Bullard; served in Revolutionary War.
a Isaac: 1794-1822; m. Sally Robinson; served in War of 1812.
(I) Washington: 1816-1863; m. Martha H. Robinson.
(i) George W.: b. 1840; m. Eleanor S. Hill; Union soldier in Civil War; ch.
B Alpheus: 1757-1829; m. Lucretia Nye; served in Revolutionary War.
a Otis: 1795-1850; m. Susanna Robinson; m. (2) Hannah Shattuck; ch.
C Frederick M.: 1765-; m. Patty Bullard; m. (2) Mrs. Abigail (Williams) Hudson; m. (3) Liberty Pierce.
a Joseph Hudson: 1793-1850; m. Lucy Wadsworth; ch.
b John: 1794-1880; m. Pamelia Woodbury; m.
(2) Elizabeth Amelia Stone.
(I) Joel: b. 1820; m. Isabella Campbell; ch.
c Oliver: 1796-1858; m. Mary A. Bryant; ch.
(b) Joseph: 1686-7-1753; m. (???); m. (2) Mary (???).
1. Ephraim: 1708-1789; m. Dorothy (???); served in French and Indian War.
A Sergt. Oliver: 1739-1813; m. Lucy Willard; served in Revolutionary War.
a Lieut.-Col. Hosea: 1776-1850; m. Betsey Gibson.
(I) Hosea G.: 1809-1885; m. Esther Adams; ch.
b Joseph: 1783-1838; m. Eunice Hicks; ch.
B Capt. Joseph: 1750-1837; m. Susanna Gates; m.
(2) Betsey Richards; soldier in Revolutionary War.
a Joseph: 1775-1836; m. Dorothy Wilder.
(I) Horace W.: 1800-1887; m. Hannah Fisher.
(i) Bradshaw H.: b. 1825; m. Eliza Barrett; ch.
(II) Joseph Mason: 1820-1887; m. Susan Dudley; ch.
b Ezra: b. 1778; m. Charlotte Cooper.
(I) Alanson J.: 1821-1887; m. Jane Reeve; ch.
C Samuel: 1752-1775; m. Elizabeth Rich; ch.

Jeremy Stone

E Jeremy: 1776-1848; m. Abigail Davenport.
a Rev. Jesse: 1802-1896; m. Fanny McAllister; m. (2) Sarah Rogers; minister; ch.
b Dr. Elijah D.: 1816-1881; m. Amanda M. Stockton; m. (2) Mrs. Esther (Cook) Kilgore; physician; ch.
c Isaac D.: 1821-1903; m. Abigail Whittlesey; m. (2) Sarah Spender; ch.
3. Israel: 1751-2-1844; m. Tryphena Boyden; served in Revolutionary Army.
A Calvin: 1777-1823; m. Sally Green; ch.
B Elias: 1778-1847; m. Abigail Stone.
a Jonathan E.: 1817-1887; m. Mary Gleason; m. (2) Maria E. Parks; ch.
C Israel: 1785-1852; m. Hannah Towne.
a Phineas T.: b. 1810; m. Sarah M. Brockett; ch.
b Alvah A.: 1817-1882; m. Mary Hackett; ch.
4. Hezekiah: 1755-1834; m. Elizabeth Ballard; m. (2) Mrs. Polly (Rogers) Stone.
A Dea. Artemas: 1778-1862; m. Isabella Manning.
a Francis: 1802-1884; m. Mary Farrington.
(I) Maj. George H.: 1834-1913; m. Alice Buck; served in Union Army, during Civil War.
b Rev. Jesse: 1806-1893; m. Mrs. Cynthia (Bowker) Rollins; m. (2) Sarah Packard; minister.
(I) Lyndes B.: 1845-1909; m. Mary Kelley; Union soldier during Civil War; ch.
c Artemas: 1810-1860; m. Ann Simonds.
(I) Julius O.: b. 1840; m. Olive Bourne; ch.
(II) Dea. Samuel Stillman: b. 1841; m. Olive Jones; served in Civil War; ch.
(III) George Artemas: 1843-1913; m. Emma E Whitney; soldier in Civil War; ch.
d Oren J.: b. 1814; m. Lucy Gould; m. (2) Adeline Warren.
(I) Dea. Augustus Williams 1836-1917; m. Cynthia Newton; ch.
B Moses: 1785-1854; m. Betsey Fay; ch.
(2) Dr. Daniel: 1620-1686-7; m. Mary (???); ch.
(3) David: 1622-1703-4; m. Dorcas (???).
(A) Daniel: 1651-1730; m. Joanna Parker; soldier in King Philip’s War.
(a) Daniel: 1679-1762; m. Thankful Withington; m. (2) Mrs. Hannah Woodcock.
1. Sergt. Henry: 1720-1-1784; m. Lydia Wadsworth; fought in French and Indian War.
A George: 1744-5-1770; m. Rebecca May; ch.
B Lemuel: b. 1755; m. Sarah Smith; served in Revolutionary War.
a Henry: 1781-1860; m. Lucina Winsor.
(I) Hon. Lemuel M. E.: 1820-1895; m. Caroline Phetteplace.
(i) Waterman: 1847-1896; m. Emily Steere; ch.
(II) Maj. Winsor: 1822-1885; m. Patience M?? Randall; m. (2) Susan Williams (was the seventh in descent from the famous Re?? Roger Williams); ch.
(b) David: 1687-1733; m. Sarah (???); m. (2) Sarah Dye??
1. David: 1709-1794; m. Mindwell Priest; m. (2) Mrs. Thankful (Daniels) Fisher.
A James: b. 1746; m. Jerusha Melcom; m. (2) Sarah Watkins; was a soldier in Revolutionary War.
a Daniel: 1770-1846; m. Susanna Rawson; m. (2) Mrs. Betsey Towne; ch.
2. Samuel: 1712-1776; m. Dorothy Monk.
A Samuel: b. 1737; m. Katharine Hewet; fought in Revolutionary War.
a Solomon: 1769-1820; m. Lydia Randall; m. (2) Sylvia Hayward.
(I) Solomon: 1799-1882; m. Vesta Drake; m.
(2) Mrs. Susan (Littlefield) Capen.
(i) Chester: 1831-1854; m. Sophia Drake; ch.
(II) Charles: 1818-1890; m. Caroline Monk; m. (2) Mrs. Zemira (Derby) Champion.
(i) Florentine L.: b. 1847; m. Arabella Haley; ch.
b Ephraim: b. 1771; m. Zerviah Randall; served in War of 1812.
(I) Ephraim: 1794-1874; m. Mercy Hathaway; served in War of 1812 with his father; ch.
(II) Calvin: 1817-1895; m. Fannie Butterfield; m. (2) Mrs. Catherine E. (Warren) Williams; ch.
(c) Gregory: 1692-1734; m. Mary Converse.
1. Gregory: 1729-30-1782; m. Hepzibah Brooks; served in French and Indian War.
A Joshua: 1754-1822; m. Sarah Avery; in Revolutionary War; ch.
B Gregory: 1754-1807; m. Lucy Jones; in Revolutionary War.
a Daniel: 1805-1872; m. Rebecca Hopkins.
(I) Gregory: 1837-1911; m. Annie Bucknam; ch.
C Daniel: 1767-1834; m. Lusanna Williams; grad., Harvard Coll., 1791.
a Daniel: 1815-1901; m. Ann Johnston; m. (2) Eliza Vose.
(I) Alexander J.: 1845-1910; m. Helen Sewall; grad., Berkshire Medical College, 1867; ch.
(B) John: 1654-1750; m. Mary (???); ch.
(C) Samuel: 1656-1703-4; m. Hannah (???); soldier in King Philip’s War; ch.

Jerome Stone

JEROME: (1727-1758); linguist and poet; started his career selling books, and with no assistance other than his books acquired Hebrew and Greek; studied Latin with the assistance of a parish schoolmaster. The professors of St. Andrew, hearing of his abilities, permitted him to attend their classes, recommending him for the post of usher in a grammar school at the end of three years. Several years later the Duke of Atholl appointed him headmaster. His fame as a linguist was wide, but he did not live to complete any large work. He contributed to magazines, studied Gaelic literature with a view to translating, and was engaged on two works at his death.

John Stone

??6 JOHN STONE: Pilot Mountain, Surry Co., N. C.; had Enoch [ (1) below] and William.
(1) Enoch: b. 1791; d. 1847; m. Elizabeth Gordon; had John, Julia Pollie, Stacy and
(A) Wesley A.: b. 1823; m. Mary Dodson; Confederate soldier in Civil War; had 7 ch.: Enoch Joseph [ (a) below], John Edmond
[ (b) below], Sallie, Mary, Elizabeth, Eliza and Jennie??
(a) Enoch Joseph: b. 1847; m. Malissa Stone; Confederate soldier; had Mary E. and
1. Weslsey Monroe: b. 1871; m. Louisa F. Bean; 2 ch. Windell B. and Thelma.
A Windel B.: b. 1897; had 2 ch.
2. John G.: b. 1876; m. Roxie Thompson; supt. Va. Life Ins.; have I s., John G.
3. Edmond Franklin: b. 1878; m. Mamie Watson; now
1. at Pilot Mountain, Surry Co., N. C.; had the fol. ch.: Prince Malcohn, Kate Bell, Nellie Malissia, Clarence Carlile, Elizabeth Frances and Warren Joseph.
A Prince Malcolm: b. 1902; m. Stella M. Baker, 1928; now 1. at Connellsville, Pa.
4. Joseph Anthony: b. 1882; m. Rosie Jones, 1906; have 4 ch.: Caleb M., Joseph, Lillie and Dora.
5. Silas M.: b. 1884; m. Mammie Redman; 1. in N. C.; have 4 ch.: Mammie, Ora, Roy and Harvey.
(b) John Edmond: m. Martha Hill; had 7 ch.: Letha Jane, Elizabeth, Etta and
1. Robert W. Stone: m. Ada Venable; had 4 ch.: Glenn, John Edmond, Jesse and Joan.
2. Joseph Oliver: m. Ludie Hicks; had 5 ch.: Wilbur, Carl. Catherine, Evelyn and Mildred.
3. Enoch M. Stone: m. Bessie Hutchins; had 2 ch.: Madge and Hope.
4. Charles Wesley Stone: m. (???); had 1 ch.: Lelia.
(B) Calvin: m.; had 2 ch.: Joseph, Thomas.
(C) William S.: m. Malinda Shore; had 9 ch.: Thomas, William, James, Gideon. Sallie, Elizabeth, Malinda, Rebecca and Martha Gettie.
(D) Frank: m. Caroline Paindexter; had 10 ch.: Hampton, Wesley, John A., Franklin Preston, Delphina, Jennie, Justie, Tennisee, Mary and Delia.
(E) James: m. and had 2 ch.: Stephen and Hurshel.

John Stone

L129 JOHN STONE: m. Louisa Lemon Rede, England; had the fol. ch.: Lemon, Henry, Rede, John [ (1) below], Louisa. Charlotte, Madeline and Emma; settled in New Brunswick.
(1) John Stone: m. (1) S. L. Lefroor; m. (2) Jane Campbell; had the fol. ch.: Arthur Rede, Ada M. E., Frank J. (now 1. at Brookline, Mass.), Walter [ (A) below] and Ernest; d. 1894.
(A) Walter: b. 1865; m. Maria Lewis; had Walter B. and Alice May.
(a) Walter B.: m. Emma Mary Cunningham. Ch.: Pearl Gertrude, Bernard Campbell, Ruby Dorothy and Shirley May.

John Hurford Stone

JOHN HURFORD: (1763-1818); political refugee; a Unitarian. His radical views, combined with his acquaintance of continental languages and literature, attracted to his home such people as Fox, Sheridan, Rogers, Talleyrand and Madames de Genlis. He was a prominent member of the Society of the Friends of the Revolution and was forced to flee France because of his opinion.

