Charlie F. Kersey

Corpl., E Troop, 2nd Div., 1st Cavalry Regt. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kersey. Entered the service Sept. 18, 1913, at Charlotte, N.C. Was sent to Columbus and from there to Ft. Yellowstone. Mustered out at El Paso, April 23, 1919. Was in Mexico with Gen. Pershing. Served on the Mexican border, also in the Philippines. Was training troops for oversea duty.

B. Leonard Bullock

2nd class Musician, Hdqrs. Co., Inf., of 81st Div., 324th Reg.; of Wilson County; son of W. P. and Mrs. Charlotte E. Bullock. Entered service Nov. 2, 1917, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C., then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to USA June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June 25, 1919.

Frank Kersey

1st Class Private, 166th Inf., 42nd Div., Co. A. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kersey. Entered the service May 26, 1918, at Bennettsville, S. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 29, 1918. Gassed at Verdun. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Somerance. Mustered out at Camp Jackson after returning to USA April 25, 1919.

Leamon Stevens

1st Class Private, 119th Inf., 30th Div., Co. C. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stevens. Entered the service June 10, 1917, at Goldsboro, N.C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C., and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Overseas for France May 11, 1918. Wounded in action Oct. 17, 1918. Was sent to British Field Hospital. Was in all engagements of the 30th Div. until wounded. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 8, 1919.

Theodore C. Tilghman

Major, 2nd Btn., 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Born in Wilson, N.C.; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Tilghman. Husband of Mrs. Margaret Tilghman. Entered the service May 12, 1917, at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed to France July 30, 1918. Promoted to rank of Capt. Aug. 15, 1917, and to rank of Major July 8, 1918. Fought at Argonne. Received the French Cross of War March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919.

W. E. Webb

1st Sergt., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wilson County; son of M. Frank and Mrs. Nannie Webb. Husband of Mrs. G. L. Webb. Entered service May 4, 1915, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Camp Glenn, Morehead. Transferred to Camp Greene, then to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C., then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Served on Mexican border seven months. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 7, 1919.

Frank Williams

1st Class Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of C. and Mrs. P. Williams. Husband of Mrs. Beulah Denton Williams. Entered service March 7, 1917, at Goldsboro, N.C. Sent to Camp Greene, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C., then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Aug. 31st; Bellicourt, France, Sept. 29th; Premont, France, Oct. 9th; Busigny, France, Oct. 10th; St. Souplet, France, Oct. 17, 1918; Hindenburg Line. Returned to USA April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 7, 1919.

Rosser Lane

1st Lt., Med. Corps. Born in Wilson County; son of B. F. and Mrs. C. A. Lane. Husband of Mrs. Mattie Lane. Entered service June 10, 1917, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Front Royal, Va., then to Baltimore, Md. Transferred to Syracuse, N. Y., to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Greene, from there to Camp Custer, Mich. Commissioned May 29, 1917, to 2nd Lt. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Aug. 14, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Custer, Mich., March 6, 1919.

Perry Godwin

Sergt., Supply Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County. Entered service May 5, 1915, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements of 119th. Served on Mexican border Oct. 1, 1916, to March 22, 1917. Returned to USA April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919.

Robert Banks Anderson

1st Lt., Co. A, 28th Infantry, 1st Div. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Anderson. Entered the service May 15, 1917, at Wilson, N.C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., May 15, 1917. Sailed for France Oct. 8, 1917. Promoted to rank of First Lieutenant August 15, 1917. Fought at Cantigny. Was in America’s first attack. Killed at Cantigny May 29, 1918, buried in Grave 153, U S. Military Cemetery, Bonviller Oise, France. Received distinguished service cross. He was graduated from Trinity College in 1914. His three brothers were also in the service.

W. D. Sledge

Master Signal Electrician, 4th M. M. Regt., 14th Co. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sledge. Entered the service July, 1917. Was sent to Chickamauga, Ga., and from there to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Greene, N.C. Sailed for France July, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 6, 1919.

Moses Pittman

1st Class Private, 116th Inf., 27th Div., Co. K. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Pittman. Entered the service Aug. 8, 1918, at Wilson, N.C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C., and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to USA March 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 19, 1919.

Carl F. Batts

1st Lt. 119th Inf., Co. E, 30th Div.; of Wilson County; son of J. J. and Mrs. Annie Batts. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Glenn, N.C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Texas, then to Camp Sevier. Sailed to Calais, France, May 30, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Dec. 9, 1917. Fought at Mt. Kimeal, Voormizelle, Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Premont, Vaux Andigny, Sule River engagements. Slightly gassed. First enlistment, N.C. N. G., 1906. Was commissioned 3 times in 1910. To Capt. till 1914 in Co. K. Arrived in USA April 1, 1919, Charleston, S. … Read more

L. D. Rawlings

Ensign U. S. N. R. F. Born in Wilson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Rawlings; husband of Mrs Margaret Rawlings. Entered service Jan. 8, 1918, at Wilson, N.C. Was on Sub Chaser No. 109. Transferred to Section Base at Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 10, 1918. Commissioned to Ensign Oct. 3, 1918. On convoy duty while seaman. One trip on “City of Savannah” to Porto Rico. Mustered out Jan. 5, 1919.

Wilson County, North Carolina Cemetery Transcriptions

North Carolina Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Carolina county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Wilson County, North Carolina Tombstone Transcription Project) Cox Cemetery Eli P. Haynes Cemetery Haynes-Barnes Cemetery Hackney High Cemetery Polly Smith Cemetery Varnell-Baker Cemetery  

W. W. Woodard

Seaman (Navy); of Wilson County; son of C. and Mrs. S. E. Woodard. Entered service June 7, 1918, at Wilmington, N.C. Sent to Charleston, S. C., then on board U. S. S. Machias. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C., Dec. 11, 1918.

W. Skinner

Private, 1st Class, 321st Inf.; Co. I, 81st Div.; of Wilson County; son of J. and Mrs. Della Skinner; husband of Mrs. Thelma Skinner. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France, Sept. 16, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Alsace-Lorraine Mts., Nov. 11, 1918. Arrived in USA June 15, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919.

Med Ellis

Private, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of Warren and Mrs. Gillie Ellis. Entered service June, 1916, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N.C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C., then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Calais, France, June 7, 1918. Fought at Ypres July 27th to Aug. 2, 1918, at Bellicourt, Premont, Busigny, Ribeauville, Mazinghein and Hindenburg drive. Served on Mexican border eleven months. Arrived in USA from St. Nazaire, France, April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 7, 1919.

Walter K. Anderson

1st Cl. Private, 322nd Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Born in Wilson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Anderson. Husband of Mrs. Alberta Anderson. Entered the service Sept. 20, 1917, at Wilson, N.C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France August 18, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 8th. Transferred to Hdqrs. Co. as a private. Fought at St. Die Sector, Sept. 18, 1918, to Oct. 17, 1918; Somme Sector, 8th to 9th of November, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 9 to 11, … Read more

Thomas E. Braswell

Corpl., Amb. Tr., Co. B, 6th Div.; of Wilson County; son of J. T. and Mrs. J. T. Braswell. Husband of Mrs. Sadie McCauley Braswell. Entered service May 10, 1917, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C., then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919.