Biography of Clarence Harland Fisher

Last Updated on August 19, 2011 by

CLARENCE HARLAND FISHER – One of the Fisher families of Western Massachusetts are originally of Nova Scotian derivation and can be traced back to David Fisher who came from England, settled in Nova Scotia, and had a son John Parr, of whom further.

(II) John Parr Fisher, son of David Fisher, appears to have been the first white child born in Stodick, Nova Scotia. His wife’s name was Agnes and they had ten children: George, of whom further; Betsy, Robert, Martha, Nancy, Samuel, John C., William, Thomas, Hannah.

(III) George Fisher, son of John Parr Fisher, born in Nova Scotia, married May Ann Jenkins, who was born on board a ship. They had five children: Robert, of whom further; Belle, Lizzie, Jessie, and Louis.

(IV) Robert Fisher, son of George Fisher, was a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he was born January 6, 1846, and died in Greenfield, October 13, 1918. He was a chairmaker by trade, working for one company in Gardner for thirty years and for another concern for five years. Later he was connected in business with his son George in Greenfield and in South Deerfield. He was a member of the Grange, and at one time also held membership in the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He was the husband of Lizzie E. Baker, a native of Baldwinsville, died February 8, 1923, who was a daughter of George Holden and Roxena L. (Nichols) Baker, and was the mother of five children: i. George Robert, of whom further. 2. Carrie, deceased. 3. Minnie, deceased. 4. Mabel R., who married Warren Dwyer. 5. Earnest, deceased.

(V) George Robert Fisher, son of Robert Fisher, was born in Baldwinsville, on July 15, 1869, and received his education in his native town and in Gardner. Until his seventeenth year he worked for his father in the chainshop in Gardner, and also made himself useful to his father on the farm. After this he entered the retail dairy trade and bought a milk route in South Gardner, which he operated for two years. For the next three years he ran a bus line in Gardner concurrently with another one in Athol. Having sold out his business in Gardner, he moved to and settled in Athol, where for seven years he ran a livery stable and bus business. From Athol he came to Greenfield, where he conducted the American Horse Livery Company for fourteen years owning as many as twenty-four horses. In 1904 he changed the horses for automobiles, was the first man in Greenfield who kept automobiles for hire and also owned the first seven passenger car in the place In February, 1911, he purchased the Piquot Garage in Athol, which he kept and worked for nine months when he sold it. In January 1912, he entered the garage business in South Deerfield, and at one time operated two garages in the village. He does an extensive livery business, has some very fine and high class cars running and employs about half a dozen men in his garage work. Upon the discontinuance of the Greenfield trolley car line Mr. Fisher stepped in to supply the deficiency by setting up a line of his busses which he began running on March 31, 1924. They run between Sunderland, South Deerfield, Deerfield and Greenfield, making eleven round trips a day and the effect of this change has been that the public are better served than they were in the times of the trolley line. Mr. Fisher is a member of the Tully Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Athol, the Green River Encampment and the Canton Davis of Greenfield, and also holds membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Improved Order of Red Men.

On February 13, 1888, he married Carrie E. Whittaker, of Goshen, Vermont, who is a daughter of Edward and Mary Whittaker, and they have a son Clarence H., of whom further.

(VI) Clarence Harland Fisher, son of George Robert and Carrie E. (Whittaker) Fisher, is a native of Gardner, where he was born on September 21, 1893, and educated in the schools of Greenfield and Athol. He has always been identified with the livery and garage business, and has been his father’s right hand in many respects, being also an expert mechanic. He is now active in his father’s garage in South Deerfield, where father and son do a most extensive automobile business, and have installed an excellent and convenient service of buses between Sunderland, South Deerfield and Greenfield. He is a member of the Sugar Loaf Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and is also a thirty-second degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. For seven years he has been a Captain of the Fire Department in South Deerfield and is also a member of the State Firemen’s Association, and the Prudential Committee of the Fire District.

On August 31, 1910, he married Mary E. Young, of Greenfield, who is a daughter of Henry H. and Margaret (Bachus) Young.



Lockwood, John H. (John Hoyt); Bagg, Ernest Newton; Carson, Walter S. (Walter Scott); Riley, Herbert E. (Herbert Elihu); Boltwood, Edward; Clark, Will L. (Will Leach); Western Massachusetts A History 1636-1925; New York and Chicago: Lewis historical publishing company, inc., 1926

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