Joseph F. Stone Family



PRINCE EDMUND PLANTAGENET: Earl of Leicester, Lancaster, and Chester; m., secondly, Blanche, granddaughter of LOUIS VIII, KING OF FRANCE.

HENRY PLANTAGENET: 3rd Earl of Lancaster.

LADY ELEANOR PLANTAGENET: m., secondly, Sir Richard Fitz-Alan, K. G.

RICHARD FITZ-ALAN: Earl of Arundel; m. Lady Elizabeth de Bohun, a des.


LADY ELIZABETH FITZ-ALAN: m., third, Sir Robert Goushill, Knt.

LADY ELIZABETH GOUSHILL: m., first, Sir Robert Wingfield, Knt., of Letheringham, Suffolk; d. 1431.

SIR HENRY WINGFIELD: of Orford, Suffolk.

SIR ROBERT WINGFIELD: of Orford and Upton.


DOROTHY WINGFIELD: m., as her first h., Adam Claypoole.

SIR JOHN CLAYPOOLE: 3rd son; Clerk of Hanaper; knighted by Cromwell.

JAMES CLAYPOOLE: of Philadelphia, Treasurer of the “Free Society of Traders

of Pennsylvania,” and Register-General of the Colony; d. 1687.

JOSEPH CLAYPOOLE: of Phila.; b., London, 1677; m., secondly, 1716, EDITH WARD.

EDITH CLAYPOOLE: m., first, 1744, David Chambers, of Phila.; d. 1759.

REBECCA CHAMBERS: d. 1834; m. Robert Wallace.

REBECCA WALLACE: m. Judge Jacob Burnet, of Cincinnati, s. of Dr. William

Burnet, Delegate to the Continental Congress from N. J.

ROBERT WALLACE BURNET: of Cincinnati; m. Margaret A. Groesbeck.



Lieutenant Joseph Stone

2. Lieut. Joseph: 1714-1768; m. Sarah Potter; soldier in. French and Indian War.
A Sergt. Joseph: 1750-1825; m. Lydia Rice; m. (2) Mrs. Mary (Keyes) Field; served in Revolutionary War.
a Capt. Luke: 1776-1858; m. Mrs. Sibyl (Adams) Fobes.
(I) Francis A.: 1807-1878; m. Nancy Harper.
(i) John: b. 1848; m. Idella Hamblin; ch.
(II) John: 1815-1881; m. Martha Glenn; physician.
(i) Robert Glenn: 1843-1915; m. Buena Vista Malpass; physician; ch.
(III) William Henry: 1818-1892; m. Esther Chaffee; ch.
b Lewis: 1778-1853; m. Hannah Cook.
(I) Lewis E.: 1806-1867; m. Sophronia Trask; m. (2) Mary Jenkins.
(i) Franklin L.: 1837-1886; m. Alice Hill; ch.
(II) William Bigelow: 1819-1897; m. Amelia K. Hoyt; ch.
c Hon. Joseph: 1789-1849; m. Martha Maynard; ch.
d Calvin R.: 1793-1838; m. Susan Fitch.
(I) Charles: 1825-1889; m. Mary Humphreys; ch.
e Col. Artemus: 1798-1869; m. Eliza Kingsbury; m. (2) Mrs. Mary Dalton Hodge (Simpson) Long; ch.
B Lieut. Jonas: 1758-1851; m. Lucy Cushing; m. (2) Lucretia Baldwin; served in Revolutionary War.
a Henry Baldwin: 1786-1849; m. Elizabeth Clapp.
(I) Joshua C.: 1825-1869; m. Elizabeth Hathaway; grad., Harvard, 1844; ch.
(II) Frederic: b. 1831; m. Lucy Bradlee; ch.
b Artemus: b. 1789; m. Hannah Washburn; served in War of 1812; ch.
c Jonas E.: 1792-1867; m. Anna R. Stocker.
(I) William Emery: 1832-1876; m. Sarah L. Tillot; ch.
d William Ward: 1798-1885; m. Helen Scott; ch.
C Sylvanus: 1761-1852; m. Mehitable Kellogg; served in Revolutionary War; ch.
3. Col. James: 1722-1800; m. Hannah Holloway.
A Lieut. William Holloway: 1754-1824; m. Mehitable Phelps; m. (2) Roxanna Moseley; served in Revolutionary War.
a Harvey: 1784-1842; m. Rachel Clapp; ch.
B James: 1756-1844; m. Judith Alden; served in Revolutionary War.
a Dr. James: 1783-1857; m. Phebe Powers; ch.
C Maj. Eli: b. 1760; m. (???); served in Revolutionary War.
a James: b. 1789; m. Sarah Shaw.
(I) Warren H.: 1825-1908; m. Abigail E. Poland; ch.
b Warren: 1797-1830; m. Elizabeth Boughton.
(I) Walter: 1830-1905; m. Jane Carland; m. (2) Jane Johnstone; ch.
D Luther: 1763-1832; m. Lydia Patrick.
a Luther: 1794-1866; m. Mary Rounds; ch.
b John: 1796-1871; m. Abigail Buckbee.
(I) Francis M.: 1823-1878; m. Sarah Davis; ch.
(II) Charles G.: 1838-1886; m. Helen Ramsey; ch.
c Eli: 1803-1852; m. Catherine Whittaker.
(I) Eli: 1836-1872; m. Ellen Vanderpool; ch.
d William Patrick: 1810-1890; m. Sibyl Truman.
(I) Eli: 1836-1898; m. Charlotte Metcalfe; graduated from Colgate College, 1856; served in Union Army, during Civil War; ch.
(c) Jonathan: 1689-90-1729; m. Chary Adams.
1. Jonathan: 1724-5-1805; m. Martha Cutter.
A Jonathan: 1748-1776; m. Hannah Gates; served in Revolutionary War; ch.
B Lieut. Seth: 1752-1827; m. Mary Tufts; m. (2)
Polly Hopkins; served in Revolutionary War.
a Nathan: 1786-1875; m. Nancy Willard.
(I) Edwin: 1817-1894; m. Mary Basset; ch.
C John: 1755-1819; m. Mary. Tufts; served in Revolutionary War.
a John Cutter: 1780-1855; m. Eliza Wyman.
(I) David: 1804-1882; m. Mary Pierce.
(i) Capt. Emerson: 1840-1905; m. Clementine Boyden; served in Civil War; ch.
b Nathaniel T.: 1788-1822; m. Sarah Rand.
(I) Jonathan: 1819-1896; m. Emma Cutter; ch.
(II) Nathaniel T.: 1823-1877; m. Evelina Cutter; ch.
D Thomas: 1757-1821; m. Mary Rawson; ch.
E Daniel: 1766-1829; m. Anna Gibson.
a Jonathan: 1795-1868; m. Abigail Foster; m. (2) Hannah Miller; m. (3) Mrs. Sophia (Buck) Newton.
(I) Edward N.: 1826-1853; m. Lucinda Flagg; ch.
(II) Joseph Henry: 1828-1897; m. Mary Brigham; Union soldier in Civil War; ch.
b John: 1799-1879; m. Lucinda Drake; m. (2) Mrs. Charity (Brewer) Hastings; m. (3) Mrs. Sarah (Forbush) Harrington; m. (4) Mrs. Lucy (Baird) Neff.
(I) John: 1826-1908; m. Charlotte Harrington; ch.
c Jonas: 1803-1885; m. Achsah Gould.
(I) George Henry: 1840-1894; m. Hannah M. Huckins; served in Civil War as Union soldier; ch.
(II) Frank Augustus: b. 1844; m. Abbie Warren; ch.
d Thomas: 1807-1847; m. Charlotte Winslow.
(I) Winslow F.: 1835-1894; m. Mary A. Fish: ch.
e Independence: 1809-1887; m. Mary E. Coy; ch.
f Liberty: 1813-1893; m. Julia Winslow; m. (2) Thankful Brooks Lesan.
(I) Henry S.: 1837-1909; m. Martha Stacy; ch.
(II) George Gilbert: b. 1846; m. Hannah M. Mooney; m. (2) Mrs. Margaret Dalrymple; ch.; Union soldier in Civil War.
F Jonas: 1767-1801; m. Sarah Toothaker.
a Jonas Adams: 1792-1858; m. Susan Fay.
(I) Nymphas Pratt: 1829-1912; m. Elizabeth
C. Hastings; m. (2) Susan Wight; m. (3) Ella Culver; ch.
b Daniel: 1797-1851; m. Sophia Wadleigh; m. (2) Mary Bartlett; ch.
2. Maj. Samuel: 1727-1806; m. Martha Earle; m. (2) Mrs. Eunice (Smith) Underwood; served in Revolutionary War.
A Lieut. Samuel: 1756-1829; m. Sarah Wallis; served in Revolutionary War; ch.
B Timothy: 1758-1840; m. Alice Stearns; served in Revolutionary War.
a Samuel: 1788-1825; m. Hannah W. Taintor.
(I) Samuel: 1811-1857; m. Sarah W. Dalton.
(i) Samuel: 1834-1911; m. Emily A. Nickerson; ch.
b Timothy: 1798-1890; m. Hannah Copeland.
(I) William C.: 1843-1905; m. Amy Doane; ch.
C John Earle: 1764-1849; m. Dorcas Lawrence.
a Jonathan L.: 1799-1869; m. Mrs. Lydia (Williams) Lawrence; ch.
b Earle: 1805-1888; m. Hannah Prentice.
(I) Prentice: 1837-1912; m. Martha Batchelder; ch.

Josiah Stone

3. Josiah: 1729-1777; m. Abigail Cutter; k. in Revolutionary  War.
A Josiah: 1759-1845; m. Millicent Wheeler; fought in Revolutionary War.
a Benjamin A.: 1793-1839; m. Lucy Wood; ch.
b Josiah: 1802-1885; m. Sally Bradford; ch.
(B) John: 1663-1711-12; m. Rachel Shepard; ch.
(C) Joseph: 1670-1702-3; m. Sarah (???).
(a) Ens. Joseph: 1705-1780; m. Lydia Parkhurst.
1. Hon. Joseph: b. 1731; m. Rebecca Merriam; fought in French and Indian War.
2. Isaac: 1735-1815; m. Persis Howe.
A Purchase: 1765-1850; m. Lois Damon.
a Buckley H.: 1793-1881; m. Mary Pierce; soldier in War of 1812.
(I) Henry Nye: 1827-1908; m. Emma Hastings; m. (2) Lauraetta C. Scott; ch.
3. Nathan: 1746-1793; m. Eunice Stone; in Revolutionary War.
A Capt. William: 1774-1855; m. Betsey Fiske; m.
(2) Mrs. Martha F. (Phelps) Perry.
a William Freeman: 1806-1892; m. Hannah Fay.
(I) Leonard P.: b. 1843; m. Mary French; ch.
B Nathan: 1779-1875; m. Betsey Stone.
a Phineas A.: 1807-1891; m. Rebecca Jackson; ch.
b Rev. Edward: 1815-1876; m. Harriet Townsend; grad., Brown Univ., 1835; Harvard Theological School, 1839.
(I) Ralph: 1849-1910; m. Alice DeBois; ch.
C Joseph: 1787-1824; m. Rebecca Smith; served during War of 1812.
a Anson: 1818-1887; m. Catherine Stone; ch.
b Maj. Milton J.: 1820-1898; m. Margaret D. Bowman; ch.
c Henry Nathan: 1823-1909; m. Sarah Willey; m.
(2) Mrs. Josephine (Rounceville) Van Benthuysen; m. (3) Mrs. Emma Myers; ch.
d James Winchell: 1824-1863; m. Jennie Gillmer; ch.

