Hoover Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas

(Loc: North of Big Sandy, a short distance off the Shady Grove road. It has the second oldest marked grave, 1846, in the county.) ALLEN John A. (Father), b. 22 Dec. 1876, d. 19 Nov. 1920. Dollie M. (Mother), b. 13 Sept. 1877, d. 30 July 1958. Robert E., 1921 – 1966. Sarah, b. 17 Apr. 1836, d. 28 Dec. 1911. Wife of W.M. Allen. ARMSTRONG Christopher James, b. 27 Sept. 1970, d. 17 Aug. 1974. Christopher M., b. 10 Sept. 1895, d. 29 Sept. 1964. Texas – Pvt. – U.S. Army – WWI. ASKEW Buford C. (Father), b. 26 … Read more

Moore Graves, Upshur County, Texas

(Loc. in Upshur County, abt. half way between Shady Grove and Latch, on F. M. Road #1795. On the way from Shady Grove, it is on the left on a hill.) These three markers apparently have been placed in recent years to mark graves that were previously (and still) marked by rocks. There are four additional grave sites that are marked only with rocks. Surveyed in 1974. MOORE Thompson A., 1841 – 1870. Co. F 17 Consol Texas Dismtd Cav. C.S.A. no name. (no dates). “She was too good, too gentle and fair, to dwell in this cold world of … Read more

Old Coffeeville Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas

Oldest in Upshur county. Established before 1843, when Texas was a Republic. (Quote from sign at the cemetery site. Loc: North of the two historical markers on Highway 155. The oldest tombstone in the county found by this writer is there. The inscription reads: Apphie Newman buried Nov. 24, 1843. Col. John M. McNairy, a former State Representative from Upshur County, is buried there and his monument is flat on the ground. Vandals and thugs have gone in and knocked the gravestones over and have broken many. ALLEN Lydia Clara, b. 3 Feb. 1891, d. 13 June 1892. Dau. of … Read more

Crow Family Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas

This small family cemetery is located in Upshur County, Texas, however, detailed directions are not included as it is on private property and the present owners prefer that it not be known. STEPHENSON Henry R., b. 31 Dec. 1878, d. Aug. 1879 (no day). Emma R., b. and d. 5 July 1873. Son and daughter of Jno. and Mary J. Stephenson. Jas. M., b. 4 Feb. 1805, d. 14 Jan. 1883. Nancy, b. 13 June 1809, d. 30 June 1887. CROW J. B., d. 28 Feb. 1865. G. W., b. 21 Sept. 1820, d. 20 Oct. 1877. Father. Sarah J., … Read more