1884 Directory of Union Iowa

Last First and Middle Section Post Office Township Business Origin Arrival County State Atkinson Jas 15 Unionberg Union Farmer England 1874 Harrison Iowa Alee Ch H 2 Valley View Union Farmer Michigan 1864 Harrison Iowa Blundon Richard 1 Persia Union Farmer England 1860 Harrison Iowa Bowen James 31 Beebeetown Union Farmer Ireland 1874 Harrison Iowa Chiles W M 12 Persia Union Farmer/Constabe Indiana 1856 Harrison Iowa Chapman Jas 1 Persia Union Dist Tresurer/Farmer England 1864 Harrison Iowa David H H 1 Persia Union Farmer Indiana 1883 Harrison Iowa Diggle Samuel 24 Unionberg Union Twp Trustee/Farmer England 1865 Harrison Iowa Doty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Benjamine

Thomas J. Benjamine was born in Union, Fayette county, Iowa, October 1, 1858. He is the son of Abram R. Benjamine a native of Pennsylvania. He left Iowa at the age of eight years and went to Quincy, Illinois, and from that place removed to Cameron, Missouri, where he learned his present business of railroad agent and telegraph operator. He came to Jamesport in 1877 and has held the office of agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway ever since. Mr. Benjamine was married in Jarnesport, on the 5th day of October, 1879, to Miss Fannie J. Harvey. … Read more

1914 Plymouth County, Iowa, Atlas and farm directory

1914 Plymouth County Iowa Atlas

This 1914 Plymouth County, Iowa, atlas provides township maps for all townships and towns found within Plymouth County, Iowa, in 1914. The “farm directory” is found on each township map which appear as a land owner map for that township. The 4 towns found within the county, Akron, Kingsley, Le Mans, and Remsen have maps but they do not provide the property owners name in most instances. This atlas does not provide an index, and since the names of lot owners appear in multiple direction of the map, you will need to search each map by hand. That requires you to know the township.

History of Adair County Iowa and its People – vol 1

History of Adair County, Iowa, and its people vol 1 title page

Back in 1915, Lucian Moody Kilburn, was engaged to write a history of Adair County Iowa by the Pioneer Publishing Company of Chicago Illinois, he then being at that time a resident of the county for 50 years. The actual general history of the county, however, was prepared by Gordon K. Miller. The manuscript was divided into two volumes. This volume, volume 1, provides the general history of Adair County that Mr. Miller prepared. You can read or download the free ebook from this website.