Levi Stone

4. Levi: 1723-1800; m. Mary Lawrence.
A Jonathan: b. 1750; m. Judith Rice; m. (2) Chloe Hazeltine; m. (3) Sarah Bixby; served in Revolutionary War.
a Jonathan: 1789-1844; m. Susanna Forrest; ch.
B Clark: b. 1757; m. Hannah Hazeltine; m. (2) Chloe (???); in Revolutionary War.
a Eliab: 1792-1863; m. Dolly (???); ch.
C Elijah: 1759-1810; m. Sarah Bartlett; served in Revolutionary Army.
a Alvah: 1793-1871; m. Tamar Cudworth.
(I) Capt. Lucian H.: 1819-1900; m. Anna M. Shepard; m. (2) Ada L. Bond.
(i) Wells C.: 1842-1909; m. Myra L. Burnham; Union soldier in Civil War; ch.
(ii) Lucian F.: b. 1848; m. Alice J. Whitaker; ch.
b Elijah: 1798-1863; m. Ann Gilbert; m. (2) Elvira Parsons.
(I) Levi: b. 1838; m. Harriet A. Butler; m. (2) Jennie Tuttle; ch.
D Levi: 1767-1855; m. Betsey Kidder.
a Lewis: 1797-1858; m. Lucy Howe; ch.
b Levi P.: 1802-1884; m. Caroline Cutler; ch.
(d) Lieut. Isaac: 1697-1776; m. Elizabeth Brown.
1. Dea. Jonas: 1725-1809; m. Rachel Rice; m. (2) Anna Parker.
A Rev. Isaac: 1747-8-1837; m. Susanna Goddard; ch.
2. Ens. Jasper: 1728-1802; m. Grace Goddard.
A Josiah: 1759-1820; m. Bridget Cushing; soldier in Revolutionary Army.
a Josiah G.: 1808-1891; m. Hannah Slocomb; m. (2) Lydia Flint; ch.
B Nathan: 1761-1839; m. Alice Knowlton; served in Revolution when he was 14 years old.
a Edson: 1789-1834; m. Mary Wood.
(I) Charles: 1811-1871; m. Comfort Bell; ch.
(II) George A.: 1821-1913; m. Mary A. Lockwood; ch.
C Isaac: 1777-1862; m. Mrs. Sarah (Parker) Johnson; m. (2) Mrs. Mary (Garland) Stearns.
a Nathan: 1819-1881; m. Dolly M. Hubbard; m. (2) Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Hoppin) Baldwin; ch.
3. Lieut. Nathaniel: b. 1732; m. Thankful Morse: m. (2) Mrs. Rhoda (Goddard) Goddard.
A Noyce: 1769-1851; m. Margaret L. Hanson.
a Capt. Horatio N.: 1812-1865; m. Laura Leonard; ch.
B David: 1776-1839; m. Frances Bellows; m. (2) Hannah Bellows,
a William Bainbridge: 1814-1850; m. Samantha Squier; ch.
b Nathaniel Edward: 1820-1900; m. Laura Bellows; m. (2) Harriet Hoit; served in Civil War; ch.
(e) Dea. John: 1702-1776; m. Elizabeth Stone; m. (2) Mrs. Mary (Stratton) Brown.
1. Capt. John: 1732-1819; m. Lucy Fletcher; served in Revolutionary War.
A Alpheus F.: 1778-1851; m. Rachel Willard; m. (2) Harriet B. Russell; m. (3) Mrs. Fanny Lincoln (Cushing) Arms; served in War of 1812.
a Gen. Charles Pomeroy: 1824-1887; m. Jeannie Stone; grad., West Point, 1845; served with distinction in Mexican War and in Civil War; ch.
2. Israel: 1749-1808; m. Lydia Barrett; m. (2) Mary Corner; served in Revolutionary War.
A Col. Augustus: 1780-1879; m. Rebecca Dodge; m. (2) Charlotte Putnam.
a Augustus I.: 1811-1848; m. Elizabeth Spencer.
(I) Selden S.: 1838-1905; m. Victoria Cook; ch.
B Benjamin F.: 1782-1873; m. Rosanna Devol; ch.
C Christopher C.: 1784-1827; m. Cyrinthia Graham.
a Capt. Sardine Graham: 1814-1864; m. Mary Richardson; m. (2) Sarah Hawkins.
(I) Capt. Frank S.: 1838-1898; m. Mary Hawkins; served in Confederate Army during Civil War; ch.
(II) Lieut. Sardine Graham: 1841-1900; m. Eliza Horton: served in Confederate Army during Civil War; ch.
(III) Capt. Thomas David: 1845-1908; m. Lucy C. Shields; m. (2) Annie Bassett; m. (3) Dora Priester; served in Confederate Army. Issue.

Mr. Stone

H125 MR. STONE: m. and was father of
(1) Hugh: (1638); m. Abigail Busecot.
(A) Hugh: (1669); m. Mary Potter. Ch.: Hugh (1692), Thomas?? (1695), Oliver (1701).
(B) Peter: (1671); m. Elizabeth Shaw.
(a) Peter: (1698); m. Patience Printing.
1. Peter: (1727); m. Mary Hammond; m. (2) Patience?? Hudson.
A Peter: (1759); m. Patience Westcott. Ch.: Peter?? (1784), Sylvester (1790).
B Andrew: (1762); m. Mary Westcott; m. (2) Mary Battery. Ch.:
a Peter: (1785).
b Henry: (1787); m. Anne Battey.
(I) Peter: (1819); m. Roxanna Bryant. Ch. John H. (d. in War, 1862).
c William: (1793); m. Phebe Stone.
(I) Andrew J.: (1813); m. E. M. Cone.
(II) George W.: (1815); m. Lucinda McPeake??
C Amos: (1764); m. Diedama Burlingham; m. (2)?? Mercy King.
a Dutee: (1787); m. Barbara Collins. Ch.: Horace?? (1810-1824).
b William: (1796); m. Susan Pratt.
(I) Nehemiah: (1820); m. Elizabeth Tanner.??
Ch.: George Albert (1847), Jess?? (1853), Edgar (1854).
(II) Alfred: (1822); m. (1) Ann M. Bud?? long, m. (2) Lydia Budlong.
(III) Philip: (1827); m. Juliana Jenks.
(IV) Calvin: (1829); m. (1) Harriet Blake?? m. (2) Helen V. Blake.
(i) Arthur C.: (1853).
(V) Isaac: (1831); m. Amey W. Randal?? Ch.: James R. (1858).
(VI) William: (1833); m. Anna Darling.
(VII) Lyman: (1836); m. Amanda Morse.
c Waterman: (1799); m. Abby Thornton.
(I) Stephen: (1818); m. Waitsill Arnold. Ch.: Elisha A. (1842), Nathan T. (1845), Abbie
G. (1847), George H. (1848), Charles E. (1849).
d Charles: (1804); m. Caroline Remington. Ch.:
(I) Sylvester C.: (1825); m. Sarah J. Carpenter. Ch.: Charles (1862).
e Henry A.: (1808); m. Mary Ann Rounds. Ch.: Henry (1823), Amos (1830), Charles (1841).
f John: (1812); m. (1) Mercy King, m. (2) D. Goudy, m. (3) Bridget (???). Ch.: George (b. 1829; m. Phebe Salisbury), John (1832-1863), William (1840), Joseph (1842-1865), Sylvester (1851).
g Amos: (1813); m. Hannah Pierce. Ch.: Almanzo (1845), Henry (1849).
h Sylvester C.: (1815); m. Eliza King. Ch.: Thomas H. B. (1839), George W. (1841; m. Charlotte Dugan; issue), Benjamin F. (1843).
i Joseph: (1817); m. Susan King. Ch.: Albert (1852), Charles (1855).
D John: (1772); m. Mary Joy. Ch.:
a Seneca: (1792); m. Martha Congdon; m. (2) Amy Stone.
(I) Raymond: (1812); m. Anne Gorton.
(i) Gilbert W.: (1838); m. Ellen S. Hobson.
(ii) Richmond J.: (1840); m. Ellen M. Ronian.
(iii) Thomas L.: (1847); in Navy.
(II) Albert: (1815); m. Josephine Smith.
(III) Edwin: (1819); m. (1) Maria Bussey, m. (2) Mary Draper. Ch.: Albert
(1845), Charles (1847), George (1854).
(IV) Jeremiah: (1821); m. Sarah Budick. Ch.: Charles H. (1863).
(V) Otis: (1823); m. Huldah Whitaker. Ch.: Clark (1846), Joseph (1854-1858), William (1860), Otis (1862).
(VI) Clark: (1826); m. Rhoda Graves. Ch.: Frank Pierce (1854), Chauncey Wesley (1857), Larton Belmont (1862).
(VII) Cyrus: (1828); m. (1) S. M. Jencks, m. (2) M. Phillips. Ch.: Walter (1851), Americus (1855).
(VIII) Lorenzo: (1830); m. Maria Jennison. Ch.: Byron (1853).
(IX) Jerome: (1838); m. Fanny Crandall. No issue.
(X) William Henry: (1845); m. Julia Orman.
b Danicl C.: (1800); m. Mary A. Cole. Ch.:
(I) Abel T.: (1833); m. Sarah E. Peckham.
Ch.: William Clarke (1855).
(II) Daniel C.: (1836).
(III) Abbie E.: (1839).
c William Joy: (1803); m. Abbie Albro; no ch.
E Whipple: (1773); m. Henrietta Collins; m. (2) Catherine Carder.
a John W.: (1799); m. Clarissa Holcom. Ch.: Warren (1823).
b Orin: (1806); m. Maria Holden; no ch.
c Whipple: (1811); m. Cynthia Weaver. Ch.: Whipple (1835); Horace W. (1854). F Hopkins: (1776); m. Amy Salisbury; m. (2) Mary Corey.
a William A.: (1812); m. Eunice Burlingam.
G Welcome: (1778); m. Lydia Corey.
a Esek: (1809); m. Phebe Ann Brownell. Ch.: Daniel F. (1856).
2. Samuel: (1733); m. Mary Blanchard.
A Nathaniel: (1759); m. Mercy Gorton.
a Samuel: (1787); m. Lydia Angell.
(I) Peleg A.: (1814); m. Hannah (???). Ch.: Frederick Harvey (1865).
(II) Samuel E.: (1816); m. Lorenzo Hinkley. Ch.: Albert A. (1853), Edwin A. (1855), Samuel (1857), Allen (1860).
(III) Jared C.: (1826).
(IV) William N.: (1835).
b Nathaniel: (1789); m. Lucy Round; m. (2) Zilpha Round. Ch.
(I) Hiram: (1830); m. Susan S. Simmons. Ch.: Sidney S. (1856).
c William G.: (1793); m. Elcy Hopkins.
(I) William G.: (1841); m. Emily H. Stone. Ch.: Elmer Franklin (1861).
d Charles: (1800); m. Jerusha Hill.
(I) Randall H.: (1822); m. Lydia M. Cole.
Ch.: Alonzo B. (1851).
(II) Edmund: (1824); m. Julia Round. Ch.: Charles A. (1849), Walter I. (1859).
e Daniel: (1803), m. Eleanor Eddy. Ch.: Henry W. (1833).
B Rufus: (1760); m. Sarah Lewis.
a Richard Cecil: (1798); m. Alma Stone.
(I) James L.: (1818); m. Elmira Lothrop. Ch.: Eudora (1848).
(II) S. Hollis: (1821); m. Betsey Copeland. Ch.: Aben L. (1847), Waldo Hodges (1855).
(III) Richard B.: (1829); m. Ellen Russell. Ch.: Frank Burrill (1860).
(IV) Charles H.: (1840); m. Maggie M. Barber. Ch.: Cola Ephraim (1863).
(V) George B.: m. Lucy Edson. Ch.: Frank Charlton (1848).
C James: (1762); m. Mary Webb.
a George: (1792); m. Naomi Bennett. Ch.: Joshua (1815), George (1817), Jonathan (1819), Zebulon (1819).
b John R.: (1796); m. Sarah Harness. Ch.: George (1823), James.
c James: (1800); m. Phebe Green; m. (2) Mary Whitford.
d Asahel: (1802); m. B. Harrington; m. (2) Dolly Burnham.
(I) Lyman B.: (1828); m. Emily Trowbridge. Ch.: Andrew (1856).
(II) Charles A.: (1837); m. Celinda Howard.
(III) George A.: (1846).
e Israel: (1804); m. Eliza Burlingame.
f Jeremiah: (1806); m. Ellen Barber. Ch.: James (1835), Frank P. (1853).
D Samuel: (1766); m. Hannah Sweet.
a Cyrus: (1792); m. Eleanor Smith.
(I) Henry: (1822); m. Elizabeth Hodson.
(II) Charles Edward: (1824); m. Caroline Sweet. Ch.: Edgar N. (1852-1865), Frank G. (1858), Charles Frederick (1860), Orville E. (1863).
(III) Cyrus: (1827); d. in California.
(IV) William G.: (1831); m. Sophia Ann Fiske. Ch.: John Emery (1854), William Eugene (1860).
(V) Benjamin: (1836).
(VI) Eugene Smith: (1845).
b George K.: (1794); m. Susan Child. Ch.: Albert (1819), George (1822).
c Amasa: (1796); m. Sarah T. Dana. Ch.: Walter W.: (1847).
d William: (1798); m. (???). Ch.: William.
E Edmands: (1770); m. Amy Ralph.
a David: (1793); m. Betsey Potter. Ch.: Jason (1814), Edward (1818).
b Richard: (1797); m. Roby Fiske. Ch.: James (1819), William (1822-1834), Albert (1824).
c Edmands: (1801); m. Julina Congdon.
d Joseph R.: (1803); m. Catherine Congdon.
(I) Christopher C.: (1839-1858).
e Robert: (1805); m. Sarah Taylor.
(I) Robert Taylor: (1832); in War; enlisted in Illinois.
f Samuel: (1807); m. Abbie Bennett. Ch.:

