Sea Captains Calley, Moses to Cressy, William

Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by Dennis

Calley, Moses

1743 Snow “Industry.” R. Hooper’s Letter Book.

Candler, Edward
Bpt. Nov. 15,1795.

1834 Ship “Berwick.”

Candler, John

1799 Schooner “Hercules.”
1803 Ship “Mary.”
1805 Brigantine “Enterprise.”
1806 Ship “Two Brothers.”
1808 Schooner “Hannah.”
____ “Diana.” (Lost G. C.)

The Ship “Olive Branch,” Candler, of Marblehead was to sail in 10 days. (Salem Gazette, Aug. 29, 1809.)

Capt. Candler served on board the Frigate “Constitution,” Com. Stewart during the War of 1812, being at one time prize master on a vessel captured taking her successfully into New York. He was in the Navy about 18 months.

Candler, Samuel

1810 Ship “Marquis De Someruelas.”
1811 Brigantine “Java.”
See Capt. Wm. Story. Ship “Marquis De Someruelas.”

Caswell, Richard B.
Bpf. Sept. 2, 1787.

1826 Schooner “Borneo.” (S. P.)

Caswell, William

1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment, Capt. Wm. Bacon.
1776 Corporal in Capt. William Hooper’s Co., for coast defense.

Caswell, William

One of the crew of the Privateer “America,” captured by the Frigate “Shannon” and taken to Dartmoor Prison.
1826 Schooner “Agenoria.” 9T.

Chapman, Benjamin

1818 Brigantine “Lion.”

Chapman, Edward

1815 Schooner “Hope.”

Russian Clearance Paper, 1826
Original owned by the Marblehead Historical Society

Chinn, George
Bpt. Feb. 8, 1784.

1809 Schooner “Speedwell.”
1812 Schooner “Snow Bird,” 38T.
1820 Schooner “Regulas.”

Cloan, Samuel

1806 Schooner “Two Sons.”
1806 Brigantine “Union,” 167T.
____ “Harmony.” (Lost G. C.)

Clemmens, James
Bpt. Oct. 23, 1774.

1801 Brigantine “Mars,” 152T.
Wrecked on the coast of Nova Scotia in 1802. Essex Institute Records.

Cloutman, Ebenezer B.
Born Jan. 7, 1766.

1802 Schooner “Catherine.”

Cloutman, George
Bpt. Dec. 12, 1790.

1812 Seaman Privateer Schooner “Sword Fish.” (G. B.)
1824 Ship “Charles.”
1826 Ship “Palladium.’
1831 Brigantine “Liberator.”
1835 “Roxana.”
1837 Barque “Nautilus.”
1853 Selectman.

The Ship “Palladium” was built by an association of Salem men in 1816, for a Salem and Liverpool packet line, but the idea was never carried out, and she was sold to Boston owners in 1817. Essex Institute Records, July, 1905.

Cloutman, Henry

1801 Schooner “Catherine.”

Cloutman, Thomas
Born Aug. 2, 1761, or Oct. 16, 1761.

1779 Seaman on Ship “Monmouth,” Capt. Thos, Collyer.
1779 Seaman on Brig “Freemason,” Capt. Dennis.
1780 Seaman on Ship “Thorn,” Capt. Richard Co well.
1780 Seaman on Brig “Montgomery,” Capt. Wm. Patterson.
1780 Seaman on Ship “Marquis.”
1782 Seaman Brig “Oliver Cromwell,” Capt. John Bray, captured and taken to Newfoundland.
1794 Schooner “Friendship.”
1795 Schooner “Joanna,” 76T.
1798 Schooner “Ranger,”
1799 Brigantine “Columbia.”
1801 “Essex,” 114T. Damaged in a gale and condemned at St. Thomas, 1829. Essex Institute Records.
1807 Schooner “Ann.”
1810 Brig “Dido.”
1827 Brig “Laura,” 201T. “Dash.” (Lost G. C.)

Cloutman, Thomas Jr.
Born Oct. 3, 1795, or May 19, 1799.

1821 Ship “Acasta,” 286T.

Cloutman, John
Born Sept. 17, 1769.

1802 Schooner “Yarico.”

Cloutman, John
Born Sept. 1,1799.

1827 Schooner “President,” (S. P.)

Cloutman, Robert
Bpt. Oct. 5, 1735.

1776 Lieutenant in Capt. Wm. Hooper’s Co., for sea coast defense.
1801 Schooner “Sally,” 58T.
1805 Schooner “Hannah,” 79T.

