Robertson Genealogy of Bluehill, Maine

The first house one saw on his way to Parker’s point was that of Robert Robertson, built about 1830, and still standing. Mr. Robertson was a sailor in his younger days, married his wife at Deer Isle, where it is supposed his children were born, and then removed to the Tide Mill district, where he resided some years before building this house and locating here.

During the time of the “embargo”, about 1811, Robert Means was master, Stephen Norton, mate, Robert Robertson, Samuel Morse, Jr., Wallace Hinckley, Lemuel E. D. Peters and Samuel R. Candage, the writer’s father, were the crew of brig “Fern”, the shipping articles for the same being in possession of the writer. Their companionship was warm, true and most cordial through life, and when they met it was a treat to those who listened to the account of their sea life.

The family record of Robert Robertson is not found at Blue Hill, but the children were. Mr. Robertson died many years ago, and his widow on March 29, 1855, aged seventy-four years. Children:

  1. Jane Grover, daughter of Mrs. Robertson by a former husband, who married Zelotes Clough.
  2. Ann Robertson, who married Capt. Foster Hardin.
  3. George Robertson. See further.
  4. John Robertson. See further.
  5. Robert Robertson was a sailor and was lost at sea while mate of brig “J. Randolph Martin”, Capt. Anson Darling, she never having been heard from after sailing from Rotterdam for Boston in 1844. He was not married.
  6. William M. Robertson, the youngest son of Robert, Sr., married Elizabeth Jane Grindle, daughter of Giles J. Grindle, by whom he had twelve children, viz.:
    1. Mary Ann Robertson.
    2. Jane Sophia Robertson.
    3. Robert H. Robertson.
    4. William Stevens Robertson.
    5. Sarah Brown Robertson.
    6. Giles Edsley Robertson.
    7. Addison Parker Robertson.
    8. Ednah Newella Robertson.
    9. Emma Frances Robertson.
    10. Franklin Robertson.
    11. Chase Meltiah Robertson.
    12. Hinckley Thomas Robertson.

Shortly after his marriage in 1842, William M. Robertson built a house near his father’s, where he lived up to the time of his death a few years ago at about eighty years of age. He was rich in children but poor in other ways.

After the death of Robert Robertson and wife, his house was occupied by Capt. Foster Hardin and family, whose wife was Ann Robertson, daughter of Robert Robertson, Sr., and wife; he dying in 1861.

George Robertson Family Genealogy

The Stinson or George Robertson place lay quite a distance back of the Samuel Wood house. It is said that a Mr. Stinson, who came from Deer Isle, built the house. After Mr. Stinson left the place, it was occupied by George Robertson, who married Sophia, daughter of Marble Parker, Oct. 8, 1833. George Robertson was the son of Robert Robertson; he was a sailor and farmer and had the following children:

  1. Marble Parker Robertson, born March 17, 1834; he was foremast hand with the writer in brig “Equator”, Blue Hill to Boston and to Valparaiso in 1850-1; then went to California, where he died Nov. 30, 1853.
  2. George Henry Robertson, born Dec. 8, 1836; died March 17, 1858.
  3. Cenova Sophia Robertson, born Jan. 1, 1838.
  4. William Harrison Robertson, born Feb. 28, 1840.
  5. John Allen Robertson, born August 4, 1842.
  6. Charles Colburn Robertson, born Oct. 9, 1844.
  7. Almira Lovejoy Robertson, born Nov. 1, 1847.
  8. Augustus Robertson, born Jan. 7, 1849; died Jan. 7, 1849.
  9. Augustine Robertson, born Jan. 7, 1849; died Jan. 9, 1849.
  10. Elivira Parker Robertson, born Feb, 24, 1850; died Oct. 2, 1851.
  11. Elvira Parker Robertson, born April 28, 1857.

The Robertson family removed from this place to the village, and whether the old house is now standing the writer does not know, but presumes it is not. Mr. Robertson was a member and deacon of the Blue Hill Baptist church at the time of his death. He lived to be over eighty, his wife dying before he did.

John Robertson Family Genealogy

The Sawyer house and place next to the old schoolhouse site the writer well remembers. The house was built by Mr. Sawyer, the shoemaker from Biddeford, who first worked in the neighborhood for John Cheever. He built this house previous to 1840, the exact date the writer does not know, and lived in it a number of years, then removed to the village and later from the town.

The next occupant was Capt. John Robertson, son of Robert Robertson, who married Miss Nancy E. Brown in 1843-4. Children were:

  1. Robert H. Robertson, born August 28, 1845; died September 28, 1846.
  2. John Albert Robertson, born November 9, 1846.
  3. Andrew Parker Robertson, born December 19, 1850.

John Robertson was a sea captain, and died at Newport, R. I., in 1854. His widow sold the place after his death and removed from the town to her native place in Washington county. After Capt. Robertson, Andrew Gay and family resided at that house and place.

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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