Nathan Stone

D Nathan: 1764-1840; m. Clarissa Smith.
a Nathan H.: 1796-1851; m. Anna Fenn.
(I) Gustavus T.: b. 1841; m. Hilie Freeman; ch.
b Charles Smith: 1809-1890; m. Sarah Brown.
(I) Albert N.: 1844-1901; m. Caroline I. Thorn; ch.
(b) Thomas: 1687-8-1757; m. Mary Curtis; m. (2) Elizabeth Andrew.
1. Thomas: 1731-2-1812; m. Alice Collar.
A Thomas: 1760-1826; m. Hannah Hemenway; soldier in Revolutionary War.
a Thomas: 1795-1836; m. Nancy Maria Hawes; served in War of 1812.
b John Stone: 1799-1851; m. Mary Dodge.
(I) Charles Henry: 1826-1904; m. Ann Davenport; ch.
2. Abner: 1736-1826; m. Lucy Mellen.
A David: 1769-1865; m. Ruth Mellen; m. (2) Polly Huntington; m. (3) Ruby Hatch.
a Curtis: 1819-1879; m. Mary Burton; ch.
(C) Nathaniel: 1660-1732; m. Sarah Waite.
(a) Nathaniel: 1685-1729; m. Mary Cutter.
1. James: 1712-1739-40; m. Sarah Jones; ch.
(b) Ebenezer: 1688-1739; m. Prudence Pratt.
1. Ebenezer: 1721-2-; m. Mary Estabrook.
2. Silas: 1728-1777; m. Elizabeth Russell; served in Revolutionary War.
A Silas: 1755-1820; m. Jennet Twitchell; m. (2)
Mrs. Caroline (Jones) Leland; served in Revolutionary War.
a Royal: 1787-1854; m. Mrs. Sally (Tay) Chamberlain.
(I) Silas: 1822-1867; m. Mercy Leland; ch.
b Ebenezer: 1797-1869; m. Elizabeth Hawes; grad. from Brown Univ., 1820; Harvard Medical School, M.D., 1824.
(I) John Edward: 1832-1892; m. Sarah Leach; ch.
(II) Silas E.: 1838-1887; m. Sarah Hawes; grad., Harvard Medical School, 1860; served in Union Army during Civil War; ch.
(III) William Eben: b. 1845; m. Katherina?? Fay; ch.
B John: 1761-1831; m. Hannah Stratton.
a John: 1790-1870; m. Matilda Bird; ch.
b Silas: 1792-1869: m. Susanna Ward; ch.
c Elias: 1794-1873; m. Julia Chamberlain.
(I) George: 1820-1870; m. Esther Briggs; m.
(2) Adelia Francisco; ch.
(II) Joseph C.: 1822-1907; m. Amanda Hall; ch.
d Abijah: 1797-1880; m. Eleanor Ward.
(I) Ambrose K.: 1827-1902; m. Velona E. Pond; ch.
(II) Frank: b. 1837; m. Adaline Crofoot; ch.
C Eli: 1769-1821; m. Polly James.
a Elijah James: 1813-1887; m. Laura Watkins.
(I) William Harvey: 1840-1909; m. Flora L. Wilkes; ch.
(II) Jesse E.: 1842-1910; m. Nettie Van Tine; in Union Army during Civil War; ch.
(c) Jonathan: 1690-1-1723: m. Abail Bigelow.
1. Jonathan: 1717-1755; m. Elizabeth Lamb.
A Capt. Francis: 1740-1-1802; m. Martha Chase; m.
(2) Sarah Witt; in French and Indian War, and in Revolutionary War.
a Francis: 1779-1864; m. Hannah Matthews.
(I) Francis: 1807-1901; m. Harriet D. A. Blake; ch.
(II) Rev. William Bowman: 1811-1890; m. Samantha Robinson; m. (2) Phebe Robinson; m. (3) Martha Robinson; minister. Issue.
(III) Lucy: 1818-1893; a pioncer leader in the anti-slavery cause, and a world-wide celebrity in woman’s rights agitation; m. Henry B. Blackwell.
B Capt. Jonathan: 1752-1801; m. Susanna Matthews; served throughout Revolutionary War.
a Benjamin F.: 1779-1824; m. Zerviah Cooley; m. (2) Hannah Cartwright.
(I) Jonathan: 1804-1879; m. Lydia Jones.
(i) John M.: b. 1839; m. Nanie J. Booth; served in Union Army during Civil War; ch.
(II) Benjamin F.: 1806-1861; m. Betsey O’Neal.
(i) Col. Rufus: 1831-1881; m. Almira R. Porter; issue.
b Samuel: 1784-1861; m. Nabby Stedman.
(I) Maj. James: 1810-1891; m. Lucina P. Chapman; ch.
(II) Luther D: 1816-1884; m. Sally Ranger; ch.
(III) Jeffrey M.: 1820-1896; m. Clarissa Winslow; ch.
(IV) Levi: 1825-1895; m. Harriet A. Vorse; m. (2) Phebe Mitchell; ch.
(V) Joseph B.: 1830-1870; m. Anna Winger; ch.
c Rufus P.: 1790-1843; m. Elizabeth Barker; ch.
d Col. John: 1795-1884; m. Charlotte Loring; served in Civil War.
(I) Samuel: 1820-1902; m. Harriet Hollister; m. (2) Susan McFarland; ch.
(II) Dea. Simon B.: 1826-1864; m. Olivia Russell; served in Civil War; ch.
(III) Augustus Dana: 1836-1897; m. Rowena Putnam; served in Civil War; ch.
(IV) Jonathan F.: 1838-1908; m. Jane C. Forbes; m. (2) Sarah S. Potter; m. (3) Josephine B. Schall; ch.
(V) Capt. Bradley B.: b. 1841; m. Mary Charlotte Ames; served in Civil War; ch.
2. Reuben: b. 1719; m. Mary Stebbins.
A Reuben: 1747-1772; m. Grace Munroe; ch.
B Sardius: 1750-1-1776; m. Azubah Sibley; served in American Army during Revolutionary War.
a Jonathan: 1775-1825; m. Dolly Davenport.
(I) George W.: 1799-1857; m. Mary Staples; ch.
(II) Reuben: 1807-1841; m. Mary Osgood.
(i) George W.: 1828-1905; m. Mary Haskins; ch.
(III) John: 1809-1875; m. Dorcas Perry; ch.
3. Simeon: 1721-1785; m. Hannah Kendall.
A Jonas: 1752-1846; m. Lydia Hall.
a Harvey: 1787-1846; m. Jerusha Wheeler.
(I) James H.: 1821-1897; m. Harriet Fusselbaugh; ch.

Nicholas Stone

NICHOLAS: (1586-1647); mason, statuary and architect; apprenticed tor two years to a mason, then went to Holland and worked as a stonemason under Pieter de Keyser, son of the celebrated sculptor; returned to England about 1614, from which date he had a large practice as a mason and statuary; employed by James I at Holyrood. St. James Palace, Whitehall, Somerset House, etc. In 1619 he was made master mason to James I; as architect designed and rebuilt Cornbury House and Tart Hall; best known for his monuments, which are in the style known as Jacobean; made the tombs of many famous people. He had three sons. The eldest, Henry, studied art in Holland, Italy and France and acquired note as one of the most successful copyists of the works of Van Dyke. Nicholas practiced as a mason and statuary and made many drawings of architecture and sculpture. The youngest, John, was educated for the church, but at the outbreak of the civil war joined the army on the King’s side; succeeded to his father’s house and profession.

Samuel Stone

(I) Samuel: (1836); m. Roxana Shippee; m.
(2) H. Fiske. Ch.
(II) Albert: (d. in war–at Portsmouth Grove).
(III) William: (1853).
(IV) Amasa: (1855).
(C) John: (1674); m. (???) Barnes; m. (2) Abigail Foster.
(a) John: (1705); m. (???) Olney.
1. Oliver: (1738); m. Phebe Brown.
A Russell: (1763); m. Elizabeth Bullock. Ch.: Robert.
B Caleb: (1767); m. Amy Thornton.
C Benoni: (1770); m. Susan McIntire.
a Oliver: (1800); m. Rachel Steere.
b Lewis: (1804); m. Lydia Tinkham.
c Joseph Nelson: (1817-1837).
D William: (1774); m. Elizabeth Brown.
a Simon: (1800); m. Sally Smith.
(I) Henry: (1827); m. Alma M. Morse; no ch.
(II) Charles E.: (1835); m. Eliza Darwin. Ch.: Henry J.: (1857).
(III) Daniel S.: (1837); m. Laura Richards.
(IV) George N.: (1839); m. Lottie A. Roper.
(V) William J.: (1843); m. Jennie Spencer; no ch.
(VI) Samuel A.: (1849).
b William R.: (1804); m. Amy Grayson.
(I) George A.: (1833); m. Melissa C. Stone. Ch.: George O. (1856).
(II) Samuel H.: (1837); m. Julia A. Stone.
Ch.: Charlie F. (1861), Amos W. (1863).
(III) William G.: (1839); m. Ellen M. Stone.
(IV) Henry C.: (1841).
(V) Albert R.: (1843-1862).
c George N.: (1808).
e Richmond: (1812); m. Susan Cheney; m. (2) Sally Haven. Issue.
f James: (1815); m. Sarah Grayson. Ch.: Richard
G. (1844), Frederick A. (1846), James A. (1851).
g John R.: (1822); m. Susan Grayson.
2. John: (1741); m. Phebe Greene.
A William: (1772); m. (1) Abigail Randall; m. (2) Lydia Arnold.
a Olney R.: (1797); m. Alpha Sheppardson. Ch.: Francis (1821).
b John: (1799); m. Mary Colwell. Ch.: William (1831), John Abbott (1838).
c Godfrey G.: (1801); m. Polly Mowry.
d William A.: (1809); m. Charlotte Dutcher. Ch.: Henry Arnold (1843).
e Elisha: (1811); m. Olivia P. Eastman. Ch.: Clarence E. (1852).
B Stephen A.: (1792); m. (1) Prudence Morse; m. (2) Lucy Johnson; m. (3) Lydia Douglas.
a Pardon M.: (1819); m. Mary F. Mason.
b Tyler Putnam: (1823-1840).
(b) George: (1709); m. Rest Clarke.
1. Ezra: (1736); m. Freelove Howland.
A James: (1759); m. Ruth Hopkins; no ch.
B John: (1761); m. Hannah Eddy.
a Joseph: (1781); m. Anne Foster.
(I) George: (1806); m. Olive Cundall.
(i) Joseph W.: (1830); m. Caroline Leach. Ch.: George M. (1857).
(ii) William J.: (1832); m. Frances P. Sharpe.
I Charles I.: (1861).
(II) Enoch: (1807); m. Diana Humes. Ch.: George (1850).
b John: (1789); m. Esther Curtiss.
(I) Marvin: (1808); m. Zilpha Dunham.
(i) Otis P.: (1840); m. Amanda Hall. Ch.: Eddy (1861), Irving (1863).
(II) Charles E.: (1810); m. Susannah Vinton. Ch.: Andrew J. (1851).
(III) Otis E.: (1811); m. Emily Child.
(i) James: (1837); m. Lydia Greene.
(ii) John: (1839); m. Nellie Cogswell.
(IV) Pardon F.: (1814); m. Chloe Taft.
c James: (1802); m. Abbie Larkin.
(I) Marcus F.: (1821); m. Harriet Reed.
(II) Appleton: (1829); m. Sarah Castle.
(III) William: (1829); m. Jennie Fox.
C Ezra: (1764); m. Lucina White.
a James: (1791); m. Abigail Paine. Ch.: Orin, Samuel Paine.
b Nathan: (1798); m. Ada Phillips. Ch.: Ezra (1818), Harley (1822).
c Hiram: (1809); m. Mary Metcalif. Ch.: Henry (1828), Charles (1830).
D Asahel: (1766); m. Lois Brown.
E George: (1773); m. Mollie Humes.
a Amos: (1798); m. Julia Angell.
b Asahel: (1806); m. Sarah Battery.
(I) George: (1833); m. Mary F. Mott. Ch.: Frederick (1864).
(II) Stephen: (1837); m. Carrie Carpenter.
(III) Albert F.: (1847).
(IV) Charles: (1849).
c Arnold: (1821); m. Philinda Aldrich. Ch.: Marcus M. (1846), John G. (1857), Louis N. (1865).
2. John: (1740); married.
3. George: (1748); m.; 1. in N. Y. State.