Cloutman, John B.

1801 Schooner “Catherine.”

Ship Flying Cloud
Original painted in Hong Kong for Capt. Cressy, owned by S. H. Brown, Marblehead

Cressy, Josiah Perkins
Born Mar. 23, 1814.

Ship “Archer.”
Ship “Flying Cloud.”
Ship “Oneida.”

Extracts from Capt. Clark’s. “Clipper Ship Era.”

The “Flying Cloud,” built in 1851 by Donald McKay for Enoch Train, and purchased by Grinnell, Minturn and Co., of New York, was one of the fastest clippers ever launched. She had a figurehead of an angel on the wing, with a speaking-trumpet in her hand. She sailed from New York to San Francisco in 1851 in 89 days and 21 hours, under Captain Josiah Perkins Cressy. In one day she covered 433½ statute miles, 42 miles faster than any steamship had then done in the same time.

Joe Cressy was a genuine boy, large and strong for his age, freckled, good tempered and fond of rowing, sailing and fishing. When he got to be thirteen or fourteen years old, he used to get some one to lend him a dory and make short cruises to Salem and Beverly.

Shipping before the mast on board of a vessel bound for the East Indies, he advanced steadily through all the grades on shipboard, and became a captain at twenty-three.

When Capt. Cressy was appointed to command the “Flying Cloud,” he was well known in New York as he had commanded the Ship “Oneida” for a number of years in the China and East Indies trade and bore a high reputation among ship owners and underwriters, many of whom were his personal friends.

The “Flying Cloud” was probably the fastest-sailing ship that went to San Francisco, if not the fastest that sailed anywhere at any time, for she made four passages to San Francisco in 89, 89, 105, and 108 days, or an average of 97¾ days. The fastest trip ever made from New York to San Francisco, in 1851 was celebrated in San Francisco with rejoicing as every American in the town felt that he was nearer to his old home in the East. In the Atlantic seaports the news was received with enthusiasm and regarded by the Town not only as a personal victory for the owners, builder and captain of the “Flying Cloud” but as a triumph of the United States on the seas.

One New York paper in its editorial remarked, The Log of the “Flying Cloud” is now before us. It is the most wonderful record that pen ever indited, for rapid as was the passage, it was performed under circumstances by no means the most favorable.

As one by one the California Clippers came home from Asiatic ports around Cape Horn from San Francisco in 1852, it was found that almost all of them needed a pretty thorough overhauling aloft. The masts, spars, and rigging of the “Flying Cloud” were fine examples of the skill of her sailors in clapping on fishings, lashings, stoppers and seizing; while her topmast fids, crushed and broken were taken up to the Astor House and exhibited to the admiration of the town. Her owners had her log from New York to San Francisco printed in gold letters on white silk for distribution among their friends, and Capt. Cressy fled to his home in Marblehead in order to escape notoriety.

In 1854 the “Flying Cloud” repeated her famous passage of 89 days. On this passage the “Flying Cloud” gave a fine example of her sailing qualities. She sailed eight days after the “Archer,” also an exceedingly fast ship and led her into San Francisco by nine days. Capt. Cressy received a great ovation on this his second record passage and the merchants of San Francisco, always generous and hospitable, vied with each other to do him honor. Upon his return to New York a banquet was given him at the Astor House, then the finest hotel in the city, and a splendid service of silver plate was presented him by the New York and Boston underwriters.

Capt. Cressy’s last voyage in the “Flying Cloud” was made in 1855.

In 1861 he was appointed a Commander in the United States Navy and assigned to the Ship “Ino,” carrying a crew of eighty men from Marblehead. On her second cruise in 186′-2 he made the record rim of twelve days from New York to Cadiz.

He made two voyages in the “Archer” to China.

The “Flying Cloud” was sold in 1863 and destroyed by fire at St. John, N. B., in 1874.

For an average of the two fastest passages by one ship, the record of the “Flying Cloud’s” two in 89 days stands at the head.

Taken from the “Clipper Ship Era,” Capt. Clark, and Article published by the State Street Trust Co.

Cressy, William Andrew
Born Sept. 12, 1818.

Brother of Josiah P. Cressy.

Ship “Oneida.”
Ship “Mary Whittredge.”
Ship “Cohota.”

The “Mary Whittredge” became one of the most famous clippers launched in 1855. She was built in Baltimore, and bore the reputation of being the finest and fastest ship sailing from that port. “From Clipper Ship Era.” Capt. Cressy, represented Salem in the Legislature; also one of the Board of Aldermen.


Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915

Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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