1907 Fryeburg Maine Census

The population of the towns of Fryeburg, Lovell, Sweden Stow and Chatham has been arranged in families, where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the nonresident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been. given tone. Non-residents are indicated by the (*).

When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthesis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m).

Following the names of the population is the occupations. To designate these we have used the more common abbreviations and contractions, as follows: Farmer-far; carpenter-car; railroad service-R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning-stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years)-pl; housework-ho; laborer-lab; physician and surgeon-phy & sur; clergyman-clerg; merchant-mer; teacher-tr; blacksmith-blk; clerk-cl; bookkeeper-bk kpr; lawyer-law; mechanic mech; machinist-mach; engineer-eng; maker-mkr; worker-wkr; work-wk; shoe shop operative- ssop; cotton or woolen mill operatives -mill op; weaver-weav; spinner-spin; electrician-elec; painter-ptr; carriage work-car wk; dress maker-dr mkr-; insurance-ins; traveling salesman, or commercial traveler-sales, or coml trav; music teacher-mus tr; teamster-team; general work-genlwk; mariner-mar; employ-emp; retired -recd; telephone operative-tel op; telegraph operative–op.

This Census was taken expressly for this work during the Winter of 1906-7, by Rev. B. V. Davis, of Kent’s Hill, Me.

1910 Main Street Fryeburg Maine
1910 Main Street Fryeburg Maine

Where no post office address is given Fryeburg is understood. Other offices are abbreviated thus:

  • Fryeburg (enter-Ctr;
  • North Fryeburg-No;
  • North Fryeburg R. F. D. 1-No. 1;
  • West Fryeburg-West;
  • Lovell-Lov; Lovell R. F. D. 1-Lov 1;
  • East Brownfield R, F. D. 1-E Brn 1;
  • Fryeburg Harbor-Har.

A Surnames

Abbott, Edwin D far Ctr
Elizabeth A (Harnden ho
Abbott, Webster far No
Anna (McAllister
Lucinda (m Eastman
Georgia (m Goldthwaith
Abbott, Chas G far Ctr
Abbott, Eliza ho Ctr
Abbott, Geo lab
Dora (Booth
Ray M
Merle G
Abbott, Susan E (Eastman
Alice E (m Lock , 25 Crescent, Portland ho
Harriet L tr
*Mary (m Potter, Conway, N H
Catherine E tr
Chas A blh
Martha E (m Turner, 7 Silver, Quincy, Mass
*Philip E surveyor, Effingham Falls, N H
Stephen I blk
Adams, Horace G retd
Adams, Maria E (Gordon ho
*Hattie G (m Baker, Winthrop Center, Mass ho
Josephine G tr
Allard, Sarah J (Osgood ho
Anderson, A W stone cat Ctr
Lelia A (m Farrington ho
Andrews, L H blk & far No
Ameba (Heald ho
Edith M (m Buzzell ho
Langdon F pl
Andrews, Chas H far
Abbie S (Towle ho
Ethel L
Andrews, Henry far & lumb
Lillian M (Heath ho
Chas H far & lumb
*Mary W (m Stevens, West Baldwin ho
Calista E stu
Andrews, Dean M far West
Mary H (Emery
Joseph P
Arbo, Thomas team No
Atkinson, L W
Isabelle (Snow
Leona B
Kenneth K
Roger W
phy & Sur

State Census,

Barrows, John Stuart. Fryeburg, Maine: An Historical Sketch. Pequawket Press. 1938.

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