Samuel Stone

SAMUEL: (1602-1663); Puritan divine; sailed in 1633 for New England with John Cotton and Thomas Hooker; on his arrival was chosen teacher. They moved from Boston to Connecticut, settling in a place they called Hartford, after Stone’s birthplace. He published several religious works.

Captain Samuel Stone

C. Capt. Samuel: 1756-1837; m. Anna Thompson; served in Revolutionary War.
a Dea. Charles: 1789-1874; m. Sarah Wells.
(I) Dea. Charles Marshall: 1833-1890; m. Sarah Fairbanks; ch.
b Richard: 1790-1834; m. Mary Hubbard.
(I) Richard S.: 1817-1858; m. Eliza Higgins; ch.
c Samuel: 1801-1882; m. Lucy Shattuck; m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Calista (Huggins) Dorr-Hawley.
(I) Samuel Newton: 1838-1899; m. Louisa Calista; m. (2) Stella Perkins; ch.
(II) Charles: 1840-1916; m. Julia Bates; m. (2) Mrs. Mary (Roberts) Breck; ch.
d Nathan: 1804-1863; m. Lydia Lee; m. (2) Mary
H. Newton; m. (3) Elizabeth Gilchrist; m. (4) Lucretia Parsons; m. (5) Martha Miner.
(I) Samuel Everett: b. 1835; m. Mary Coolidge; ch.
(II) Charles Henry: b. 1843; m. Betsey Prior; served in United States Navy, in Civil War; ch.
(III) George Edward: 1845-1900; m. (???); ch.

Dea. Samuel Stone

(4) Dea. Samuel: 1630-1-1715; m. Sarah Stearns; m. (2) Mrs. Abigail (Carter) Fowle-Walker.
(A) Dea. Samuel: 1656-1743; m. Dorcas Jones.
(a) Capt. Samuel: 1684-1769; m. Abigail Reed.
1. Samuel: 1708-1776; m. Mindwell Stevens.
A Lieut. Samuel: 1736-1775; m. Patience Atherton; m. (2) Dorothy Fletcher.a Thomas: 1762-1808; m. Anna Garfield; m. (2) Margery Force.
(I) Thomas: 1799-1870; m. Ruby Wood; m.
(2) Mrs. Mary Abbott; ch.
B Stevens: 1746-1825; m. Mercy Munroe; ch.
C Lieut. Elijah: 1749-1831; m. Eunice Savage; fought in Revolutionary War as a minute-man; ch.
2. Dea. Jonas: 1710-1790; m. Elizabeth Adams; m. (2) Sarah Stone; served in Revolutionary War.
A Jonas: 1740-1-1814; m. Sarah Bucknam; served in Revolutionary War.
a Samuel: 1767-1824; m. Sally Childs.
(I) Samuel: 1794-1830; m. Florinda Reed; m.
(2) Mrs. Mary (Spaulding) Litchfield.
(i) Jonas S.: 1822-1904; m. Sarah Miller; ch.
3. Nathan: b. 1722; m. Mary Robbins; served in French and Indian War.
A Lieut. Nathan: 1746-1827; m. Freelove Phillips; served in Revolutionary War.
a Col. Nathan: 1770-1834; m. Eunice Priest.
(I) Israel G.: 1808-1875; m. Amanda Miller; m. (2) Anne Powers; ch.
b Jeduthan: 1773-1864; m. Azubah Merriam; deacon.
(I) Jeduthan: 1792-1859; m. Eliza Pierce.
(i) Charles Burton: 1821-1877; m. Betsey Pillsbury; ch.
(ii) Oscar Pierce: 1824-1898; m. Susan Blake; ch.
(iii) Hamilton Sullivan: 1838-1909; m. Blanche Viola Nelson; ch.
(II) Jonas: 1794-1849; m. Nancy Blake.
(i) Wilbur F.: 1820-1865; m. Abigail Griswold.
I Lucius G.: b. 1850; m. Orcelia Ford; ch.
(III) Richard: 1802-1885; m. Susanna Jacobs.
(i) Orson N.: 1828-1906; m. Candace Mason; ch.
c Capt. Jotham: 1778-1831; m. Lucy Lyon; m. (2) Mrs. Diantha (Merritt) Clark.
(I) Jotham: 1814-1897; m. Sylvia Roper; m. (2) Caroline Allen.
(i) James P.: b. 1846; m. Ellen Davis; ch.
(II) Asa: 1816-1864; m. Hannah Thomson; served in Civil War; ch.
d Samuel: b. 1782; m. Hannah Davenport.
(I) Stillman: 1805-1865; m. Lucretia Wheelock; ch.
(II) Capt. Henry Hutchins: 1809-1898; m. Diana Richards.
(i) Samuel Augustus: 1834-1914; m. Martha Emery; in Civil War; ch.
(ii) Capt. Stillman: b. 1835; m. Julia E. Hadley; ch.
(iii) Elbridge H.: b. 1847; m. Elizabeth M. Scott; ch.
(iv) Arthur M.: b. 1860; m. Emma S. Taggart; ch.
(III) Maj. Samuel Virgil: 1818-1875; m. Mary Brown; m. (2) Charlotte Hapgood; ch.
e Sampson: 1784-1858; m. Lois Waite; m. (2) Mrs. Dolly (Waite) Lamb; m. (3) Lucinda (Underwood) Coleman.
(I) Rockwell: 1806-1883; m. Sophia Babbit; ch.
(II) Albert: 1821-1904; m. Martha Powers.
(i) Arthur M.: 1844-1912; m. Mary Dunton; served in Civil War; ch.
f Joseph: 1789-1853; m. Hannah Heald; ch.
B Jeduthan: 1748-9-1829; m. Elizabeth How; served in Revolutionary War.
a Capt. Willard: 1776-1861; m. Polly Merriam; m. (2) Nancy Moore; m. (3) Adaline Holland.
(I) David M.: 1814-1902; m. Nancy Abbott; ch.
b Augustus: 1777-1863; m. Thankful Banks; m.
(2) Mrs. Hepsabeth (Hill) Maynard.
(I) William: 1809-1896; m. Rebecca G. Maynard; m. (2) Martha Maynard; ch.
(II) Charles: 1811-1898; m. Lucy Stevens; ch.
(III) Stillman: 1816-1890; m. Jennette A. Rice; ch.
(IV) Joseph: 1819-1887; m. Martha Emilia Maynard; ch.
(V) Franklin A.: 1827-1906; m. Eliza Newman; ch.

