Sea Captions Thayer, Isaac to Tutt, Richard

Thayer, Isaac
Born Aug. 5, 1798.

1834 Brig “Adriatic.”
1835 Brig “Charlotte.”
1836 Ship “Ducalia.”
1838 Brig “Hardy.”
1840 Brig “Czarina.”
1842 Ship “Ibzaide.”
1845 Ship ‘Bombay.”

Capt. Thayer was accidentally shot at Valparaiso. Ship ”Bombay” was lost on Gingerbread Ground, July 18, 1856. (Salem Register, 1856.)

Thayer, Nathaniel
Born Oct. 18, 1812.

1841 Schooner “James,” 77T.

Thompson, Cornelius
Born Mar. 3, 1765.

1803 Schooner “Speedwell,” 102T.
1818 Schooner “Huldah and Judah,” 127T.

Thompson, Jonathan
Born Sept. 13, 1770.

1809 Schooner “Industry,” 86T.

Thompson, Jonathan

1826 Schooner “Caesar.” (C P.)
1826 Schooner “Teazer,” 81T.
1828 Schooner “Crescent.”
1828 Brig “Rover,” 144T.
1831 Schooner “Columbia.”

Thorner, Jacob
Born Dec. 15,

1805. Schooner “Favorite.”

Thrasher, Nathaniel H.

1808 Schooner “Molly.” 123

Died in Martinico in 1809.

Tishew, Samuel
Born Nov. 18, 1787.

1815 Schooner “Cherub.”
1821 Schooner “Osprey,” 106T.
1825 Schooner “Borneo,” 88T.

Tishew, John
Born Jan. 18,1784.

1815 Schooner “Saratoga.”

Traill, John
Born June 19, 1789.

1827 Schooner “Amanda.”

Trefry, John
Born Feb. 11, 1759.

1776 Private in Capt. Wm. Hooper’s Sea Coast Co.
1776 Private in Capt. Ed. Fettyplace’s Sea Coast Co.
1777 Private in Col. Samuel Brewer’s Regiment, Capt. James Prentiss.
1796 Schooner “John,” 65T.
1797 Schooner “Hawk,” 90T.
1798 Schooner “William,” 58T.

Trefry, Thomas
Born Oct. 19, 1794.

1837 Schooner “Echo,” 69T.
1841 Schooner “Alciope,” 92T.

Trevett, Russell

1804 Ship “Calumet.”

Trevett, Samuel Russell
Born Nov. 17, 1751.

1775 Captain in Col. Richard Gridley’s Artillery Regiment at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
1795 Barque “Ulysses,” 163T.
1806 Schooner “Susan.”

Tucker, Andrew
Bpt. Dec. 3, 1740.

1806 Schooner “Lydia,” 94T.

Tucker, George Jr.
Born Sept. 12, 1784.

1810 Schooner “Friendship.”
____ Brigantine “Britannia,” captured as a prize in 1812.

Tucker, Nicholas
Born Mar. 26, 1783.

1805 Brig “Saratoga.”
1805 Schooner “Spring Bird,” 70T.
1810 Schooner “Spring Bird,” 84T.
In 1830 the “Spring Bird” was enlarged to 115T.

Tucker, John
Born Dec. 26, 1779.

1805 Schooner “Saratoga.” (Condemned in 1809, G. C.)
1833 Schooner “Teazer,” 97T.
The “Saratoga,” Tucker of Marblehead, was brought into Gaudaloupe and condemned. (Salem Gazette, Sept., 1809.)

Tucker, Samuel
Born Mar. 8, 1778.

____ On Privateer Schooner “Industry.” (G. B.)
1810 Ship “Franklin,” 296T.
1815 Ship “Glide,” 306T.
1824 Ship “Columbus.”
1830 Brig “Combine.” Lost.
Brig “Britannia.” Captured as prize in 1812.
1834 Schooner “Splendid,” 98T.
1837 Brig “Cadmus.”
Brig “Samuel.” (Lost G. C.)

Ship “Glide” was wrecked on a reef at Tascanova in March, 1832. See The wreck of the “Glide” published in Boston in 1846, giving account of life on the ship and at the Fejees.