Rev. Samuel Stone

J124 REV. SAMUEL STONE: a non-conformist; of Hereford-on-the-Wye, Herfordshire, Eng.; m.; had 2 s.: William and John.
(1) William: came to America; m. (1) Hannah (???); m. (2) Mary Hughes, 1659; had 3 ch.: William, Hannah and Benajah.
(A) Benajah: b. 1649; m. Hester Kirby; had 4 ch.: Benajah, Hester, Mary and Abraham; d. 1738.
(a) Benajah: m. Hannah de Wolfe, 1702; had 5 ch.: Patience, Abraham, Benajah, Elisha and Hester; d. 1714.
1. Benajah Stone: b. 1708; m. Mary Chittenden; had 10 ch., including
A Daniel: b. 1751; m. Penelope Sperry; had 4 ch.
a Leman: b. 1775; m. Anna Camp; had 4 ch.; d. 1861.
(I) Albert: b. 1806; d. 1877; m. Ann Paddock Camp; had 10 ch.: Sophronia, Louise, Herman, LePine, Dewitt Clinton, Albertine, D. H. Hamilton, George and
(A) James Leman: b. 1835; m. Harriet Platt, 1855; had 6 ch.: Winifred, Kate, Anna, Isabella, Flora and Zaidee.
(B) Richard H.: b. 1842; m. Nancy Lamport, 1864; had 10 ch.: Stephen, Albert, LePine, Louise, R. Harry, Walter
B., Edward, Charlotte, Nancy and Estelle; d. 1927, N. Y.
(a) Stephen Lamport: b. 1865; m. Fannie H. Howe; had 3 ch.: Ruth Allyn, Marguerite and Stephen Donald.
(C) George: b. 1858, New York; m. Florence Bennett Johnson, 1905; d. 1923, Washington, D. C.
(a) Phillip Johnson: b. 1907, Washington,
D. C.; now 1. 3023 Macomb St., Washington, D. C.
(b) Benjamin Johnson: b. 1910, Washington, D. C.
(2) John: b. Hereford-on-the-Wye, 1610; came to New England, 1639, settling in what is now Guilford, Conn.; m. (2) Mary Hughes; d. 1687.
(A) John: b. 1644; m. Susannah Newton; d. 1686.
(a) Ezekiel: b. 1678; m. Hannah Merwin.
(B) Samuel: b. 1646; m. Sarah Taintor; d. 1708.
(a) Samuel: b. 1685; m. Mercy Rowlee.
(C) Nathaniel: 1648-1709; m. Mary Bartlett.
(a) Joseph: b. 1674; m. Mary Scrantton.
(b) Ebenezer: b. 1676; m. Hannah Norton; m. (2) Abigail Bradley; d. 1761.
1. Ebenezer: b. 1706; m. Sybil Leete.
(c) Nathaniel: b. 1678; m. Hannah Graves; 5 ch.
(d) Caleb: 1685-1765; m. Sarah Meigs.
1. Caleb: 1714-1788; m. Rebecca Everts.
2. Reuben: 1726-1804; m. Ann Everets; m. (2) Elizabeth Chittenden.
A Russell: 1759-1803; m. Lois Stone; removed to
Greenville, N. Y.; in the Conn. militia in Revolution; wounded at Stillwater, 1777; was at the surrender of Burgoyne.
a Joel: 1783-1829; m. Lucinda Warner; deacon in the Presbyterian Church.
(I) Morris W.: 1810-1838; m. Margaret Reed; 1 s.
(II) Joel: 1820-1885; m. Anna Stone.
(i) John R.: b. 1858; m. Nellie E. Carey; 4 ch.
(ii) Ellis N.: b. 1860; m. Hattie L. Marsh; m. (2) Jennie S.; 2 ch.
(iii) Frank E.: b. 1863; m. Frances Fowler; Cornell University; resides in Va.; 3 ch.
b Orin: 1785-1845; m. Clarissa Cowel; m. (2) Betsey Cowel: deacon in the Presbyterian Church.
(I) Darius: 1812-1888; m. Mahala Norton; m.
(2) Carolina C. Cleveland; removed to Mich.
(i) Orrin: 1836-1870; m. Sarah Thompson; Olivet College; 1 ch.
(ii) Silas N.: b. 1838; m. Lorana E. Beverly.
(iii) Charles W.: 1840-1891; m. Hannah Schell.
(I) Darius G.: b. 1863; m. Jennie Jackson.
(iv) Darius A.: b. 1842; m. Augusta Farman; m. (2) Ellen H. Fox; served during Civil War; 1 ch.
(II) John Russell: b. 1823; m. Mary McClintick;?? resided in Kans.
(i) William E.; b. 1849; m. Eunice L?? Sherman; 4 ch.
c Reuben: 1790-1869; m. Almira Merrell; m. (2?? Mrs. Julia Dunham.
(I) Harvey: 1818-1887; m. Eliza Lewis; served in War of 1812.
(i) Maurice L.: b. 1843; m. Frances E?? Stanley; educ. at Auburn Academy; removed to Benton Co., Ia., 1869; thence to Wabaunsee Co., Kans.; 2 ch.
(ii) Truman L.: b. 1853; m. Helen Lewis; educ. at Warsaw Academy; 1 dau.
(II) Edwin: b. 1833; m. Emma Crawford; 3 ch.
d Lyman: 1797-1880; m. Maria Vancize.
(I) Alfred: b. 1822; m. Betsey Carpenter; m.
(2) Lydia Lane; m. (3) Rebecca Beck.
(i) Amon: b. 1854; m. Eliza Dean.
B Bille: b. 1761; m. Rachel Ward; soldier of Revolution; d. 1827.
a Henry Ward: 1791-1881; m. Catharene Niven.
(I) William Henry: b. 1835; m. Cornelia S. Short; 1. at Honesdale, Pa.
b William Russell: 1806-1889; m. Amanda Fowler.
(I) George E.: b. 1850; m. Martha Kays; 1. at Danville, Va.; 2 ch.
C Timothy: 1768-1846; m. Ann Griswold.
a Reuben: 1790-1863; m. Lucinda Camp; in 1845-47-48-49 represented the Guilford District in General Assembly of the State.
(I) Leverett: 1819-1892; m. Adeline Griswold; grad., Harvard.
(i) William Leete: b. 1857; m. Elizabeth Morrell; 4 ch.
(II) Reuben Henry: b. 1829; m. Carrie D. Robinson; 1 dau.
b Timothy: 1793-1826; m. Hannah Hubbard.
c Richard: 1802-1869; m. Henrietta Stevens; 2 ch.
D Eber: 1773-1845; m. Betsey Atwater; deacon of the Presbyterian Church.
a Austin: 1801-1881; m. Harriet Tinker; m. (2) Maria Moore; removed to Wisc.
(I) William Tinker: b. 1828; m. Eliza Wright; resided in Aurora, Ill.; printer; ch.: Byron (b. 1869; m. Lottie M. Rogers).
(II) Leander: 1831-1888; m. Harriet Leonard; resided in Chicago, Ill.; 6 ch.
(III) Hiram L.: 1841-1864; m. Caroline Page; with Sherman on his march to the sea.
(IV) Parmenas: b. 1848; m. Harriet Gibbs; 1. in Lansing, Mich.
b Russell: 1803-1887; m. Julia Tower.
(I) Edward P.: b. 1837; m. Annias Larrabee; m. (2) Sylphina Larrabee.
(i) Harlan D.: b. 1865; m. Fannie Harris; clergyman; 1. at Camblesport, Wisc.; 4 ch.
(II) George F.: b. 1850; m. Bell C. Blanchard;
1. at Britt. Ia.
c Lester: b. 1807; m. Julia Bradley.
(I) Rollin Lester: b. 1836; m. Maria McNutt;
1. in Elmira, N. Y.; 3 ch.
d Amos M.: 1813-1862; m. Jane McConnel; m.
(2) Margaret L. Rodgers; clergyman and President of Cumberland Female College; removed to San Antonio, Tex.; during the war was a Unionist.
(I) Edward P.: b. 1842; m. Kate D. Boyd; in Confederate Army; captured a garrison of 15,000 men; 4 ch.
(II) Alfred P.: 1847-1896; m. Mary Fleming; in Confederate Army from Tex.; 4 ch.
(III) Amos M.: b. 1848; m. Sadie Hamilton; m. (2) Vera Johnson; 4 ch.; physician and clergyman.
(IV) Archibald: b. 1859; m. Ezetta Hendrick; clergyman; 2 ch.
e Joshua: 1824-1859; m. Eliza L. Ingersoll.
(e) Timothy: b. 1696; m. Rachel Norton; m. (2) Elizabeth Robinson.
(D) Thomas: b. 1650; m. Mary Johnson; 10 ch.; d. 1683.
(a) Benamin: b. 1678; m. Sarah Monor; m. (2) Sarah Dodd.

Simeon Stone

F123 SIMEON STONE: b. England; baptized, 1586; was son of David and Ursula Stone and grandson of Simon and Agnes Stone; m., 1616, Joan Clarke; settled in Mass.; made a freeman, 1636; deacon of Church in Watertown; m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Lumpkin: d. 1665.
(1) Simon: b. 1631; m. Mary Whipple; d. 1708; was town clerk and representative to the General Court; one of the original proprietors of Croton, N. Y.
(A) Simon: 1656-1741: m. Sarah Farnsworth; served in King Philip’s War; served in King William’s War.
(a) Simon: 1686-1746; m. Sarah Farnsworth.
(b) Joseph: 1702-1777; m. Mary Prescott.
(b) Benjamin: b. 1706; m. Emme Parker.
(B) John: b. 1658; served in King Philip’s War; settled in Croton, N. Y.; m. Mrs. Sarah Nutting Farnsworth.
(a) John: b. 1699; m. Elizabeth Farwell.
(b) James: b. 1701; m. Mary Farwell; d. 1723.
(C) Matthew: 1659-1743; m. Mary Plympton; served in King Philip’s War; was town representative to the General Court.
(a) Adams: m. Sarah Wright in 1717.
1. Benjamin: b. 1718; m. Beulah Fisk.
2. Isaac: b. 1736; m. Sarah Moulton.
(D) Ebenezer: 1662-1754; m. Margaret Trowbridge; m. (2) Abigail Wilson; m. (3) Widow Sarah (Nevinson) Livermore rep. to General Court.
(a) Ebenezer: b. 1686; m. Sarah Bond; d. 1784.
(b) Samuel: 1690-1726; m. Hannah Searle.
(c) John: 1692-1765: m. Lydia Hyde.
(d) Nathaniel: 1694-1713.
(e) Simon: 1702-1760; m. Priscilla Dyke.
(f) James: 1704-1742; m. Elizabeth Swift; grad., Harvard College, 1724.
(E) Nathanicl: 1667-1755; m. Reliance Hinckley; grad., Harvard College, 1690.
(a) Heman: 1705-1779; m. Temperance Sturgis.
(b) Nathan: 1707-1781; m. Judith Fox; grad., Harvard 1726; ordained min.
1. Nathan: b. 1737; grad., Harvard, 1762; m. Mary Cushing; minister.
A Nathan: grad., Harvard, 1795; ordained minister.
(c) Nathaniel: 1713-1777; m. Mary Bourne.
(F) David: 1672-1750; m. Mary Rice; became blind at age of 24.
(G) Jonathan: 1677-1754; m. Ruth Eddy; m. (2) Mary (???)??
(3) Hepzibah Coolidge.
(a) Jonathan: b. 1702; m. Hannah Jennison. (b) Moses: b. 1723; m. Hannah Tainter.
(2) John: 1635-1691; m. Sarah Bass.
(A) John: b. 1666; m. Thankful Capen.
(B) Samuel: b. 1674; m. Elizabeth (???), before 1705.

Timothy Stone

J127 TIMOTHY STONE: m. Hannah Hart.
(1) William H.: m. Pamelia Castle. He d. Aug. 11, 1890, aged 81. She d. Nov. 12, 1878, aged 70; 11 ch.
(A) Evaline M.: b. 1830, Burlington, Conn.; d. 1894; m. Lewis Marsh. Issue.
(B) Walter: b. 1832; d. 1864.
(C) Charles: b. 1834, Bristol, Conn.; d. 1904. Ch.: Wilbur deForest, Howard P., Fred, Eva Stone (Wiedemenn).
(D) Mary Ann: b. 1838; d. 1903; m. Mr. Recor. Issue.
(E) Julius C.: b. 1836; d. 1903; m. Harriett Frisbie.
(a) Willard: lived in Terryville, Conn.; m. Marriette Fenn.
(b) Clifford.
(c) Ellis M.: lives in Bristol, Conn.; m. Nellie Hotchkiss. Ch.: Marjorie, Ellsworth and Mildred.
(F) John Linas: b. 1842, in Burlington; d. 1903; m. (1st) Ada Fenn, by whom he had 6 ch.; m. (2nd) Juliette Highley (Curtis).
(a) May Ida: b. 1868; d. 1895.
(b) Lillian A.: b. 1870; m. Ernest T. Belden. Ch.: Harold and Ada.
(c) Harry L.: m. (1) Ina Curtis, his stepmother’s dau., by whom he had 4 ch.; m. (2) Iola Bennett. Add.: Ferestville, Conn.
1. Elbert J.: b. 1897; m. Eva Olson. Issue.
2. Lillian E.: b. 1898; m. Harrison B. Mills. Issue.
3. Harry R.: b. 1902; m. Florence Beamish.
4. Duane W.: b. 1911, in Burlington.
(d) Effie Aline: b. 1877; m. Hervey Loveland. Ch.: Norman
S., Helen, Mildred J., Myron E.
(e) Elmer John: b. Sept. 7, 1884; m. Edith Baldwin, Sept. 7, 1904.
1. Elinor May: b. 1905; m. Russell F. Meluis. Issue.
2. Mabel: b. 1908; now (1929) a senior in Arnold Coll.
3. John Edward: b. Jan. 16, 1917.
(f) Emory Fenn: b., Burlington, May 13, 1888; m. Mary Ellen Kierstead, Jan. 25, 1912. Add.: 210 Divinity Street, Bristol, Conn.
1. John Robert: d. y.
2. Fanny Leona: b. Dec. 28, 1913.
3. Ada May: b. Oct. 1, 1915.
4. Emory Fenn, Jr.: b. Aug. 31, 1917.
5. Oliver Kierstead: b. Aug. 5, 1921.
6. Robert William: twin of Oliver Kierstead.
(G) Martha Pamelia: b. 1844; d. 1908; m. Harvey Judd; 1 dau.
(H) Frank Hart: b. 1846; m. 4 times. Add.: Thomaston, Conn.
(a) George E.: b. 1878, in Thomaston, Conn.; m. Bertha S. Croft. Issue.
(I) William Anson: b. 1848; m. Hattie Alderman, 1868; 1 son.
(a) Guy Watson: b. 1876; m. Ada Cairns, 1905; n. i.
(J) Emma Janette: b. 1851; d. 1921; m. Wilbur Alderman.
(2) George.
(3) Timothy: m. Wealthy Benham.
(A) George: b. 1799; d. 1833; m. Abigail Couch.
(a) Marshall J.: b. 1830; d. 1895; m. Adeline E. Roberts.
1. Emma: b. 1855; m. Ethan Alling.
2. Rev. George Henry: b. 1863; m. Maude A. Sawson. b. 1865.
A Paul George: b. Dec. 12, 1886; m., 1910, Pauline
B. Fairclough, b. 1890, d. 1913; m. (2), 1915, Eva Spaulding, b. 1886.
a Sawson B.: b. 1911; d. 1912.
b George Stoddard: b. 1913.
c Kenneth Donald: b. April 25, 1920; ch. of 2nd w??
d Maurice Spaulding: b. Nov. 27, 1924.
(4) Horace: m. Julia Lindsly; m. (2nd) Emoline Bristol.

William Stone

(c) William: (1711); m. Eleanor Westcott.
1. William: (1733); m. Lydia Westcott.
A William: (1758); m. Lucy Scott.
a Welcome: (1783); m. Susan Hudson.
(I) Ethan A.: (1814); m. Lucinda (???).
(i) George: (1838); in Civil War.
b Artemas: (1786); m. Mahala Henry. Ch.:
(I) Dexter G.: (1812); m. Elizabeth Lillibridge. Ch.: Dexter S. (1836), John T.
(b. 1842; m. Clara Briggs).
(II) Benoni: (1819); m. Harriet Emerson.
c Benoni: (1788); m. Aurilla Blanchard.
(I) Sidney T.: (1813); m. Mary Becker; no ch.
(II) Welcome: (1816); m. Arabella Stanton. Ch.: Henry C. (1845), Norman E. (1847), Frederick L. (1857), Andrew C. (1863).
(III) Rasselas: (1818); m. Amanda M. Cottrell
Ch.: James (1848), George W. (1852).
(IV) Artemas: (1821); m. Sarah Tuthill.
Ch.: Daniel A. (1853), William C. (1856), Emery D. (1864).
(V) Hiram L.: (1826); m. Sarah M. Myers. Ch.: Jacob W. (1851), Emery C. V.
(1854), Charles E. (1856). William H. (1859).
(VI) William M.: (1829); m. Emily Cure. Ch.: Norman C. (1851).
(VII) Oscar F.: (1833): m. Alvira Mitchell. Ch.: Victor B. (1856), Arthur K. (1862). John M. (1864).
d William: (1797); m. Candace Henry.
(I) Harris H.: (1820): m. Abbie Ann Parker.
(II) William A.: (1830); m. Sarah Whipple, Ch.: Walter Delmont (1859), Henry Harris (1859), Charles Thomas (1865).
B Westcott: (1761); m. Abbie Smith.
a Earl: (1806); m. Rebecca Hierlehigh. Ch.: Westcott (1849), Isham G. (1861).
b Asa: (1777); m. Phebe Greene.
(I) John Enos: (1808); m. Susan Potter.
(II) Lowry: (1810); m. Mary Arnold.
(i) Robert Earl: (1849).
(III) Asa: (1816); m. Diantha Eames; m. (2) Judith Hodges. Ch.: Arthur F. (1842); Edward L. (1845).
(IV) Mason P.: (1818); m. (1) A. E. Bowen m. (2) Amy Parker. Ch.: Byron.
2. Jabez: (1740); m. Sarah Taylor; m. (2) W. Greene.
A Joseph: (1761); m. Mary Bowen.
B Jabez: (1764); m. Freelove Manchester.
a Wanton: (1790); m. Freelove Knight. Ch.: Lorenzo D. (1815), Edwin K. (1816), Henry C. (1832), Charles D. (b. 1836; m. Almira A. Arnold).
C Ambrose: (1767).
D Daniel: (1773); m. Polly Gorton.
a Jabez: (b. –); m. Zilpha Adams. Ch.: James
A. (1841), Addison B. (1844; m. Mary Doyle; issue).
b James W.: (b. –); m. Caroline Shippee. Issue.
c Daniel J.: (b. –); m. Harriet E. Chase.
(I) Stephen Dexter: (1840); m. Elizabeth Burgess. Ch.: Edwin (1863).
E Stephen: (1801); m. Phebe Comstock.
a Charles H.: (1819); m. Catharine A. Brightman; ch.
b Almon: (1823); m. Sarah Brown.
c Elias S.: (1826); m. Susan Walden.
d Isaac H.: (1830); m. Elvira Rhodes.
3. Jeremiah: (1745); m. Dinah Knight; ch.
A Charles: (1764); m. Rachel Knight; ch.
a Nathan K.: m. Clida Matteson; m. (2) Rhoda Cooke.
(I) Alban M.: (1807); m. Mary A. Morse.
(i) James Burrill: (1836); m. Julia A. Greene.
I Charles Green: (1860).
(II) Horatio A.: (1814); m. Ann Eliza Whitman.
Ch.: Henry H.: (1854).
(III) Jason P.: (1816); m. (1) Eliza Albro; m. (2) Sarah Week. Ch.: Jason P. (1846), Frederic C. (1858).
b Allerson: (1787); m. Sarah Burlingham.
(I) Charles M.: (1810); m. Mary E. Holden. Ch.: Charles M.: (1837).
c Jason P.: (1791); m. Alice Hazzard.
B Henry: (1770); m. Lydia Blackmar; ch.
a George: (1788); m. (1) M. Carpenter; m. (2) Mahala Mason. Ch.: Waldo: (1809).
b Waldo: (1790); m. Betsey Johnston. Ch.: Orren (1813).
c Knight: (1792); m. Zilpha Matteson.
(I) Knight: (1817); m. Fidelia P. Clarke. Ch.:
Charles E. (1851), Fernando C. (1853), Albert W. (1854).
4. James: (1753); m. Rebecca Sheldon; ch.
A Robert: (1776); m. Sybil Dean; m. (2) Almira Greene.
B John: (1777); m. Rhoda Barney.
a Riley: (1802); m. Ruth Ousterhoudt. Ch.: Barney (1824), Mortimer (1831).
b Jeremiah: (1808); m. Louisa Rice; m. (2) Laura Rice. Ch.: Melbourne (1846), Isadore (1852).
c John: (1815); m. Esther L. Sisson.
C Lemuel: (1781); m. (1) Anna Colvin; m. (2) S. Miles.
a Philip: (1805); m. Sarah Northup.
b Edwin: (1812); m. Louisa Smith. Ch.: Benjamin M. (m. Olive E. Newton), Thomas W. (1838).
c Lora W.: (1818); m. Delia Griffin; m. (2) Celinda
C. Reynolds.
d Anson J.: (1820); m. Rachel Stephens. Ch.:
Charles A. (1851), Almor (1853), Sterling B. (1855).
D Samuel: (1794); m. S. Hall; m. (2) P. Colvin.
a Harrison: (1815); m. (1) Esther Ackley; m.
(2) Catharine Phillips. Ch.: Renselaer (1835), Joseph (1853).
E James: (1789); m. (1) Polona Greene; m. (2) C. Ackley.
a Merit: (1813); m. Sarah Franklin. Ch.: James
A. (1843), Waldo (1845), Arthur (1855).
b Lemuel: (1814); m. (1) Eliza West; m. (2) S.
C. Gaylor. Ch.: Elbert B. (1844; m. Lizzie A. Giddings), George W. (1855), Jasper N. (1861).
c Robert: (1816); m. Sarah Smith. Issue.
d Alfred: (1821); m. Artemesia Miller. Ch.: Lester S. (1849), Stephen J. (1851-1859), Martin M. (1862).
e Emory E.: (1823); m. Catharine S. Hudson. Ch.: Frank Hudson (1848), Arthur Jessup (1856), Charles Rice (1858), Oscar Hudson (1860), Henry Stansbury (1863).
f William H.: (1826); m. Sarah I. Wright. Issue.
g Samuel: (1829); m. Elinda White. Ch.: Milton Willis (1861), Myron H. (1865).
(d) Jonathan: (1720); m. Elizabeth Westcott.
1. John: (1747); m. Phebe Daly.
A Oliver: (1768); m. Elizabeth Bassett. Issue.
(e) Benjamin: (1725); m. Mary Strait.
(f) Joseph: (1727); m. Anne Kent.

William Stone

WILLIAM: (1603 ?-1661 ?); colonist; a Roman Catholic who emigrated to America in 1648 and was appointed Governor of Maryland by the second Lord Baltimore, who was proprietor. Several years later Stone asserted the authority of the proprietor by requiring the inhabitants to take oaths of fidelity to the proprietor and to take out their patents in his name. The Parliament commissioners treated Stone’s action as a defiance of their authority, and armed hostilities followed. He was wounded, taken prisoner and condemned to death, but later pardoned. After Lord Baltimore came to terms with his enemies and resumed his authority Stone was again appointed a councilor.

Stones in the American Revolution

Officers of the Continental Army

Benjamin Stone (N. H.). Regimental Quartermaster 20th Continental Infantry, 7th September to 31st December. 1776; Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; resigned 20th May, 1779. (Died 13th February, 1820.)

Enos (Mass.). Sergeant in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant of Paterson’s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain, 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777; exchanged in August, 1779, and did not rejoin regiment.

Ephraim (N. H.). Lieutenant of Bedel’s New Hampshire Regiment, January to June, 1776. Captain in Mooney’s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, 1779-1780.

Isaac (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 1st May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776.

Jeremiah (R. I.). Sergeant and Lieutenant Topham’s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, 1776-1778.

John (Pa.). 1st Lieutenant of Miles’ Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 15th March, 1776; Captain, 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776; resigned 12th November, 1777. (Died 24th March, 1825.) Name also spelled Stoner.

John (Pa.). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776; resigned 8th January, 1777. (Died — March, 1792.)

John (Vt.). Captain Vermont Militia in 1777.

John Hawkins (Md.). Major of Smallwood’s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; Licutenant-Colonel 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Colonel,

18th February, 1777; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; resigned 1st August, 1779. (Died 5th October, 1804.)

Jonathan (Mass.). Sergeant of Learned’s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Ensign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Paymaster 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1783, with rank of 1st Lieutenant, from 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 14th October, 1780, and Captain from 25th April, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 25th March, 1801.)

Nathaniel (Mass.). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 28th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 6th January, 1780; retained in Jackson’s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Killed Captain Luke Hitchcock in a duel at West Point, N. Y., 21st February, 1782.)

Josiah (Vt.). Major of Bedel’s Regiment, Vermont Militia, 1778-1779.

Thomas (Md.). A signer of the Declaration of Independence. (Died 5th October, 1787.)

The following Stones served in the American Revolution from the respectives colonies. Figures following some of the names indicate the number of times those names appear on the records examined:

Connecticut: Aaron–2, Albermarle–2, Abley, Andrew, Benjamin–4, Billie, Capt., Daniel–3, Dudley–2, Eber, Frederick, Gad, Henry–2, Isaac–3, Joel, John, John Evarts, Jonathan–2, John L., Joseph–2, Josiah, Julius, Levi–7, Medad, Oliver, Phebe, Reuben–2, Samuel–4, Seth–5, Silvenus, Simeon, Solomon, Stephen–2, Thomas–6, William–4.

Delaware: Lewis. Georgia: Charles–3, Henry, Joshua–2, Thomas–4, Thompson–2, William–3.

Maryland: Charles, Cuthbert–3, Edward–2, George, John–3, John Haskin–6, Joseph–2, Richard, Thomas–2.