Extract from Capt. Samuel Tucker’s protest before the American Consul at Buenos Ayres, November 4th, 1830. Original in possession of the Marblehead Historical Society.

By this Public Instrument of Protest, be it known and made manifest to all whom it doth or may concern.

That on this fourth day of November, in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty; personally came and appeared before the Undersigned Consul of the United States of America, at the City of Buenos Ayres, Samuel Tucker, Master, Knott Martin, Mate, and Thomas Pattison, Seaman. All of the American Brig, “Combine,” of Boston, and who being duly and severally sworn, upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, declared and said as follows. That is to say.

That Deponents sailed from the Port of Boston, State of Massachusetts, on the Fifth day of July last past.

(Then follows what occurred each day until the twenty-first.)

That the day following, twenty-first, commenced with heavy gales from the same quarter. At 8 P.M., the said Brig parted the larboard Bower Chain and drove on shore on the rocks to the northward of the Town. After beating very hard the bottom for about thirty minutes, drove out her keel and stern post, and drove in her Starboard Bildge, when vessel and cargo on Board were abandoned.

Ship “Columbus” of Boston from Copenhagen passing Cromburg Castle. (Original painting by Jacob Peterson, owned by Capt. Tucker’s grandniece Mrs. Win. E. Bowden

And the said Deponents, do further declare, Alledge, Protest, and say, that the said Brig at the time of her Departure aforesaid, upon the said intended voyage, was tight, staunch and strong, and had her hatches well and sufficiently caulked, provided and furnished with all things needful and necessary for the said voyage and that Deponents as well as the rest of said Ships Company used their utmost endeavors to preserve the vessel and her lading from Damage.

And further these Deponents say not,
(Signed) Samuel Tucker Knott Martin
Thomas Pattison his mark

And therefore the said Samuel Tucker declares to Protest. And, I, the said Consul, at the request of said Samuel Tucker have protested. And by these Presents do Solemnly Protest against the Winds and Weather, And also all Person or Persons, whom it doth or may Concern for all Losses and Damages whatsoever, that have happened, or may hereafter happen, in consequence thereof.

Thus done and protested at the City of Buenos Ayres, the day and year first above written,
(Signed) George W. Slocum,
Consul U. S. A. Consulate of the United States of America.

Copy of the Report of the Board of Survey, Brig ”’Combine.”

We the undersigned, Richard King Porter, and Frederick Codman, Masters of American Vessels in this Port of Buenos Ayres, and James McGaw, Shipwright at the said place, at the request of George W. Slocum, Esq., Consul of the United States of America, repaired alongside, and on board the American Brig “Combine” of Boston, Samuel Tucker, Master, now on shore high and dry, to the north of the Town, and after due and proper examination do report as follows :

That we find her Rudder unhung and broke, rudder pindles and braces broke, her stern post and stern knee twisted entirely out, the after part of her keel split and otherwise injured, twenty-four feet of her main keel from four aft, twisted off, and laying alongside, her starboard floor timbers amid-ships, stove in through the ceiling, and her bottom otherwise much insured. We therefore, (the undersigned) are of the decided opinion, that the expense to repair said vessel would greatly exceed her value, and do adjudge that it is for the interest of all parties that the Hull of said Vessel with all its appurtenances be sold at Public Sale to the highest bidder, for the benefit of all Concerned.

Given under our hands this twenty-third day of October in the year of our Lord 1830.

(Signed) R. King Porter, Master of the American Brig “Chilo” of Portland.
F. Codman, Master of the American Brig “Anne Wayne” of Baltimore.
James McGaw, Shipwright.
Consulate of the United States of America.

These are to certify that the foregoing is a true and faithful Copy of the Original Report of Survey. On file in this Consulate, And that the same has been carefully collated.

Given under my hand and seal of Office, at the City of Buenos Ayres, this twenty-ninth day of October, 1830.
George W. Slocum, Consul U. S. A.

Tucker, Thomas
Born June 10, 1804.

1839 Schooner “Recover,” 57T.
1841 Schooner “Alciope,” 92T.

Tutt, Richard
Born Mar. 20, 1785.

1809 Brig “Hannah.”

Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915


Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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