Massachusetts: Aaron–5, Abel, Abiel, Abijah–6, Abner–5, Abraham–2, Albemarle, Alpheus, Ambrose–3, Amos–11, Andrew–2, Archelaus, Artemas, Asa–2, Benjamin–6, Benjamin, Jr., Clark, Cornelius, Daniel–17, David–12, Dixey, Dudley, Eben, Ebenezer–10, Eden, Edmund–4, Edward–4, Eli, Elias–3, Elijah–3, Enos–2, Ephraim–2, Ethan, Francis, Gabriel, George–4, Gregory–3, Henry–2, Isaac–9, Israel–9, James–16, James, Jr., Jeduthan, Jesse, Joel–2, John–38, Jonas–9, Jonathan–24, Jonathan, Jr., Joseph–15, Joshua–2, Josiah–12, Lathar, Lemuel–2, Leonard, Levi, Luther, Micah–2, Moses–12, Mohum, Nat., Nathan–5, Nathaniel–10, Nehemiah–2, Oliver–2, Peter–3, Richard, Robert–12, Robert, Jr., Samuel–31, Samuel, Jr., Seth–3, Shubael, Silas–10, Silas, Jr., Simeon–2, Simon–3, Solomon–2, Stephan, Stakely, Sylvanus, Thomas–6, Thomas, Jr., Timothy–3, Waldron–2, William–27, Windsor, Zachariah–4, Zenas, Zubol.

New Hampshire: Abel–6, Abijah, Andrew–16, Benjamin–32, C. B., Daniel–2, David–2, Ebenezer–2, Eliphalet, Enoch, Ephraim–15, Ezekiel–17, Isaac–3, Jacob–3, James–5, John–12, Joseph, Josiah–15, M., Matthias, Nathaniel–5, Salmon–6, Samuel–7, Silas–3, Thomas, Thomas, Jr., Uriah–13, William.

New Jersey: David–2, Jeremiah, Samuel, William.

New York: Aaron, Abner, Asa, Conrad, Conrod, Daniel, David–3, Gorg, Henry, Israel, John–3, Selbester.

Pennsylvania: Abraham–3, Adam–2, Allen–2, Amos, Archd., Athan, Athon, Baltzer–5, Balzer–3, Bolzer, Casper, Conrad–3, Frederick–4, George–6, Henrey, Henry, Hugh–3, Jacob–14, John–44, Leanard, Lenard–2, Leonard–6, Linerd, Lodowick, Lodwick, Loudwick–2, Ludowick, Ludwick–2, Michael, Peter–3, Petter–2, Philip–5, Richard–3, William–4, Zubil.

Rhode Island: Albert W., Alison, Almon A.–3, Ambrose–2, Amos–9, Arthur–3, Asa–34, Charles–11, Dexter G., Edmund–4, Edward, Edwin, Ezra, George, Henry–2, Hiram–2, Israel, James–4, Jason–5, Jeremiah–5, Joseph–13, Josiah, Lemuel–2, Nathan K.–14, Nathaniel–22, Olney, Peter–7, Raymond–5, Richard–2, Samuel–8, Wescott–7, Whipple–4, William–66.

Virginia: Ashwell, Bayles, Henry, Hezekiah, John–2, Josias, Lancelot, Simon, Spencer, William–2. Total 1120.

Prominent Stones of America Past Generations

JAMES SAMUEL STONE: D.D.; b., Shipston-on-Stour, Worchestershire, England, 1852; emigrated to Philadelphia, 1872. He was ordained Priestly Bishop of Toronto, Canada, in 1877; was called to Grace Church, Philadelphia, in 1886; was professor of ecclesiastical history in Wycliffe Coll., Toronto, from 1877 until 1882.

SAMUEL: b., Hertford, England, 1602; s. of John, a freeholder of Hertford. He was associated with Rev. Thomas Hooker in the church at Cambridge, Mass., and in 1636 they both removed to Hartford, Conn., which they named in honor of his old home in England.

WILLIAM: Colonial governor; b., Northamptonshire, England, 1603. On August 8th, 1648, Lord Baltimore appointed him Governor of his province, then containing 500 settlers whom he had brought to Maryland from Virginia through an arrangement with Cecilius Calvert, the 2nd Lord Baltimore. After 1655 he lived and died on Avon, his manor on the Nanjemoy river, Charles County, Md., having been granted for faithful services to the proprictary “as much land as he could ride around in a day.”

THOMAS: (great-grandson of William); signer of the Declaration of Independence; b., Charles County, Md., 1743; served for Maryland in the United States Senate and in Congress; toward the close of the session of 1784 acting as president pro tem.

JOHN HOSKINS: (great-grandson of William); b., Charles County, Md., 1745; was Governor of Maryland from 1794 until 1797.

WILLIAM MURRAY: (great-grandson of William); P. E. bishop; b., Somerset County, Md., 1779; consecrated Bishop in St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore, 1830, and the same year received the degree of D.D. from Columbia.

MICHAEL JENIFER: (bro. of Thomas); jurist; b., Charles County, Md., about 1750; served in the first Congress and was a judge of the general court under the Maryland government.

FREDERICK: (grandson of Michael Jenifer); congressman; b., Virginia, 1820; elected and re-elected to Congress and was chosen Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, 1881.

The Stone Coat of Arms

A COAT of Arms is an emblem or a device which is displayed by titled persons, persons of royal blood, and their descendants. Coats of Arms were originally used for purposes of identification and recognition on the field of battle as well as in civil life.

It is claimed by some writers that Coats of Arms, in a crude form, were used by Noah’s sons after the flood. There are records of other Coats of Arms, in one crude form or another, at different periods of ancient history. Heraldry, however, as know it today, did not become of much importance until soon after the invasion of England by William the Conqueror, A. D. 1066. Heraldry became of general interest at about the time of the Crusades.

The Stone Coat of Arms shown in the front of this volume is the Arms of the Stones of Blackmore, co. Essex. Coats of Arms very similar to it are used by the Stones of London (granted 1515, confirmed 1614, to Sir Richard Stone, Knt.) and many others. Numerous other branches of the Stone family have Coats of Arms resembling it.

This is the most widely used of all Stone Coats of Arms and has been in existence for many centuries. It is described in BURKE’S GENERAL ARMORY, BURKE’S LANDED GENTRY, BURKE’S PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE and other reliable works on heraldry, in some cases accompanied by illustrations and pedigrees. Crozier records it for Simon and Gregory Stone, who settled in Massachusetts in 1635 and who are the progenitors of most American Stone lines. It has been used for generations by their descendants and by other American branches of the Stone family.


Arms Argent, three cinquefoils sable, on a chief azure a sun in splendor dor or. On a silver shield, three black star-like figures below a blue band on which is a golden sun.

Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin’s head between two wings gules bezantee. A griffin’s head between two wings, red with spots of gold, rising out of a golden ducal coronet.

Sir Bernard Burke, of Heralds College, London, said: “Heraldry is prized by all who can show honorable ancestry or wish to found honorable families.”

Besides its family significance this Coat of Arms makes an excellent mural decoration and inspires the admiration and comment of all who see it.

It is quite appropriate that members of the Stone family who have a pride in their ancestry should display the family Coat of Arms, in proper colors.


All of the works listed below will be found in the Library of Congress. Most of them will be found in the libraries of historical and genealogical societies. Some of them will be found in the libraries of all of the large American cities.

1. Americans of Royal Descent, 1891, Browning.
2. Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography.
3. British Family Names, Barber.
4. Burke’s General Armory.
5. Burke’s Landed Gentry.
6. Burke’s Peerage and Baronetcy, 1925, 1926.
7. Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames, Bardsley.
8. Dictionary of National Biography, London, 1887.
9. Directories, City and Telephone.
10. English Surnames, Bardsley.
11. Heraldic Illustrations, 1853.
12. Miscellaneous Sources.
13. Officers of the Continental Army, 1775-1783, Heitman.
14. Patronymica Britannica, Lower.
15. Private Collections of Family Data.
16. Revolutionary Records of the Respective Colonies.
17. Surnames of the United Kingdom, Harrison.
18. U. S. Postal Guide.
19. Who’s Who (British).
20. Who’s Who in America, 1926-27.
21. Geneal. Stone Fam. Richard C. Stone, Providence, 1866.
22. John Stone, of Guilford, Conn. William L. Stone, Albany, 1888.
23. Desc. Gregory and Lydia Cooper Stone. Mrs. John Livingston Stone, Marlborough, 1892.
24. Eng. Anc. Simon and Gregory Stone. William E. Stone, Boston, 1897.
25. Book II Fam. John Stone and Desc. Russel. Truman Lewis Stone, 1639.
26. Simon and Joan (Clarke) Stone, of Watertown, Mass., and Desc. David H. Brown, Boston, 1899.
27. Dea. Simon Stone, of Watertown, Mass., and Desc. David H. Brown, Boston, 1899.
28. Stone Fam. Ass’n., 1897-1901. Cat. Mem. and Desc. Agnes Wyman Lincoln, Boston, 1901.
29. Oxford Desc. Gregory Stone, of Cambridge, Mass. George F. Stone, Amherst, Mass., 1904.
30. Stone Fam. Josiah Paine. Yarmouthport, Mass., 1911.
31. Gregory Stone Geneal. Anc. and Desc. J. Gardner Bartlett, Boston, 1918.

Stone, David

The following data is extracted from Stone Family History.

image 2530104 10469563

(B) David: 1646-1737: m. Susanna (???); took part in King Philip’s
War and the Great Swamp Fight.
(a) Samuel: 1685-1750: m. Bathsheba (???).
1. Capt. Zedekiah: 1709-10-1800; m. Martha (???).
A Col. Nathan: 1734-1795; m. Mary Spofford; ch.
B Capt. Caleb: 1746-1820; m. Sarah (???); m. (2)
Abigail Brown; served in Revolutionary War; ch.
2. Lieut. Samuel: 1714-1786; m. Rebecca Clark.
A Jason: 1737-1809; m. Deborah Goodnow; ch.
B Samuel: 1750-1841; m. Anna Stacy; soldier in
Revolutionary Army, and fought in battle of
Bunker Hill.
a Martin: 1778-1851; m. Betsey Stone.
(I) Capt. Edmund: 1815-1899; m. Lucy Healey.
(i) Seamon A.: b. 1842; m. Mollie King; a
union soldier in Civil War; ch.
(ii) Lyman M.: 1846-1903; m. Leaffie
Greenleaf; ch.
b Capt. Nathaniel S.: 1780-1866; m. Nancy Priest.
(I) Dea. Nahum: 1811-1908; m. Eliza Buffum;
minister; ch.
(II) Charles: 1814-1888; m. Sarah Worcester;
(III) Gardner: 1816-1894; m. Sarah Ward; ch.
c Windsor: 1791-1848; m. Huldah Johnson.
(I) Fordyce J.: 1818-1889; m. Laura Haskell;
C Windsor: 1734-1832; m. Elizabeth Mellen; soldier
in Revolutionary War.
a Gardner: 1793-1852; m. Sally Denniston.
(I) Dea. John D.: 1824-1907; m. Martha Allen;
deacon. Ch.: John West: b. 1850; m. Kate
Dana; ch.
3. David: 1716-17-1807; m. Sarah Rice.
A David: b. 1750-1; m. Nancy Felton; ch.
4. Sergt. Joseph: 1721-1770; m. Dorcas Hobbs; served
in French and Indian War.
A Ephraim: 1747–between 1832-1840; m. Rebecca
Streeter; soldier in Revolutionary War; ch.
B Josiah: 1750-1883; m. Hannah Weld; soldier in
Revolutionary War; m. (2) Margaret Williams.
a Walter: 1780-1862; m. Nancy M. Dexter.
(I) George D.: 1808-1886; m. Mary Russell.
(i) Alvin B.: 1834-1905; m. Miranda
Keyes; ch.
(ii) Cornelius H.: 1844-1902; m. Harriet
Chase; served in Union Army during
Civil War; ch.
(II) Walter W.: 1812-1897; m. Lydia Putney.
(i) Charles Henry: b. 1838; m. Sarah
Safford; ch.
(III) Chester H.: 1822-1907; m. Mary Rumrill.
Ch.: James Edwin (1850), Charles
Walter (1853), George Elliott (1861).
b Capt. Josiah: 1789-1865; m. Experience Stevens.
(I) Dea. William Alanson: 1817-1910; m. Emily
M. Sumner; ch.
c Dea. Chester: 1794-1872; m. Anna Whittlesey.
(I) Edwin Chester: 1824-1904; m. Mary
Brown; m. (2) Phebe Clement; ch.





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